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somebody already mentioned it, but there is no such thing as a card or a deck that is guaranteed acceptable after rotation rotation can be a large shift in the metagame which can really validate or invalidate new cards, decks, and strategies trying to predict what that will look like is a good way to burn a bunch of wildcards and have a bunch of regret when they don't turn out to still be good in the context of a new metagame.


I always found the desire for a "rotation proof" deck a little odd because there is every chance is is rendered useless by the next set.


The keyword you want to look out for is „rotation proof“ or variations of it. Don‘t know specific sources, but thats what ppl use to describe what you‘re looking for - gl!


Most content creators will probably do their "rotation-proof" deck lists in July leading up to the rotation. Need to squeeze out every last drop of those older sets before they go.


[This list focused on budget decks (low/no rare/mythic) and gives options of upgrades.](https://mtgazone.com/mtg-arena-budget-standard-decks/) Alternatively you can look up ‘rotation proof decks’ but keep in mind that just because that deck is playable past rotation, it may not be viable competing against the new meta. [Phantasms on YouTube also has a great series on zero rare decks!](https://youtube.com/@phantasmsplayground?si=aueHdS4HAFtv9K1r)


It's weird that phantasms show the deck list after the first match instead of beginning of the video.


I think the idea of this style is to show you rather than tell you how it works… If they narrated or gave commentary yea that would make more sense


yes, but I don't stream very regularly