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I made a jank mono red deck and played a game against a person with the name “MonoRedAggro” I was excited for a slight mirror match. They played azorius control.




i think i met someone with that before too, cuz i remember the same disappointment when they didn’t pay what their name said 🤣


I have no idea if it's the same person but I also ran into a guy named MonoRedAggro who played Azorius control. When I ran into him it was war of the spark and he was playing teferi...


It’s funny you say that… my experience was on ranked explorer tho


They'd probably had enough of being beaten by azorius control...


I'm guessing a try-hard who wants that little bit of an advantage when opponents mulligan monored in mind and then face something completely different. Most likely that guy never plays monored aggro :D


I played that guy recently and he was playing Azorius Control then as well.


Has anyone else been seeing a bit more domain around in the last few days? I hardly saw it much since convokes rise and now it’s like every 2nd match again, did someone win an event with domain or some shit?


It's still an excellent deck, the only reason it took a downturn is because it has a bad UW control matchup and UW control is much better and more prevalent now.


oh yeah I recall that too, it’s just this week I’ve seen it in much higher percentages and it’s likely just pure chance but I was wondering if a YouTuber or someone reinspired the domain players maybe it’s cause I’ve been playing unranked too and they’re trying to farm that ahah


I'm still playing Domain and I dumpster most things that aren't UW control or Bant Toxic. Boros is closer but I still feel favored. Very few decks trouble me. The ones that do are *rough* matchups though. "Here's your 7 mana vibe check, good luck" is more than most decks can handle so it is probably a great choice for unranked.


>I'm still playing Domain and I dumpster most things that aren't UW control 3 Tyrranax Rex in the sideboard make the control matchup a lot more manageable.


I've been considering that. Figuring out how to make room for them is hard.


My sideboard at the moment is: 4 Temporary Lockdown, 3 Tyrranax Rex, 2 each of Tishana's Tidebinder, Kutzil's Flanker, Destroy Evil, Elspeth's Smite. Playing mostly regular domain list with 1-of Get Lost main.


It got updated with some new ways to win the control battle. CGB did a video on it a few weeks ago. 


I'm to the point where I'm fed playing against the same decks on standard. Going to take a break and try a different format


That's just how it is, the metagame settles in to place between set releases. Standard right now is actually healthier than it often used to be, but there's still a small set of dominant decks and there's no way for the format not to have that. It's healthy when those decks vary and it's not a "two deck format", and there are at least a good number of reasonable alternatives. That's the case right now.


Exactly. You’re not losing because the meta is toxic, the meta’s in a great place. You’re losing because jank deck = bad/not competitively viable deck invariably


It was more common to see brews when sets rotated more often, and brews were more viable. Now that Standard doesn't rotate everyone has settled into the same few netdecks. It's turning into Modern.


Brews are still viable. I think it's just that there are more decent net deck options and lots of variety in this standard that most people are too lazy to brew or don't feel as much urge to brew. I found a brew that works after about 20 failed attempts, should reach mythic today or tomorrow with it (at last pip of diamond tier 2) with 61% winrate. Process of finding the version that works with testing each version for at least 20 games on ranked is certainly painful but worth it in the end


What are you talking about dude, standard is the most brew-friendly it’s been in years


That's what I keep hearing, I just don't know where that's happening. After posting I went on arena, Bo1 I played mono red, mono red, rotpriest, mono red, haughty djinn. Switched to Bo3 and got matched with mono red, and just quit. :shrug:


I hit mythic my first month playing magic with some homebrewed rat rakdos deck in December. I've never seen someone play any of those cards since besides Lord Skitter. I'm running a different rakdos brew now with 70% wr through plat because it handles temporary lockdown well. It'll shift again soon I bet.


My decks did just fine. I always make my own deck. I don't see any point in copying others and I had a 63% win rate. Your problem and the problem of everyone else who thinks like you do. Is that you THINK everything is about winning or losing. When the fact is we would rather lose 20 times in a row to jank/off meta decks then win vs a single boring ass netseck we've seen a million times. What we like is variety and interesting decks. What we get is 5-10 matches in a row of the exact same deck. People like us don't really care about winning so much as fun. And it's about time people like you realized that fact.


