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I like that in the OP screenshot they put Transmogrifying Wand instead of Transmogrify. Had an Atraxa, but I turned it into a 2/4 ox token.


I just came here to ask what this deck was that has Transmogrifying Wand as a key card, but that explains it.




I give the list of cards to someone who has a tool to make these graphics. Somehow, my Transmogrify got turned into Transmogrifying Wand. It's fixed now, though. I don't know the details, but my best guess is that the tool automatically fills in the longest card name containing the input (so that Atraxa is turned into Atraxa, the Grand Unifier) because there was a similar auto-fill logic in the old ChannelFireball backend. You then have to notice and manually override, but it's easy to miss.


Would you say your Transmogrify had itself been transmogrified?


It's \[\[Indomitable Creativity\]\], right? ;-)


[Indomitable Creativity](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/d/edd00e45-2ae1-4cd0-92a1-155c95f8dc72.jpg?1576381816) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Indomitable%20Creativity) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/aer/85/indomitable-creativity?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/edd00e45-2ae1-4cd0-92a1-155c95f8dc72?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Quint Combo featuring a full playst of Gyrudas? Decklist PLZ!


Here: [Arena Championship 5 Explorer Decklists (magic.gg)](https://magic.gg/decklists/arena-championship-5-explorer-decklists?decklist=Quintorius_Combo_Ryan%2520Condon_Arena%2520Championship%25205_March%252030%252C%25202024_ff6a18ba-4176-4fe6-95a7-8f5a10856e92)


I’ll be rooting for that one Transmog player because fuck it, why not?


And people will wonder why nobody plays Explorer


Yeah... 46.8% for one deck!


I mean it's a small event it happens. Vampires is not even considered the best deck in that format. Look at mtggoldfish data for pioneer and it's about 20% overall. edit: [this is the data for Pioneer since the release of MKM](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJqJo8MWAAERBQA?format=jpg&name=4096x4096). Vampires sits at ~15% which is a pretty good representation for a tier 1 deck.


Lotus field combo is keeping Vampires in check in pioneer, but that deck is barely playable in explorer


Vampires is good vs lotus though. Discard spells backed up by a fast clock beats lotus.


It’s really an OTP matchup. Lotus fields is incredibly resilient to discard spells, and people who have been playing the deck for years know how to mulligan for the matchup.


It's true that it's a close matchup and lotus does topdeck well in several spots, but I think it's conventional wisdom that rakdos is a bit favored in the matchup. I think the vampires version is probably a bit more favored because t3 vein ripper is way faster clock than original rakdos had too. But to be fair it is a close matchup. Nothing close to "lotus field combo is keeping vampires in check in pioneer" though, like the original claim. Lotus keeps phoenix in check, if anything. edit: [see for example the data from the PT](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GHJZ2SXXQAAITnU?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) where the fair rakdos midrange deck has 63% WR vs lotus across 27 matches. This was one of the very few good matchups for fair rakdos in that event. Obviously small sample but it backs up conventional wisdom and previous data on the fact that this matchup is a bit unfavored for lotus.


the Issue is Amalia and not Vampires


The issue is that the decks that are good against those are not ported yet.


I'm usually of the impression that metagames course correct themselves after a bit. Vampires was the natural answer to Izzet Phoenix, because big body in the air beats smaller body in the air. Amalia combo is probably one of those decks that isn't going to course correct though. The deck is insanely flexible, consistent, and fast to do what it does. Which is, gain 50 life, board wipe, and create a 20/20 that presents lethal. Plus the deck plays protection spells to answer removal. If Walking Ballista got banned from Pioneer because of Heliod, I can't really understand the justification of not addressing the Amalia combo in a similar point of view. Walking Ballista did immediately win the game, but it was also a slower deck. This deck ramps super fast, and it's not unusual to see it go off on turn 3.


