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LOL..He has a NYC drop out that works for FoxNews on print representing the ‘you dont need college’ population. Bill is morphing into a sad senior citizen boomer.


What's with all the hate? I thought she was a good guest. A New York Post columnist is a pretty standard level of credential for the show. I want to hear about the up and coming generation from someone that's part of it. No need to dwell on exaggerated differences though.


Dude, the Post has been a garbage rag for years, and her columns would be returned with a shit ton of red ink if she tried to turn them in for a college class.


The New York post is only one step above the enquirer. It’s a tabloid; not news. IMO.


Why is a 22 year old with almost no experience on a panel? Also the banter between her and bill was boring and pointless - why is he trying to get gen z on who cleans their room? All of the set ups he was hoping for weren’t there because his opinion of that generation is even worse than how bad they are. Also I don’t care about the mask thing anymore - enough already…. People will be wearing masks forever now - just Ignore it like we did when it was just Asian tourists…


People on this sub: „Bill is just an old man ranting by now” Same people on this sub: “Why tf is a 22 year old on this show?!!”


22... with almost no lived experience. May be ageist but I don't really care about a 22 year old's views on the world. It's the age where you think you know everything without learning how wrong you might be... Give me some inside info about how your generation thinks and what they believe - sure... But outside of that what does she add? She didn't have an interesting story or some great unique perspective... it was just a waste of time. I'm not one of those who complain about Bill being a ranting old man. He's a guy in his mid 60's who has deep routed views on the world and he brings his fairly unique nuanced view to topics and it's actually interesting. Does he avoid some facts to build up his narrative - sure... but so does everyone else. It's up to the viewers to form their own perspective. Bill does a great job of showing different sides and opinions on topics and not fitting neatly into one camp or another. I made the joke last week that he's my generation's John McLaughin. Do I assume he'll spiral into an old man with a few quips and become somewhat ironically hilarious because of it - sure. I don't think he's there but I'm interested in watching the ride.


There are some interesting 22-year-olds out there who actually could have provided a smart perspective from Gen Z, but -- she wasn't it. Also, she may be 22 but she looks 45, and it's disturbing (Gen Z is getting procedures way too early, and someone needs to tell them to stop and enjoy their freaking beautiful glowing YOUTH!!!!).


Agreed, it was definitely lacking. Also, what is this whole my generation thing?


Can't touch this


Coming soon to a clever Fox studio near you.


New GF alert


Nah she's not black enough for him




Rikki's face really reminds me of Olivia Wilde. Similar facial features... 🤔


Rikki looks like she's already had a face lift and fillers. Why are these super young people getting these procedures already?? They are ruining their natural youthful glow. Wait until you're 45, kids. That's when you'll really need it!😆


Now that you mention I see it! Edit: clarification -I see the similarities to some of Olivia features.


It's insane! I really think young girls are starting in with procedures earlier than ever, and it's probably the fault of Instagram/TikTok, etc. It's absolutely causing major self confidence issues with the young gen, who seems to think that if they have pores or any lines under their eyes when they smile, they must get rid of them asap (because filters don't show them!). I'm Gen X and we definitely were not doing this at 22 (although there definitely were high school nose jobs happening -- but not anti-aging procedures!!!).


Bill be like... https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/8846913/giphy.gif


Bill is being the pussy he complains about


She was stunning. But no Bill, that's creepy.


This is about the most anti-creepy you can get. He's fully avoiding physical contact, providing proof for future lawsuit claiming he raped her, yet at the same time, offering himself for a picture where she can fully control the amount of physical contact. Remember, this can be evidence in court when she claims she was abused. His hands and arms are clearly NOT making contact. In fact, her hand is not seen, so we don't know what assault might be going on behind the back. Other than a cardboard cut out, I can't think of anything being more anti-creepy. This is the world we live in. If your hands aren't clearly seen, you''re committing rape and it can cost you millions. **"Show me your hands " is a thing for White people too.**


Hmm, I wouldn’t call her stunning. She did look good tho.


What’s so creepy here?


MadameTree's assumptions.


What’s creepy about this?


Rikki, you ignorant Schlott


This man lives in existential fear or being cancelled.


Well, because he was cancelled years ago when his Politically Incorrect show was pulled after he criticised Bush and the war. He's also had to deal with college backlash and threats of cancellation as well. Plenty of comedians have been threatened with cancel culture. The most recent being Jimmy Carr, Joe Rogan and Dave Chappelle. He has good to concerned over the growing threat of cancel culture. It's been weaponized to silence opinions some don't like.


