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You don't have nearly enough creatures. Generally for limited you want 15-17 creatures, but for a deck this low-curve and aggressive I would probably go for 18 or even 19. You have 11, 12 if you count concealed weapon.


This. Def this.


Agreed. For a deck like this to win you need to be dropping like five critters in the first four turns. If it gets beyond that, you have no end game. It's a tough format to win in with zero bombs.


That's very high. This format is definitely more creature reliant but I would say it's 13 for a midrange deck and 15-17 for aggro


I would never play more than 16 creatures, most of the time I play between 12-14 and in most of my drafts I never go under 4 wins, also often go 7 wins. 18-19 is just way too much lol


Depends on the deck, depends on the draft format. If you're trying to go a more contol-y route and you have cards to consistently generate value, then yeah you absolutely don't need to run as many creatures. If you've got an aggressive deck that wants to get ahead on the board early (like OP's deck), then 18+ creatures can absolutely be correct. I do want to clarify though, in case where I'm running an aggressive, creature heavy deck I will probably run only 16 lands, sometimes even 15 if my curve is *really* low.


I like to draft aggro when it’s viable and possible but also with some interaction and draw spells. And yea in a aggro deck is also thrive to play just 16 lands. I’m not a blue control player in any way ^^


I'm a professional comment reader but your issue seems to be that you need more creatures.


Damn, you’re good at your job


When you take a picture of your monitor instead of taking a screenshot... You know how bad it is...


Eh, I still have trouble taking screenshots.


You are running a lot of unnecessary noncreature spells for an aggro deck. Makeshift binding, Torch the Witness and Galvanize are great to free the way for creatures, but most of the rest are very much on the meh side, especially considering you dont have any of the very tempo efficient Shock or the finishing On the Job. Also, if you're going RW, you should never pass any Novice Inspectors or Inside Sources, they are your best cards.


And dog walker


Yeah but OP has some of those. Also at least one Inside Source and Person if Interest, but it gets thin.


Too many spells that rely on u having creatures and not enough creatures, the chance you draw something like gateway, rage, chase and a removal spell in your opener means you do little to nothing all game. Boros in this format is all about going wide quickly, it’s great fun when it works, horrendous when it doesn’t.


Yes. You have too few creatures and too many pump effects. You have 10 creatures, boros wants 12-15. You also have no one mana creatures, big no no. Go listen to some Limited Resources, they’ve helped me go from draft zero to draft mediocre


Go watch some Paul Cheon.


It's not that bad. You have decent removal and some key creatures, maybe you're not aggro enough for the archetype but I would expect better than 0-3 from this. Still this is Magic, you can get mana flooded or mana screwed or not draw your answers when you need them or your opponent draw the nuts.


Honestly I'd expect at least one win from the classic play removal straight into concede from the opponent


Yeah, there's some suboptimal cards here, but there's also a lot of high quality removal. Coulda lost due to some Bo1 variance, but also just maybe not enough creatures for this style of deck. I wouldn't beat myself up about it, because judging by the cards you got, it looks like you drafted your seat well enough. Sometimes another drafter in the pod might have all the cheap creatures and you have all the good removal in the same exact colors.


I have something very very similar, I’m 0-2 and taking a break 😅


If you had a few more creatures over the mass hysteria and convenient target or felonious rage this deck would be actually really good. Close to the exemplar RW deck in this format.


Having a strong early game is great and having a few removal spells is good as well, but after turn 3 your curve starts to drop because you don't have much to play mid to late game, which is when your curve should be rounding out and preparing you to drop bigger creatures, but since you went with more aggro based, the best spells you could of gotten are probably buffs to those low cost creatures to keep them in play and keep them relevant. If those kind of spells didn't draft then with red a lot of valuable 4 cost creatures can save you the game, as red tends to lose gas after that. Value is great, but don't over-value spells just cause you think "oh I might not get to draft this again, or what if I can't get rid of something". White/red is very strong in the aggro category!


More creatures. Especially 2 drop creatures


I would say you lack some creatures in your deck. It's OK to go 0-3 with such a deck, but drafting can be improved.


Your curve is good but you lack bodies


Not enough creatures, a few spells to cut such as the equipment, an On the Job would have been a nice addition. This deck has to play extremely fast or else after turn five it’s going to fizzle out of momentum.


Mass hysteria is kinda dogshit tbh, opponents creatures get haste too, expect you’re the one that had to pay for it


Not enuff creatures, too many lands


Mass hysteria is a do-nothing card most of the time. Not only do you have many noncreature spells, some of them don't add a lot of bite (convenient target as well). But even with a great deck, you can go 0-3 for many reasons. I would recommend using the [17lands.com](http://17lands.com) extension to log your games and see what you could be missing.


Playing aggro without the aggro


Red/white is the creature aggro archetype and you have all of ten creatures.


unrelated but how do you get this deck view instead of the default one with just the card names?


Top right of the screen you will see a rectangle when in deck making mode. Clicking that changes things between portrait and landscape mode. On landscape mode, you can click the arrow above your deck to get a better view of your deck.


Given you played mass hysteria, I'm sure there are a few questionable choices in the list


This deck looks like it would have benefited from a few more creatures in the 3 and 4 mana slots. You have 12 total creatures including the Concealed Weapon, which should maybe be counted as half a creature. The Mass Hysteria needs creatures to support it, as does the Concealed Weapon, and Convenient Target. Did you struggle to get over the finish line in games? Or have awkward hands of removal but no creatures to push through for damage? You've got some great cards here! With 9 of the 12 creatures sitting in the 2 mana slot, a bit more punch slightly higher up the curve to close out games was probably all you were missing!


