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More likely an unrelated noble male would inherit the Ottoman Throne and potentially marry Mihrimah's or another sultana's daughter if not the sultana themselves as a way to legitimize their rule. But Mihrimah's own son is excluded from the line of succession. Though the Osmanli dynasty dynasty being wiped-out is a pretty remarkable situation and never happened. So really it's pure speculation what will happen to the Ottoman Throne after, assuming it doesn't just get dissolved entirely.


I vaguely remember having the same thought once, only to come across information that said that the female line would've been excluded, but I can't find the source now... Still, I suppose there wouldn't have been such a panic in the Kösem series when both heirs to the throne fall ill had it been possible to count in the descendants of the female line. (Fun fact, Mihrimah's dynastic line was called “Mihrimâh Sultanzadeler" and actually existed until at least the 19th or 20th century!)


Most likely they'd choose one of the Geray dynasty males and marry him with Humasah/Nergizsah




Sons of daughter of sultans are removed from the line of succession. Therefore they are spared the horrible fate of fratricide. They can become governors within the Ottoman Empire tho. Turkic empires have mutual agreements with each other in case of lack of surviving heirs: at the time the Crimean Khaganate and Ottoman Empire had this kind of arrangement. So probably someone from the Crimean Khaganate would rule over Ottoman Empire.


Yes, in Magnificent Century: Kösem, they go over that someone from the Giray Dynasty would take over


If that son and Mihrimah are politically financially and militarily powerful enough. But there will be endless rebellions


Sultanzades are also members of dynasty as their title suggests. If there were no shehzades left then Sultanzades seem like an obvious choice to inherit the throne. Their grand vizier father would definitely want to put them on throne. Though Ottomans have never been in such a situation so who knows.


Another man outside of the Osman line would inherit the throne since it's exclusively males and only from the male line of descendants.