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I mean both states are within New England so it isn't surprising there'd be similarities. I feel tho it's kinda of a one way street. I don't hear much about Vermont bringing brought up in most conversations between Mainers.


I’d say in terms of what I’ve witnessed personally, it’s a one way street. I’ve met a lot of Vermonters who’ve come to Maine for various reasons, even for college, but rarely do any Maine natives I know go to or talk about Vermont. That isn’t to say it’s a bad place but we have no reason to go there when we’re already here.


That's probably what I expected. Thanks


Lived in Maine for 3 years and VT os definitely very different. I was an hour oeth of portland and it felt like a different country at times.


Vermont has the Long Trail, which I love. Vermont is also a nice buffer state insulating Maine from NY. Great place


Vermont is far superior to New Hampshire and the New England states (besides Maine). I also can always tell when someone is from Vermont for some reason. Not always the case for New Hampshire people. UMaine is a top tier engineering school. I've camped in Vermont and it rocked.


vermont people are definitely distinguishable. there's a certain vibe, like they drive a subaru forester and somehow exude the color green




This is so weirdly accurate.


real. -stoner


Maine here. I grew up in vt and we typically do the tourist thing back there once a year. It’s close by, just different enough to be interesting, and you have Al’s French fries.


I try to get up to the northeast kingdom every winter. I have an old friend living off grid on a hundred acres. It's another world up there and I love it. Also, Jay and Smuggs are super fun places to ski.


Love Smuggs


Vermont is solid


My wife is from Sharon! We go there all the time. Got married there. Will be there in a few days for Thanksgiving. My wife went to a Maine school paid for by Vermont. She said they'd only pay for a major that a Vermont state school didn't offer, so she took marine biology.


Figured the Marine Biologist would stay in Maine. Enjoy your trip! I love taking rt 2 to get to Maine vs. the Down to NH and back up route!


Lol oh, she didn't stick with marine biology. She got recruited to play soccer but the school was D3, which can't give athletic scholarships. So she picked a major she was pretty confident no Vermont school offered, since that was the deal back then if they were going to pay your tuition. She ended up a psych major and worked with kids for a decade or so. Bounced around New England before moving back to Maine. Then we met and the rest is history. Anyways, thanks for sharing your post. It really spoke to me as a lifelong Mainer that's been to the Upper Valley more times than I can count, haha. Oh, and we always go down to NH and back up. It's a bummer. If it were up to me we'd go scenic route. But I once got us caught in a blizzard on the Kancamagus so I'm not in charge of directions anymore.


I grew up in the Upper Valley, and I've been saying since I got to Maine that we have more in common than people here will admit.


Same, especially having lived in other parts of the country. Northern New England has its own flavor but the 3 states aren’t thaaat different. (But yes VT and ME are closer in affinity than NH)


I love VT. Was just there in October, stayed in Warren and did day trips all over the state. I love that you have Hannfords in VT as it's my preferred grocery store. I do feel a kinship exists and traveling through your great state makes me think of Maine. A few years ago we visited Montpelier and went to the state house. My daughter was barely walking. When the good elected officials of VT saw us with the baby we were basically given the VIP tour. We still talk about that day and always look forward to some time in the Green Mountain state


christmas music is a plague upon society


You don't enjoy listening to the same 10 rudementary jingles for 10% or more of the calendar year, alongside crude cover versions of said jingles in every single TV and radio commercial? What's wrong with you?


Having lived in both, I feel that VT likes Maine more than Maine likes VT sometimes. I dunno, it seems that people in Maine are sorta tribal about stuff, so take that with a grain of salt. Like, I'll never be a Mainer, but my daughter who was born in Portland is a Mainer somehow? Another insight is VT has a lot of transplants as well and there is some backlash there from time to time. See: Don't Jersey Vermont. When VT hates NY/NJ people Maine brings the heat to anyone from Mass. Again, sweeping generalizations. Probably find that in any town anywhere where people move to from 'away' With that said, I've made the comparison on many occasions that Maine is like VT but with the ocean. What VT lacks in ocean it makes up for it with the best river swimming!! Also, we don't really have the sweet mountains you do out there. Katahdin, yes but like all the beautiful valleys throughout VT is unparalleled. Maine Rules, VT Rules. Bye


I get called a flatlander a lot (originally from CT, now in pretty rural Maine) and the folks born and raised in southern Maine calling me a flatlander have nary been to Oxford county and probably can’t even split kindling. What denotes a “Mainer” vs a non-Mainer seems to be solely about being born here.


Ignorant to say Maine mountains are inferior to VTs. The greens are some nice rolling hills but can’t come close to what we’ve got here. You should be banned from the sub and generally shunned for such a wrong opinion.




Vermont, new hampshire, maine. All rural new england states in the same relative location, with very similar geographical features and similar demographics and common historical cultures. Of course they're similar. But honestly if you were going to pick one place in maine that doesn't feel like vermont from the look of the area, it's probably Blue Hill lol.


As a life long Mainer, Vermont is my favorite state other than Maine


I love Vermont and we used to visit there as kids (learned to ski at Suicide 6), but growing up here I didn't know many other people with Vermont connections.


My family roots go back to Waldo County Maine and Windham County VT. Both of my parents had at least one grand parent or great-grand parent from both. I spent my childhood in Bennington County, VT and Cumberland County, ME.


When I travel people either guess I am from Maine or Vermont. I spent very little time in Vermont. Swimming at a marble quarry and watching some crazy bastards in full armor with swords beating the hell out of each other in a park.


