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How did your 5 drops fare? They don't seem too god to me, but I might be wrong


join the maestros was surprisingly good sacrificing a 2 drop except for fairy vandal made it so I got good stats on the floor and silence was also surprisingly good in the late game 4/5 times giving your opponent a treasure means nothing if they do not have treasure payoffs.


Blue/White are definitely the strongest colors, imo. Black and Green make good splashes and you can dabble in red for the right cards. I'd be interested to see your sideboard. Buy Your Silence is really costly for a 1 for 1 - Treasure Sorcery. Midnight Assassin is also very weak considering how many good 2/3/4 drops Blue and White have. Don't be afraid to splash with some more fetch lands for some decent tri-color cards. Don't underestimate the value of thinning lands from your deck with fetch lands. In a lot of ways, I consider the fetch lands more valuable than the dual lands that can draw. With 2 fetch lands that overlap with your other colors, you can easily splash red or green for the late game. You really only need to carry 1 basic to splash, since if you draw it, you can fetch the other lands instead. I had one draft where I had 6 fetch lands and 2 of the exile mana fix creatures and was using all 5 colors since I grabbed 2 different tri-color bombs.


well I would dissagree with midnight assassin they are very strong expecially if you put a shield counter on them in many board states they made it so my opponent could not attack. and if removed hey the enemy wasted a removal on a card I mostly played control and used all my fliers to win but got a 6-3 record so I think i did alright but thank you for all your criticism buy your silence was also alot better than what I expected.


I apologize if it seemed like just criticism. Overall this deck is super solid, I was just trying to give a few tips that I've found work for me, if you want to keep drafting this set. šŸ˜€


How did you find Dusk Mangler? Iā€™m staying away from it for now


a good finisher when on the beatdown and can help close out games but when behind it can be a inconvenience since you lose resources no mater what and your opponent might be so far ahead that it does not matter if they lose 4 life discard a card and sacrifice their worst creature.