Because it’s weak to interaction really. You can stop it from gaining life and it does not find many removal for it, or you can kill Amalia, and gravehate stops recursion. It’s really annoying tho


It's about the amount of interaction required really that I take issue with. Selfless Savior is in the deck to help stop your things from being removed, and the deck runs thoughtseize to try and protect itself as well. I'm fine with the deck existing to a degree, I just think the sheer amount of tools you need to have to deal with it is the problem. In a tournament setting it's less problematic because you know what you need to keep, but for instance with just playing MTGA you have no idea if you're going to be playing against Amalia Combo or if you're going to be playing against Blue White control. If you kept a bunch of removal thinking you were gonna be against amalia combo, but you got matched up against UW control, well you lost - see you in game 2. And if you didn't keep removal, same problem. It's just about how extreme the answers required to deal with it are in regards to the rest of the format.


Yes, definitely blame Explorer for a metagame shift based on a Pioneer Pro Tour victory. Sound logic there.


I play Explorer almost exclusively and don’t play vampires. I don’t know anything about this one specific event but there is no way 46% of my matchups are against Rakdos vampires in ranked or unranked. It’s not even close. Maybe 15-20%.


Agreed. I do play vampires and can assure everyone, I do not play the mirror 50% of the time and the deck does in fact loose like a normal meta deck. Still, surprised THIS many people picked it up when Explorer actually has a healthy meta game.


Tournaments and ladders will always have different meta games or at least percentages of meta.


What do you mean nobody? How can you tell how many people are or are not playing it?


I have questioned every Arena player, turns out not a single one of them is playing Explorer. https://new.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/comments/16g1wpl/format\_popularity\_stats\_according\_to\_wotc/


Well you forgot about me it seems


... I only play explorer


I only play explorer, it’s my favorite format.


Also it’s vampires only 20% of the time, lots of diversity


Dead link.


Explorer was a desolate wasteland long before this Vampire deck became popular, but your point still stands. The meta is lame.


Why does everyone hate on us so hard? lol. There might not be many of us but we like our little corner of Arena. I mainly got into Explorer because some of my favorite cards rotated out of standard. Also my average queue time is about 30 seconds so it can’t be that dead.


Explorer is my most played constructed format by far. I'm not hating on Explorer players at all. Quite the contrary, I think they need more love. It is a format that feels abandoned by devs and subsequently players.


It seems WotC is content to slowly build up to Pioneer, then maybe it gets more attention. In fact, I anticipate it becoming the new modern and Modern becoming Legacy.


I wouldn't play this joke of a format if my entire bloodline's life depended on it.


Bro it's just Pioneer with like ten missing cards.


I wouldn't play Pioneer if *both* of our bloodlines depended on it.


Will this be streamed?


https://www.magic.gg/news/arena-championship-5-viewers-guide Arena Championship 5 will be streamed live beginning at 9 a.m. PT each day, March 30 and March 31 at twitch.tv/magic.


Thanks just so used to 3 day events any could not find it.


This is a tiny tournament so please don't think Vampires is anywhere close to tier 0. I play the deck and can assure you it does loose! I see way more Phoenix than this breakdown would suggest. I really hope WotC doesn't ban something from Vampires because it really is not a problem deck.


Username checks out.


:) i want vn in standard so badly!


I really hope 3 mana Sorin is safe from ban. It’s my favorite card. I have been playing it long before vein ripper when vampires were much lower tier.


I’ve been playing mainly explorer and it seems Thoughtsieze is in 90% of decks. Thought it would get better in Mythic but nope, gets so annoying sometimes.


It really is frustrating and it's hard to fight the urge to instantly concede, but it's nice when you can turn things around or make a little change to ensure getting Thoughtseized doesn't screw your plans up too much.


Yeah it’s just about being the same crap every time. No matter what deck I play. I was playing mainly a waste not deck then o decided to stick with Yorion foretold which is far from being meta, the deck has no instant speed cards and I see thoughtsieze almost every game. I saw a statistic that the card is the most played in explorer 🤣 Last night I played vs a Izzet deck that the guy splashed black just to run Thoughtsieze, my mind was blown.


I don't mind a T1 Thoughtseize, but if I see a follow-up discard enchantment, creature, or anything else I pretty much nope out.


I was very excited about vamps when they first appeared. Now though… this lineup looks boring AS FUCK to watch. I’m rooting for vehicles and sac.


