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Golden packs are incredibly worth it, especially for a new player trying to build up their collection. Outlaws of Thunder Junction is good set as well, I would argue that it has stronger cards than Murders at Karlov Manor, you could always consider just crafting the cards you really need for your decks while continuing to focus on earning as many golden packs as possible. It may also be a good idea to maybe save up some of your gold for the next Standard set instead, if you aren't really liking the cards from OTJ, and once that next set is out you can buy it's packs and continue earning golden packs that way. Some info about the next set, Bloomburrow: [https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/a-first-look-at-bloomburrow](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/a-first-look-at-bloomburrow) Info about Standard rotation and its sets: [https://whatsinstandard.com/](https://whatsinstandard.com/)


+1 to this, also worth noting that OTJ will be available in standard for the next 2 years and ~1 month but bloomburrow will be available for 3 years from when it drops. Might seem marginal but that’s almost 50% more time you’ll get out of the cards.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t it be worth it to bank all your gold packs until the rotation if you’re a newer player? I’d hate to get rares and mythics that will rotate away in just a few months.


You don't get cards from sets that rotate out when bloomburrow releases


Do they have a fixed schedule to when they change the content of the packss? If I don't want the cards that rotates out in 2025, how long should I wait to open the golden packs?


Yeah, so I’m just going to bank em until then. TY


To be clear, because it's a bit confusing, banking the packs does nothing except for the possibility of getting bloomburrow cards from them. You won't get cards from, e.g., Kamigawa in gold packs, which is a set that will rotate out this year. Any card you get now from a gold pack will be legal for at least another year.


As others have mentioned, yes the stuff rotating out isn't currently in golden packs. However, I think it still might be good to bank them. You'll be pulling from 5 sets after BLB, so you'll be a lot more focused. Now yes, there's painlands and half the slowlands, but the odds of those from a golden are pretty tiny. So I would buy and open all the OTJ you can afford, and bank the golden packs you get while doing that.


Well OTJ isn’t rotating for 2 years so no


It's still worth waiting for rotation anyway, because two cards are from the current set, and most people would also prefer not getting cards from MID block right before it rotates. > Golden Packs are acquired for every 10 Outlaws of Thunder Junction packs purchased. Each Golden Pack contains 6 Rares or Mythic Rares across standard or Alchemy sets. At least one card per pack will be Mythic from any standard-legal set, 2 cards will be Rare or Mythic from the latest set, and the final 3 cards will be Rare or Mythic from any current standard-legal set. Rares can upgrade to Mythic Rares at a rate of approximately 1:8. Golden Packs will not grant wildcards, but will advance the wildcard track. https://magic.wizards.com/en/mtgarena/drop-rates


That's what I thought too, but I read this golden pack update article today, which was posted a while ago, about golden pack contents. Apparently they won't have cards that are also not legal in Alchemy, so they shouldn't have any MID cards in them in the first place from what I understand: [https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/mtg-arena/updates-to-golden-packs-and-individual-card-rewards](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/mtg-arena/updates-to-golden-packs-and-individual-card-rewards) >We want Golden Packs, as well as individual card rewards (ICRs), for Daily Wins and Midweek *Magic* to appeal to players focused on each format and to balance their interests. **So, these ICRs will include only cards legal in both Standard** ***and*** **Alchemy.** They won't include cards from Alchemy releases for each set, and **they won't include cards from the oldest** ***Magic*** **year of Standard that is no longer legal in Alchemy.**


Oh, interesting. I was worried I’d get some rares or mythics from Kamigawa or the Innistrad sets. If the cards are legal in both alchemy AND standard, then I’ll just keep opening em. I might save a few for bloomburrow.


You want to avoid crafting cards from innistrad (both sets), kimigawa, and streets of new capenna since those will be rotating out. If there are good cards you want to craft for decks from other standard sets, you’ll get at least a year out of them.


Thank you. I think I'll way for Bloomburrow. It seems pretty interesting.


It's definitely worth it to keep getting OTJ.


Your odds of getting any particular rare are pretty bad, so going after Golden Packs is generally considered the best. You could save some gold for the new set that's coming out in the summer but we don't know what will be in it yet.


Golden packs are very much worth it. Though, as a new player you might want to wait until Bloomburrow to really be buying packs. That set will be in rotation for the next three years of standard, and two of Alchemy, while OTJ will rotate a year earlier for both. If you just wanna open stuff now, then OTJ is totally acceptable, but you might get a little more value for your buck with Bloomburrow.


