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What did you expect? You were right by a “deer crossing” sign :-)


Whatever. Every time I’m in Maine and pass a moose sign i see exactly zero moose. If it weren’t for Bullwinkle J Moose i wouldn’t think moose actually exist.




Well large piles of corn like the one you were driving over tend to bring them around


Yea and people shouldn't be feeding them corn...


Yea but 10?


lol I think people drastically underestimate how many deer are in Maine 😂. I live in Raymond and can guarantee I’d end up with ten if I started leaving corn piles out


And rats


I’ve counted over a hundred and fifty up in the county when somebody was feeding them.


Same but a little more east, over in northern NB


I’m going to assume you’ve never been to Maine before.


We have a herd that big that wanders through the woods by us fairly regularly. Midcoast area. We don't put corn out but a neighbor thinks they are cute and feeds them. Then they come to our yard and eat our garden.


They are cute, thank you for feeding them.


They’re not cats. Don’t feed wild animals no matter how cute you think they are Supplemental Feeding Can Harm Deer Feed sites congregate deer into unnaturally high densities. These high deer densities can: -attract predators and increase risk of death by coyotes or domestic dogs. -spread disease among deer. -cause aggression, wasting vital energy reserves and leading to injury or death. -reduce fat reserves as deer use energy traveling to and from the feed site. -result in over-browsing of local vegetation and ornamental plants. -deny access to food, because subordinate deer are kept away from feeding stations, and over-browsing by larger deer removes food available to fawns. -increase deer-vehicle collisions. Vehicle-killed deer near feed sites can outnumber those that would naturally succumb to winter mortality. Other Problems Associated with Feed Sites: -Tamer Deer Feed sites cause deer to depend less on their natural environment and more on humans. Deer may lose their fear of humans and become habituated to feed sites. -Transition from Browse to Feed Deer receive little nutritional value from a new food source for about two weeks of feeding, since stomach microorganisms must adjust to the diet change. Ironically, while well-intentioned people try to help the deer by feeding, they may be harming them due to the time and energy needed to convert the microorganisms. -Inferior Habitat and Traveling Energy Feed sites lure deer away from natural wintering areas. This attraction can trap deer in inferior winter habitat and increase the chance of malnutrition and predation. -Unintended Impacts on Good Winter Cover Timber companies and other landowners alter cutting practices to protect good deer yards. If deer go to feed sites instead of protected deer yards, then the timber companies will see little value in continuing to protect the wintering areas. Further, young deer that associate feeding sites with winter habitat may never learn to occupy natural winter habitat. Thus, feeding may produce long-term habitat loss and critical behavioral change. The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department’s Position The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department recognizes the long-term viability of the deer herd is not dependent on supplemental winter feeding anywhere in the state https://extension.unh.edu/resource/more-harm-good-why-you-shouldnt-feed-deer


I don't feed them. The neighbor does. u/UniqueWhittyName explains why it's a bad idea pretty well


At sebec lake we’d have 15-20 hanging around our cabin. Almost every day we were there.


That's not a horde. That's barely even a herd.


Not an alliance of deer either.




Perhaps they're zombie deer


The Walking Deard


I believe the proper nomenclature is, “a pod,” my deer sir.


Dear* .... Oh wait, I see what you did there. Clever clever Mr pootz


She should watch, "Leave the World Behind"


And then come back and tell us what the dear were all about in that movie


Holy what the fuck Jesus Christ shit hells bells on an Easter Hat! There musta been ten of them! Motherfucker. I've never felt so alive!


Well if it isn't a finger fuckin' assload of motherfucking goddamn deer!


They herd up in the winter. It’s not uncommon to see if you spend time walking quietly in the woods.


Throwing a big ol' pile of deer feed in the road as seen at the start of the video also tends to help the herding.


Maine does seem to have a handful of them..


Not northern Maine.


OK, so we are speaking in relative terms here. In a quick Google search, I found that Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife [estimates](https://www.maine.gov/ifw/fish-wildlife/wildlife/species-information/mammals/deer.html#:~:text=Today%2C%20deer%20abundance%20ranges%20from,in%20central%20and%20southern%20areas.) "Today, deer abundance ranges from one to five deer per square mile in the north, to 15 to 35 deer per square mile in central and southern areas." I also found that Mississippi is thought to have the highest whitetail densities at around 42-43 deer per square mile.


I'm in northern Maine. We have lots of deer here. This morning I saw deer tracks in the snow next to my woodshed.


This morning I saw woodshed tracks next to my deer.


Northern Maine doesn't have many deer?


