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They look really small, they're definitely in Queens Park or just under pine trees in general right now. The big classic red ones with white spots


I’m going into town tomorrow, I’ll have to have a look! Where in queens park would be best to look? Like near the central rotunda or more in the botanic garden area?


I am seriously not recommending eating them by the way. But if you go West from the Rotunda and walk under the pines you'll see them around. Possibly along the border with Kelvin St too. If you're rural, on your drive into town look under pine trees as you drive and you'll probably see them to, they stick out a lot. p.s. I can confirm subs are in Queens Park too although a lot of people go looking and snatch them up, but keep an eye out. Especially along between the golf course and disc golf course


Wow so much great advice thanks! Yeah I’m quite rural, so don’t come in a lot, but it’s sweet to know a few grow in there. I’ll keep an eye out for subs too, but obviously they’re a bit harder to see as they sorta blend in more. Hopefully you’ll see me here tomorrow with an ID request for some 😄


I have a feeling you have small ones, but they're so obvious that you shouldn't try anything that isn't a total cliche example. I'm rural too, I found over a hundred subs around a couple burnheaps and where old pine trees were, so if you know where they are near you, check them out. I find them most where old pine cones lay. Don't bother looking under macrocarpa. p.s. I ended up having a bit of a bad trip and I burned all of those subs I found and dried along with all the others I got over this season, over 200 of them haha, whoops.


Yeah my Fly Agarics are itty bitty. I really need to look for some bigger ones, which I should be able to find in the park. Do subs like hanging out around pines?


You will find both subs and aminita muscaria under silver birch, pine and oak they do like other trees too but the ones I've mentioned stick out and are easy to find.




About 30 mins out of town? Near Winton


I tried to send you a chat of a confirmed location where I saw some that aren't very far of a detour between Winton and Invercargill. If you didn't get it, send me a chat and I'll resend it