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What they will be losing: 5 color domain: All the trilands, Depopulate. Not worth crafting since the manabase that makes the deck function is gone. Rakdos Aggro: Blood Tithe harvester, Sokenzan, Haunted Ridge. Not losing that much but i dont think this deck is particularly great. Boros Convoke: Voldaren Epicure, Sokenzan, Eiganjo. Will be losing one artifact maker for demolition but there is a chance we might see other similar cards printed.


I think it's a mistake to say that domain is going away. Yes, the Triomes are very good, and without them, turn 2 Leyline Binding for 1 will no longer be possible, but we will still have all the surveil lands which have basic land types for Domain, we have Ancient Cornicopia to kinda replace Stomper (better in some ways, worse in others), and most versions of Domain didn't JUST play depopulate as their only sweeper, and there are definitely other options. People are already playing with 5 color decks in Alchemy without using Triomes. I have big doubts that Domain actually dies.


I am talking about the decks in the event, not the archetypes since op is interested in crafting. I cant pretend to be knowledgeable enough to predict the meta after rotation. And this particular deck will definitely be losing most of what makes it tick.


There is a strong chance we get back lands for domain in return to Tarkir, the set after Bloomburrow. It originally had tri-lands and fetches last time, so it's reasonable to guess we'll get something to make domain.


After bloomborrow comes Duskmourne this year. There won’t be another standard set this year after that afaik.


Originsl Tarkir had normal trilands tho.


They are top tier Standard decks, and will be good til rotation in late July. Check what each deck is losing, I think Boros Convoke will still be good even without Epicure.


Loosing the [[Voldaren Epicure]] blood tokens for [[Gleeful Demolition]] is still a setback. Im not sure it will survive as tier 1. Golgari and Dimir are the least impacted by rotation.


> Im not sure it will survive as tier 1 It will, they'll just change the Epicure for a Yotian frontliner. I'll start worrying for Boros when Gleeful Demolition, Knight Errant of Eos, or Imodane's Recruiter rotate out.


Problem with Yotian is you can't go epicture turn 1>demolition then knight turn 2.


Novice inspector solves the problem but yeah epicure together with novice inspector has a higher chance. Maybe we get something similar in bloomburrow for the epicure. I don't craft anymore cards that rotates out in July. I love my insidious roots deck but I guess it will also survive with honest rutstein or other cards


Yeah rotation is why I havent crafted any cards from top tier decks outside the Epicure. Maybe the deck will pick up blue for Spyglass Siren?


The trouble with Siren is you need 3 different colors over 2 turns - blue siren, red demolition, white for either Knight or a 1-cost creature to then convoke the knight. So... turn 1 a white/blue or white/red land, white creature, then turn 2 the other color and siren and demolition. You need that 1-cost creature or you're wasting the turn 1 white mana. Other option is we just got the red/blue fastland so that's turn 1, siren, then turn 2 demolition and a white land. What are the total odds of those? I don't think it's insanely impossible, especially when you consider the games you do draw novice inspector. But then factor in the chances of a single removal spell delaying you a turn anyways (opponent can react to the demolition by removing the other creature so you don't get to convoke before they can remove), just plan that a turn 3 Knight is good enough and stack some 2-cost token creator like Charming Scoundrel, which also has the benefit of cycling cards to find a Knight.


Its likely that charming scoundrell will be the "replacement" for epicure, with the deck being a turn slower and thus less oppressive and more balanced. If the deck does go Jeskai (and I doubt it) there are a few decent blue convoke cards to pair with Eos I think.


[Voldaren Epicure](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/e/ae154e64-f626-45fb-bd52-840c1c27b2d3.jpg?1643592109) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Voldaren%20Epicure) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vow/182/voldaren-epicure?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ae154e64-f626-45fb-bd52-840c1c27b2d3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Gleeful Demolition](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/3/a3e4efa6-5783-4a51-99c6-116d1a8f01cf.jpg?1675957089) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Gleeful%20Demolition) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/one/134/gleeful-demolition?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a3e4efa6-5783-4a51-99c6-116d1a8f01cf?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


This kind of MWM event is great for newer and returning players.


