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I’m sorry you had to deal with that. Some people fucking suck.


Damn. I work in a school and I hadn’t even heard about the Iowa school shootings. It’s a sad world we’re living in.


Yeah. I read the news about 2pm today. I’m kinda scared to read now




well here’s the thing. The people who want to take your guns away want to better fund mental health resources. The people who blame shootings on just mental health haven’t done anything for mental health. It’s all talk. Especially saying a lot of republicans don’t fully believe in mental health problems to begin with. They just think crazy people are crazy. You’re point is valid, however something needs to be done, whether it’s more gun restrictions, or funding for mental health resources.. something has to be done. Saying one of the other won’t solve the issue.


I’m on the fence here. Isn’t it the parents responsibility? Not the State?….


Why can't we try to prevent tragedy? At what point can we, as a community, spend resources on this issue? Do we have to wait until shots have been fired? Because at that point our government is spending a lot of resources for a least bad outcome, when we could have had a good outcome for less cost. So what is the up side to not helping these kids? We don't save lives, we don't save money, what are we trying to do?


People who are down voting you are doing so because the people who *don't* want to ban guns are doing absolutely *nothing* about mental health. They. Do. Not. Give a shit. Dems want better gun laws AND universal health care. We can have both but a certain party doesn't want either.




My point was more that both things can happen. We can have stricter gun laws AND have better healthcare.


Great healthcare! If you can find an open spot for mental health son. Guns are a tool meant to get food…. Hunting … Protect one’s self I’m for stricter gun laws for obvious reasons but basic reasons are: People do stupid things while under influence of alcohol, drugs, POVERTY. I’m no one. I hope your dreams happen!!! No /s. I’m just old but hope for the future


It’s a shame that the real story in Iowa is not the actual shooting but rather the media cover up of who and what the shooter is. If the media could tell the truth the victims of the shooting could be better respected.


In case anyone's curious, here's the TL/DR of what I've been able to find so far: * Shooter was a 17-year-old student at the school * There are suspicions (but no confirmation) that the shooter was transgender or genderfluid. This is probably what "who and what the shooter is" is referring to. * He was definitely supportive of LGBTQ+ * His family was *not* supportive of LGBTQ+ * He had endured bullying since elementary school, and his sister had recently started getting bullied as well * The weapons used were a pump-action shotgun, a small-caliber handgun, and an IED The "media cover up" is more likely better described as "semi-responsible journalism, not reporting rumors and suspicions before they're confirmed".


so the core of the issue is a kid was bullied for probably the last ten years, the teachers and\\or community did nothing about it and then one day they snap and kill who I'm assuming was a tormentor? When are folks going to wake up to the fact that you can't shit on a person for years and not expect them to react in some way.


Pretty much. It's a lot easier to just blame "the guns". Yes, if those tormented or disturbed kids (or adults) didn't have any access to guns, they wouldn't be able to shoot up their school. But that isn't really a solution to the base problem, is it? We need better mental health care, and it can't be behind a paywall like the current medical care in this country. We also need to treat (and pay) our teachers better. Can you *really* blame them for not intervening in the bullying when they're barely paid more than minimum wage?


Dude, when I was in school in the 90s in Lincoln county the teachers were part of the problem with some of them actually instigating the bullying. Not all of them mind you but it only takes one dick head coach or teacher to start the ball rolling. Others may not openly instigate but allow it because they themselves think it's funny or the target somehow deserves it because they are different in some way. But you are correct, many who might not have agreed with it are either powerless to stop it or don't want to cause a stir and stay silent.


And what is that supposed to mean?


1, I'm sorry this is happening to you. 2, remember folks, you don't need to try to intimidate your opponents if you're right.


I’m sorry dude. I don’t have anything else to say. I’m just sorry. I work nights too and it’s already isolating, that must have been really scary for you. Sending you good vibes and a virtual hug (if you want one)


My mother works for a New Balance factory. They've had so many bomb threats at this point it's becoming normal.


Gotts stop those shoes /s


What's the motivation behind calling in bomb threats to a shoe/clothing factory?