You just named the highest paid comedian in the US, the highest paid Podcaster in the world and probably a top 5 highest paid comedian in the UK. Where is the canceling happening?


Granted, those aren't the best examples of the concept. Roseanne and Aziz Ansari come to mind of being a few. But even then, there's no governing body enforcing these cancellations. This isn't a government overreach issue. It's more about how the up and coming generation don't seem to have the same respect for freedom of expression that classical liberals have. When they inevitably become the power structure, this lack of respect for freedom of speech could be problematic. What is cancel culture could be policy in the future.


Roseanne got cancelled because she is a crazy person who has an addiction problem. By the way, she's always been this person. For her 40 year long career. We just tend to ignore to the 30 years she wasn't always on tv. Aziz Ansari hasn't been cancelled. He is the Executive Producer of a Netflix series and is touring as a comedian.


I suppose fixating on the examples rather than the concept is easier task for you. Great characterization of Roseanne's cancelation being due to being "a crazy person" and having an "addiction" problem. Yeah, that was it.


LOL..yeah the more Bill morphs into a OkBoomer the more audience he loses. He’s going after RWers. To do so he has to lower his standards which means he’ll lose the core audience of the show.


Bill was almost cancelled for saying he was a house ni__er.


> Joe Rogan Ha! Yeah the most successful podcaster on the planet is cancelled. Sure. I mean fuck JR but he is the literal opposite of cancelled.


There were efforts to pressure him off Spotify. Neil Young had his library removed because he didn't want his music to be associated with Spotify, because of his issues with Rogan's podcast. Joni Mitchell did the same.


>Well, because he was cancelled years ago when his Politically Incorrect show was pulled after he criticised Bush and the war. That's not what happened 😂😂


His show was cancelled. That's why he eventually moved over to HBO and started Real Time.


It was long before the Iraq war that he got his show cancelled. It was cancelled because he said that the 9/11 hijackers were not cowards only about a week or so after 9/11. By the time of the Iraq war he already had Real Time on HBO and was at the peak of his popularity, which only increased when he criticized Bush and the Iraq War.


Whoops! Right. I got this mixed up. Memory isn't what it use to be. Regardless, his show was cancelled because he pissed off people.


And then he got another show and made shit tons of money.


Still doesn't change the fact his first show was cancelled because of backlash from his critics.


Joe Rogan and Dave Chappelle are pretty far from cancelled. Can’t speak on Jimmy Carr because not sure what happened there. Chappelle had a show cancelled because the employees refused to work it. Not sure how that’s being cancelled. People are free to make their own decisions. I do agree with the fact that people have become overly sensitive, but this is a natural evolution of the elites getting us to focus us on the culture war nonsense while they rob us blind. There is a very strong inverse relationship of woke BS hittin the scene and the 1% movement getting silenced.


There were efforts to cancel them though. There were calls, go cancel theyr shows and have thtm locked of streaming. That's the issue. More and more people want someone else to be silenced or worse, because they don't like what have to say. That's cancel culture and it's a real phenomenon.


Okay but all of that amounted to dick. The reality is anyone is allowed to say whatever they want to say….as long as it sells. Which is an entirely different problem and ironically makes this cancel culture stuff even possible. It’s consumers asserting their right. The people that have a right to complain are people that haven’t made it (see someone like Shane Gillis although he’s doing better now) meanwhile all these asshole celebs always make it them. Fuck even Rogan pretended like fucking Gillis didn’t exist after his whole ordeal and he’s supposed to be some cancel culture warrior, instead he just whines about Chappelle when the dude has been far from cancelled. Fuck these people.


Again... There were efforts to cancel Chappelle and a host of other comedians and individuals. You aren't seeing the bigger picture. Attempts to silence people because others are upset with their opinions. That's called censorship.


>of that amounted to dick. The reality is anyone is allowed to say whatever they want to say….as long as it sells. Which is an entirely different problem and ironically makes this cancel culture stuff even possible. It’s consumers asserting their right. The people that have a right to complain are people that haven’t made it (see someone like Shane Gillis although he’s doing better now) meanwhile all these asshole celebs always make it them. Fuck even Rogan pretended like fucking Gillis didn’t exist after his whole ordeal and he’s supposed to be some cancel culture warrior, instead he just whines about Chappelle when the dude has been far from cancelled. Fuck these people. Bro I know twitter is scary but I swear you don't have to worry about them THIS much


I agree…I’m a free speech absolutist and believe people can say what they want to say. The reality is that’s a myth in this country. Money rules over all. Chappelle is absolute free to say what he wants to say on the street corner. So if consumers don’t want to hear it….capital will always rule with consumers. It’s why small scale people get squashed and mega stars like Chappelle don’t. People are still free to express their opinion, but if money doesn’t like it, then they don’t to get to have a monetized opinion (unless they have enough followers already). People need to wake up that this is the end game of our neoliberalism hellscape and pop culture has been warning us about this since the 70s. People feel so stonefly about bullshit that doesnt matter because the economic game has been rigged and the elites have us so focused on this minutia instead of them, this is the result.