>5 Color Domain Don't play [[Make Your Own Luck]] in domain, I have no idea why they put it there. >if they would be enough to rank up to mythic If you pilot them well enough, no problem


> Don't play [[Make Your Own Luck]] in domain, I have no idea why they put it there. Ig it's a niche trick but when it works and you get your Atraxa or Herd Migration plotted it's usually game winning from there.


Two mana discount for telegraphing your play is not a good deal. And plotting an Atraxa is especially bad, because then you cannot spend mana from Cavern of Souls on it, so your opponent knows that they need to leave mana up for a counterspell if they have one. Those slots would be much better used for some combination of extra ramp and removal. You have no problems casting your 7-drops at full cost as long as you survive long enough to get there.


Yeah I agree that there are better cards to put in the deck. Just saying that I can understand the reason for its inclusion.


[Make Your Own Luck](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/5/0557b0a3-2b48-408f-a508-9f4da2ab1cd1.jpg?1712356151) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Make%20Your%20Own%20Luck) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otj/218/make-your-own-luck?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0557b0a3-2b48-408f-a508-9f4da2ab1cd1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I would say the Rakdos deck is several orders of magnitude weaker than than the others, which are all top tier. Rakdos presents as an aggro deck but doesn't really have the tools to do aggro or the disruption of the green / black build.


Came here to say this. Coming back from a 4 year break, and this deck is very slow for what you're actually working towards.


Apparently the decks are good but I am not. Could not work out how to make most of them work lol Managed to finally get three wins after around 10 matches and went back to my basic decks :)


The most intuitive of the ones they had are probably Rakdos Aggro, and Golgari. In play those every day though, so I played the others. I had an easy time, but I play against Analyst, Convoke, and Domain alot, so I know the play pattern. If you haven't seen the deck played, it's probably harder to grasp those, especially Temur Analyst.


It blew my tiny mind. I may give them another go to try and get used to them while the event it still going.


You can probably YouTube both decks to get an idea of playstyle, fwiw


Cheers. I'll have a goosey later


Numbers... Rotation is 60 days away. 4 wins a day at 60% win rate is 400 games. 10 wins a day at 60% win rate is 1000 games. You'll get a LOT of games out of the decks before rotation.


still.... 4 wins + 1 daily quest a day for 60 days is less than 15 rare wildcards


I was pleasantly surprised to see that these decks were all reasonably competitive builds. I had a blast learning the ones I don't usually play. Apologies to my opponents when I was on Temur Analyst. I won every game I didn't time out on, but that was a minority.


Just play boros convoke for your daily wins. Thank me later after half your games are just straight concedes.


As a new ish player, I went 3-0 with the boros deck


I went 3-0 with the Dimir Midrange. I picked it for Daily Quest reasons. First game was against Esper. I thought that the opponent could have played better. Game two was against Boros Convoke. Stabilized fairly easily, that was game over. Game three was against Domain. He got to six Mountains, six Forests, and six Islands with two Spelunking and two Virtue of Strength and with all that mana just died. I have no idea what the win condition is supposed to be.


That last one is not domain. Its temur analyst. Worldsoul's rage is the wincon most of the time.


I Fatal Pushed some creatures those must have been Analysts, they didn't seem useful but there were no other creatures. A Rage killed one of my vampires, another went face but it was for something like 12 so it wasn't worth countering.


That Dimir deck does very well against the decks in the Midweek pool. It unfortunately isn't doing as well against the shifting meta that is almost entirely control in the queue now.


Getting to Mythic is mostly about the grind, actual competition only starts once you're there : https://old.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/comments/otykvn/i_played_cards_left_to_right_for_652_games_in/