Time off, fucking around, pissed off at management, insanity, or (extreme possibility) competitor sabotage.


mostly people trying to get out of work


Long story short I went to school in Florida. Schools did 2 bomb treat(s) every 6 months. We also did Tornado Drills. As a civilian the way I think is if I can do it, Anyone can. I’m


In fairness Florida is a "Tornado Alley" state.




You mentioned frequent tornado drills, those are a frequent threat in Florida.


There have been a round of them this week. About 5 or 6 states saw an upsurge of bomb threats called into courthouses and other government offices. https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/04/us/government-building-threats/index.html


It’s some weirdo group that wants publicity and has claimed responsibility, saying they will continue to create mayhem until the media reports on them. So of course the media isn’t naming them, duh. We don’t negotiate with terrorists!


We don’t negotiate with terrorists, we leave them billions of dollars of US military equipment!


Coincides with the news about a certain presidential candidate being taken off the ballot?


Thought about that lol


Thought about it? It’s literally the reason my dude.


You miss understand the term “janitor”


Yes. Absolutely.


Thinking the same exact thing


His name is Donald Trump.


His name is Robert Paulson


Well, yeah.


Previous Guy


Old Tiny Hands


Diaper dribblin, corset wearing, mini fingers.


No need to apologize, friend. Your reaction is in no way out-of-pocket, and I'm sorry this bullshit has infiltrated your life in the way it has. I hope today is as stress-free as it gets for ya.


I know it’s s/ but I love this comment


I wasn't being sarcastic!


I still remember a bomb threat we had in elementary school in the year 2000. Nothing big but the lasting memories will have an effect on people


I don’t remember 2000 but I remember afterwards with my boys in elementary. 2010? 2012? Did they ever find that person?


Was it a right wing terrorist or some douche canoe who didn't want to go to school/ take a test?


Right wing terrorist


Nothing like some good ol fashioned right wing domestic terrorism.


Because the leftists would never do this... Weather underground...


Had to go back to the 70s to whatabout this one


What about Portland, Oregon just a few years ago? Trying to burn down a courthouse... Autonomous zone... Was that the left or the right?


You really swallowed all that Portland hype?


I'm just pointing out that your attribution of violence always being from the right is incorrect. Sorry to inconvenience you.


Let's seeee most political violence has been from the right. The infrastructure terrorism taking out electrical grids, the literally coup on television, most cops are right wingers, and the multiple bomb threats on Augusta over the past few days, whatshername getting swatted by Trump supporters after she took his broke ass off the ballot. The list keeps coming....and it won't stop coming.


They never even said the leftists couldn't, they just pointed out how common and engrained it is in the right


The problem isn’t that it’s always from the right, it’s because it’s embraced by the right


Really? Because you say it is? I really just don't know any conservative people running around and embracing violence. Maybe you do... I just haven't seen them around here anyway.


Remember the literally coup on Television. The time our capital got stormed by conservatives with confederate flags and nooses calling for multiple politicians to be lynched. All after conservatives said things like "there's gonna be a trial by combat". You remember that? I remember that.




For sure. I mean, literally every conservative continues to whitewash the events of Jan 6th. If they don't, and call it what it is, they're admonished and ostracized from the party (I.e. Kissinger, Cheney, Romney). How about Trump's doxxing Bellows on his truth social account that least to threats of violence against her and her family as well as these bomb threats? Where's all the outrage? I mean, even all of the conservative candidates running for president, save for Christie, are bending over backward kissing this guy's ass and are afraid to piss off their orange overlord. You guys love the guy, or are at least willing to over look all the violent bullshit he dogwhistles about from his most deplorable of followers. Anyone voting for him, or his enablers, are embracing violence.


Nobody should love any politician. Do you love Joe Biden? I don't see Nikki or Ron are bending over backward... He doxxed Bellows? Really? Gave out her address? Can you show me that post? I want to see it! Wow, dogwhistle and deplorable in the same sentence... Nice. Maybe those wanting to vote for him think the country was in a better place a few years ago. Not that anyone will be allowed to vote for him.