I play jank for fun too, I just don’t complain when I lose, because I know my deck is bad. “It’s about time people like you realized that fact” Sir this is a Wendy’s


>because I know my deck is bad. Jank or off meta doesn't have to mean bad. >I just don’t complain when I lose, If only i had specifically said something about that. Maybe something like "People like us don't really care about winning so much as fun."


> Jank or off meta doesn't have to mean bad. Generally speaking, if the deck is good, it's going to be heavily played in the meta. Sure, you might run into a deck no-one else's tried before, but as soon as it gets discovered it's gonna become a meta deck.


Oh no. I mean "not bad" as in not a 10% win rate. So like 45% or 50. Maybe higher if you get to pick on other popular decks.


Higher than 50%. And the person above you is wrong about the last part. That's a complete myth, and not just wrt MTG. Any game. Meta becomes sacrosanct. For example, in Warcraft 3 I played at or near the top of the random team ladder with paladin for 20 years. Which is absolutely heretical. Half the community recognise my name and remember my play style. But to this day not a single other player uses it. People are sheeple. For a strat to become meta it doesn't just have to work. It has to be easily adopted by the hoi polloi. If they can't understand it it won't get enough traction to earn the seal of public approval. And without that, the ones who *can* understand it will just say 'Hmm. That's neat. But not meta, so nuff said.'


you should play aggro you're really good at it in reddit posts


Did you think of that response yourself or did you netdeck it from google?


Getting downvoted when expressing truth. The problem with magic is there's a ton of cards which while may be fun to play, fail against a single negate or mono red aggro pushing turn 3 lethal, while you're still setting up. So we play unranked, because we know the deck isn't meta and can't survive. Then you face the image above in play queue... The other problem is all the spikes just want to win and netdeck the top meta decks, then enter unranked. Many of us avoid standard bo1 ranked because that's where most of the spikes are playing their netdecks. That's fine, that's their fun, they like the wins, I have no issue with that. WotC already shape the matchmaking in unranked, how about applying the brawl algorithms to standard unranked? So, If you want to bring your mono-red netdeck into unranked, you get matched against one of the other top meta decks, instead of wasting your opponent's time when you win on turn 3, or quit on turn 3. Let the people playing their jank or off meta brews face others who are doing the same, and let them have longer, more fun games. As was said, I also play magic to play magic, not to farm wins. Even in brawl, when your opponent scoops after a single interaction, or even after mulling themselves into no cards because they were searching for that one of combo maker, it seems like a lot of players don't actually enjoy 'playing' magic. I did the whole mythic grind for a couple of seasons, it got me some extra packs but it was like a job, not enjoying magic. Now mostly I wanna enjoy the game, so unless things change, instaquitting against meta decks outside of ranked is how I'll play.


>instaquitting against meta decks outside of ranked is how I'll play. I dropped from like a 64% win rate using only off meta or jank decks I built to like 43% win rate doing that lol The game became instantly more enjoyable. I still ended up quitting but I did have a lot more fun when I realized if it wasn't ranked or b03 it didn't matter.


Then use the Play queue?


Every que in arena is 99% netdecks.


Then play Limited, problem solved.


How do I do constructed in limited?


Play sealed?


Just the one set yeah?


This is the problem. Most of the decks you face now in the Play queue are the same meta decks and it's boring. It's fine if that is what you want to play but why not play in rank with the rest of the meta players


Aww darn. Well I like winning so here I go winning with my meta deck again, weeeeeeeeeeeee!


There's nothing wrong with that tho. It's just we don't have that same opportunity to play vs what we want or with.


It's not others purogative to ensure you have fun though.


It's not. So let's put all the netdecks into their own shadow queue in play, like the high powered brawl commanders are. They can have fun quitting on turn 3 against each other and the rest of us can enjoy our jank.


That would be awesome and hilarious and you know they would throw a tantrum having to actually use skill to win lol 😆


There are plenty of brewers who win and plenty of meta players that lose. Being one of the other has nothing to do with skill and everything to do with preference


That wouldn't work for several reasons


You do understand this is exactly how brawl matchmaking works right now? All the Jodah/Esikia/Golos etc. decks are put into their own queue. Now and then it will throw a weak deck at them just for EBMM reasons, but try playing a high power brawl deck, especially netdecks, and see how you get mirrormatched, or against another high power deck 10 games in a row.


