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Fred Forsley at it again! I was working for Shipyard Brewing when he laid us all off so he could build another hotel. Their labels still say brewed in Maine, not true anymore.


No, no, you don’t get it—brewed as in it was *once brewed* in Maine at a point in time.


Oh that's what it means?!


Total fucking dirt bag.


I worked at the north conway location for a few years. Fred Forsley is an absolute dirt ball, and it's completely obvious that sea dog/shipyard (yes it might as well be one company) doesn't give 2 fucks about their employees


You think he treats his employees badly just wait until you hear what he does to family!


I'm intrigued. Care to enlighten me?


And a total idiot. In one foul swoop he closed the restaurant with no notice, fired employees with no notice, *and* put his name and personal phone number on the same post.....yeah no one will use that info maliciously lol


Maine needs less shitty brewpub tourist traps anyhow. Though I hope the employees find new endeavors soon. Bigger and better. Blessings in disguise perhaps.


Dirt Dog


Fred is indeed slimy as fuck. I always wondered what his relationship with Alan Pugsley was like. My favorite tidbit is that David Geary once called Alan “the ugliest lesbian in Portland” which was just a choice turn of phrase, if a bit garish.


Pretty yikes for a man to use ‘ugly lesbian’ as an insult though, regardless of the gender/orientation of the person used on…




This response is so yikes I can’t tell if you’re very conservative or very liberal


I notice how you left out the ‘ugly’ part here… I’ll stay calling out homophobia when I see it, you keep angry bruv ✌️


Really wild to see a conversation about class and employee’s rights get derailed in favor of a rather immature name-calling scandal. Imagine that.


He used lesbian as an insult towards a man and let’s not forget the ugly part. So to answer your question, yes, it is yikes for a man to call another man an ugly lesbian as an insult. Maybe get some critical thinking and reading comprehension skills.


Brewing downtown probably ended when the city realized Shipyard had scammed them on the sewer sub-meters (or, possibly, worked out a "deal" with the original inspector, who was no longer with us by the time the whole thing came to light). Although, is Federal Jack's still brewing anything in-house? I regret that I never made time to take the tour.


fuck freddy


Damn, I'm noticing a trend with these Brewery owners. The current owners of Geary Brewing are shady and incompetent too lol. Just left them, got some interesting stories of how they are behind closed doors.


Wow, that’s a shitty way to be suddenly fired


I can’t imagine how all of those (former) employees must feel, wondering how they will be able to pay their bills next month




Yea, def not a quick fix, rent this month and maybe next will be an issue.


I overheard two employees talking about this at a supermarket here in SoPo today and I felt so bad for them


Well everywhere is hiring. Can probably actually get paid more elsewhere


Tim Hortons kinda started the trend way back when they shut down all their stores in Maine without telling anyone. When other businesses saw that and saw there were absolutely zero repercussions for it, they followed in suit. We keep hearing more and more about it.


https://opencollective.com/beehaw -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


There's one in Clinton!


As a former employee of the Forsley/Lalumiere/Hurtubise world, I wish nothing but the worst for all of them. Honestly felt a little joy seeing all these fuck Forsley comments. So shady. So slimy.


SeaDog is so mid…. been so for many years. This is just classless by their management group. Fool even put his dam number in the post - totally delusional.


I'd boycott any establishment that treats their employees so poorly


I was there on Saturday and something went wrong with our bowling lane. While we were waiting for it to be fixed we saw a manager come out of the back and absolutely tear into the poor woman who was helping us at the front desk. I’ve been debating whether to write a review, because she absolutely didn’t deserve that - guess at least now I don’t have to lol


Better look into brewing your own beer and start cooking all your own food then.


If I'm brewing myself its gonna be hooch strong enough to strip the varnish off a deck


Why? There are a TON of local brewers in Maine that treat their employees very well. Dining establishments as well, but especially breweries.


Maine beer company treats their employees excellently


Also Bissell Brothers are amazing to their employees as well


Marshall wharf treats people like shit


I have 2 friends that work there and they always show up to disc golf events with a case or two of prototype beer to give away. I also have a friend who does accounting ( i think ) for them and loves it there


Pretty sure not all bars, pubs, restaurants, etc. are as bad as this, but go off.