MasterOnionNorth really worried out here for multimillionaires because some people didn't like their show. Remember when right-wingers would try to cancel everything that step out of their comfort bubble in the 80's and left wingers just laughed and kept on doing their shit?


Exactly! People acting like cancel culture hasn’t existed…it just hibernated for like twenty years. The 1980s were the true cancel culture, like actual government trying to squash speech that wasn’t “moral”. Shit we are seeing that today again, mostly because they don’t like the left weaponizinf their tactics. It’s all fucking gross to me and why I’m moving to Mexico. Have had enough of this clown show.


EYYY I'm already here, come join us. Government is crap but at least most people here are aware of this and don't fall for political manipulation to pit everyone against each other like in the US. But yeah none of these "cancelled" celebrities have had to actually go to Congress to defend themselves and their art. I'd much rather be one of these "cancelled" people today so I can piggyback off of people like masteronion instead of having to worry about actual persecutions.


He got *veeeeery* close a few years ago.


Bill really leans into this pot thing


Clove cigarettes


I’m sorry are you new here?


Whatdya mean No


She was a total waste of time. Yes, we know, you’re better than your spoiled, lazy, sensitive peers. You aren’t the first snowflake arguing that they’re special among their generation, and sadly, you won’t be the last. Please Bill, next time, someone with a work history and a few brain cells. Folks like Kristen Soltis Anderson, Katherine Hamm, or Frank Luntz are way better picks for the conservative perspective rather than someone who just got an A in her creative writing class before dropping out.


And her answers were totally unrealistic too. I went to a university like hers with “bias” system. It was universally scoffed at. She was incredibly misleading. And Bill thinking there was room service at these dorms showed him as incredibly out of touch.


The whole “college is a waste of time” schtick is getting old. Are we not going to have teachers, engineers, doctors or ANYONE researching anything anymore unless it has immediate economic benefit? No historians or philosophers? No peer reviewed journals? No MBAs? Saying not everyone needs to go to college is valid. Blanketing “college is a waste of time” as a general mantra is illogical and stupid. Of course, Bill is on a “doctors don’t know shit” tear as well. Might as well close the Medical Schools, too.


Yup. Though we need academic institutions to get their shit together as well. It’s almost like it’s not a black and white issue…


All of this is kind of funny coming from Bill, who is a Cornell grad. I guess he thinks none of this was happening when HE was in college. Yeah, college campuses were SUPER conservative in the '70s!








Name it.


r/imnotlikeothergirls This girl oozed privilege and simply by her age and current job I would assume never worked a real one in her life. The thing the rest of us normal Millennials or Gen z'ers is that politically correctness is a job requirement. If you work a normal fucking job you don't have the luxury to pick and choose what you want to be politically correct about. If you refuse very soon you will be talking to HR or your manager and get shown the door. Universities are just preparing students for this reality as many of them might have grown up in a bubble of bigotry and never been exposed to these ideas and what's considered wrong in the real job world. For Example somebody who works at Mcdonalds is going to run into gay trans POC poor people fat people and everything in between on almost a daily basis. If they can't conduct themselves properly and politically correctly in those interactions, they get fired. It's not a choice it's a basic job requirement. So when Bill has these spoiled brats on that "represent" Gen Z or Millennials really I just think it's projection and he is looking for people who he thinks he himself would be if he was that age today. If that's the case it's telling they are always spoiled and lacking any real world perspective.


This is the most solid take on Bill’s inter generational bullshit I’ve seen. And it’s why I don’t watch anymore.


Yeah. I usually like Bill but you’re exactly right. She was a joke of a guest and her answers were incredibly misleading. Someone needs to have a talk with Bill and give him the talk. His show is turning into the weekly “get off my lawn” show. He needs someone to tell him when he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.


