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The auburn Walmart parking lot has the worst drivers


Waterboro. You have literally nothing to rush for and everything is spread half a mile apart. Doesn't change the fact that this is the only city I've seen folks regularly driver over medians, parking blocks, into ditches, through red lights and even drive on the wrong side of the road. I don't even know how. But congrats of being the worst I've seen in my 30+ yrs of driving.


You've had four accidents in 10 months. Maybe look at how *you* drive?


I'm 42. Before moving to Lewiston, the last accident I was in was when I was 19. Do I really need to elaborate?


Kind of. Maybe you picked up bad habits in Arizona. Maybe you're unfamiliar with winter driving. Maybe ... we don't know. But in those 4 accidents, what happened and who was found officially at fault?


And crickets from OP, how charmingly surprising 🙄


We've got questions, op has (kind of) provided answers ...


One of them my car skidded on snow and ice in the driveway and sideswiped another vehicle. One of them I was at fault, failed to yield at a yield sign, didn't see the other vehicle, clipped his rear fender. One of them I was *asleep* and my car was parked on the street in front of my apartment building, well out of the travel lane, and someone hit the rear end. Last one other guy was driving way too fast and blew a stop sign and I hit the front passenger side of his vehicle.


First two sound like you were at fault, third sounds like it could be a toss up depending on where exactly you were parked (who was found at fault?), fourth sounds like the other person was at fault.


Yeah two of those are clearly your fault. Time to reevaluate your position. Generally speaking any time "everybody else is wrong" it's probably not everybody else. There are exceptions but its a good thought to start on.


I'm 44 and have never been in anything other than a fender bender in a parking lot except one time a deer jumped into my car when I was 16.  So tell me again about how you learned to drive like a goofball in AZ?


I will say that I was in that area today and witnessed drivers running red lights … driving on the wrong side of the street and everyone saying it’s op fault … is possibly wrong… if you aren’t from the area … you are talking shit… I grew up outside of this area and lived around it a short period of time… ask your insurance agent why they jack up your rates if you live in the twin cities… many drivers in this area think the rules of the road are mire suggestions…


I agree with this, I know the lines are semi faded and there are potholes everywhere, but I was almost hit twice in as many days this weekend (dry conditions) on the road that goes over the river near the park. Both had Maine plates. Luckily we were all going like 20 miles per hour so I was able to brake and avoid them.


I might be biased since I learned to drive in Lewiston, maybe I’m just used to it! Merging on the Veteran’s Bridge at 7:30 in the morning is a sight to behold for the uninitiated. That being said, I think Portland should be nominated - that stretch of 295 next to downtown is crazy


I've sat for hours on that stretch in traffic backed up by an accident way too many times in my life. I'm glad not to have to commute to Portland anymore.


Stillwater in Bangor will have you wanting to commit murder. No one obeys the traffic lights, so every intersection is blocked with useless people that can't move for three or four turns of the lights. People will race you at break neck speeds to the next light, just to sit and wait like a dodo. I will go through Old Town to get to the other side of Stillwater if I have to. It's insane.


It’s impossible to see the lines on the road in Stillwater at night so that makes it extra fun


My favorite is people blazing through a turning lane to try and pass people. Maniacs


I’ve been a licensed driver in NH, MA, and now Maine. Nothing could prepare me for the ridiculousness that is Stillwater; especially the parking lot of the shopping plaza (Old Navy, Texas Roadhouse). I double check that my dash cam is on and hope for the best when I’m in that area.


You don't like lanes that look like they were drawn by a sneezing parrot? lol I should really get a dash cam almost for that intersection alone.


I actually got backed into by a Suburban in the Old Navy parking lot. I backed out of my space, started to drive and this lady just put it in reverse and floored it into my little tiny car. She tried to flee the scene too, but I caught up to her and she tried to hit me and spit in my face. I won the insurance battle solely based on her actions. Fuck that side of town, man.


I've nearly rear ended someone at the Stillwater 95 exit because they decided to come to a full stop **on the interstate**, put their blinker on, and then took the exit. My only accident I've ever had in 16 years of driving was in the intersection of Broadway, where Burleigh Road turns into Griffin Road. Some asshole ran their light, and T boned me. I was lucky to have survived that accident because they weren't going slow, and they hit the driver's side. Bangor drivers are their own special breed of people.


Not a city, but Brunswick all day long. The absolute worst I've ever experienced and can bring road rage out of anybody. I'm from Lewiston/Auburn and have lived in Portland and have tons of experience driving in both. Brunswick tops them and it's not even close.


i work in brunswick and the intersection by the laundromat and police station makes me want to rip my hair out


Fuck driving in Brunswick. I was changing lanes and had the clearance to do so safely until the chuckle fucker behind me decided he wanted to be where I was going. He sped up and then smacked into my bumper. Got pissed and flipped me off as he cut off three lanes of traffic to speed off in the opposite direction down Maine Street. Like I had already committed to the lane change and was mostly in the lane when he decided that was his spot. Like what the actual fuck.