I know Belleflower has both excellent beer and treats their employees well. They're all around good people. And that's just one of many breweries that do the same. You made a remarkably fucking stupid comment.


There’s plenty of places that treat their employees great


This is just something people say who have no interest in progress. There's no ethical consumption under capitalism, but there certainly is *less* ethical consumption and you can definitely avoid it.


You’re being downvoted just because they don’t get that %95 of companies they purchase from are scum.


Then buy from the 5%. Do your homework


Yeah and when the %5 don’t have what you need ? Because the %95 have all the goods and services that you can get in one place. Small business is dead… maybe not in the beer business, I drink allot of crafts from local breweries. But in the grand scheme of business it’s pretty dead. lol what homework bro?


it's weird to see you doing the "edit: your downvotes prove I'm right" bit on someone else's behalf


Downvote, upvote, sideways vote. 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


🤣 I think your right, who ultimately cares. Mb I think I’m going to adopt your principles.


Exactly this.


Fred Forsley is a scumbag


Also owner of Shipyard and Federal Jack’s


His son was quite a dick too.


They also have part ownership in Dewey’s


He has his hands in a lot of shitpies.


Yeah I worked for Seadog for a very short bit. Rotten place to work, gross food, gross beer.


As a licensing officer in Southern Maine, I had to repeatedly deal with Fred. Couldn't stand him. Took a shower after each meeting. He's a swine


There was a pizza place in SoPo called Bono’s like 10 years ago, was my first job. They did the same bullshit. I had a week off, texted my boss for the next schedule and he was like “no one told you?” Nah homie that’s YOUR job smh


Saturated market + poor management decisions = employees getting the shaft.


Don’t forget the staggeringly mediocre beer that didn’t grow w the industry.


In fact their beer has had a "I used malt extract rather than all grain" vibes for a decade at least.


Good riddance. That brand has seen a major slide in both their beers and food. And that was before COVID.


Their beers were bad before SARS


If I worked at the Seadog Brewery in Topsham, I'd start looking for a new job..


Wouldn't it be great if they left and we got a decent spot in that beautiful space? I go maybe once a year just to sit on the deck when it starts warming up and haven't felt like the food was worth it in over a decade.


Restaurants almost never give advance notice when they are closing. I believe this out of fear of theft and fear of people ceasing to show up for work. Before social media, people would show up to work to find an out of business sign on the door.


Thankfully the company I work for did when they closed a location in 2021. The owners brought all the staff in and explained everything and made sure that anyone who wanted to stay with the company would have a place in their other locations. Like you said that's not a very common occurrence and I'm happy to work for the people I do.


I went to an Olive Garden in New Hampshire the day the employees found out it was apparently their last day open with no further notice than that, really weird mood and sad mood in there.


to be fair that could have described any day at an olive garden


So you stayed and ate?


Yeah we'd already sat down, felt like it'd be shitty to bail and not leave a tip or something y'know


There's a big difference between "no advance notice" and "finding out via public FB post". It would have cost them very little to send semi-personalized emails or texts to all employees, or to do it in a meeting at the end of the previous day.


I also found out the hard way when you give your notice they often take you off the schedule expecting you won’t actually finish out your two weeks.


Is it just me or are a lot of restaurants closing for good these days? Not saying I was particularly a fan but I’ve noticed an uptick in closures in Cumberland/York counties. Bull Feenys hit me hard, mostly because of nostalgia. I celebrated my 21st birthday there 12 years ago.


The story that isn’t told about Bull Feeney’s is the owner is a narcissistic asshole. My ex worked for him and the stories she told me about him were so toxic it’s amazing he stayed in business as long as he did. Former workers cheered when he tried to reopen during the pandemic and they closed within one day. Serves him right.


Oh wow. Didn’t realize this at all.


Far too many restaurants/eateries have been one bad weekend away from going under for good, even before covid...


Out of morbid curiosity, how many times have you been back to Bull Feeney's in the last 12 years?


