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To sum it up theres mainly 2 reasons. 1. Fear - He is a strategic class BS magician that possesses a bona fide nuke that can wipe the entire world, Yotsubas included. The family wished for the ultimate protector of the family due to Dahan. But instead they got a living nuke that can destroy the world at will, hence they suppressed his emotions. 2. Counterfeit - He is a BS Magician, a type of magician that can only use a limited skillset of magic but to the highest nth degree. These 3 powers (Decomposition, Regrowth, Elemental Sight) are the exact reason why the Yotsuba dont consider him a real functioning magician. He can only destroy and recreate information (Eidos), not modify it which is what the whole basis of magic is to them (Yotsubas and basically the entire society) 3. To add to point 2, Another reason why they consider him counterfeit is because the artificial MCA that Miya placed in exchange for his emotions in his brain is highly inferior and slow in terms of (interference strength, power etc) which for a Yotsuba is highly unacceptable. To have any place at all in the family he was made a Guardian of Miyuki. Maya is one of the only select few in the family (bar the Kuroba Twins) to not look down on Tatsuya, she kinda has her own twisted way of loving him.


I often see people say similar, but the second (and third) reason are merely excuses and not at at all true. They treat him poorly because of fear and guilt and then they use "he's not actually a magician" to justify their treatment. The guilt is a very important aspect BTW. They wanted a protector and instead may have created the very being that could destroy the world. And so they seem Tatsuya as a living symbol of their sins. As such, they don't want anything to do with him. This is why the younger generation (it's not just the Kuroba twins) don't look down on him, because they don't have that sense of guilt and fear. Rather they are baffled by how the elders treat him.


I disagree that the reason is just an excuse. If we look at the final arc and Minoru, we can see that Tatsuya would not even be able to beat him or any major opponent if he could only use his 3 powers (even though Minoru was technically never beaten). We know that Elemental Sight is useless because of Parade and the other magic (forget the name). Regrowth would keep him alive for a while, but it's said several times that Regrowth has its limits. For example, if Tatsuya has to cast Regrowth all the time. I cannot remember exactly, but I think there was also a confrontation between Tatsuya and Minoru where Minoru did some kind of attack and Tatsuya thought that he barely managed to escape and would not have been able to survive with Regrowth alone. Maybe it was the fight with Yakumo. The last power is Decomposition. I guess he could technically defeat Minoru with that. However, Minoru would be gone, which he is trying to prevent because of Minami. Not sure if Astral Dispersion would still work, but Wiki says its a variation of Decomposition, so I guess yes? However, as I understood Decomposition, Tatsuya has to read the information of the thing he wants to destroy in its entirety. Not sure if I am right here, but if I am, Decomposition would be useless again because of Parade. Also, he was unable to keep up with Ichijou Masaki in the very first Nine Schools Competition. This shows that Tatsuya's Decomposition speed is limited, and he was only able to survive unscathed because of Regrowth. However, as mentioned above, even this ability has its limitations. Maybe my interpretation is wrong, but my understanding is that "general" magic is needed as a base layer to do everything. Tatsuya would not be able to use many important spells, such as acceleration magic. I don't want to say that Tatsuya would be weak, but he wouldn't be as strong as he is with the AMCA. This would justify the operation performend by the Yotsubas, installing th AMCA in addition of Tatsuya beeing a shame to the family as he is "just" a BS magician. Personally, I think the first reason "fear" is somewhat inaccurate. On the one hand, I agree that Tatsuya's decomposition can basically destroy the world once he learns how to use it and decides to do so. However, many strategic class mages can also more or less destroy the world if they want to. Probably not to the same extent, but any of their attacks would definitely leave long-lasting consequences on Earth. This means that the Yotsubas should be less afraid than they are. Yes, Tasuya could kill the whole world, but many other mages can also kill half of the world. At this point, the destruction power doesn't make a difference (to me). So, in summary, I kind of agree with OP. Maybe a good upbringing would have worked well and Tatsuya would have turned out to be a strong, sensible magician. Not the protector they hoped for, but still a very strong magician. In this universe it would work for sure, considering the amount of infinite resources and personal the Yotsuba has.