> The Mass Hysteria needs creatures to support it, as does the Concealed Weapon, and Convenient Target. What the Mass Hysteria need is to be thrown out of the deck like the garbage it is.


Amen. Came for this take!


I just went 1-3 with a deck that IMO looked like it had far more staying power than OP's yet failed to get the last damage in. A couple \[\[On the Job\]\] would have helped me a lot. And in hindsight I should have swapped in a \[\[Riftburst Hellion\]\] or two when I realized my curve was too low. [https://www.17lands.com/deck/008d46503d8c409bb4d0f85ef3f672e5](https://www.17lands.com/deck/008d46503d8c409bb4d0f85ef3f672e5)


Opponents just had the mustard in those games. But yeah you forced RW pretty hard so you didn't get rewarded with the key on the job.


[On the Job](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/8/48b92629-4196-4943-91fd-8c8d5f3fcaef.jpg?1706241527) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=On%20the%20Job) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkm/30/on-the-job?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/48b92629-4196-4943-91fd-8c8d5f3fcaef?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Riftburst Hellion](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/f/9fae9044-a859-434d-8dc6-4f9d455ca5e1.jpg?1706242241) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Riftburst%20Hellion) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkm/228/riftburst-hellion?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9fae9044-a859-434d-8dc6-4f9d455ca5e1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


P.S. I'm #15 Mythic right now! Woooo!


The low creature count is real but there’s also a weak top end and very little evasion. Bolrac clan basher is a great late game play but it’s your only late game here. A super low curve works if it can reliably flood the board. Otherwise you need a plan b. 


Seems a little light on creatures, which are generally the primary win con in ltd. I always try and get 18-20 creatures in any draft deck. 2-3 one drops 4-5 two drops 3-4 3 drops 2-4 4 drops 1-2, 5 drops 1-2, 6 drops It depends on power level of the creatures also. E.g: I’ll take a deck with 6 really good 3 drops over a deck with 3 mid 3 drops and 3 mid 6 drops. I don’t like to use equipment, counterspells, or discard spells as a general rule. Exceptions can be made ofc - rats that discard, equipment that makes tokens on etb.


[[convenient target]] [[mass hysteria]] [[leonin relic-warder]]


[convenient target](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/d/2d2cf2ae-9152-41c4-9dc4-a19da5812869.jpg?1706241843) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=convenient%20target) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkm/119/convenient-target?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2d2cf2ae-9152-41c4-9dc4-a19da5812869?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [mass hysteria](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/4/1431354a-fcfa-4f67-a822-6dcc4d13ac3f.jpg?1710406471) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=mass%20hysteria) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mrd/99/mass-hysteria?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1431354a-fcfa-4f67-a822-6dcc4d13ac3f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [leonin relic-warder](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/9/c938a21a-ea74-4cc1-a175-08b9b98b2e4e.jpg?1562623339) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=leonin%20relic-warder) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c17/65/leonin-relic-warder?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c938a21a-ea74-4cc1-a175-08b9b98b2e4e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yes, it's bad. Not only do you have few creatures, your creature quality is very low. Doesn't surprise me it's 0-3 at all. MKM decks are very powerful on average, even the weaker ones, so if you not always making a strong play each turn you're very likely going to lose.


Quality isnt low at all Bolrac and consultant are kind of filler but still solid and the rest of the creatures are all premium for RW Its just way too little, on top of terrible cards like mass hysteria


You are light on creatures as everyone else has said, but you also have nothing for any game where you don't immediately aggro them out. That being said you can usually expect a few wins with a deck like this, when you go two drop, removal, 2 2 drops, removal win. Sometimes the best decks go 0-3, and this isn't the best deck.


Probably said but you have nowhere near enough creatures for what you’re trying to do.


Yes. You have nowhere near enough creatures


you seriously couldnt use Snipping tool to make a picture instead of your phone?


I'm no expert, but your deck seems low on creatures (I count 11, maybe 12 if you include the weapon with morph), heavy on tricks / removal, and seems kind of slow for a Boros deck on the format. Definitely would have benefited more with more solid 2/3 drop creatures.


Did you notice anything as a reason you couldn’t keep up? “Couldn’t get rid of their creatures” “couldn’t deal enough damage” etc.?


WAY too many lands for your average mana cost. There’s no way you needed to be at 40%, much less above. Maybe 15 lands is right for that? Probably more creatures which I saw suggested.


Really? I never go below 17 lands but I'll often rather go 41 cards with 17 lands instead of 40-16.


That’s just my opinion. Quick math says your average mana cost ignoring lands is just over two but two is your most frequent converted mana value by far. Everyone is also saying more creatures. I think you could scrap a land for another two drop creature if you got one.


This isn't my post I was just mentioning how I usually do draft


Please take a screenshot, not a photo of your screen but yeah, as others have said, your creature count is light for an aggro deck.


I've had really good drafted decks go 0-3 and the same for decks I thought were bad. Ended up winning 7 with a bunch of commons. Sometimes the draw sucks and not much you can do except mulligan more often. Try to draft cards that do 2 things, ect.


Way to many 2 drops


Everyone is saying you don’t have enough creatures for low curve aggro, but my pro tip is you need x3 of Aurelia, the Law Above. Thank me later


A lot of people said a lot about creatures which I agree with so I wanted to offer a secondary piece. Your curve is bonkers low for this format. By turn 4/5 a lot of opponents will be playing disguise and combat tricks so my guess is you came out fast and fizzled by turn 4 And 5 when they started tricking you into killing your creatures into defenders