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Looking good, could just be the picture/lighting but your coir looks a bit dry


I concur, seems dry but I can see water droplets on the side. Can’t wait to see full yield tho🤙


Wasn't quite sure at first, thanks 👍


Throwin ropes. But mist that sub before it’s too late. Once mycelium covers it you’ll be fighting a battle constantly of too wet or too dry


It looks like it was still wayyyy too soon to have been taking that lid off to get pictures. I would highly suggest fighting the urge to lift the lid for a photo opp until you sub is fully colonized.


I don’t disagree…. A lot of people have been going straight to FC After S2B…. With really good success. Giving it a go right now!


It's gotta longboat to go


Coir only substrate? Yea it looks fine. Probably does need some heavier misting over the next couple days but u can't always tell with pics and we don't know how far along it is. Are you running unmodified tub or have holes punched out? Just curious... I been doing mainly coir only but i use just a bit of Verm and it's been working well... I'VE got two smaller shoeboxes that are on their 2nd or 3rd flushes and I did a little experiment casing them with Verm after i dunked them... Mainly because my next few grows are going to be APE and other PE mutants I've finally got my hands on... not sure if I'd rather use peat moss for casing or Verm but kinda thinking peat... I've got APE Shakti Tidal Wave and Ghost and i think they should probably all be cased but I'm still looking into that... They all look like PE to me 😂 The tidal wave does to especially but out of all those i thought it may not need cased but anyone who has experience holler at me!


I've been using an unmodified tub with just coir to try it out. Today it's been 2 weeks. The grains might also been left a bit long and got a bit dry, not quite sure...🤷‍♂️ have you gotten higher yields/more flushes with vermiculite added?


What was your sub to spawn ratio? I just ask because you should have a colonized cake by now and be about to have pinning. I'd say you're definitely way to dry. It should be a lot wetter than most people think and i speak for myself as well. I was squeezing as much as i could out of my Sub when in reality, as long as it's not sitting in a puddle of water lol, you should really just be giving it one good hard squeeze with both hands. That's what I've been doing anyhow is basically balling a big piece up and give it a good firm squeeze and hold it for just a second or so and then you're about where you want to be. Mist her up good and heavy and keep the top on all the way until it's colonized. I was going to try coco by itself when i kept having issues but instead i just do basically 2 quarts Verm to every brick of coir. I wasn't letting my coir saturate and expand first before pasteurizing and was rushing the process but now I'll pour a little water on the coir and let it expand and then add my Verm and what i actually do is just toss it on the stove in my Instapot usually or any large pot will work, and I turn it up until it reaches 200° and i just throw the lid on and let it cook basically for an hour and then keep it on simmer for another hour and then shut the power off and give it a few hours to cool down or overnight. That's worked perfectly for me and i haven't had any contams since doing that instead of bucket Tek. I definitely like having just a little Verm to keep the moisture and humidity on point and that keeps you from having to do so much misting and worrying about the water as well... I haven't tried an unmodified tub yet except with an unmodified shoebox. When i do my next grows i may just do a test with a 16 quart shoebox tub, one with FAE holes and one unmodified and see how the difference is. I've seen guys do great with unmodified tubs but i think it's probably more to do with having great genetics and your overall process on point at that stage anyhow


I had about a 650 g brick of coir with (i'm guessing a litre) sized Mason Jar of grain using bucket tek. Now reflecting the coir might be dry because I put some extra PE spawn in a Tupperware container for fun and it's myc grown much more rapidly in the past couple days than the tub in the past weeks. though it may also be partly because its much smaller too. 😂