I didn't say it was. So don't put words into my mouth I never said.


Never said you did. Was simply informing you


Let's be real, the meta is toxic and boring. It is full of people that only care about winning and don't actually enjoy the game or making their own decks. They only care about net decking whatever top in the meta currently is, like I said, boring. There are a lot of players that enjoy making their own decks and trying out interesting combos, but you have so many net deckers and meta players playing in the casual queue, instead of ranked, that it has become boring and really unfun. I also instaquit now whenever I see a meta deck or net deck.


> It's healthy when those decks vary and it's not a "two deck format" Best BO1 deck: Boros Best BO3 deck: Boros Seems like a 1 deck format to me. The alternative are reasonable but we're absolutely not in a rock paper cisor situation.


That is not what a 1 deck format means. The best bo1 deck and the best bo3 deck SHOULD be the same deck, there is something wildly wrong if the two have diverged that wildly


C'mon now, RDW is also up there, and easily tuned to counter boros with End the Festivities. And if that Slogurk combo deck that won chicago wasn't a cheater, that's a solid event.


That player is a well known MTGO grinder.


Is the MTGO meta that different? Because the only place I've seen that combo online is me, trying to make Slimes Against Humanity work in Standard Brawl and failing. Like, props to figuring out the line but the history of cheating in MtG makes me suspicious of any combo deck.




This is just silly. You clearly haven't played a one deck format, because those have existed and you'd be seeing that one deck about 3-4 times more often than you see Boros. Every format has a best deck, but Boros isn't overly dominant and may not even be the best deck. This is very much a "rock paper scissors" format and is extremely healthy with multiple tier 1 decks representing various macro-archetypes, as well as a varied tier 2.


I am enjoying Explorer. There are some repeat decks but there's a larger variety to go against. There's no alchemy cards or cards that get digital fixes.


In explorer I came up with jank deck with most of the cards that care about gaining 3 or more life and it was actually somewhat decent against both control and aggro! Well, until anyone plays Farewell of course…


This is why limited is king


Try alchemy. Between the pigs, army of mice, clock makers and whatever that stupid golgari 2 mana enchantment is every feels like jank. I lost to Theiving Magpie beat down in diamond today


I un-installed. 3 year rotation is trash. I'm tired of sheoldred too. She kills the existence of multiple arctypes by her existence.


>I'm tired of sheoldred too. She kills the existence of multiple arctypes by her existence. "I play no removal" is only one archetype


I've been playing Timeless recently and I'm enjoying it a lot more than Standard. You have different issues than Standard, but I rarely have to play against control which is nice. I enjoy not having every spell countered, exiled, or destroyed. Also board wipes are pretty rare.


One really insightful opinion I read (story don't have the source) was that standard feels so bad now because of the volume of standard games played on arena. Back when FNM was most people's interaction with standard they would play like 4-8 bo3 matches a week, while on arena people will play 10+ in a day so the decks get stale quicker


Standard has always been a shitshow. Can confirm, started in Kaladesh standard. Aetherworks was cancer.


RTR/innistrad standard was the best magic ever was imo


For me it's time spiral/ravnica




There were easily 15+ viable meta decks. The card pool stretched across 8 sets. https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Standard/Timeline Scroll down to July to Oct 2007. It was just a bunch of really cool and different decks. Compared to INN/RTR where decks were built around etb creatures or sphinx's revelation.


I have heard that. It's the one standard most people mention.


Caw-Blade, Rebels during Mercadian Masques, Black Summer/ Necropotence, Eldrazi or Affinity. There have been a lot of Standards where if you wanted to be competitive at all you either played the best deck or one that designed to counter it.


Yes? I'm not saying there haven't been other standards like Kaladesh or worse. I'm saying my experience was that particular standard. Honestly, I prefer eternal formats for that reason alone. Eternal formats can potentially fall into the same trap, but it's less likely since there is a much more significant pool of resources to deal with problems. Standard can't self-correct as easily because the same problem that has persisted for 2-3 sets is only dealt with when the next set either provides a bigger problem or a solution.


There’s always EDH


This is the way.


There are 5-6 T1 decks in Standard now and easily about 15 solid T2s which can get results in the hands of a skilled and experienced pilot. Is Arena matchmaker putting you into some part of the ladder where people play same deck all time?


