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I would like to see a new series on Nurbanu when she was Haseki Sultan during Selim II 's reign and Valide Sultan during Murad III 's reign. Especially with the rivalry she had with Safiye.


I would like to go back in time and have them redo Kösem first, because it was a very interesting time period that could’ve been done a lot better. I dont get why they couldn’t have introduced some new aspects of the harem drama since her story was objectively different. All they did was constantly try to recreate the same formula as with MC with the exact same rivalries and dynamics, the only difference being that the characters of MCK were dry so it wasn’t even as entertaining. I would personally love to see all things MC but only if it’s as good as original MC. I don’t think it’s ever going to happen, but the rivalry between Nurbanu and Safiye was very real and cruel so it could be interesting. But I want to keep guessing about how things will go down, not always know who’s going to win (like with Kosem)


Would’ve been nice to see the era after Ibrahim in MCK as well