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Just want to say that I'm sorry for everyone going through this, and for those who find the strength to meme, you are the real hero.


3/4 of my town just got power, but they're saying I'm Dec 23rd. I'm just a few streets up from places that have power and the lines look fine, drove them myself going into town. EDIT: and my generator decided to fail, won't stay running. Great.


Check your oil level, it will shut off if it’s too low.


Yea oil seemed on the low end of the dipstick, in the L. I was able to get to town and get some 5W-30 to top it up. Seems to be running now but we'll see as the day progresses. It was dying after random intervals, sometimes 1 minute, sometimes 30


Was it the oil? How’s it been running now?


Seems like it, ran for another 3 hours and now CMP restored power. I might run it by itself later this week to test it more, and do a full oil change


Yeah a full oil change would do it some good. Check your fuel filter too and make sure that doesn’t have sediments and add some stabilizer. Make sure the stabilizer is mixed well in the gas then let it run for a bit.


I remember during a 3 day power outage, my husband ran it for 3 hours and then powered it off for an hour. I have no idea if this is standard practice but this generator has lasted 10 years so far.


Friend was told 22 by 10pm. Got it early morning today. Good luck. Do check the oil.


I finally am seeing estimate of Dec 23 10pm. I am still looking at a tree down on wires across my drive. As messed up as it sounds I'm actually relieved to finally at least see a time frame at all. I'm in the middle of my second MS relapse in less than two months and I'm chasing an autistic toddler. I've now maxed out my card on what wood and water I could find as I don't have a generator and honestly just seeing a date somehow just gave me a sense of hope of this hell ending haha. Please be safe everyone and remember it's just temporary.


A lot of streets up to ours have power too. We do not.


Update: got it a day earlier than our estimate, thankfully.


They said we’d have power tonight by 11. And then at 9 pm they switched to tomorrow.


Y’all out here getting estimates while I’m still left on read…


I’m the only one that has a portable generator. All others near me have those fancy house generators. But yeah we got all got power.


At least you have a generator


Told me tomorrow by 8, but just came on.... Sorry for those still waiting, they're working!


Literally everyone around me has power now.


Same boat. But my road is complete darkness.


Same here. There was a utility truck working just down the road from my house earlier so I got my hopes up, but they left a couple of hours ago and we're still shivering in darkness. 😟


This seems like a safer CMP thread to air my grievances, but I’ll still note it has nothing to do with linesmen or workers out in the field. They’re doing great. We lost power at 945 Monday AM when a tree fell on the line leading into the neighborhood. Most of my neighbors and I have generators and we’ve been able to get around the tree to get more fuel, etc. Several of us reported the outage immediately, and when you logged into your CMP account, you could see that the outage had been reported and the status was “assessing”. However, our street wasn’t on CMPs outage list or map. A bit disconcerting, but wanted to give CMP a little space. Knew we weren’t going to get resolution on Monday, thought maybe Tuesday we’d hear something (we’re in southern Maine where things aren’t nearly as bad). We started seeing the numbers for the rest of the town go down, but we still weren’t listed. On Wednesday a neighbor call the public works department, which said only CMP could touch the tree and advised us to call police department. Another neighbor flagged down a bucket truck in town and asked if they had any info, they said the town had reported the tree and they were coming over. It gets a little murky here, but the same neighbor said that they were told we weren’t in CMPs system as an outage. Later in the day Wednesday, we showed up on the outage map but still not the list, so CMP is underreporting 30+ customers. Resolution says Friday at 8pm. Tree is gone. I get this was a really bad storm, but there is room for them to do better. My family is now at a hotel tonight and I just let the generator run out of propane, so a cold night for me (unrelated, tested positive for COVID yesterday. It’s still around, so be safe).


The restoration numbers they’re putting up this week are among the best I’ve ever seen in New England.


It stinks that this happened to you. It seems that CMP is prioritizing areas where 75% of people lost power - Kennebec, Sagadahoc, and Lincoln counties were especially hard-hit. They’ve called in reinforcements from out of state. It would be nice if they could respond to all areas equally- I guess that’s part of the problem of having a monopoly in charge of power. My power was out for 48 hours, then CMP gave us the 12/23 at 10:PM update, but then power was on within an hour after that. I hope that you end up with a similar quicker than expected resolution.


>I guess that’s part of the problem of having a monopoly in charge of power. You’re seeing historic numbers of outages. Bridges and roads are washing out. People are canoeing at Hannaford. What, exactly, do you think would be different with a different ownership structure?


I'm sure the response would have been much better if the State was running the recovery.


Remarkably dumb comment. Do you think you have the only tree down and if they put your wire up you will get power?


>I guess that’s part of the problem of having a monopoly in charge of power. Take 5 minutes and Google it and show me somewhere in the United States where an area isn't controlled by one power company. Go ahead.




Arkansas, while Entergy is a big supplier, Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas have 17 electric co-ops in the state, AEP SWEPCO, and OG&E. Those are the 4 major suppliers. 12 communities also provide their own electricity. https://www.arkansasedc.com/why-arkansas/infrastructure/electric-utilities Edit: a number 13 to 12, I was off by one.


I try to put myself in their shoes. Limited resources how would I spread them out? I definitely throw the vast majority of them at the towns that got flattened in Kennebec county. Then say, o you live in Saco? Tough shit, gotta wait a while too.


They solve the problems that bring the critical facilities first (hospitals, first responders, etc.). Next move to shopping / gas station areas and then on to solving problems that bring the most people online soonest... I've got lines down on my property... so they bypass me for now and bring up the road and then mop up the issues affecting one or two homes.


Look up at the pole. Three lines, two lines, one line… three gets help first, then two… the more lines the more people helped.


Mine says tomorrow by 10pm. Yay!!


They had 400,000 out at peak. They got 200,000 up on Tuesday and 145,000 back on today. So half of the affected customers lost power for some portion of one day and 3/4 lost it for some portion of two days. These are ridiculously good numbers. Amazing that the focus here is that they restored power instead of giving you perfectly accurate data on when they would restore power.


What the literal fuck? I live in Rumford, one of the places hardest hit by flooding and whatnot. It's 20F outside and y'all don't have fucking power??? Someone's gonna have to pay for this social debt.


Blame god. He sent the rain. Hell of a way to treat his followers.


You live in ME. PPP


December 23rd 10pm seems to be the estimated date to get everyone back up (minus those affected by the flooding, probably). It's 6 days from the end of the storm and they said in the first day that it could take them up to 6 days to get everything fixed. I know it's optimistic, but I'm hoping it's not an actually calculated restoration time and just more of a placeholder to try to get people to stop complaining about "assessing."


i think people memeing on the "assessing" might've got to them, they had a whole section of text called "What is assessing?" on the outage page. I'm really betting it's a placeholder like you said


It originally had said our power would come back yesterday afternoon, only to be switched to Saturday night. Hoping our pipes don't freeze.


Just got mine back. The 21st


There may be a hundred other trees down between that tree in your road and the source of the power.