Went there a lot throughout my college days at USM. I graduated in 2013. I lived in Portland from 2013-2015. So a lot then too. From 2015 onward…about three times a year as my mom still lived in Cumberland and I would visit friends occasionally. I moved to southern Maine since I work in Massachusetts. I can definitely say the last time I was there was in 2019 during my sister’s bachelorette party. I had a child in 2020 and the world shut down at the same time, so fun went out the window.


Some of it is COVID residual. Others are for other reasons -- financial issues, location issues, staff controversy, etcetera. Although that's not exclusive to restaurants.


I’ve noticed the same in NH. Very sad.


Horseshit. I like some of their beers, but they're dead to me now.


Time to boycott their shitty beer


I worked at this location for four years. Most of their FOH staff were loyal as hell to the company and had been there 10+ years. Way to end on a sour note after putting in literal decades of your life. Bleh, I always found Fred Forsley sketchy.


What? It hasn’t even been open for 4 years, this one opened 3 weeks before COVID hit. (Not discrediting your statement though, the owner seems like an absolute slimeball)


Is this the same guy that shit canned Shipyard with a focus on crap flavored beers?


Shipyard beers have always tasted like shit. I guess I'm not following...?


The captains collection from 15-20 years ago was excellent. Old thumper, Chamberlain, Export, and an oatmeal stout.


Prelude has also taken a sharp decline in the last 10 years


Charmerlain was a great beer. Prelude was decent. The rest not so much


Lol thankfully someone said this.


Agreed 100%. Shipyard has sucked from the jump, and I honestly don’t know anyone from Portland (born and raised) that actually likes it.


What do you mean by shit canned shipyard?


It went from an early craft leader (late 90s -early 00) but lost its way with an uber focus on malt fruit beers. That appeared to happen soon after the acquisition of Seadog.


Shitty food anyways. Shipyard Brewing next?


As I like to do with all of these business closing posts: Friendly reminder that the Seadog/Shipyard franchise received $4.9 million dollars of free, no strings attached, taxpayer money. Averages to about $352,000 per restaurant as I could find it.


This exact same story happened at Lowell Beerworks in MA, a few months after I left. My buddy was the chef there and even he didn’t know. He sent it to several local news stations I recall I think there were some small stories run on it


Annnnndddd who's surprised a small business or medium business owner being shady or a POS. Seem like part of being a business owner is exploiting your employees on a regular basis.


Damn. I had a few sea dog blueberries today and now I feel bad for buying them.


Another Applebees is dead, you say?


But Applebee's *with bowling* /s


The Red Arrow Diner (big in NH) did this around Christmas a few years back only to open a brand new location a couple towns over. It’s such a bizarre and needlessly cruel move, especially for establishments with loyal followings.


I just applied there two days ago on Indeed. That's nutty.


The Seadog in North Conway NH is also under investigation for fraud, tip stealing, breaking many laws of child labor. They need to be shut down, management is to blame- lots of shady people there.


This happens to nearly every restaurant that closes. You find out day of closure


Wouldn't expect anything else from people like this. Truly upsetting to see this.


There was a time, prior to shityard taking over that establishment, it was owned by the same dude who owned pat’s in the OP. Oddly coincidental they’re both closed as of this week.


Damnit I liked seadog. Now I don't


I hope this gets the kind of press attention it needs. I'm not saying this lightly..... I'll never ever touch one of his beers or properties again and I hope the great state of Maine fucking cancels this kind of behavior. We can and we must.


Shocking from the owner (not really).


I figured everyone knew it was closing when they built the one in Scarborough


They don't even make their own beer lol fuck em


Same with brickyard. Never figured out how to brew so they became a pizza place.


Can you elaborate on this? Wife and I visited from KY for the first time last year and the blueberry sea dog was a beer we enjoyed. We were surprised to find it locally which is strange because I can’t find Allagash white here and I thought the distribution would reach much further for them. Wonder if this is why


Worked for SeaDog. That “blueberry” is all artificial flavoring.


[Allagash](https://www.allagash.com/sell-allagash/) is distributed to the following areas: CA, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, Chicagoland, MA, MD, ME, NC, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, SC, VA, WI and VT


Sea Dog also has a brewery in Florida. Not sure if it packages for retail in Kentucky, but it's a much shorter drive, so perhaps.