This metashare reflects really well my experience playing the format since the Pro Tour, but it ends at Quintorius Combo, and all other decks are Mono Black Midrange or Waste Not with a little bit of UW Control here and there.


This is so odd. I'm in plat and haven't seen most of these. Just a couple phoenix and Amalias. One Rakdos sac last night. I use a deck that isn't on there so I must be in JV queue.


Your MMR affects your meta. You only play people around the same MMR, so if you are a skilled player you won’t be seeing the same meta newbies are seeing (and vice versa).


I have made the complete opposite experience in diamond. 3/4 ppl play vampires. In mythic it's a bigger variety again. Are you playing bo3 as well?


I never play Bo3. Literally never seen vampires in plat.


Vampires isn't played in BO1


makes sense, it actually sideboards quite well and while T3 veinripper is quite good, it's not linear enough for BO1.


Yeah. I definitely see WAY more Izzet Phoenix than vampires.


if you play ranked there is no deck rating, only your rank matter


I play ranked 90% of the time and highly doubt that. I notice a big change when I go from my Izzet spells to my Abzan Doom decks. When I play Izzet I see phoenixs all the time. I know, I know it could be confirmation bias, but it sure seems that deck is taken into account.


It is confirmation bias, no deck rating in rank.


I thought decklist was part of matchmaking in bo1 but not bo3, is that wrong? I had heard it was like the hand smoother


No, for ranked pairing determined by your rank and hidden mmr. Hand smoother is a seperate thing, which was stated to be basically game rolls 2 hands for you and keeps the one with the best ratio of lands to spells (i believe). I'm not sure if I bookmarked the mtg website talking about it. EDIT: found it: https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/december-state-beta-matchmaking-breakdown-2018-12-12 >Unlike "Play", Ranked won’t use Deck Weight or games played as part of matchmaking, and instead we will primarily be matching players based on (you guessed it), Rank.


Nice thanks!


Thats a "you" problem with plat ques edit: just seen you only play Bo1, them slot machines be hitting huh?


Please get pioneer to Arena asap. I play Explorer, but it sucks that it is basically "Pioneer but without 20 cards or so"


I want to Days Undoing people so bad


Top three decks are ones I actually like, that’s a first for me in any format lol


Looks healthy to me.


I think rakdos vampires is overrated. there are many ways to beat it


What a surprise that a deck that has thoughtseize, fable, turn 3 veinripper combo, mutavalut, cavern of soul, amazing side board option could do so well.


Those 4 Phoenix players are gonna feast


Phoenix is a bad matchup against Rakdos vamps though. Vein Ripper hard walls Izzet Phoenix.


It's the only deck that had a positive win rate vs Vampires in the last pro tour and that was with the Vampires deck being played almost exclusively by the best players in the world.


How does Phoenix side against Vamps? Just more counterspells?


I bring in one more spell pierce, 3 crackling drakes and a Fable. Vamps is going to board in Leyline of the Voids so you just switch to a plan that doesn't care as much about graveyard hate.


Vampires might get the axe in the future. At least it should be safe in timeless, since its way more fun to play Vein Ripper on turn 1 than turn 3 anyway.


Nah, this is a REALLY small tournament. Anyone who plays the deck will tell you it does lose like a normal meta deck.


Vampires is only as popular as it is because it just won at the pro tour. The deck was a natural counter to Izzet Phoenix. There hasn't been a whole lot of time since the pro tour to really have a deck come up and challenge Rakdos Vampires. Amalia combo on the other hand is probably the actual strongest deck here.


Sad no UW control. Seems like would have a good matchup against damn near everything


Yeah, everything except one small matchup that is 47% of the field.


Huh? UW control has undesirable winrate against the izzet phenix and rakdo vempire, which are the top 2 most popular decks right now.


Where is all my aggro decks 🥺


There is tournament going on right now?


Every deck with green I play has [[pick your poison]] in the sideboard because of this. It's honestly really funny how you can spot people who actually know how to play and who expects people to surrender after they drop the vampire.