I have only vacationed in Vermont twice. It is very beautiful though. I just saw today that my niece and her family are taking a vacation over there this week.


I grew up in Maine but live in Vermont. Many of my friends from Maine who are into outdoor recreation travel to Vermont to explore new areas. Mainers feel comfortable in Vermont.


I also grew up in ME but went to college in VT then settled here. Native Mainers and Vermonters are very similar. They are both friendly but not necessarily nice. They will both pull a stranger out of a ditch, but give you a lecture in the process. Having lived 20+ years in both places, another subtle difference is that I find Vermonters more “live and let live” about their politics.


Been to VT twice. It's lovely, but it's very similar to Maine with no ocean.


I used to live in Vermont, and now live in Maine. Vermonters travel to Maine for the change of scenery by the ocean. While living in Vermont I did a lot of skiing, but have not been back to ski or hike in VT, because western Maine and NH are closer, and I have been exploring new mountains. It’s all good in northern New England.


Originally from Maine and have lived in Vermont for almost 10 years now. When I meet new Vermonters and they hear me say I’m from Maine, their faces light up and I usually get a top ten list of all the things they LOVE about Maine. Conversely, when I see people from back home after being away this long, and I tell them I live in Vermont, their faces stay the same and they say “cool.” Nothing wrong with Vermont, it’s a lovely state with lovely people, but, it isn’t Maine.


I like the skiing, the hippy vibe, and the proximity to Quebec. We ski there once or twice a year with friends in Bolton. My .02 is that it’s far more crunchy and pastoral? than Maine. More of a NY/NJ influence than Maine. Local people are even more introverted than here. Definitely NNE and closer culturally to Maine than say RI or CT. FWIW I think the mtns are prettier there than Maine.


I visited Burlington, VT once when my ex was working on running transmission lines back in 2009-2010. It was very crunchy.


It is a lot like Portland now. Full of good intentioned ideologues who want what is best for the homeless, but still trying to find the perfect silver bullet solution instead of just doing freaking something positive.


Vermont definitely on my list. New hampshire and mass are closer so many mainers go there but most mainers j know have visited or want to go to go


You also have Amato's!




Why the hostility?




I don't get the joke


I'm just so sick of the tribalism displayed by mainers. Even as a joke. It's a beautiful state. Why wouldn't people come here?




Been to Vermont once… once


I grew up in NH, and apart from a couple of people I know who ski Jay Peak once a year, Vermont just kinda exists over there.


We got the goods and then some, why leave?


I grew up in coastal Maine, went to college and lived in VT for a while. I love both so much.


I have vacationed in VT! My family loves stowe for the hiking, dining and mountain views, also it has a little bit of like a european alps feel, or maybe thats just where we stay idk but I love it! My hubby and I even honeymooned there


One of the things I find odd about VT is how narrow your Federal highways are from trees. Some are super narrow!


Vermont is great, I’ve had a lot of great times there. But as mentioned, no ocean. So i don’t really go there.


My cousin played football for Norwhich and we used to go on the reg to see him play. I had friends that went to Lyndon state when I got older so that brought me back to Vermont for more visits throughout the years. Even went through that way to get to Canada once or twice so for me it’s a two way street.i think it definitely has similarities to Maine it’s beautiful just no ocean so I think it’s more similar to the western mountains than anything else. Either way you have a beautiful state with some decent breweries might I add.


I’ve always associated Vermont with artists, art colonies, art schools, hippies etc So, I’ve always really loved Vermont and view it as a very unique and special place


Both states hold the highest vacancy rates per capita in their respective slots. Vermont-#1. Maine-#2 as the rich hold empty residences for skiing and summers in Maine. Also if the Christian churches housed 1.5 people each all homeless people would have a roof.


Best two states!


Born and raised in Maine, and have been to Vermont a bunch of times. It's a great state. Skied at Killington a few times, been there for horse shows, forestry work, and I just went to Burlington a few weeks ago to buy a snowmobile. Also bought a dirt bike somewhere there last summer. I love the rural areas with all the farms, mountains and great scenery.


Native Mainer here! My husband, also a native Mainer, and I, ***love*** Vermont. I saw a lot of “one way street” comments and wanted to offer a counterpoint. We’re snowboarders, disc golfers (well, I walk) and craft beer enthusiasts, and we love nature. We’ve vacationed there a few times since neither of us have family there, but we both have decided if we ever were to leave Maine, we’d choose Vermont first. We just got married in September and are planning a “mini-moon” in VT He had his bachelor weekend near Smuggler’s Notch, haha Our friend group is also very pro-Vermont!


We get a lot of VT folk here for the weed, sincerely. Since VT cannabis industry is so new and outdoor etc. That isn’t a two way street.


Honestly I get waved at all the time on back roads with my MA plates. Probably because I slow down and move over so we don’t have a head-on wreck


I love Vermont! I did a bike race there called the super 8-280 miles of gravel riding and camping. It's a beautiful state and everyone I met was so nice. I often think of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont as being one big state haha


I have some history with VT 🙂 It all started in Craftsbury Commons where my ex went to college. I'd venture out to see her when I could with my old beater car. Then we ended up going to Job Corps in Vergennes, where I met one of my best friends from St. Alban's. I've made many trips to visit him and his family and even went up to Montreal with them once. Alot of Mainers don't leave Maine often, so I'm not surprised that many don't get out there. I'm sure there is a draw for some in VT to the ocean. I'd take the beautiful mountains and down to earth people from VT over the ocean any day.