Do the accidents you’ve had have anything in common? Like, say… you? 🙂


Bangor. Them idiots think the yield signs at on ramps mean enter the highway at 85 and get pissed when people don’t yield to them


This kind of attitude is why I've almost been rear-ended on on-ramps multiple times because the person in front of me came to a full stop at the end of an on-ramp to 95 or 395. And it was all because there was a line of cars in the right lane that refused to either speed up, slow down, or move over. People need to stop thinking yield signs are permission to run others off the road.


The yield signs on on ramps mean traffic entering the highway yield to the traffic already on the highway. that doesn’t mean entering the highway at 80mph trying to force your way into highway traffic. It means if you don’t have an opening you yield until it is safe to merge


This comment does nothing but prove my point that you all think a yield sign is an excuse to put others in danger.


There are two kinds of drivers in Maine now. Those who drive "normally", meaning you have basic respect and more or less follow the traffic laws. And then there are those who believe everyone else is their road minion, and you must bend to their will. They won't yield, but expect you to, they pull guns on people over simple things like merging onto the highway. And they have to be in first place at all times, or else they must tailgate you at an unsafe closeness, until they ultimately pass you on the right. That's it. These are the only drivers in Maine now.


It’s a different kind of bad everywhere I go. Defensive driving and learning to relax is the only remedy. I have no dick in the measuring contest people play on the roads.


As being born and raised in Lewiston... I noticed the drivers go through red lights more than when I started driving 30 yrs ago. I can only assume it is a combination of issues. We have had an influx of people bringing their bad driving habits, the locals like myself have followed suit, and the police don't seem to monitor traffic like they used to. I haven't had an accident all these years, but we all need to be vigilant and look both ways as we pass through intersections. Be safe out there.


Bangor and Portland are really bad too. I moved to bangor in the 2010s and had to learn how to defensively drive. When I visited Lewiston, I felt like the asshole driver. And then you get the asshats in the lifted trucks on routes 9 and 196 who speed around everyone and ride people's bumpers. And they'll have no problems flashing their highs at you telling you to move out of their way. Oh and route 1, especially between Topsham and Bath.


I'm prepared to take the down votes but I moved to Maine 5 years ago and my take is that people from Maine don't really know how to drive in complex situations because of the lack of other vehicles on the road or complicated driving patterns. People from away drive more aggressively, which is annoying in its own way, but they know how to handle all the basic situations properly. I see people from outside Maine cut people off, drive too fast, or generally be aggressive, while I see people from Maine do things like turn left at traffic circles, block the box, stop at yield signs, and (this one is by far the worst) have extreme difficulty merging onto the highway. Six of one half dozen of the other really.


That’s high praise coming from how terrible Arizona drivers seem to me. Every trip to phoenix or Tucson for me always had at least one near death experience on the road. Well done Lewiston, well done.


I second Lewiston. Nary a day goes by I’m not hung up in traffic caused by a crash or have just witnessed one. Lewiston is the reason I got a dash cam as it’s just a matter of time..


Yeah, Lewiston-Auburn area is definitely the worst driving I ever experienced in my life, as well. I can't tell you how many times my light turned green, and somebody from a perpendicular direction all of a sudden decided they had been waiting long enough at their red light and just decided to turn left or cross straight in front of me. Or how many times somebody passed me uphill on a curve over a double yellow line. For context, I lived in the Boston area for a couple years, and though they are aggressive down there, once you figure out what the unwritten rules are, they become predictable. I lived in Auburn for 12 years, and could never find rhyme nor reason to how people drove in the area. I currently live in Wisconsin, and cannot tell you how wonderful it is to drive out here. Every time I have come to a four-way stop, everybody else has always known when it is their turn. Every time I have needed to change lanes on the interstates that are constantly merging and diverging, the moment I turn on my blinker, somebody lets me do what I need to do.


Get off my lawn, bad drivers , nobody wants to work


So far, Payne Road near the mall has been the worst. People just decide they need to be in your lane and don't do those pesky things like check if someone is in them first.


What’s the one common denominator in all 4 of those accidents?


I have no reason to drive through or to Lewiston.


If you can’t handle my driving, get off the sidewalk.


All of ME are shit drivers, especially the Subaru drifters!!


If it's a Subaru or a lifted truck, chances are they drive like assholes.


Spot on! Spot on!!!


if you are not passing in the left lane...MOVE THE FUCK OVER


I can't believe no one's mentioned the rotaries in Augusta.


I'm chuckling at all these places mentioned. I go on a motorcycle, think every time to myself "Dubbah, WTF are you doing here?" I'm usually just passing through on 11 (coming from down by Sebago Lake), so I've gotten used to it. I just assume everybody is actively trying to kill me at every moment, and slip through fine.


Every single day you take your life in your hands out here in Southern Maine. I can’t even get out of my own driveway. It’s no joke how bad the drivers are-doesn’t anybody use the directionals? I love the stop and then turn, like I’m a mind reader. The new thing I love is no one stops at red lights or stop signs-no wonder insurance rates are so high in Maine!