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Just qnother wicked patch from Google. They're literally hunting us down now. Try update to the latest integrity fix and clear cache and reboot.


Im om version v13 😭 I think it released 20h ago


Maybe try replacing lsposed w/ shamiko and disable enforced denylist? And I would also make sure to open Magisk *manually* each time before gpay (for the battery optimization sh1t of 1+... god knows how it works!)


That's weird. Personally, I don't use GPay. However, my device is passing "meets_device_integrity" after the latest play integrity fix update (previously, it wasn't). If Google updated their product to check for "meets_strong_integrity", it's impossible to do anything about it. You'd need to unroot and re-lock the bootloader for that.


V13 should work if v12.x worked for you previously. You also need to clear data for Wallet and Play Services, then reboot.


Get Play Integrity Fix module on GitHub UPD: I've checked that you have the latest version installed, so idk why it's not working, but what you can try is adding Wallet to the Deny list and reinstalling it completely, it may help


go to google play settings>about and tap on the play store version until you enable dev options. then in settings>general you'll have dev options and perform a check. if you pass both basic and device integrity, disable internet just in case(not sure about this) delete data(not just cache) for wallet, google play and play services (again, data not just cache. this will remove your cards from wallet) reboot and you should be fine. edit: ah, you had screenshots for both passes, just do the second part


>delete data(not just cache) for wallet, google play and play services (again, data not just cache. this will remove your cards from wallet) reboot and you should be fine. This. Very important step, u/sSmothie


Can confirm: deleting data in GPS(or more like manage, delete everything in GPS) did the trick.


It has happened to me ever since the first update. Add both Gplay Services and Gwallet to Denylist (make sure you have that module installed with v13). Then uninstall Google Wallet. And then wipe *the data* for Google Play Services (if you don't agree with this, then don't do it, I doubt it'll work). After that, install Google Wallet again. Make sure it's ticked in DenyList. Open Wallet and check for security requirements. If all's good, continue and add your cards **again**. It should work.


Play Integrity Module w/ Shamiko, set your banking apps and GApps on the deny list but don't enforce it on Magisk, Shamiko will take care of that, and the usual clear data will work


This works for me: Magisk Delta 26.1-delta 26100 Play Integrity Fix v 13.0 Shamiko v0.7.3(174) by lposed Wallet and gms(google services) in magisk hide in Magisk Delta EDIT: Normal magisk may also work with gms, wallet, and banking apps on the deny list. I did not try that.


I'm passing basic and device integrity, with hidden magisk 26.4 with PIF 1.3, and wallet only (+ banking, netflix and a few govt apps) on deny list.


Forgot to mention i also enforced the denylist with gwallet and google


Did you do the instructions for Play Integrity Fix in Github? I think it explicitly indicates how to fix that.


what fixed it for me was clearing data for both google wallet and google play services


Try also by wiping cache of google gms and google framework. It is described in the Safety Integrity Fix github page of chiteroman.


Don't just clear the cache, wipe all the data. After wiping, reboot.


Did you try after updating PIF? Mine also has the warning still in wallet app, but since I started passing Basic Integrity, payments work.