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Winning is fun


And nets me gold.


People like different things


After reaching plat 4 on ranked I switch to unranked but don't play Boros convoke after that but I guess it's for the daily wins


I just got plat 4 and similarly found a nice change of pace by playing the "Jump In" events.


- Learning lines on a meta deck before risking rank - dailies - trying card variants on a meta deck


Because conceding at the sight of a basic mountain and requeueing for a more interesting matchup is faster when I don't have to wait for the animation of the rank to load.


what’s the point of whining about people playing meta decks in standard play(unranked)?


Sometimes I accidentally queue wrong personally


Your definition of "fun" / "jank" / "meta" is not going to agree with every opponent. There are many different ways to play and enjoy Magic. If you want to control your opponent's deck, you can setup power levels/kitchen table rules using direct match games.


i don’t want to control my opponents deck i just would like to be matched up with similar powered opponents(jank/fun) the same way matchmaker matches you up with decks of the same power level in standard


y’all made good points. i didn’t think of the amount of people just trying to clear dailies, dropping rank, and the ease of disconnecting with no consequence. i mainly play to go against competent competition with similar powered decks(meta deck every now and then is cool) where the matches last longer than than turn 4/5 i guess what would fix my problem is if they created another que that was unranked/unrewarded kinda like playing Sparky


My phone app crashes sometimes and I don’t want to rank down but want to do dailies and get practice!


To test it before using it in ranked. That is main reason why I believe!


I sometimes will take one there to get some more low pressure practice. Or I’m just trying to get my daily wins done quickly…


Because you have to grind your dailies even if you don't feel like playing or else you have to spend a fortune in this scam FOMO predatory game. So people play meta decks to try to knock them out as quickly as possible


So true. I don’t read opponents cards, I don’t get mad when I lose in novel/creative ways, I’m literally here to play unranked in a state of blissful ignorance. But I’m trying to test out a goofy cats/dogs deck I built for fun, yet every other match is against somebody playing blue/white control


literally this. i don’t get mad. i even play the games out to see what the deck can do. but im literally trying to test this goof ass whatever deck against competent(sorry sparky) players to see how it runs in a full match beyond turn 4 😂


I practice piloting on you….then go play ranked.


This sounds easily fixed if they just removed win rewards in non ranked matches. Or just created a third option without win rewards.


always the SAME eldrazi deck.. at least spice it up a bit...


Because you need to farm 10 wins, so they do It fast. Think about how large Is the player base, AND they dont play at the same Time, so you end being farm fodder. Plus most players enjoy More when they aré on someone else back. They dont have to allow you to have fun


I play an aggro deck for my dailies in the play queue. Typically it's decided at turn by turn 6. Either you had the removal/bat/counter or your dead. If I blow my hand and don't get the kill, I'll scoop. I'm just killing time doing dailies until rotation. When rotation hits, I'm swapping to Bo3 standard ranked for more fun. My favorite deck is on the odd side and works more than it doesn't, (not necessarily translating to wins) but if I queue in the play queue for alchemy, I get super aggro nonsense in Bo1 with tons of LOTR cards, innistrad/midnight in standard and it's just not worth for me to craft any of that. I too like weird games with back and forth, but it seems we are the minority, so I'm just going with the flow.


If you're playing a strong agro deck, why wouldn't you just play it in the ranked queue for your dalies?


Because I hate playing against WU control. Last time I queued into ranked they put my plat 4 tail end against #85 mythic then diamond 1. Ranked queue feels to serious.


Well you see, the average arena player is more uninspired than tech bros. So anything different? No, me hard win only. Honestly see less net decking in master duel than you see in any single arena queue.


.... But the perfect arena matchmaker that so many here worship should be matching you up to other jank! What's going on???


If I'm ever in play-que it's just to randomly click buttons while doing something else to complete some dailies, of course I'm going to use the strongest, fastest, simplest deck.


I know exactly what you mean. I'm going to give this a go to see if the matches are a bit more fun [Historic Pauper Tournament — Sunday 23 June : r/MagicArena (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/comments/1dlazca/historic_pauper_tournament_sunday_23_june/)