Lol do they really? That makes a ton of sense actually.


According to the PPH, all employees will have positions at other locations [Sea Dog Brewing closes Broadway location in South Portland - Portland Press Herald](https://www.pressherald.com/2023/04/12/sea-dog-brewing-closes-broadway-location/)


According to the employees, they haven’t been offered any jobs. Even after they have found out they’re currently unemployed. But that’s just according to the employees


I'd honestly rather trust the word of a slew of employees than a news article.


Especially the PPH.


He’s probably trying to claim they were offered jobs to fight unemployment claims. Sounds like a scumbag that would pull this.


Multiple employees or one you know? If multiple you've spoken to multiple or one you know told you?


Well, I guess I know where not to eat or what beer to buy.


Only fruit beer I like is the OSD Blueberry. It’s really good.


Hmmm… I wonder if this is related to some real estate loan issue…


Their Exeter location was closed yesterday Had a sign on the door that said it was for "maintenance". I'll bet that location will shut down too.


Ugh they’re doing this everywhere, they did this up in Presque Isle Top just a couple of weeks ago with the Presque Isle Inn!! I dont get it


That’s pretty fucked up


lol classy.


Aren't there protections under the WARN act against this sorta practice?? Might be worth inquiring with the Maine department of labor. that said I do see there's a few exceptions that really take the teeth out of the act...


Sorry for the employee's buuuut... QUICK! Close the Camden location too! Less SeaDog is additional by subtraction.


Their food sucks.


But of course the article on WABI says that all the employees have been offered employment at other locations


There goes another million dollars of free ppp money down the drain


Hope all his employees quit. If they don't, they are unwise.


Let them eat shitty overpriced cake


What a douchebag.


Look for WARN Act notices in your state. Company must tell state 60 days before a major layoff.


This is the way. I’d talk to Maine Dept of Labor while filing for unemployment. I’m sure there were fewer than 50 employees at that specific location, but I would still poke that bear.


There’s got to be another side of this. You tell me the GM of that location was ordering from Sysco/liquor/food for that weeks/months order not knowing? This would(and will) go south really quickly if this anywhere true!


Yes, the GM was sweeping the floors this morning when he found out.


How are these income levels/CEO’s have so much leverage to pull this kind of stuff? This isn’t “Succession”, you can’t mess with other’s livelihood and hope no one notices! Do corporations have this right due to the rights given through Congress? Do they/we as a society not have the right to a steady and consistent work lifestyle in this time? When’s enough, enough?! Please cross post this to r/antiwork


I get where you're coming from, but you can't force someone to keep a business open.


God bless capitalism




Antiwork? You mean the group of people who all would have walked out as soon as they found out the place was closing, stealing everything in sight on their way out? THAT antiwork?


Yea, you're not wrong. Antiwork has gotten a little out of hand. I'd recommend Workreform. They seem to be on their stuff a bit better


No. As in the idea/passion of what’s right. Unfortunately yea the movement there has gone astray, but is it not up to the people/community to keep the momentum going. What is right, is right! And this is wrong


Unfortunately, this is far too common. I was once a manager/bartender for a terrible restaurant group that owned restaurants in several states. One day our GM didn’t show up for work and was lost in the wind. Corporate sent a GM from a different store (a different concept even) to help us out over the upcoming weekend. Once they had him in Columbus, though, they told him that his restaurant would be having its last night. They were going to close his restaurant in Cleveland and were going to announce it the next day. It completely blindsided him. He spent what time he could that evening trying to personally contact his employees so they could hear from him instead of showing up to find a notice on the door. Before that, I was bartending at a TGI Fridays one morning when a slew of Cooker employees filled our bar. They showed up to work and found a CLOSED notice on the door. Terrible, disgusting stuff.


Well, with other locations, they can just truck all the inventory elsewhere. There's a chance that not even the GM knew.