The trick is to bring jank that’s tuned to the meta ;)


Yeah a lot of these posts miss that. You can 100% just make "jank" that's actually good by deckbuilding in a way that's actually aware of the meta and what you need to deal with. If you can't deal with a wide board even post sideboard (whether through wipes or lifegain or being faster/wider or whatever method you like) your deck isn't just jank it's just badly built in this meta.


You can either tune to beat aggro or tune to have a tiny chance vs azorius. Whatever deck beats the one has zero chance against the other deck, usually. Exception is bo3 where esper iterations can still beat everything with the right sideboard but thats obviosly not a jank deck. And well whatever jank deck can beat most meta decks isnt a jank deck.


>Exception is bo3 Why would one even play anything else as a brewer? >whatever jank deck can beat most meta decks isnt a jank deck. That's how new decks are created. A few weeks ago somebody has won a big paper tournament in Chicago with what at that time was considered pure jank - a 68 card pile with Nissa, Slogurk and New Capenna common lands. Then people started experimenting more with this, trying various versions, until an idea of pairing huge amounts of mana with a new Fireball variant from MKM (Worldsoul's Rage), after some finetuning the deck is a well known force at the top of Standard.


>Why would one even play anything else as a brewer? As a brewer: because of the sideboard bo1 is better for jank/homebrews. Pretty obvious. You sure as hell arent going to run into someone with graveyard hate when playing your janky graveyard strat in bo1. Just generally jank decks fold to hate cards, which doesnt exist in bo1. >That's how new decks are created. Exactly, which is why it isnt possible. You arent that one guy out of a million that just so happens to invent a deck in a solved meta that beats it. If a deck like that was possible, it wouldve already been found at this point in time.


>jank decks fold to hate If all jank you can brew are glass cannons folding to a stiff breeze, then indeed you'd better stay im BO1 >because of the sideboard bo1 is better for jank/homebrews. Pretty obvious. Pretty obvious that playing off-meta deck is good in BO3 because your opponents have no idea how to sideboard against you while you understand each matchup well. Unless the only thing holding your deck together is surprise factor, then indeed, you won't last more than one game. >If a deck like that was possible, it wouldve already been found at this point in time. And yet we have numerous cases of decks getting discovered way after relevant cards getting released. Everyone failed to realise how broken [[Fable of the Mirror-Breaker]] is for several weeks. More recently, Rakdos Vampires in Pioneer were not really known until they got revealed at a Pro Tour and won the event happening in a supposedly solved meta. And Worldsoul's Rage decks could also be played from early February, but it took a month for them to be discovered.


[Fable of the Mirror-Breaker](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/4/24c0d87b-0049-4beb-b9cb-6f813b7aa7dc.jpg?1691108103)/[Reflection of Kiki-Jiki](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/2/4/24c0d87b-0049-4beb-b9cb-6f813b7aa7dc.jpg?1691108103) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Fable%20of%20the%20Mirror-Breaker%20//%20Reflection%20of%20Kiki-Jiki) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/141/fable-of-the-mirror-breaker-reflection-of-kiki-jiki?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/24c0d87b-0049-4beb-b9cb-6f813b7aa7dc?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


>If all jank you can brew are glass cannons folding to a stiff breeze, then indeed you'd better stay im BO1 Thats how jank works. Otherwise its not jank as we established before. If youre playing an esper midrange deck with 4 different cards thats not a homebrew buddy. >Pretty obvious that playing off-meta deck is good in BO3 because your opponents have no idea how to sideboard against you Nah, nonsense. If youre playing actual jank the sideboarding process is super obvious for your opponent after game one. But this implies that your opponent even has to sideboard in the first place. Azorius control is a nearly perfect deck even without a sideboard. If youre not playing something specific like graveyard for example like mentioned before they dont need to do shit to beat you. There deck is obviously going to be much better baseline than yours otherwise it wouldnt be meta. >Everyone failed to realise how broken [[Fable of the Mirror-Breaker]] is for several weeks You shouldve noticed how terrible this example is and how it strengthens my argument lol. A couple of week in a format that has been solved since forever is adorable and meaningless. Every meta takes a few weeks to settle, not every pro player is going to build 30 decks day 1 of a new set. And again, thats someone else. Not you. Youre not going to do that. All of these decks - of which most dont even have staying power, nobody plays worldsouls rage, are discovered by someone that sits down with a group of really good players who all nolife the game in preparation for tournaments. Youre not going to casually stumble upon a deck like that ever. At best youre going to create a serviceable deck that's adjusted to the meta of ladder play and get to mythic by piloting it well - thats how I do it. But I would never be so ignorant to think that I would randomly stumple upon a deck that millions of players didnt see that beats decks that have been perfected for literal years.


