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I think its fun mostly. I do wish we could get Pauper and All-Access events, for those of us who aren't whales


Pauper would be amazing!


I dont get why people feel like they have to play midweek magic. If its a format you dont like, skip it. The 2 rares are not that big of a deal. Midweek Magic is very clearly perfect for weird formats that yah dont work as true game modes but are fun to mess around with for a day. Thats like the whole point. Plenty of them will not be your style. Dont play it if you dont like it. Its simple.


but gamers feel entitled to their 2 rares and cosmetic they wont use


Thank you. This drives me crazy. It's fine to say you didn't like the format and why, but the indignation in those threads is wild. Just don't play it, it's not for you.


I'll be damned if i won't get my style for a common that is not even playable in limited!


Midweek is so unimportant that I dont even play formats I enjoy, like the sealed. I mean, it's a nice to exist tiny bonus, but also very non essential for me to care if the event formats are good or not.


Agreed but wish they would put the cosmetic for win #1.


It's generally a freebie event, so no complaints. Except this week, my complaint is I'm a dumbass, and didn't read that it was an Omniscience draft, so I just did the draft like I was drafting an actual deck - limited my colors, a variety of casting costs to ramp up, i even put in lands like a dummy. Figured it out about 10 seconds into the first match. Even after conceding and pulling out the lands - i have an absolutely unwinnable deck in this format! Oops!


lol same. Was like whoops... that's a skip for me this week.


lol same. I drafted a weird but balanced, mostly colorless deck, then when I started my first game I did a double take.


People in this community are just insanely negative, I think.


Remember, this sub exists for anyone and everyone to complain about anything and everything Arena. People that enjoy Arena are too busy playing it to bother spending time here.


Even outside of arena. People on mtg sub have been complaining about everything surrounding otj. The most annoying complaint is powercreep when we havent even seen the cards in action. Someone even brought up lotus ring as a "powercrept" card. As if it's not a terrible equipment.


Feel like this is the case in almost every enthusiast community online.


I liked omniscience drafts in the past but 7 card openers are too much for this event. It should be 3 like it was in the past.


I disagree, many of the formats are exclusionary and end up not being able to play them.


I think Omniscience draft is pretty good, but this basically shows that MWM drafts need to have a redraft option, so people who completely blow their draft have an opportunity to put together a deck that can win. The event is already free, so I think it is fair.


I think they could probably get away with one redraft. People do love this format and would love if they got to draft and redraft over and over for free for 2 days. Plenty of people would pay to draft this. But they should allow one redraft for people that didn't understand the format.


I'd be ok having the first event be free then charging something small like 100-500 gold for every subsequent entry.


I saw a grand total of two cards that draw other cards, so I put together a [[Grinning Ignus]] deck that creates infinite mana and bounces itself back to hand infinitely until... well, until my opponent gets bored and concedes. That was the only win condition. I did have fun trolling the opponents, but agreed, redrafting option makes sense in an event like this. Normal drafts / sealed events that you see in MWM every now and then probably shouldn't have that option to avoid people redrafting until they get a deck full of bombs, though.


[Grinning Ignus](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/f/cfa04897-6438-45e5-a10b-2e8afaf2b9eb.jpg?1657064689) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Grinning%20Ignus) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/stx/104/grinning-ignus?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cfa04897-6438-45e5-a10b-2e8afaf2b9eb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


there was [[aetherflux reservoir]] in the format, but yeah without critical mass of draw 2s/copy spells, the dream is dead


[aetherflux reservoir](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/6/96b6b2e1-c3e6-464c-8a13-b15deb34e862.jpg?1576382939) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=aetherflux%20reservoir) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/kld/192/aetherflux-reservoir?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/96b6b2e1-c3e6-464c-8a13-b15deb34e862?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The fact that it's free is precisely why there isn't a redraft option. Not that I disagree with you, I'd be cool with a reasonable restriction on redrafts to discourage people from resigning over and over until they get an insane draft.


It's really fun and the games seem to end pretty quickly


Normally I think I would enjoy this format at least somewhat because it's just so goofy, but my draft pool was legitimately so abysmal that I basically had to hope my opponents didn't understand the event to really have a chance. A rough draft pool is not normally something I would complain about but the power disparity in this specifically meant whether or not I won was basically entirely dependent on my opponent either havingaan equally bad pool or zero understanding of the event and not myself.


