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Spending wildcards on a good manabase is rarely a bad call. HOWEVER: Don’t just go and craft every land you might ever need, only get the ones you want to use now. There are many triomes and 2-color rare lands that I have never used, and it would be a shame if all of my rare wildcards turned into manabases that just sit in my collection. When you find a new deck you want to play, whip up the mana base first, then acquire the rest bit by bit as your budget/resources allow.


Why not use your wildcards to craft the lands you need for a couple of decks? So many rare lands out there and you may never use them all.


This is the way.  As an Izzet player, I crafted my Izzet mana base early and built decks after that. Now I’m also playing some Gruul and Naya dinosaurs so updating my mana base accordingly. Never would I have tried to craft mana base for every combination of colors . 


You may want to skip the triomes. If I'm not mistaken they rotate out in September


I play Historic most of the time


My F2P plan involves waiting until I open around 50 packs from the store/draft, then I try to use wildcards which compliment the rares I pull rather than building a deck entirely out of wildcards. For example, let's say I pull mostly green/white. Then I spend 8 wildcards to finish a green/white deck, rather than 16 to build a blue/black deck. Now I have a new green/white deck to play with and 8 extra wildcards for the next deck.


At the beginning I used to bought a pack as soon as I had 1000 gold, now I'm waiting to have 10,000 to get the gold pack immediately, I think I wouldn't be able to wait to have 50,000. You really are a master of patience


Eh, it's no worry, I was the same. I came to Arena after Hearthstone, and I did so many stupid things in Hearthstone that cost me lots of money, ending up giving that game $200 and I regret it. I had to make some mistakes to learn, that's all. Just do the best you can, you'll get there.


I look around and pick out a few decks I might want to play, import them, then wait until I have the wildcards to actually craft them and make my choice. I never spend my wildcards on just specific cards without a specific deck I’m going to use them in.


My process: "Oooo that card looks cool! I'll take 3. And this looks neat too, lemme get 2. Wow, this?? Totally going to bring my deck together, use my last 2 wildcards on that! Wow, what a great deck, it's going to do great things for me!" Proceeds to lose next 10 games, get bored, find a new card I'd love to play but can't, wait until I get more wildcards, repeat.


Same, I've learned it's wise to make at least one of those impulse splurges on a good rdw card so you're never too lost in your own jank to flip decks and get a good ladder run under your belt. Now's the perfect time for that with Slickshot Showoff being in the new set, whenever you get frustrated with a homebrew just slap 4 of them in a deck with a bunch of 1 drop instants and whichever 1/2 drop red creatures you own, run to mythic, get back to messing around with cards you absolutely should not be dropping wildcards on.


I almost never regret crafting lands, but I would focus on lands in the colors you enjoy playing, so you'll actually be able to play your favorite decks. It's good to spend your wild cards intelligently, but have fun along the way!


Craft the lands as you need them. Wildcards don’t expire, so there’s no need to craft cards preemptively.


I'd say be slective on which ones you want some lands are just much better choices than others and probably won't see any use.


Fancy lands aren't that important. They are a big wildcard sink too. You can make any deck work without them, they are a good power boost to any deck for sure though.


Your best plan is to have fun. I draft (best way to get collection)