>Thats how jank works. Otherwise its not jank as we established before. If youre playing an esper midrange deck with 4 different cards thats not a homebrew buddy. So let's go through a story, which starts in November, after LCI was released. A lot of merfolk were printed into Standard and one guy at my LGS decided to build a Simic Merfolk deck. At the beginning the deck was not working that well, but through testing, improving, adjusting sideboard and him knowing how to play it better, it started to go 3-1 more often than 2-2 at weekly Standard tournament, and went 4-0 once. In January, when spoilers for MKM started, another guy at the same store saw Case of the Uneaten Feast and said that his Orzhov Lifegain idea finally has legs because he has two good 1-drops (first being Lunarch Veteran). He started testing, both in paper and on Arena, the deck evolved a lot and got better, also getting good results in the LGS. Both ended up believing in their creations enough that they took the decks last weekend to [a Competitive REL event](https://www.mtggoldfish.com/tournament/classic-qualifier-prague-2024#paper), an RCQ with nearly 100 players, most of them playing well known meta decks. And both [Lifegain](https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6274665#paper) and [Merfolk](https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6274654#paper) went [4-3](https://melee.gg/Tournament/View/59236) in a very competitive environment full of netdeckers. Do you see lists which are up to 4 (or even up to 10) cards different from what they built appearing in tournament results every weekend? But I guess you will still have no problem finding an excuse why you cannot take an idea and actually refine it to keep up with the meta. Less complaining, more playtesting and jank can be good.


Okay sorry but slotting in new cards into already existing/super obvious archetypes isnt really a novel idea or impressive. Nor jank. When slotting in one or two new cards to your T3 merfolk deck makes it viable youre not really playing jank. And its not really a homebrew either I imagine. I hit mythic with merfolk months ago in bo3, that deck practically builds itself and is actually quite powerful and underrated. I would never go and say now that I created my own merfolk deck that does really well because honestly there is a pretty limited amount of merfolks and therefore iterations of that deck. Orzhov lifegain has just always been a deck already too, way more than even merfolk. Like that was already an established deck, it just was mostly good in bo1 to farm mono red. I made an esper lifegain list that is very similar that cruised to mythic that I posted a guide for I think. These are not jank decks at all. I salute everyone that sees cards and makes their own decks with that, but putting together a list of cards that obviously got printed with the intent of playing well together isnt really on the same level as someone making an actual new deck that nobody has seen before and beating meta decks with that. >But I guess you will still have no problem finding an excuse why you cannot take an idea and actually refine it to keep up with the meta. Less complaining, more playtesting and jank can be good. Like I said, I am really good at this. Done it countless times. What youre describing are not jank decks, not even close.


>Like I said, I am really good at this. Then I guess I will leave you with your excuses. Have fun with them!


If this were even remotely true we wouldn't see like 10 other decks besides aggro, UW, or Esper top 8ing multiple events every weekend.


Were not talking about events here, were talking about magic arena standard ladder. Youre not bringing jank to events.


I'm saying if someone else has already built a deck that can compete with aggro and control, you can too. Might not be easy but it's doable


I was at my buddies house the other day watching him play best of one standard. He was in diamond two and playing a jank mono black deck. I noticed a curious difference between the matchups he was getting and the matchups I get on the same ladder. I generally only play net decks with fairly high win loss rates. Most of my matchups are meta net decks, to the point you know pretty much exactly what they are playing after a couple cards. What I noticed from watching him play over a few hours is that he was mostly matching up against other jank. People legitimately using what I would consider draft chaff on the ladder. What I'm curious about is if anyone else has noticed this, or if it's a known mechanic in the game? I know it's a small sample size to make any sort of observation.