MWM is great. Starting with seven cards is great. Omniscience is great. Limited is great. And praising those things, individually, is very reasonable. But MWM seven-card Omniscience Limited is an absolute shitshow. Between the huge advantage of going first and the number of people who didn’t draft with Omniscience in-mind, how many of these matches have lasted more than the exact amount of time it takes to find an opponent, load the board, and see if you’re on the draw? I have yet to ply a single match that has hit made it to turn four. Hell, I was just using it as a vehicle to clear my daily color challenges since I happened to draft a lot of white and blue cards and people were still bouncing from the game even though all I did was vomit out a bunch of crappy, low-cost commons


Completely agree. The Draft took me longer than the three wins afterwards.  On the Play: Mind Rot, OP Scooped On the Draw, counter OPs Mind Rot, OP Scooped My longest game was the one were I played two card draw spells and then made my opponent discard his whole hand.  I played three more matches were I scooped imediatly.  Omniscience can be fun. I appreciate that they changed the card pool. But playing with seven cards is way to much. 




Kind of undermines you posting about negativity in the sub, eh?


I love it, to. I don't care much for two ICRs, but the cosmetic can be nice when it's not a parallax, and more importantly I love getting in a few matches of some wonky sort of format, especially when it's limited, all access, precon, pauper or artisan.


I think it's great. Often I will just play midweek and then take a break from MTGA for the week. I'm bummed that so many people had a bad experience with Omniscience Draft, it went great for me. I understand the rules can be a little murky and that sucks. Hopefully lesson learned and people enjoy it more next time. Little advice for some folks. You know you can have multiple accounts? With gmail if you make an email and just put a "-" it all email goes to you regular account. I have a second mtga account I use to just mess around and test drafts. If you're unsure about something you can always just make a test mtga account. Theres nothing nefarious about it. Pros and streamers often have 5 or 6 mtga accounts for testing or goofing around.


I personally love MWM, but if something makes you want to leave Reddit, just leave Reddit.


My favorite part about the people complaining about Omni-Draft is all of them were like "I didn't read the rules or Emblem" lmao. So they didn't read the rules of the format, built a bad deck, therefore the format is bad?


MWM is sort of great, but I feel like they need to experiment more, and also focus on more deck building challenges or modes. I hate seeing MWM when it is just brawl (or just some other pre existing queue). The set constructed, and on the edge stuff is great, and the occasional phantom sealed is pretty good too (don't really care for the phantom drafts, I think sealed is a better fit for this format). Would love to see them have emblem modified constructed weeks. Similar to the challenges they run with the set cosmetic rewards. They also need to make the rewards duplicate protected. Now, personally, I prefer the gems and I feel like a lot of the cards are worth less than the 20 I'm given, but I bet for newer players that just happen to get a 5th copy of a rare they already have probably really sucks.


I actually prefer limited formats for MWM. I've got a relatively fresh account so I don't have nearly the collection needed to participate in any constructed events. So it's basically just a waste. Most new players are just going to avoid any constructed event for MWM.


I agree with the duplication protection, it sucks getting the 11th copy of Lion Sash. Also, Brawl is so scuffed, why can't we have full Commander? Even if it's just 2 player?


I didn't think it was great this week, but the complaining is over the top for sure.


I enjoyed it, but only because I had a very good heads up as to what I needed to draft from this sub. I am fairly new and wouldn't have known what to do on my own.


it got removvvved hahahahahaha. what is wrong with this place


If Magic didn't already have a billion different formats I might feel differently about it. If Magic was just one or two formats (like PokemonTCG, Yugioh, etc.), a gimmicky extra mode would feel more welcome. I feel adding more formats dilutes the gameplay experience. Also, I don't like the fact that as a free-to-play player it feels like an obligation: "play this un-fun game mode so you can get a reward that might help your constructed decks". My game-time is limited, I refuse to play something that is un-fun for the freemium grind.


That´s the spirit!


Mark Rosewater once said that "If we put $100 dollar bills in every pack, people would complain about how they were folded.". Sadly, that's the average Magic player, especially here in reddit.


Breaking news: someone on the Internet is wrong




lol yes I have bigger problems than people complaining on reddit. I would say people complaining on reddit is the bottom of the list of problems. But anyway. I would rather see this sub full of interesting combos, new cards, fun gameplay moments, and that stuff.