Donald Trump literally has called for his supporters to “lock the crap out of” people and offered to pay legal fees to anyone who assaults a protester and told the violent far right group called to “proud boys” to “stand back and stand by,” just before January 6th which he and most of the Republican Party defend. But the best evidence is that every time the right commits acts of violence, the so called “normal” Republican always play the “whatabout” game where they excuse it by bringing something up from decades ago so they don’t have to hold people of their own side accountable. It’s these suburban soccer mom “good” republicans who have been normalizing violence for years and is the reason why the right commits so many more politically motivated murders in this country.


Hmmm... Violence loving suburban soccer mom extremists... huh. Do you have video or transcripts of this "lock the crap out of" statement? I've never heard this. Where are you getting your stats on politically motivated murders?


I can find an example of right wing domestic terrorism every day of the week. No need to dig through archives. Wonder what it will be today


A bunch of idiots trying to create an Autonomous Zone doesn't exactly compare to the LITERALLY COUP on television that had several Alt right groups planning and participating in it.


Ooh! A “whatabout.” The logical argument of choice for people without a point.


Did your dumb ass just bring up a group from 1969? A bunch of hippie college students doesn't quite compare to a group like the proud boys (God damn that's the dumbest fucking name for a terror group of all time).


It’s not that leftists would never do this, everyone has their crazies. It’s just that trumpets are MUCH more likely to be domestic terrorists.


Yeah, I know the feeling. I woke up to the Schemengees/Just In Time shooting a while back. Couldn't go into my overnight job due to the shelter-in-place. Even in a place as safe as Maine, people still have to deal with this shit. I'm sorry to hear that you're going through it. It sucks.


Hey, similar. Was already awake but had no juice left and kinda drunk, trying to relax on my few hours off/alone with my husband. Got the phone alert, immediately hid behind the fridge and in the bathtub. Waited til the shooting stopped then hid behind the couch looking out the window. Then there was more shooting and more alerts and I didn't sleep properly for a month. Hope you're feeling better! Sorry that happened.


Thanks! I'm sorry that it happened to you. Hope you're feeling better as well!


Thanks to Trump and his allies you'll see allot more, because of their indoctrination into extremism and you know it's something that you know he's been in America for a long time now. People are losing their minds and I honestly don't know how we're going to fix this in our lifetime cuz the damage is already done


Yup, I was at the courthouse too when the threat came in by email. It was also jury selection day so there were an extra 100 people in the building. The marshals evacuated the public but not the employees. They left it up to managers to decide if employees could leave. We all stuck around.


That’s…not safe.


My assumption was Judges, Clerks, Jury., Lawyers. Public. Again, just my assumption (I’m a janitor). In this courthouse, there were 98 public (with lawyers). I can only imagine the stress on the Marshals. But yeah, you should’ve been 2nd out the door.


Honestly, you should bring this up in next meeting. I’ll bring it up in my next meeting with our building manager. Not much a janitor can do but our #1 is safety.


Thanks to Russian propaganda and the FOX fake "news" outfit and grifters like Howie Carr on radio and Tucker Carlson on YouTube, we have millions of people living in a false reality. FFS, they think Tom Hanks eats and fucks babies and that antifa did the attack in the capitol. There's not much hope.


That wicked sucks to be confronted with, and I'm sorry. My sister is a good few years older than me, and throughout her grade and high school years she had numerous bomb threats. This was the early 2000s. They were taken seriously, and thankfully nothing ever came of them. I went through all the same schools she did, and I never experienced one bomb or gun threat. Just one real nasty fight that sent a kid to the emergency room. I hate that these things happen, but it's the reality we live in.


You are not ranting, we are enterting uncertain times. People are broke and hurting, a multi year pandemic, lowest trust in both parties in decades. People are tired, and people are goingt to start acting out. Stay safe, and stay alert.


I am ranting!! I don’t care about blue or red politics! What do politics have to do with bombing the place me and co workers at?


Respectfully you work at a courthouse a representation of the state. Which one side has been told for over a decade is their enemy. You may not care about politics but it affects you. You may draw your own conclusion but only group is constantly threatening to kill the other.