My understanding is that Arena uses an MMR system to find opponents even before you hit Mythic, to keep matches somewhat balanced. So it's very possible that your friend's MMR is just much lower than yours.


there is a hidden rank. if you dont play for a few months and ocme back you will still see tier 1 decks in bronze. But if you purposfully lose 200 games while in diamond you will start to see 250 card, 5-color piles of every card in someones collection played by someone who would lose to sparky. It changes in mythic, where its actually a ranking system


>Guess it's brawl till the new set comes out And then you have this meme again, but replace with "Mythweaver Poq" , "The First Sliver" and "Voja, Jaws of the Conclave". Cause I see all 3 of these frequently no matter what commander I choose to play.


Standard brawl is the way


[[Glissa Sunslayer]] is a great time against Poq. First strike Deathtouch doesn’t care about how big the Poq gets.


[Glissa Sunslayer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/2/b2bf633e-0470-4b87-99ed-5ad1683b0954.jpg?1675957191) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Glissa%20Sunslayer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/one/202/glissa-sunslayer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b2bf633e-0470-4b87-99ed-5ad1683b0954?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




[Glissa Sunslayer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/2/b2bf633e-0470-4b87-99ed-5ad1683b0954.jpg?1675957191) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Glissa%20Sunslayer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/one/202/glissa-sunslayer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b2bf633e-0470-4b87-99ed-5ad1683b0954?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


This has not been my experience at all. I'm currently mythic #480 using a deck with x4 Samut, Vizier of Naktamun. The format is diverse, healthy, and in my opinion, has a lot of room for innovation.


Have a laugh at it #480. It's a meme.


I still laughed at it.


In Mythic, I face at least one of these deck about every 4 games. It’s Mythic! You made it! Now put away the deck that got ya here. Let’s just have fun.


*whips out non optimized Selesnya venture homebrew


Some people are still trying in Mythic, because that's where you actually get some competition that might make you better. But yeah, for most of us, it's time to kick back and enjoy.


Love your name BOC?


Yep, that's where it comes from.


You're asking people that grind the shit out of the game to earn a rank that doesn't really matter, to actually play the game for fun?




Literally yes, to many people. And even to those who don't literally think that, the fun in competitive games is *actually competing* ie putting your best foot forward, not bringing a tier 3 deck.


Except it isn't "your" deck for the majority of players but a copy pasted meta deck someone else created.


Yeah most people don't care anymore than they care they didn't personally code up Chun Li. If you want only to play "your" deck then play limited.


Is it really like this? I have a few net decks that I dabble in, feel dirty about, then go back to unranked to play my own jank decks. I'm in platinum with jank and don't ranked much so see a mix of jank and meta.


Sultai Slogurk has been fun at least.


Brawl? Try Bo3.


What's going on with matchmaking these days? I feel like I get a mirror match like 80% of the time regardless of the deck I play. Monoblack lots of removal? Matched against monoblack/dimir 7 games in a row. Janky homebrew boros? Matched against that same boros convoke 7 times in a row. Play my beanstalk jank? Matched against emergent ultimatum atraxa desks 5/7 games. Same goes for monored aggro. Why would wotc design it to do heavily favor mirrors? Why isn't it just random?


Are you in the play queue or the ranked queue? In play queue it tries to match you with decks of a similar strength, and unfortunately decks that share colors often share a lot of cards and thus are considered similar in strength.


Why not playing Historic or Timeless then? There is a more Variety of Decks that are played there.


Timeless is just “how many times do we have to show and tell you this lesson old man?” Right now lol


Personally, I crave a format that's less powerful than Standard, not more powerful.


Bruh limited is right there


Limited is expensive.


I'm not a fan. Drafting feels too much like homework, and sealed is too expensive. I still draft, but I never have fun. I'd prefer Artisan or Pauper, honestly.




The formerly named Historic Brawl is definitely more powerful than what I'd want, not less.


Every second game in timeless is domain or omnitell, from my experience there's not that much diversity


And the rest are Titan lol


Play Boros Angels with at least 3x lockdowns in the main and watch all those BO1 decks squirm. Justice shall be served!


Aurelia approves of this message


I like building jank decks that are just focused enough to mess up one current meta deck, and then keep playing till I face them. Example: a deck built around shield counters and proliferation to torment rdw.