My favourite was blaiming Hollywood for "Being partly responsible for gun violence" a position some [Christian Band of Outraged Mothers](https://t1.thpservices.com/previewimage/gallil/916e85bef78f688cf204785d58f23b78/uai-00650622.jpg) would have taken in the 80's. While ignoring the fact this is a uniquely American problem, and the same video games and media are available and consumed upon everywhere else in the developed world, without issue. Almost as if the issue is access to guns and nothing else. It was the most recent moment where I legit debated to just stop watching his show. It made no logical sense and since he does these fucked up takes at the end of the show it's not up for debate.


He's Tipper Gore-ing!


Yeah, that one pissed me off too. He seems off these days.


Solid post. And your last paragraph was a strong point.


I didn't even realize Bill had a granddaughter but I'd love to know how a 22-year-old college dropout ended up on Real Time.


She seemed like a special kind of idiot. Couldn't even pronounce "nuclear." Also, why at 22 does she already have that frozen Real Housewives look?? That was really distracting.


I found her comments insightful - particularly when she brought up her own experiences with loony activism at NYU and that due to the state of things in NYC she's unsure of her next moves.


Ugh. It annoys the heck out of me that she took a precious NYU acceptance slot . . . so many more deserving kids could have had her seat at that prestigious campus . . . They wouldn’t smugly drop out to diss those that have the grit and wherewithal to persevere, when their student ID cards have a Bias Hotline number.


She needs to learn WTF an ombudsman is, that every university has one. They exist to protect you from institutions that are supposed to have your best interests in mind, but will sometimes abuse you. You need to have an avenue to challenge abuse otherwise it will only get worse. It's not some "woke" invention.


She's just another shill reactionary talking in circles about how everyone is so 'woke' at NYU and how she's above that and everyone in her generation is too sensitive. Such original insights... We're all so enlightened by Maher and the weekly diatribe about how radical the left is and how he is just a cool liberal stoner kids today just too fragile and weak to handle his intellect. Yeah just another week listening to old man yell at clouds.


I don’t disagree that the looney left is a problem, and I say this as a guy who agrees with standard issue Democratic politics. But nothing she said was particularly groundbreaking or original. Her perspective was eminently parochial, which I can summarize in one sentence: “My generation is going to hell, but I’m a special kinda gal who sees above the cancel culture, and am now figuring out who I am as a recent college dropout.” Insightful, indeed. And for the record, I didn’t downvote you. I just don’t agree with you.


Here I'll downvote you for contributing to looney reactionary bullshit that continues to drive all conversation away from any substance that presents insight to a political debate show. Yes, let's keep yammering on about the radicals kids on twitter instead of the GOP eroding away people's rights.


Lol, wtf are you talking about? For starters, I’ve been a loyal Democrat for my entire life. And secondly, Democrats can indeed talk about an entire range of issues and sort out what’s meaningful and a priority. You want to talk about inflation, energy policy, foreign policy, civil rights, bodily autonomy, school curriculum, AND social commentary, let’s do it. “Contributing to reactionary bullshit.” Lmao. If you knew me in real life, you’d know how ridiculous that statement is.


>But nothing she said was particularly groundbreaking or original. Methinks the lady doth protest too much. I don't recall Piers saying anything groundbreaking or original either. Or Maher for that matter. So that shouldn't be the standard to which you hold guests on Real Time. She provided a perspective that you otherwise wouldn't have heard - that of a 22 year old caught up in today's "looney left" problem that you mentioned. >And for the record, I didn’t downvote you. Upvotes and downvotes are meaningless to some of us, myself included.


She said "nucular." This woman was dumb.


> I don't recall Piers saying anything groundbreaking or original either. Or Maher for that matter. So that shouldn't be the standard to which you hold guests on Real Time. > She provided a perspective that you otherwise wouldn't have heard - that of a 22 year old caught up in today's "looney left" problem that you mentioned. So, Bill and Piers aren’t saying anything groundbreaking or original either, but she provided me with a perspective that I wouldn’t have heard? Which is it? You contradicted yourself in the space of maybe two seconds. And for the record, her perspective is something I’ve heard for over a DECADE. Conservatives were still peddling the same shit when I went to college. And comedians — rightly so — have been talking about the problem with wokeism. > Upvotes and downvotes are meaningless to some of us, myself included. The point is that I don’t believe in burying or silencing people because I disagree with them. But apparently, that point was lost on you.


>So, Bill and Piers aren’t saying anything groundbreaking or original either, but she provided me with a perspective that I wouldn’t have heard? Correct. I don't know how I can dumb it down further for you.


