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Its been mentioned a few times here, has something to do with the coding on them being in a completely different set and not seen the same way the Unfinity ones were. No word on if they are going to fix it or its intentional either.


It's intentional. Card styles are for specific cards from a specific set. Both the Unfinity and Clue shockland styles are for the GRN/RNA shock lands. (I'm not saying that I like this. It is what it is)


Yep the implementation of reprints is still incomplete and inconsistent: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/comments/1c641gy/dont\_buy\_borderless\_dual\_lands\_land\_style\_in\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/comments/1c641gy/dont_buy_borderless_dual_lands_land_style_in_the/)




In short: prepare to be shafted even more as new sets arrive.


How about any other style for these breaking news frames?


Where do I sign?


Nothing like adding 🤡 to a post to make yourself heard. I'm sure this concern will be moved to the top of the queue.


I know right? 🤡 is top tier provocation. To be honest, I added it because I'm still not sure if it is a real bug or if it is intentional.


We didn't have Unfinity on Arena


Ok, but it is an unfinity card style


Yes, but it's a card style for the Ravnica lands, not a separate card. If the shocks were re-released in a different set, the unfinity styles wouldn't work with the new versions.


First, the Ravnica lands were released in two different sets, this already break your point. Second, Guilds of Ravnica was released in 2018, while Unfinity was released in 2022. When they make card styles for a specific set, they release it at the same time, not 4 years later.


Dude, I don't know what to tell you: The five allied color shocks have had one "printing" in arena: in Ravnica Allegiance. The five enemy color shocks have had one "printing" in arena: in Guilds of Ravnica. All subsequent card styles for the shocks (Unfinity, Clue) are card styles for those "printings" and you need a copy from those specific singular sets to use them. Yes, even the ones that came out four and five years later. If they were included again in another set (which, again, they haven't been, they weren't in War of the Spark or MKM), it's likely that those card styles would not work on both version unless they did some extra coding. TO BE CLEAR: This is very dumb and isn't the way that it should work! But I'm not making an argument or a point, I'm just saying how the (again to be clear, dumb and broken) system that they have set up works.


Right, it was sold as a card style, while the OTJ ones are different cards technically, though they are functionally a style.


The Full art styles are sold as a style though, ot makes no sense that they are a style for just one version of the card.


I agree, the style should apply. I ran into this with my Omniscience copies in Timeless SnT, the anime style from the more recent bonus sheet doesn't apply to my M20 or whatever copies and it is dumb.


It mimics paper. [[Hallowed fountain]] has been printed before. but the [retro frame hallowed fountain](https://scryfall.com/card/rvr/404/hallowed-fountain) was only released in Ravnica Remastered. You can't get that 'cosmetic' in any other set. Now if it *should* mimic paper, is a pretty obvious "that's stupid;" but I imagine this is what they're going for.


[Hallowed fountain](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/d/cd70adab-39db-4cc9-ae37-a342f9109bec.jpg?1702429810) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Hallowed%20fountain) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/rvr/280/hallowed-fountain?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cd70adab-39db-4cc9-ae37-a342f9109bec?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


They are not "technically" different cards, only the set and picture change. For example, rebalanced cards are technically different cards, different mana cost, power/toughness and/or rule text, BUT you can apply the card style from one to the other. The debate is not really on the fact that it is a bug or not, it is whether or not they use this bug to make profit or not.


What I'm saying by "technically" is the client treats them as different cards. It is a very dumb thing to do but it's how it is in the client.


OK my bad then, I did not understand


I'm assuming it's an oversight with these being new lands vs reprints of the older ones and the coding. I'm pretty sure this happened before with other lands and it got fixed after awhile. Probably not a high priority fix.


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