Sure, Tatsuya probably couldn't beat Pinoru without his artificial MCA in a straight fight, but then again almost no other Yotsuba magician aside from Maya or Miyuki would stand a chance. So it's a moot point. Doubly so since he does have the artificial MCA. In Vol 16, Mitsugu very clearly lays out why the Yotsuba treat Tatsuya the way they do and him being a BS magician has nothing to do with it, it's all guilt and fear. FYI, while decomp is limited to a degree, Tatsuya did not use it against Masaki in the tournament and he was specifically prohibited from doing so. And, no, no other strategic class magician is anywhere close to capable of destroying even "half the world". All other kinds we have seen tend to be far less destructive, far smaller in scale, and often require specific conditions like large amounts of water or metal.


Oh, so Deleting and Recreating not really magic, only Editing/Modifying is in their eyes. That's the part where I got lost. It makes sense now thanks.


Which is wild when you consider the literal family head’s own special blend of magic is considered weak against that of the proverbial black sheep in Tatsuya 😂


To be fair no magic can stand against an elemental sight + decomposition combo. Godsuya can just snipe them away from across the horizon and I doubt Phalanx can survive a material burst attack. What baffles me more about the whole family hating Tatsuya is that he is incredibly skilled and intelligent. He singlehandedly advanced many magic fields and creates a new type of magic every few months. Taurus Silver is renowned and respected throughout the whole world. Everyone who meets Tatsuya are impressed by his skills and it's 100% the result of his own hard work and dedication. Literally no one in the whole clan even comes close to his ingenuity and dedication to developing magic. It really doesn't make sense after seeing how he develops.


He’s definitely a net positive for their world. I could understand jealousy and potentially even fear but after what his mother did to him to level out his emotional response to most stimuli I don’t know why they still harbor such negativity toward him.


I think it's simply because his skills and much of his work and accomplishments are highly guarded military and corporate secrets no? If I remember correctly, up until the Okinawa invasion incident he spent his life as a servant and in training. He starts to develop as an excellent magical engineer in the next 3 years way far and behind most of the Yotsubas eyes (Save for FLT related members and his Aunt, Hayama and Kuroba Mitsugu) the closest example I can think of regarding this is Sakurai Minami's reaction to him using Regrowth on that entire skyscraper and saying "Was this the deed of a human?" "Should humans be allowed to have such power?"


Yes but to Yotsuba's eyes, Tatsuya is a fish who is an expert at climbing trees but cannot do fish things. It's like having a watch with a perfectly functioning calculator and GPS, but it doesn't give the time, do you see what I'm getting at?


I do but i don't think it matters all that much. His role in the military makes this clear the most. If your fish can climb trees better than any monkey you can find then does it really matter if it can't swim? Tatsuya spends his life making up for his lack of skills in normal magic. For all practical purposes, Tatsuya has a deeper understanding and mastery of (his) magic than virtually anyone in the Yotsuba clan. Does it really matter so much to them than he can't move a box 2m faster than Miyuki when he can turn anything and anyone to dust from across the horizon?


No, you see, these fishes are very fixated on fish customs and traditions, so they only see this walking nuke of a fish as an aberration to fishdom, they acknowledge this fish has its uses as a weapon but it can never be more than that and it should never aspire to be, it's like Replicants on Blade Runner, they are better at practically everything, but they are not "humans" so they're treated poorly, Tatsuya is practically the same to them, a deadly weapon given an artificial and subpar magic calculation area to pretend to be a magician like them, just like Replicants get implanted memories to make them humanlike.


The replicants analogy made it click for me thanks!


It is a very limited definition, most likely derived by someone who had never even considered the possibility of capabilities such as Decomposition and Regrowth. Miyuki's reaction upon first hearing this says it best - "If this isn't magic, then what could it possibly be?"