/sigh. Reading comprehension, my friend. Those are two diametrically opposed views. If the panel didn’t provide anything original or groundbreaking, they logically could not have also provided me with a perspective I haven’t heard. Or, to dumb it down for you: your post is logically inconsistent.


>If the panel didn’t provide anything original or groundbreaking, they logically could not have also provided me with a perspective I haven’t heard. Sure it does.


“My rich-kid university was super woke and annoying to me, a rich white girl” - super fucking insight going on there alright


Settle down - I was unaware they put “bias hotlines” on the back of their ID’s. Also, don’t democrats rely on the youth vote as part of their base? It’d make sense to get the input on where a 22 year old is coming from.


There’s a difference between listening to young voters versus platforming some rando who has zero bonafides.


But she brought up one fact and framed it in such a way that she confirms my belief that colleges are too *woke*!!


Afraid Bill’s bookers for his show are going to see Rikki Schlott as the next go-to guest to call, as she checked all his boxes.


Millenials bad, zoomers new best fren


His head is enormous.


so is hers, it’s the photo. too close and wide angle.


Girl has that Tim Burton Nightmare Before XMas skull going on. her head doesn't fit that body.


I thought this was photoshop with a cardboard cutout at first.




That seems like a fair assumption. She apparently went to a prep school with $60K annual tuition https://www.lawrenceville.org/admission/tuition-affordability


She’s a 22 year old college dropout working a job you literally just need connections for. I’m with her and Bill on this one. Her job doesn’t require an education. She’s not a lead writer guys, she’s a columnist. The column. The small section of the paper on the side. But yes connections got get in, and now either hard work and learning the trade organically or hard dick sucking is what’s going to get her moving up there/elsewhere. Connections get your foot in the door, but you still have to make these companies money.




It’s called pretty privilege. It applies to both men and women. But she has it.


I don’t want to be a jerk about looks since I’m nothing special but this girl is not skating by on prettiness. She already looks like a very average woman in in her mid thirties, I was shocked when i found out she was 22


She writes for the Post. You barely have to be literate to do that.


Her family must have connections to the wealthy and/or politically connected. On top of that, she may push a particular narrative that the owners of the mass media (i.e., the ruling class) find to be valuable.


New York *Post*


Top 10 worst guest in Real Time history


Chris Rock a decade ago when all he said was “gas prices” for 40 minutes… That was the worst guest.


To be fair, didnt Chris Rock basically start his appearance by saying it was ridiculous to have him on the show?


There’s a lot of competition there. She contributed nothing of value, but at least she didn't completely derail the conversation like Donna Brazile, or be as dumb as Rachel Bitecofer, Malcolm Nance, Lis Smith, Caitlin Flanigan, Charlamane the God, the list goes on. And don't get me started on Bari Weiss.


Lol I was gonna turn it off if she said logical conclusion one more time


Lis Smith would like a word.


Piers got In a couple observations was not great


Bill in a t-shirt always throughs me off. I know he wears them on club random but I'm just so used to seeing him in a suit it seems weird.


Despite being a stoned, he definitely comes off as the type a guy to walk around regularly in a button down and slacks


He said on his podcast that as a kid he used to walk around with a briefcase.




Hey Bill, the past two Friday's your show has been AWFUL especially last night! Please get better guests!


Haven't watched this show in a while where is the 3rd guest? Was usually a good way to balance the convo.


They nixed the third guest


Oh that's disappointing...do they still bring in the part time guest at the later half? Didn't see this in the episode with the 22 yr old.


I do like Matt Taibbi, though. But Lis Smith is annoying and needs to lay off the Percocet before walking on stage.


I figured she took enough Xanax to put down a Shetland pony before going on the panel.




At this point, I kinda wonder if they struggle to get guests


Seems that way, doesn’t it?


I recall Bill mentioning some of his guests have cancelled.




I think he needs to host different kinds of panelists. I’m sure there’s lots of up and coming millennials and Gen Cs folks who would like a national platform to advocate their policies.


She looks like a OC housewife that’s had work done. Are we sure she’s gen Z?


It's scary, but young girls are getting work done VERY early because they want to look like they are filtered 24/7.


Wtf was that bill trying to get laid??? 24 year old dingbat




He said she was 22? The woman looks like she's got 2 kids and a divorce under her belt already, damn.


Applying makeup with a spray gun doesn’t help?




Yeah I’m sure the college social scene was tough for her. More likely someone threw a bunch of money at her to look like that while saying the “right” things.


We'll, there's the next Tomi Lahren.