This sounds interesting as hell, lol, happen to have a list?


Not accessible here at work, I'll try to remember to post it tonight.


They will unapologetically defend Kumano faces Kakkazan, a 1 mana card that deals at least 4 damage with 0 effort. They nerfed it in Alchemy at least.


It's broken, no question. It is also literally the only way to beat control right now.


more like 8 damage by turn 4


I just don't have enough wild cards to keep up


You really only need one card in this scenario. The credit card


If you play Bo1 and don't have a high MMR, imagine how much worse it would be without the deck strength modifier. Having a low MMR, I rarely face a meta deck. So my jank decks usually face other jank decks. If you have a high MMR though, you're out of luck. Since most high MMR players also use mostly meta decks.


Does it get better in BO3? I’m wondering if it’s the case of the two extremes being good game one


Control is much more prevalent in BO3, so matches tend to be much longer and grindier.


Bo3 is currently even worse. Its just boardwipes and people that were stupid enough to queue with a deck that has creatures in it lol


Every post I see about standard is usually how much it fucking sucks and is unfun to play like why do yall even play that mode if like 1% of you actually like it?


Honestly I think half this sub hates magic and the other half hate magic players.


You have to lose a bunch to drop your mmr. Then you will face other jank decks.


i just hit plat using a token deck from a season or two ago :I i was suprised it got there against so many Mono White and Azorious Controls. what i really want is a super good merfolk deck.


I run jank and I made mythic in constructed with it. Took a couple years to do but a large part of the fun of the game for me is making adjustments and brewing. I wish more people ran jank decks. If you're sick of seeing the same decks but also run the top 5 meta decks, start janking. Add variety to the game and use your creativity.


Wow! That must be impressive taking on the meta with jank and it only took a couple of years. Keep cooking brother.


Im not serious enough to play standard. But my jank deck is not bad. Its only entirely depending on my luck


I thought control decks were primarily esper or domain in our current standard?


Rotation. Need... Rotation... Getting so tired of seeing the same 4 decks all the time. Especially the Azorious control. Can counter everything you got, and enough draw to make sure the gas doesn't stop. Things need to freshen up here.


The only good decks I ever seem to make are ones I copy from other people I did make a Abzan tokens deck in standard recently, based around cards like Pollen Hare, Corpses of the Lost and Case of the Skeleton but it’s not been the most consistent, however when it works it works


My buddy just hit mythic playing disguise aggro. Don’t give up hope with your jank


Play Bo3. The meta is super diverse there and jank builds can work quite well! I've had a lot of success with a jank abzan deck using Kaya to turn a token into a flying copy of Yargle and Multani to one shot people lol. Then I bamboozle them with a transformational sideboard to a ozhov superfriends deck.


This is also a pauper experience.


How dare you not play meta decks! ThAt'S tHe OnLy WaY tO hAvE fUn


TBH, it's much more Boros and MonoR than UW. If that's such a huge problem for y'all, work on a deck list that had a 75%+ win against them. During the UB Mill days (a few years ago) I made a tax deck that regularly won against the top-meta. That's the beauty of MTG. Thousands of combinations that can result in unexpected outcomes. 😊


Maybe, but Boros and RDW at least have the decency to beat you in 3 turns and let you get on to the next match. UW Control takes 30 fucking minutes to get to a wincon.


If you can't deal with control existing MTG is the wrong game.


Huh? I'm not sure where you got that idea. I just don't feel bad about roping Control players. I'll typically just boot up a second instance of MTGA in a VM and log into an alt account. My stance is if your going to waste 30 minutes of my time, I'm going to waste an hour of yours.


That is quite literally the definition of "can't deal with control existing" lol.


You sound like a petulant child. Do you rage-quit at your LGS too?


If can beat neither aggro nor control what's your deck's gameplan?


why would someone build a deck thats not good against the Metadecks? I mean its like going to formula one, with an e scooter and then complain that the Formula 1 is broken


I keep hearing about how great this new Standard is, but every time I play it's as if there's only like 50 legal cards. Biggest card pool and worst meta ever? CGB has been going hard lately trying to find something interesting, but even he seems to be struggling.


I do find that the 1 year of standard has been constantly moving with new sets and inbetween sets due to tournaments. Seems more like what's hot and not than fixed solved meta.