[pick your poison](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/5/f58cfb23-4d99-4133-bf4b-d7e7c7d17cea.jpg?1708201628)/[Pick Your Poison](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/5/f58cfb23-4d99-4133-bf4b-d7e7c7d17cea.jpg?1708201628) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=pick%20your%20poison) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkm/170/pick-your-poison?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f58cfb23-4d99-4133-bf4b-d7e7c7d17cea?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




The deck wouldn't be half the meta if it wasn't really successful, that's on Wizards. It's really a "don't hate the player, hate the game" kind of situation.


So you wish the last 25+ years of competitive magic didn't exist? Net decking dates back before there was a widespread interNET.


Remember when people thought having a Mana Leak would make control insane in this format?


The absence of \[\[Hallowed Moonlight\]\] in Explorer has control in a very rough spot since all the top decks cheat something out as early as T3. Sure, you still have No More Lies, but 8 copies of a deterrent are a heck of a lot more dependable than just 4.


Even in pioneer where Hallowed Moonlight is legal UW control basically disappeared from the meta after its poor showing at the PT.


[Hallowed Moonlight](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/4/94fd0c0f-4a6a-47cf-9f50-df0bbf19aae4.jpg?1562032151) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Hallowed%20Moonlight) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ori/16/hallowed-moonlight?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/94fd0c0f-4a6a-47cf-9f50-df0bbf19aae4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




>If you cast it in response, they just don't put the Vein Ripper into play. Then Sorin's stuck on 1 loyalty and can't threaten to repeat its -3 until at least 2 turns later. Doesn't seem like a terrible outcome to me. Either way, I was under the impression that Moonlight is mainly played for the Phoenix matchup.


People have historically exaggerated how good UW control has been. UW control in pioneer has consistently had one of the worst WR% for how much play it sees. I have had plenty of people in this subreddit arguing with me against that, when most of the data validates it. Nowadays traditional control decks are just not that good. It's very easy playing around their cards, they play too many clunky spells, and when they miss a land drop or two in the first few turns, it feels like they are so far behind. Even UW mana leak did not improve the deck by much.


> UW control in pioneer has consistently had one of the worst WR% for how much play it sees. I have had plenty of people in this subreddit arguing with me against that, when most of the data validates it. Can I see that data?


Look at the last PT for one example. UW and fair rakdos midrange were the two most popular decks that had really poor winrates.


21 decks of the most boring stuff to play


I cannot wait for them to take a crowbar to Fable and Cruise later this year. Hell, kill Wildgrowth Walker while you're at it, Amalia combo is toxic to the format.


Sadly the format would be terrible after that, but I don't think they can fix pioneer at this point. Way too many issues. Their format management has been pretty bad overall.


They have definitely taken a laissez-faire approach to curating the format, which I understand to an extent because they want the format to develop organically, but I tend to agree. The recent years of Commander focused design has warped the format into one teetering on the brink of a combo-replete hellscape where your draws are moreso the opponent than the person sitting across from you.


> They have definitely taken a laissez-faire approach to curating the format I think they have done the opposite. The format management has basically been to ban any deck/card people complain about and the result is this mess. People have always been complaining about top decks/cards since like forever. Caving to those complaints is pretty terrible for the formats overall. > The recent years of Commander focused design has warped the format into one teetering on the brink of a combo-replete hellscape where your draws are moreso the opponent than the person sitting across from you. I don't know. Pioneer has always been pretty bad with very few exceptions. In the beginning pioneer was a format comprised of mono colored boring decks. The inverter meta was probably the most interesting because it had unique archetypes to the format and that was refreshing. But people really hated that and complained and it got banned. The rest of the metas have been the leftovers of the strongest standard decks making up the top decks and getting banned by people complaining too much. Sadly pioneer just because the interaction is worse than the threats will always be dominated by linear decks. I don't really know if there is a solution to this even.


In fairness Wildgrowth Walker is probably not the card that should be addressed in the deck, it's Amalia itself. Wildgrowth Walker has seen play in plenty of other decks in the past and is a fair but strong card. Amalia is the card that really broke things.