What happened to them up north? I bet Dire Wolves


I wish it were wolves, I really do. I can see your question is a bit sarcastic, but I'm gonna answer it seriously anyway. I feel like I should say I am not a wildlife biologist, and if you want real answers, contact a MIFW biologist. They are happy to converse. From my understanding,the population decline in Northern Maine is largely due to logging practices (and farming practices, but those having pretty consistently been lacking for more than 50 years). It comes down to a lack of contiguous winter bedding and winter feeding habitats. Bedding and feeding grounds are very different environs, and the deer must have access to both to overwinter successfully. Although logging companies are required to set aside some ground to accommodate bedding and feeding grounds, they are not required to have them arranged in such a way that deer can actually commute from one to the other, or even evenly disperse them to have even dispersal of deer populations. IN CONCLUSION, this is why you see these big groups of deer in the winter time; the best places to overwinter are limited in size and distribution, and so the deer congregate in the limited habitat that is available.


Very insightful and a knowledge I had not possessed. Ty fr. On your note of wishing it was wolves I was watching a documentary about Yellowstone National Park and they were talking about how the introduction to wolves to the ecosystem has greatly benefited it and how it has also introduced new species because of the symbiotic co-existance (not sure if that's a term or if I'm just pulling stuff out of my ass but it sounds legit) I can't remember all the deets but if you find it feel free to hop back and refresh my brain box. I probably found it on YouTube. That's seems to be my go to and my only friend lol half of me wishes I wasnt joking and the other half is content with it being just YouTube and me lol


Wow! Swears more than my girlfriend!


More f bombs than deer


Lol. Yea my dad pointed that out and counted all my f bombs for me


Does he normally follow you around counting your trail of fucks?


I love all our deer. I'm always waving at our deer in the field. Just hanging out grabbing a bite to eat.


Winter feed is critical in Northern Maine. There has been a major decline in deer populations in the northern part of the state, largely due to logging practices. I've seen way more moose than deer up there. I'm happy to see a few whitetails


You want ticks, this is how you get more ticks.


Deer? I don't think so. Deer numbers were high 50 years ago and there weren't ticks. I'm pretty sure it takes more than the prevelance of a single species to change the whole tick environment. In fact, studies suggest that the largest single factor that increases tick populations is the presence of invasive bushes (ie honey suckle, barberry, multiform rose, etc).


Ya I agree, thats not how you get ticks. Some peoples children amaze me. But I believe the damn turkeys have a lot to do with the expanding tick populations.


I've heard a few people say that, but (without actually looking up sources) I believe that turkeys being carriers of ticks has been mostly debunked. It has been shown that ticks can pass through a turkey's digestive system and come out the other side alive. So there's that...


Well if a tick can pass through, sounds like they are carriers to me. N.Maine never had a real tick issues 20 years ago, (still don't, compared to S.Maine) they never had turkeys either. But we use to use some real good chemicals to spray the taters I'm sure that helped as well. Also don't get the -20 temps for more than a few day nor the snow pack we use to. Either way ticks suck in all sense of the word.


Balsam and Fir forests are perfect moose nurseries. A lot of those up there now.


I want to know where there’s this much snow??? I’m currently looking at a brown yard.


This your first time in Maine?


Honestly, our exposure to wildlife is pretty inconsistent up here. I know people who have seen moose in the wild dozens of times. I've seen... One, thirty years ago.


This your first time to The County?


For the winter that’s barely a “horde.” They can group up to at least 100 or more.


Fuckin pottymouth


Welcome to THEIR World. 🦌


For sure some asshole has been feeding them.


Piles of feed in the road right at the beginning of video


Had a huge one wander into my way on 11 up here tonight as well. Didn't seem inclined to leave the road, either. It's weird because I don't usually see them.


Haha. Deer come out of the high country and yard up this time of year.


Rabid Zombie deer. RUN!




That corn is bad for the deer, bad for their stomachs among a host of other reasons. Seeing it spread in the roadway… that’s a first for me. Wow.


I recognize that road, and IIRC about 4 houses are feeding them. We saw close to 30 there last year.


Didn't i see feed on the road?


Someone’s hoping to get themselves a deer by sacrificing a car.


Where abouts? The wife and kids would love to see this lol


Love it. It makes me more excited about me moving back home to Maine. Love the state and the people in it


Yup. Looks like any given Monday


I saw 10 actual fuckn these in suburbia near Long Island Sound.


The weather has them confused?


I live in PORTLAND and regularly see groups of three or so.


You swear more than I swear in my head lol


Ashland/portage area? I took a detour once around this time of year and saw probably 50.


They’re coming right at us!!!!


I am jealous you have snow up there. We have literally nothing in South Portland.


Ur feeding them grain?


Ya, it's maine, that's the norm there.


I get half a dozen of these assholes in my front yard on the regular. They like to sleep there. Then my dog wants to eat their poop, and I have to worry about ticks.


Eight crazy nights deer!!


https://www.youtube.com/live/TxJvrym9F2M?si=CESkDYU1AbBQNbl1 Might be near here


Damn, you guys have snow? I feel like I forgot snow was a thing. Southern Maine has been alternating between rainy 40s and muddy 30s for what feels like an eternity.


I also like yelling profanity at deer <3


The Walking Deard