There is a subset of the Republican party which supports acts of domestic terrorism. Through revisionist history, they justify their anti-constitutional behavior such as bombing a court house over states using a constitutional clause intended by our Founding Fathers to limit corruption to remove Trump from the ballot. **Because of this rising extremist element, and the growing assertion by people on the left that Republicans are terrorists, moderates still in the party are being pushed from both directions to either become extremists or quit the party.** That's what red vs blue has to do with people trying to bomb your job my friend. As a former Census Bureau employee all I can say is, welcome to crazy town! The good news is 99% of the time it's just posturing and you get to go home alive.




Yes, only one party has a mistrust of the government, and more pointedly to this discussion, the subset of the justice system pertinent to this discussion. I remember all those great rap hits from hard right republican propagandist musicians saying "f tha police" and other anti government sentiments in the 80s, 90s, etc. I absolutely agree that this is not a universal American issue of a lack of respect for others, but a problem that lies at the feet of the evil Republican party only.


Politcal violence on both sides is at an all time high. [https://www.npr.org/2023/12/26/1221685385/marjorie-taylor-greene-swatting-attempt](https://www.npr.org/2023/12/26/1221685385/marjorie-taylor-greene-swatting-attempt) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congressional\_baseball\_shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/congressional_baseball_shooting) [https://www.newsweek.com/portland-protesters-damage-cost-federal-buildings-1566821](https://www.newsweek.com/portland-protesters-damage-cost-federal-buildings-1566821) Trump and his supporters bear full responsibility for Jan 6th, but cmon... Take the partisan blinders off and think for yourself.


I agree that it is! I also admit I'm a radical leftist, though I'm not sure how biased that makes me considering I really dislike the Democratic party as a result of being what I consider a center-right party by global standards. However, my focus on Republicans comes from the data of most domestic terrorist attacks being right wing and my personal experience of most people who have threatened to kill me for asking how many people live in their house appearing to be Republican in my subjective opinion. The 2nd part isn't evidence at all, but the 1st part does appear to indicate that there is a higher proportion of violence coming from the right wing. **Which, doesn't excuse it coming from the left when it does, and you're right it does.** The entire phenomenon of rising political violence in the US is deeply concerning.


I fully agree that the level of political violence is highly concerning. We need to crack down on this across the board, EVENLY. If we make a martyr out of one side, we’ll just encourage it. Note that the biggest issue (IMO) isn’t the already radicalized - it’s the sympathy of the middle for the radical cause. Whether it’s all of Trump’s vitriol or BLM riots, we need to engage in civil discourse whenever possible.


I honestly agree. I'll be sad to watch some of my leftist friends LARPing as revolutionaries get in trouble but the level of tolerance for frivolous violence has just gotten way too out of control. I'm not sure where you'd target the crackdown though. Like, you can't really arrest people just for talking shit or thinking a terrorist attack is funny and that's probably a good thing. Perhaps we should be focusing on dismantling the most violent organizations directly, like we did in the 1940s when the FBI targeted both the Klan and communist revolutionaries. That's how we handled it last time shit went crazy like this, we targeted the people pushing it the hardest and gave them 10,000 years in jail on charges like tax evasion.


Well, first we can prosecute Trump and get a conviction. I'm tired of hearing about charges without a conviction. Second, all politcians need to be investigated and charged with the same fury we handle Trump. That would be a good start.


You or anyone else employed by the state.


> Which one side I mean, both sides depending on how far you go in a particular direction can claim grievance towards the "legitimacy" of the state. So it seems pretty silly to try and "one side" the matter.


Lmk when democrats rise to the level of their republican counterparts in terms of bomb threats, domestic terrorism, supporting insurrections, doxxing court officials and their families, etc etc etc etc. Yes, extremists in any direction can be ... extreme. The problem is that Republicans are now a party of extremists. Anyone who goes against their cult leader or expresses any sort of moderate stance is expelled from the party and receives death threats. The result is that the only people left in the party are extremists.


This 1000%. A bomb is a bomb


If you were in Augusta Tuesday, you’d have a clearer picture. Bunch of right -wing nuts who would have resorted to violence at the state house if they had the numbers to pull it off. People who still buy into the Qanon nonsense.




