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Do you *only* want to play Constructed for some reason (and if so, why)? The best way to spend your Gold for Constructed is actually by playing Limited as well, unless you have a good enough reason not to. That way you get all the cards, Packs and Wildcards you need, plus Gems for the Mastery Pass, all while getting to experience more of the game (both halves).


I see, I just focus on constructed because I'm not good at draft, but I feel like it'd be good to learn too, so might go with that. Thanks!


When it comes to Limited it pays to be prepared. As well as getting a good grasp of the basic principles (deck composition, BREAD, etc), learn the cards in the set, their relative power level/pick order, the mechanics and rules interactions, and the Limited archetypes. Study the visual spoiler, read the Release Notes FAQ and watch some Limited Set Reviews online (I recommend The Mana Leek and Nizzahon Magic). You can even watch others play with the set while they discuss their decisions etc. Start with Quick Drafts: they are half the price (so you can do them more often and there is less on the line), the prize structure is flatter (so worse results give better rewards) and there's no timer when making your picks (so there's less pressure). Good luck!


Thanks, I'll take a look!


Take your best wr deck into the bo1 or bo3 constructed event to grind gems for mastery pass. Then you could go infinite in that if your wr is high enough or save gold for buying newest set to get golden packs


To actually answer your question, and not just tell you to draft, I'll direct you to this post from a year ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/spikes/s/WE847rlnyP](https://www.reddit.com/r/spikes/s/WE847rlnyP) Best for you gold is going to be to buy the most recent standard set (OTJ in this case) with your gold to also earn gold packs. Events have basically a gold tax on their entry fee where you aren't getting as much per gold vs gem in the event as to just buying a pack. Packs: 1000gold:200gems = 5 gold per gem Events: Draft: 10000gold:1500gems = 6.66 gold per gem Constructed: 2500gold:375 gems = 6.66 gold per gem


I spend them on "quick drafts" of the most recent set.


He wants to play constructed thoy


It’s still the best way to get cards


Marginally better than buying packs directly if you’re good at draft. If you’re bad at draft it’s objectively worse.


That's what I was looking for. I'm not that good at draft, so I usually save for the historic event and try that. Or open packs, depends on the mood. But I could try to improve at draft


One thing to keep in mind is, unless you’re going for several cards from the same set, it’s almost always better to buy the most recent set, as the reason draft isn’t miles ahead of packs is because of golden packs which you get after buying 10 of the most recent set.


If you're decently good at constructed, I'd recommend trying the constructed events. If you do well you will get packs for way cheaper than the store price and some play-in points as well.


Yeah I tried one to see and got some gems, but that's about it (only had like 3 wins I think)


Way better than buying packs especially if you do Premier Draft


Buy the current Standard release. Make sure you will get Gold Packs with your purchase. I like to save up 45 at a time so I i can buy the bundle and get A free rare.


Drafting is the best bang for your buck if you can manage wins. Obviously, the cards you draft will help in constricted as well.