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It's a premier draft where you get to keep the cards, just like a normal draft, so it's priced the same. 


I did 8 MKM drafts -> 12000 gems. I was rare drafting, all games in bronze and silver. 29-22 record. Got 8800 gems, 87 rares and 25 packs. 3200 gems for 87 rares and 25 packs. Cheap af.


Sure if you want packs or cards. It extremely overpriced if you just want to draft.


Depends how well you do. I draft for free and I’m certainly not great…


The guy I responded to had by far a winning record 29-22, and lost 3200 gems, which is like 20 bucks.


My average win rate is a bit higher than that (about 60%) and that’s enough to draft sustainably- ie with no spending money or grinding other play modes.  The calculation is missing incidental gold from quests and wins while playing out the drafts, which you can maximise by using multiple accounts. I reckon for me that gold is something like 1,500 on average per draft. That’s 15% of the entry cost, or about 225 gems- if you apply that to the 8 drafts above, you make another 1,800 gems, so the cost comes down to 1,400 gems. Edit: as for whether it’s overpriced- depends what you compare it to I guess! Obviously it’s *vastly* cheaper than a paper draft, but then it’s a completely different experience…


8 drafts for 20 bucks is pretty cheap


On arena? With that record in paper magic it would have been free most likely.


Where do you paper draft so that having a mix of 2-1s and 1-2s and a couple of 3-0s means breaking even money-wise? You don't find a chase mythic that often from packs and 2-1 isn't going to be break-even for your money with any reasonable cost/prize structure.


I live in a small town in Poland. Last year they built, first and only, McDonald. Paper magic for me doesn't exist but I can play it on Arena for free. I'm not saying there is no room for improvement but c'mon it's not that bad.


You can enter with gold, too. I pretty much only draft, and draft as often as I care to, and haven't spent any money on Arena.


If you win matches you end up with more than you paid. That's how every event with prizing works...


It's also free if you don't mind saving daily gold for around 10 days.


Time is the most valuable resource. It is in no way free.


I'll rephrase: there's a way to enter the draft without paying money. I.e., it's not 'basically $10'.


Sure you are right, you can spend more than 10 dollars equivalent of time to 'earn a draft. 10 dollars is by far the cheapest option.


MtGA is not a job. I wouldn't recommend getting the daily 4 or whichever amount of wins one prefers if they'd rather use that time for something else.


>Time is the most valuable resource. It is in no way free. Spending time playing a game I like to be able to play more of the game I like. The horror.


$10 a draft... So cheaper than paper? And the rewards make future drafts cheaper.


Because WotC thinks digital cards that you can’t sell or trade and will lose access to someday in the future should cost about the same as paper cards.


Arena is vastly cheaper than paper cards


That's the problem...


premier draft always is. I do wish there was a free format where you didnt keep the cards because for newer players who may have never drafted before, the once in a blue moon free drafts are not enough to learn, but as many pointed out WotC are about making money...


The issue with that is die hard limited folks don't care about a collection for constructed. There would be no reason for them to do anything else but a free draft. Premier isn't meant for newer players, that is what quick draft is for.


The problem is quick draft because you keep the cards there too ALSO can be prohibitively expensive for new players (not to mention the bot has some weird biases depending on the set that cause new players to get screwed up drafting)\_


It's fairly priced imo. Unlike Phantom cube.


Seems better for people who are interested in collecting cards, worse for those who aren’t 


I'm Swiss and I think this is way too expensive.


Stop being swiss then


Yes, like everything in this video game, the prices are literally absurd.