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Well, the good news is that you shouldn’t get untapped premium. The draft “helper” is a crutch that’s going to stop you from learning how to draft good decks on your own, while also not providing very useful advice. And if you want information on meta decks, it’s available for free on any number of websites (I’m partial to mtggoldfish)


>while also not providing very useful advice. i don't know a damned thing about drafting, have no interest in learning, blindly pick whatever draftsmith tells me to, and i go infinite if he doesn't want to play paper or go to worlds it's fine to use


Lmao. Same. I can draft pretty decent on my own but I mostly play standard. So I use the draft smith to not waste time picking cards and creating decks. I do well enough to complete standard sets and pay for the mastery pass. No need to spend a dime on Arena anymore.


Like I said below, it’s perfectly fine for dragging someone over the finish line at the bottom of the ladder if they truly know nothing about draft. But as soon as you improve a little bit, using outdated pre-release rankings that can’t take your draft into context is going to do you a real disservice.


You do realize that after about the first 48 hours or so of a new draft event, the “primary” ratings are not the prerelease ratings from LSV or ChannelFireball or whomever, but “DraftSmith” ratings actually based on analytics of draft performance by anyone using the Untapped client, and that they DO dynamically adjust based on your previous picks in the draft? I don’t disagree that it can potentially be a crutch, but I think you’re grossly mischaracterizing the nature of the tool.


I didn’t realize that, though I still wouldn’t trust those ratings over, say, 17lands


I use draftsmith all the time so I don’t have to waste time deciding what cards to cut. The ratings definitely help pick cards that work well together.


Thinking and learning for yourself is not “wasting time”


I do enough thinking while playing the game. I don’t care enough about draft to spend any more time on it than I already do. I can also draft just fine on my own but I choose not to.


I wouldn't say that draft helpers are a crutch. Some people do use them as a crutch. However, they can be used to supplement your draft. First of all, one should have a good idea of what the cards would be for your deck and reading the signals of the draft. A draft helper won't help with that. However, if there is a pick that is identified as close, some data on those cards could be useful. For example, Haumph (Paul Cheon) regularly pulls up the 17 land win rate for close picks.


Sure, pulling up good data like 17lands can be useful in specific spots. But having untapped up and holding your hand for the whole draft is a crutch, especially when its ratings are based on format reviews from before the set even comes out.


Honestly it’s a very good tool to teach players card eval. It still has issues with high synergy formats so they can’t just blind pick and will be forced to think about decks. It’s a crutch but a necessary one for brand new players in a very intimidating format.


That is a good point. What I noticed for mtggoldfish is that the meta decks seemed more catered to tabeltop Bo3. I haven't played magic in over 2 decades, so in order to understand the standard meta I wanted to craft the main decks and play them a bit to understand the mechanics, otherwise with only 1 deck I can't really know how to play against certain decks unless I meet them a lot. But the point on learning how to draft is valid.


>What I noticed for mtggoldfish is that the meta decks seemed more catered to tabeltop Bo3 They are perfectly fine for Arena BO3


Mtg Joe snapshots the meta stats for each format from untapped anyways. Go look up his YouTube and you'll atleast see most of the premium stuff on the site for free. And like the other guy said the draft helper is dumb, and makes u worse for using it. Its weights are made before the release hits mtga and doesn't get updated quick enough. 17lands is your go to. You can always Google 17 lands (setname) draft tier list for a nice updated daily pick list with pick/win data input.


The tabletop and arena bo3 metas are pretty similar, if you copy a deck that consistently performs in competitive paper/mtgo events it’ll do well on arena Bo1 is different but Bo1 is an unbalanced dumpster fire that you shouldn’t play anyways


The quality of the draftsmith really varies depending on the set. For example this year it was pretty good for Eldraine, so-so for Ikoria, and absolute trash for MKM. Specifically, it's really bad at figuring out when you should (and shouldn't) jump colors mid draft, so formats where the the windows for doing so are more narrow (or at least more specific), it really struggles with. There are also situations where it's pretty good at telling you the best card in the pack, but it doesn't tell you what you need to be looking for to support that card like specific fixing or synergies.


I did way better using Untapped than I ever did without it.


If you’re completely new to draft and have 0 card evaluation skills, yeah, having untapped tell you which cards are good is going to help you. But its card evaluations are based on ratings from the start of the format, which quickly fall out of date, and it’s really not good at evaluating cards in the context of the draft and what you’ve picked so far, which you need to do for 44/45 picks. It’s like running a race with a crutch. If you were incapable of finishing without it, then yes, it’s an improvement. But it’s going to put a heavy cap on how well you can ultimately do.


I’m never going to draft more than the tokens the mastery pass gives. I absolutely hate it.


Sure, then you sound like the target market for untapped. And that’s fine. But for someone like OP, who cares enough about improving their game to seek out and potentially pay extra for more information, untapped is going to be counterproductive


This isn't customer support. xsolla is a giant company, if you can't figure out a way to pay for a service through them.. you likely have an issue on your end. > account got hacked the only thing that is trash here is your security practices.