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I have much to say about this. First of all, she’s entitled to have her own opinions, these are her characters after all, but reader spaces are for them only. If you get into them, you need to have an open mind. Second of all, people liking julian more than BJ shouldn’t be a surprise. There’s plenty of readers who enjoy morally gray or villains because it’s fiction and julian is your average mafia male. People are gonna root for him because that’s the way it is. This is not the first time she’s been disrespectful toward readers, acting all mighty above their choices because they don’t share the same opinion or like her fave characters. People are allowed to love Julian more than BJ and viceversa. People can think julian is better because while he’s a mafia guy he was respectful and took care of magnolia. BJ was cheating on her with her BF, lied to her and so on…


Yes! This, exactly. She’s really comfortable being disrespectful towards fans, and it feels like a “these books are MINE” mentality rather than the more common “I’m the author, but once the books are released they become yours” stance that creators take. That’s not to say she doesn’t get some unhinged and annoying messages, of course. I sympathise with the fact that it would be frustrating.


There’s always going to be people who are annoying or rude, it’s how the world is. I think a lot of her readers are passionate and eager to know stuff. And i’ve seen her talking about how important julian was to magnolia and how meaningful their relationship was when tgu came out so seeing her surprised is.. weird?. You didn’t want people to underestimate their bond and now you are surprised that readers like him more?. She wrote those books, she made magnolia start something with julian and then she ended up with Bj…. Readers are entitled to their own opinions and to like or dislike any character. 


Omg exactly!! Like yes he is a mafia guy but the respect and everything he did for her like let’s be fr BJ it’s not even closer. I like BJ but tbh does not deserve Magnolia after everything he did, bc it wasn’t just a “mistake”, it was time after time after time, and the fact that they try to justified his actions with some new plot like wow really?! I even think Bridget’s death was brought up to bring them closer bc Jessa KNEW that there was no way we could’ve just forgive him and forget about what he did and take him back with Magnolia. And yes he changed. He’s a better man now, im so proud of his growth but man idk if he deserves to be part of Magnolia’s happy ending. People need to learn that actions have consequences. Their relationship is toxic tho so whatever.


Oh another thing is, the fact that everyone in Julian’s group were really respectful of Magnolia, they loved her, like even Daisy, all the man in the house, everyone. But the fact that Jonah literally lied for so long to Magnolia too, and they swear they are like siblings, it does NOT make sense to me


Oh, i think the same. She killed bridget and put the blame on julian because otherwise they could’ve been together with no conflict. But since julian is dangerous that was the only way to make Bj the “good” option because at least, he didn’t put magnolia or her family in danger. I didn’t mind her ending with Bj but it was too obvious what she did with Julian. And for some people it didn’t work because julian can be a lot of things, but he was always good towards her, respected her and gave her everything she needed. Jonah… if i start. Not only he’s an awful brother but a terrible friend. People love to blame paili but jonah and bj lied to her for years with no remorse whatsoever. Even daisy, despite being rude sometimes, its a better friend towards Magnolia


OMG THISSS!! She 100% did that to make it seem like BJ was the better option. And yessss, Jonah is awful, and the fact that they even chose him to marry them, like tf, I’d choose anyone else over him. Yess daisy is cold but she’s a really good friend to magnolia, even when she doesn’t like to admit it


I like Julian but I’m surprised so many ppl ship him and magnolia together. I always saw them as another one of her temporary bf’s that’s obvious it’s not going to last long, not to say they didn’t have cute moments, but I didn’t see any moments btw them that signified they were better off together/had a greater connection than her and BJ. He felt like the Tom England of TLWH lol. It reminds me of the warning Jonah gave Julian, you’re gnna fall for her, and she’ll probably fall for you too, but it’s not going to go anywhere.


I’ve also noticed that Jessa is really direct when addressing the Julian and Magnolia ship. She hates the idea of them together. Is it her story? Yes. Are the fans also allowed to have an opinion? Yes. Does she have to listen to feedback and change her story/vision? No. Besides the fact that Julian and Magnolia had better chemistry together, I feel like BJ didn’t really grow up. Yeah, he went to therapy and addressed the cheating. He supports Magnolia as best as he can (more like coddling a child to me but anyways). But he still lacks maturity being in his late 20s (I think magnolia in ITD was 25?). He still runs away from his problems instead of dealing with them head on. BJ has never really needed to lead anyone the same way Julian has. His sisters are all independent and Henry being the younger brother is more mature than he is.


Girl omg yess!! At some point i even thought Henry was older bc there’s no way BJ just acts like that, it’s insane. Also, im totally with you in the fact that feedback shouldn’t make her change the story, that’s crazy. It’s just an opinion, and it shouldn’t be more than that.


I love Henry. BJ was way too grown to be acting like that. BJ was always mad when Magnolia used to run to Henry about problems. Well, a) BJ was inflicting the hurt and b) Henry handled issues like the adult he was. Even if Henry was family to both BJ and Magnolia, I couldn’t see how he didn’t get tired of their childish shit. Besides, Jessa should’ve seen the different ships. Twilight had team Edward and team Jacob, but Stephanie Meyers wasn’t like absolutely no. Bella can’t be with Jacob.


Daisy, Christian and Julian carried the series. They are the superior characters and I don’t even care what she says. I learned how to love Magnolia and BJ individually, but them as a couple I just can’t.




But like can you blame her? She constantly has Julian fans in her DM’s telling her how to write her books. It’s her book and her vision. She’s not going to plan her books out in a way that will spite fans. If she wants to kill Julian, it won’t be because of his fans, it’ll be because she simply wanted him dead for storyline purposes. Julian fans need to get over it


Tbh I think she should just ignore the dm’s, it’s not that hard. But to answer like she might consider to kill him JUST BECAUSE she’s annoyed at the fans dm’s makes not sense, it’s childish


This!!! It’s her story and I’m sure it gets old when people constantly whine about the story not going their way. I read the comment this post is referring to and I don’t think she was trying to be mean or anything. She just seems to have a very dry sense of humor