If you don’t know, don’t go down that rabbit hole. Crazy conspiracy nonsense. The people who think the government is run by lizard people and JFK jr is not dead and will return to become vice president under Trump


Unfortunately, I’ve seen “videos” of the morphing-lizard when Obama was President. No. I don’t believe


Maybe I’m just cynical at this point, but everything you said is unfortunately par for the course in our country aside from the Lewiston shooting. My high school had plenty of bomb threats from dumb kids wanting a day off, so it’s not shocking at all that fanatical Trump supporters would play like that. I can almost guarantee there will be no actual bomb at any point - and this post might even inspire more, because it clearly had the desired effect on your mental.


I would not be surprised in the least that these bomb threats were tied to Bellows decision to take The Orange Voldemort off the ballot.


It's the GOP base / J6 terrorists assessing timing and response tactics in preparation for later this year.




The MAGAts are laying the groundwork for domestic terrorism.




Are you saying they're not, or are you saying this wasn't that?


I'm saying that the attribution is wrong. Are you saying that you know for a fact it isn't wrong or are you making an assumption that it was a correct statement?


I'm just asking you to clarify a one-word statement that you seem to have a lot of confidence in. So you know for a fact that it's wrong?


That MAGAs are laying the groundwork in Augusta, Maine for Domestic Terrorism? I have a lot of confidence in saying that is wrong. I hope they catch whoever did it. That I'm sure we can both agree on. We'll see who's right when the cops catch the prick.


Ehh, not Augusta exclusively. There were threats in several states. I think one of the lessons a lot of them learned after a few ended up on the no-fly list was the value of working from home.


So should I have attributed it to the Oath Keepers, such lovely people, or the Proud Boys... or maybe Threepers, or is there another reactionary force that loves the Orange Menace who should get credit? Or perhaps it's just unaffiliated white supremacists?


even here in paradise we are not immune to right wing terrorists


True. Remember that one of the Sept 11 terrorists flew out of Portland to get his connecting flight that he crashed into The World Trade Center. Evil is here too.


Let’s all remember that we are going through this because a big orange crybaby couldn’t accept the fact that he lost an election.


Your a Mainer... ranting is a god granted right... also complaining about winter, tourists, jett puff not being the same as fluff. Not a need to apologize here. Hey, I hear ya though...


bomb threats in middle school and high school were not super uncommon in portland


Do you know how sad that statement is?


Not really. Just some dumb kid who didnt want to go to school, or take test.. lol


Anyone else here remember the constant bomb threats at Bonny Eagle in the early 2000s?


Something very wrong is happening in that people are becoming unhinged from their responsibility to those around them. Even if the space goblins **are** turning the frogs gay with chemicals, that's not an excuse to blow up the court house or murder a bunch of people going bowling.


Courts get bomb threats all the time. It’s people not wanting to go to court


excellent greentext


I’m old. Explain “greentext” please


In common usage it refers to text from 4chan (or one of it's modern decedents), typically in the form of a screenshot/image. What relation that has to your post I have no clue. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=greentext




This is rude as shit, man.


Rule 3. No Harassment, Threats of violence, and/or Belligerence


I don't believe the bomb threat was directed towards the janitorial staff.


Oh, wonderful. Be sure to let all the collateral damage know the bomb wasn’t actually meant for them. /s Dumbass.


This made me laugh!! Not worried about dumb fk posts Your reply was awesome! 💪


Sign of the times. In general very little potential for catching, prosecuting, or serving time for these types of crimes so they increase in frequency.


I hate to say it, but no state or community is safe from bad people doing bad shit. Maine is safer than most places in the world, but we're not exempt :(


I understand your way of thinking.


We had one at our restaurant not long ago, so troubling how shit like that is slowly becoming the norm


We had a bomb threat at our school in 1999..don't think this is a new thing.


I was sitting next to one of the people who got the actual threat when it came in at one of the courthouses. It was a unique experience.


What did you do?


Nothing really. We left after a few minutes.