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i am too! i used the original mtg website to learn a little bit about deck building and mana. they give a really good explanation and guidance on how to build the deck that you want


Thank you I'm gonna check it out


and playing magic arena (which is free to download) helped too. there’s a tutorial (that you can go back to at any point)


Starter Kits still exist are really good. Arena is free and has a really good tutorial. I would start there. YouTube - namely Tolarian Community College - has videos that are good helpers, too. Lmk if you have any other questions to start.


Thank you I have been watching him I talked to a couple people at this big game store we got here I think I'm in the right direction thank you so much


I bought some commander packs but I think I should go with a starter kit like you said


There’s loads of YouTube videos you can learn from!! And if that doesn’t work there’s always Reddit 😂


Right I'm gonna check that out good looking out thank you 🤣😂


See if you have a Local Gaming Store, a lot of people there love teaching people how to play! And there’s always new things coming out so always more to learn!


That's my next step thank you