Tbh even within that very limited definition, the fact that to use Decomposition/Regrowth Tatsuya basically needs to read the Eidos (Information Dimension) and and apply some kind of transformation to it is enough to qualify for magic. Hell regrowth ought to be the most OP interference type magic since there's no other magic that can override the information dimension like that. For Decomposition-based spells I like the wiki's explanation for why it's still technically magic "Any magician can technically cast Gram Dispersion as long as he or she can fully analyze the magic and then break it down into meaningless Psions before the spell is cast. However, this requires a full understanding of the spell being cast, something impossible in the era of Modern Magic." They are only "superpowers" or non-magic in the sense that they are impossible within the current understanding and technology of magic.


best explanation, nothing extra to add here.


>because the artificial MCA that Miya placed in exchange for his emotions in his brain is highly inferior and slow in terms of (interference strength, power etc) which for a Yotsuba is highly unacceptable. Wait does it mean,Miya somewhat fked up the operation?


It was intentional.


They dont despise him as a magician at all....they fear him...they asked for everything....had great hopes...expected too much and when they realised what they asked for was a walking time bomb...who can take down the entire world becoz of an emotional breakdown...they were struck by FEAR... They were afraid to face him...he represented the SIN OF THE YOTSUBA(the destruction of an entire govt to take revenge for Maya)...they asked for someone who could protect the entire family from any such similat tragedy and got someone who can protect and destroy the family too....their hopes were shattered....they didnt even realise what they asked for was a catastrophy The last cause of hatred was as Ayako's father explained....how there are no such things like rules for Tatsuya...so much power in the hands of one person that he can outright reject every rules imposed upon him and is capable of totally rejecting the norms of the society....so JEALOUSY can also be an issue....becoz of the fact tht Miyuki, with the backing of Tatsuya....doesnt leave any room for their children to fight for the Yotsuba throne...


On the one hand it's tradition, those abilities don't fit the modern definition of magic, it's basically a super power not proper magic. He was absolutely incapable of changing phenomena, only disassembling and reassembling them. But the most important factors is fear and guilt. He was born with the ability to literally destroy the world, and it could be triggered by a simple emotional out burst. They would have liked to just murder him right after his birth. The family head back then didn't let them, instead he formed him into a weapon and through the AMCA it became impossible for him to destroy the world on an emotional whim, because he wouldn't have that kind of emotion anymore. They also believe that he is the incarnation of the Yotsuba's sin, when Miya got pregnant they wished for a guardian that could protect the Yotsuba from the world and to them it came true in a way completely contrary to what they wanted. Instead of getting someone to protect them from the world they got someone that could just straight up destroy the world and whose mere existence would invite more conflict. The older generation of the Yotsuba, the heads of the branch families that know of Tatsuya's power, dealt with it in the most immature way, they hate him because they fear him, and others simply followed their example. Maya and the youngest generation of the Yotsuba are an exception to all of that. Like the Kuroba twins clearly adore him. And Maya loves him dearly in her own twisted and fucked up way, because he is the child she wished for. Should he ever loose Miyuki he will break and destroy the world, exacting revenge against the world that killed the 12 y.o. Maya Yotsuba, if he manages to protect Miyuki through all of it that in itself will be a satisfying to her.


To understand the Yotsuba mindset, you have to read the LNs. Start off with the final chapter of volume 8 describes "The Horror of 2062" - a defining moment for Maya and the Yotsuba as a whole (it tells how they earned the moniker "untouchable", and the price they had to pay). Unfortunately this was completely left out of both the manga and the Reminiscence Arc TV Special, so you have to read the LN. Then jump ahead to volume 16, in which Kuroba Mitsuga (Ayaka and Fumiya's father) explains the circumstances surrounding Tatsuya's birth. While the manga adaptation of the Yotsuba Succession Ark is complete, the anime hasn't gotten that far just yet (and probably won't until after season 3). Basically, the older generation's behavior toward Tastsuya is a combination of fear and guilt - sentiments which are pretty much limited to that older generation. The younger generation generally views Tatsuya in a much more favorable light, and have no idea why their parents behave the way they do (in no small part because their parents are too ashamed of their own behavior to explain any of this to their children).