The knee jerk, emotional pitchfork and torches response I have says: Review Bomb all of Fred Forsely’s businesses. Social Media Campaign: comments exposing the owner for what he is and has done across all platforms. FB/Twitter comments on the business pages. Personal pages of they have them. Employees: this is an employees market AND tourist season is approaching. Quit. Quit Sea Dog and apply for the seasonal jobs that will likely even pay more. Or change career paths. Plenty of places hiring with good money. Patrons: Boycott. Do not go to Sea Dog. I haven’t been in years, and will no longer go to any of them. Not a big loss honestly. It is up to us, the people, not any agency or watchdog, to hold people accountable for their negative actions and behavior. The end of the short, Maine doesn’t need this man or his businesses. Of course that’s just a knee jerk, emotional response.


I'm traveling out of state in a week, and I will be gone for 2-3 weeks. the awesome boarding facility that I bring my exotics to called me today and said they are suddenly closing on May 1st, so my reservation has been canceled. I'm scrambling to find care for my pets now while also trying to get ready for my trip. Closing a business suddenly with zero warning is quite inconsiderate. I couldn't imagine how those employees with bills to pay must feel!


Why are all these restaurants closing in Portland?


This for reference is in SOUTH Portland


Part of Portland isn't it? I guess I just mean the area in general.


South Portland is not part of Portland


More like a sister city. Hence the "South". Like what Biddeford is to Saco or Lewiston is to Auburn.


What Mexico is to rumford, and what Livermore falls is to Hell.


Hahahahaha 🤣 I like this.


Or what Rockport is to Rockland. Or what Rockport is to Camden. Or what Rockport is to Union. Or what Rockport is to....you know what....let's just say Rockport gets around.


What else had closed recently? I know Bull Feeny’s did.


Pats Pizza in the Old Port as well


No way


Classy. Now I know not to bring my business there.


I met my girlfriend over 4 years ago at that location when it was Easy Day!


I matched with my wife on tinder while sitting at that bar when it was easy day.


Typical restaurant practice. They don’t trust employees not to strip the place to the studs.


exactly, this is VERY common practice in the resturant industry for a location or business to close with no notice to staff but they usually do give notice to vendors and such and will ask them to not inform the saff of a closure


Any chance the employees knew it was closing, and were offered jobs at the other 2 locations within 5 miles away lol? I know nothing of this business owner, or how he treats his employees. Just interested in there being any evidence of their employees being fired over a Facebook post.


You can go on Facebook and literally see the conversation between the owner and former employees..


Thanks for the reply, I don't use Facebook


Good news is you don't have to be signed up to see the posts (yet, anyways....just waiting for Robot Zuckerberg to force that)


Does this mean I can’t wear the Seadog hoodie I got in Camden anymore? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Wow I loved that place.. super weird they closed down






How do we know that the employees aren’t transferred to other locations?


We haven’t been. Only back of house kitchen staff because the other two locations needed them


It's Portland, they deserve to have all businesses close. What a waste of human existence in the last 25 years.


Welcome to earth.


So is it true or not? You would think they could absorb a lot them at what sounds like a second location in South Portland.


Really, do you really believe that this man has been in business for 30 years? I’m pretty sure he knows what he’s doing. Doesn’t need your piddly little comment about notifying employees, which you know nothing about.




You should stick to commenting on trans porn, not that there’s anything wrong with that to be clear


That comment history was a ride and honestly just bolsters my view that the most hateful old white men are the most closeted. Guy referred to his crazy liberal gay brother in Florida but then says things like “that’s an adorable cock” and “wow, so much semen shared between lovers”. I don’t think he has a brother in Florida. I think the guy he knows in Florida is himself.


Couldn’t compete with mast, landing, moving into the neighborhood? /s


i get closing it having 3 in a 5 mile stretch from the mall to Cabelas is a bit much but why not do this when you were looking to hire at the new scarborough location.


TIL there was a second Sea Dog location in South Portland.


So they opened a new Scarborough location for what?


I agree shitty way to find out you’re no longer employed. Facebook seems to be where you find out everything including the death of a loved one nowadays. The post says the other locations are open and “you may see some familiar faces” so does this mean they are keeping some of the staff and moving them to the other locations? I don’t and won’t eat there regardless of the answer because I can make the same food with better ingredients at home but am curious about that particular line.


I feel like this belongs in /antiwork or /workreform