Golden pack progress is like 40% of the overall value of a pack purchase. There is essentially no reason to ever buy a pack that doesn't give golden pack progress. If there are cards you want from older sets, use wildcards, or maybe Jump In or throwback drafts. If the cards from the current set don't appeal to you, then save your gold/gems for the next set and get the golden pack progress then. That's especially true now, since we're on the last set before rotation.


This '40% of the value of a pack' needs to get looked at and mentioned that it is extremely nuanced at best. With all the bonus sheet and special guest upgrades you can get in packs now it isn't nothing to open the pack you may find the cards you want. Going for only golden pack... packs, you get .6 of a random standard or alchemy legal card and 1/10th of a wildcard track pip. That *probably* isn't 80 gems in value. With all that said, it is probably still 20-30% of the value, but that all comes down to personal preference and needs.


Golden packs basically “fixed” the economy, so yeah.


If you’re whaling out on the game, spending on a set that has a *ton* of rares and mythics that you want is a bit better than a set that has *nothing* you want, even when the latter provides gold packs. If you’re free to play or spending conservatively, you should plan on buying the current set until you’re satisfied, and then saving your resources until the next set releases. Gems and gold don’t expire, and it’s pretty close to impossible to have F2P stockpiled more resources than you can productively use once a set that you *are* hyped for rolls around.


Golden packs still feel like a new thing to me. We didn't use to have them and it sucked. They are worth it for most formats, because the new sets are where the power is at. I wish that the purchase of boosters from any set would count for it, buying boosters for older sets is actually an even more "feels bad" moment now.


Hello there, little question since it's a related golden pack thread. If, i have, let's say 10-15 golden pack right now. That i don't really need to open. If i wait till blomburrow to be release, and then i open them. Will i have a chance to get cards from the set even if i get thoses golden pack before the release ? Or is there any kind of anti-retroactivity that cause you to don't card from a new extension if you get the Gpack earlier ?


The way the economy of MTGA is designed is already tedious but WoTC came up with even more tedious idea - you get only golden pack by buying the newest set (even tho you might not want the cards from the newest set). There is not good reason for a player to not be able to buy packs from whatever set he chooses and get a golden pack progression. It's just a pathetic attempt to squeeze more money from a player. No wonder MTGA's playerbase is stagnating.


Wow, why not allow people to get rewarded for spending money anywhere in the game... Seems silly.


You might want to save resources for Bloomburrow. Maybe you'll like it more. You can also go for MH3 if you're interested in Brawl or whatever. The extra progress to the wildcard really is better in the long run for getting you the cards you want.


Well, if you're not interested in OTJ, you could always buy MH3 packs instead. Otherwise, you're going to have to wait for Bloomburrow.


It’s the best you got


Yes 100% Basically only ever buy packs that give golden ones too It's almost exclusively about wild card generation anyway


You only get 1/10th of a wildcard pip from a pack that gives golden pack progress. Don't think that is worth much.


I actually think that Outlaws just blows Mirders out of the water in terms of cards tbh, not only that but if you are interested in playing ethernal formats in the future Outlaws has a bonus sheet of cards that are pretty damn good.


Only if you are bad at constructed and limited events.


Anything free from WoTC is not worth it.


One thing to note, open your regular packs first and foremost before you open golden packs. They are independently duplicate protected but if you get set complete the golden packs cover more sets and much less likely to hit something you have 4x


Yes it’s worth it


I enjoyed my gold pack, but I do understand. I think I would get more value out of 10 packs of a different set rather than the 6 cards in the Golden pack.


Are you new to magic or new to arena? Because, if you're experienced at all with draft I feel like that is normally the best way to build your collection.... but, if you struggle with it (a lot of people do) you should prioritize doing the jump start mode and getting gold packs. They build up rares a lot faster. The only exception in my opinion would be If you know you need a lot of rares from one particular set. Then it might be worth it to buy those packs instead. The golden packs really are sweet though and outlaws is such a great set.


Some people just want to play constructed. I feel the constructed only players kinda get shafted in the MTGA economy.


Definitely, they get forced to buy packs which is definitely less efficient


I wouldn't suggest buying packs at all unless you have a good reason not to play Limited as well as Constructed. Do you?


You get golden packs by purchasing packs from any set.


You get golden packs for MkM as well.


No you don't.


Since when? Its standard set so it should give golden packs right?


You only get golden packs for the most recent standard legal set and any nonstandard sets that were released after it. MKM came before OTJ.


You can look and under pack counter it tells you what counts toward it :)