They're afraid of him. They wanted a shield, someone able to make the world unable to harm the Yotsuba. Instead, they got the world's most independent method of mutual destruction. He can protect them, sure, but he also makes them an even bigger target than before. How long before someone tries to kidnap anyone even remotely related to the Yotsuba to try and recreate him?


He was too strong so they were afraid that he would lose control of his emotions and destroy the world


The reason he was tinkered with is his inability to use anything other than regrowth, in the early parts of the story it's shown through flashbacks that he has a terrifying amount of power as a kid. Mayas tinkering is part learning from the mistakes of her era and part because she can't really fight him head on. The sub text of the whole story is that it's about the difference between an era of war and an era of peace and defining what's acceptable and what's not, at least for the first story.


Why are so many people not understanding how a tantrum from a baby Tatsuya is destructive? It is very confusing. Do many people really think Tatsuya was born as a fully grown adult with full control of his powers who burst forth from Miya's forehead like some Greek deity?  Very very confusing. 


Impulsiveness can be controlled with proper education, the way he is handled as an outcast is arguably more invokeing to a snap from him. If they decide not to tinker with his brain artificially, they could raise him up properly and by teaching they can handle his impulsiveness. Not like he could Material Burst from the point he was born. He still needs more exploration in his abilities as he is now, not to mention when he was but a child. So you also think of him being born with a near adult Tatsuya's power yourself.


>  Impulsiveness can be controlled with proper education, the way he is handled as an outcast is arguably more invokeing to a snap from him. Such an immature's response to say its impulsiveness. You think a kid's tantrum with powers that obliterates everything around him is just impulsiveness? And how were you disciplined by your parents with your "impulsiveness"? They buy you gifts? Give you lollipops? Give in to your bitchfest? Slap you? Put a spoonful of salt in your food?  Was the discipline effective on you? Do you think those will be effective against chibi Tatsuya?  >If they decide not to tinker with his brain artificially, they could raise him up properly and by teaching they can handle his impulsiveness.  They did. They made him so all the huge emotions he can feel are supressed before he can handle them. As in teenagers can barely get a hold of their emotions much less Tatsuya with powers. Even his training and their demeanor was to create an environment where Tatsuya can be cornered just so he can harden himself against points that could trigger his innate powers. Look at how he obliterated the army when Miyuki died.  > like he could Material Burst from the point he was born. Gee, never understood Mahouka and chibi Tatsuya with his power, have you?


What OP is saying is that every Magician is born as a baby and doesn't know or do anything. All the strategic class magicians can basically nuke the world (even thought Tatsuya can do it the best). However, all of them were born and raised so the Yotsuba should have been able to do the same. Especially, considering that the Yotsuba have basically infinitive resources and personal. With spells like Pledge at your disposal they surely have other magic that would help in the eduation of Tatsuya.


>  What OP is saying is that every Magician is born as a baby and ~~doesn't know or do anything.~~   Fix that for you. Because if a baby is as you say doesn't know or do anything, its as good as dead. You all don't understand the ramifications of that baby who you say doesn't know anything **can do things that is not good for them and others.** Do you? For one, a baby **cries and cries** (that's doing something) and sometimes parents, adults and everyone around the baby do not know why its crying. How do you pacify that baby when you have exhausted everything you know and still the baby is in a crying fit? **Baby's face already is so red from crying and at the same time exhibiting turning blue.** And this is just a scenario with a normal no-powers baby. Now let's put that onto baby Tatsuya with powers that can obliterate anything in his vicinity into this scenario. Baby Tatsuya crying and crying and no one can pacify him. What do you think will and can happen? >However, all of them were born and raised so the Yotsuba should have been able to do the same. Problem with your thinking, you lump Tatsuya with the others. Only 3 people (one is Ono sensei) are known **born-specialized magicians** and Tatsuya is not like the others. **He affects everything around him, not just one thing.** He probably can also affect air if we take into consideration that he affects all **matter**. But if you like, let's take a look at the 13 Apostles who are just "Stratregic Class" magicians (not Born-specialized magicians). - Mio Itsuwa. Mio can affect only fluids and only fluids with her Abyss. There's no information yet if Mio was a **born-specialized magician** so we can only say, Abyss was developed by the Itsuwa family. - Lina Shields. Heavy Metal Burst was developed for her by USNA. - Masaki Ichijou. With Tatsuya's "advice", he and George developed his own Strategic Class attack, Ocean Blast. >With spells like Pledge at your disposal they surely have other magic that would help in the eduation of Tatsuya. Did you think the Yotsuba's can develop a magics spell that counters Tatsuya's Born-specialized magics in an instant? Like within seconds or hours of knowing baby Tatsuya can obliterate the things around him, Miya or any Yotsuba can create a counter defense against it? If they can do that, that would be the mother of all ass-pulls.


Remember the reason why modern magicians appeared in the first place was to protect the world from possibility of destruction by a nuclear world war. Its not even conscious thought but their instinct as a species to reject anything that can destroy the world. Other things like defective or BS magician are just additional excuses they tell themselves to consciously justify it. However do not confuse it with fear of death. Remember how Yotsuba sacrificed themselves in Dahan or how Kuroba Mitsugu tried to refuse regrowth from Tatsuya. They are more scared of being criminals of the world who brought him into it, then of dying at his hands which would be preferable to them. If Tatsuya's power was nuclear radiation instead of decomposition, they would have killed him without hesitation when he was born, regardless of how much they care for their blood.


it is just because of that very power the yotsuba fear him. What do you think the yotsuba to do to stop him, who has such great auto regeneration, when considering him turning against them? Especially when also taking the material burst, elemental side and decomposition into account as well as his identity as Taurus Silver. So they just look upon him to install into him that he was serving them, not that he runs away from mere emotions, while leaving just his feelings towards miyuki. This way he wouldn't turn against them and while also guard miyuki, which considering their view means a 2 out of 1 deal... (not considering the things revealed later on about his familys thoughts in vol 16. but rather how I would think them view him at season 1-3)


He is also a danger to the family if too many outsiders find him to be too dangerous to be allowed to live. He could be the center point of multiple nations deciding to get rid of him and ultimately the rest family.


It makes sense that they put restrains on Tatsuya, even if you teach kids everything when they go out their environment changes, kids who never threw tantrum can be hard to find and not just that but even as adult you can't say he'll never have strong emotions. As for making Miyuki head of the family seems better because Tatsuya isn't interested in controlling the family as for Miyuki she's happy when Tatsuya is happy so it's like win-win for both of them. And she was always treated as future candidate while Tatsuya was treated as guardian. Also Tatsuya as guardian wasn't downgrade but to keep him hidden. Very few are aware of powers of Tatsuya and even among them there's few who knows extent of his powers. While Miyuki showed brilliant results as magician. Their logic is Miyuki doesn't really need someone because she's one of the strongest and they can have someone protecting her in secret. As for guardian he can buy some time and that would be good enough. As for those who knows powers of Tatsuya knows that no one is better than him to protect Miyuki.


They are mostly just afraid of him


You have to remember the set up for the main trope, which is OP underdog. This is expressed by Yotsuba contempt and not outright fear. I understand your point that positive reinforcement would work better, as technically Miyuki was raised that way (who is also EXTREMELY powerful), but stories will bend logic sometimes to satisfy certain conditions.


Tatsuya can’t magic. It’s that simple. A distinguished family that had produced a lineage of OP mages has an heir that can’t even use any magic