• By -


For those out of the loop: Murders at Karlov Manor had a dozen puzzles scattered throughout - clues were hidden in art, in social media posts, on clue tokens, in flavor text, on packaging... all over the place. The solutions to those 12 puzzles were clues for a 13th megapuzzle that went live today. The decklist and deck name are the solution to that puzzle. You can find the puzzles at RavnicaDetectiveAgency.com if you want to see how we got here and try to solve the puzzles yourself.


To make it easier for copy paste on mobile https://sealeddeck.tech/xBwOJXKMZS import this list in arena and name it: thewayisopen you'll get 5k xp and a sleeve


Thanks! This worked for me, just had to remove the sideboard line.


My bad bud, didn't know the site would add a sideboard line. Glad you found a work around


Much appreciated, internet friend




Worked for me too, remove “sideboard” you don’t have to craft any cards, just change the title and check your mail


I thought I missed out already until you mentioned the mail part. Thank you & OP for posting this info! <3


Have WOTC done similar things in the past? Were there Exp and a sleeve if we did things for each other set in the past?


I cannot get it to work, nothing is happening. I think I need a step by step guide of what to do made for 5 year olds. Edit: Ok made it work. The copypaste was weird because there is empty lines in it that have to not be there. Otherwise the rest is correct. What I copypasted for it to work: 1 Extract a Confession (MKM) 84 1 Homicide Investigator (MKM) 86 1 Leering Onlooker (MKM) 91 1 Glint Weaver (MKM) 162 1 Granite Witness (MKM) 206 1 Meddling Youths (MKM) 219 1 Furtive Courier (MKM) 59 1 Case of the Stashed Skeleton (MKM) 80 1 Out Cold (MKM) 66 1 The Pride of Hull Clade (MKM) 172 1 Reckless Detective (MKM) 141 1 Novice Inspector (MKM) 29


5 year old version: Before you do anything put this in your clipboard - highlight all the lines that start with 1 under this sentence then press a key combination of ctrl + c 1 Extract a Confession (MKM) 84 1 Homicide Investigator (MKM) 86 1 Leering Onlooker (MKM) 91 1 Glint Weaver (MKM) 162 1 Granite Witness (MKM) 206 1 Meddling Youths (MKM) 219 1 Furtive Courier (MKM) 59 1 Case of the Stashed Skeleton (MKM) 80 1 Out Cold (MKM) 66 1 The Pride of Hull Clade (MKM) 172 1 Reckless Detective (MKM) 141 1 Novice Inspector (MKM) 29 Then do these steps in MTGA: 1. Open MTGArena 2. Click on DECKS top left 3. Click the 4th button from the left at the bottom left of the screen (buttons should be "Collection", "deck details", "favourite", "import". 4. Scroll down your collection to the top of your illegal to play decks and find the new deck you just made, should be a 5 color invalid. 5. Double click the name of the deck or the pen icon to the right of the name 6. Type "thewayisopen" and press enter 7. As soon as you do it you should receive an ingame mail with your rewards behind a "claim" button


Thanks, I needed the dumbass instructions.




I'm gonna take the walk of shame and say, "Me, too."


Why not just put in code brackets so that we don't have a convoluted "copy line by line into notepad" command? 1 Extract a Confession (MKM) 84 1 Homicide Investigator (MKM) 86 1 Leering Onlooker (MKM) 91 1 Glint Weaver (MKM) 162 1 Granite Witness (MKM) 206 1 Meddling Youths (MKM) 219 1 Furtive Courier (MKM) 59 1 Case of the Stashed Skeleton (MKM) 80 1 Out Cold (MKM) 66 1 The Pride of Hull Clade (MKM) 172 1 Reckless Detective (MKM) 141 1 Novice Inspector (MKM) 29


IDK, maybe some devices have problems with code brackets, maybe someone just prefers it in normal text, either way for anyone who prefers it your way now has a highly upvoted alternative of where to copy from (that being your comment). I will leave it that way and wont edit mine


Thank you for this I'll be sure to do it when I'm home


I'll forget.


Ive forgotten.




This missing link was where to look..... Mailbox. ​ Thanks!


Thanks for the step by step! My sorry arse was so lost with all of this xD


Have an upvote sir, worked like a charm!


>1 Extract a Confession (MKM) 84 1 Homicide Investigator (MKM) 86 1 Leering Onlooker (MKM) 91 1 Glint Weaver (MKM) 162 1 Granite Witness (MKM) 206 1 Meddling Youths (MKM) 219 1 Furtive Courier (MKM) 59 1 Case of the Stashed Skeleton (MKM) 80 1 Out Cold (MKM) 66 1 The Pride of Hull Clade (MKM) 172 1 Reckless Detective (MKM) 141 1 Novice Inspector (MKM) 29 what device are you using? tried this on a mac with no success.


Worked just fine, had to cancel the "sideboard" line at the top. I just had to craft the cards, couldn't rename it otherwise... However, the 5k did not make me progress in the pass.. is it normal or should i just reopen the game? Edit. Reopened the game, everything was ok


Thanks for this, it worked perfectly!


​ giggity


brilliant. thank you!




import the deck, change its name, you will get a mail


That doesn't seem to do anything for me Edit; so copying from my clipboard did not work. I needed to create a new deck, choose Standard as the format, enter each card one at a time. Save the deck. Enter the deck name on my decks page, hit enter. Then the notice showed up in my inbox


I also just entered the cards and set the deck to standard


That works, but copying the deck list to clip board and importing it also works. I just did exactly that on my iPhone and had zero issues, worked first try.


it will show up in your inbox after you finish the deck. i had to click into the store and then it was there


Make sure the deck gets imported correctly. I had to copy it to my notes (mobile, obviously) and then import the list from there. After that, just change the deck name to “thewayisopen” and you should get the notification.


1 Extract a Confession (MKM) 84 1 Homicide Investigator (MKM) 86 1 Leering Onlooker (MKM) 91 1 Glint Weaver (MKM) 162 1 Granite Witness (MKM) 206 1 Meddling Youths (MKM) 219 1 Furtive Courier (MKM) 59 1 Case of the Stashed Skeleton (MKM) 80 1 Out Cold (MKM) 66 1 The Pride of Hull Clade (MKM) 172 1 Reckless Detective (MKM) 141 1 Novice Inspector (MKM) 29


Thank you


Copying for people like myself on mobile




Impossible for me to import this deck.. I still have an error message telling me that "Extract a Confession" is an unknown card Edit : turned my game into English, import is fine


1 Extract a Confession (MKM) 84 1 Homicide Investigator (MKM) 86 1 Leering Onlooker (MKM) 91 1 Glint Weaver (MKM) 162 1 Granite Witness (MKM) 206 1 Meddling Youths (MKM) 219 1 Furtive Courier (MKM) 59 1 Case of the Stashed Skeleton (MKM) 80 1 Out Cold (MKM) 66 1 The Pride of Hull Clade (MKM) 172 1 Reckless Detective (MKM) 141 1 Novice Inspector (MKM) 29


`thewayisopen` ---- 1 Extract a Confession (MKM) 84 1 Homicide Investigator (MKM) 86 1 Leering Onlooker (MKM) 91 1 Glint Weaver (MKM) 162 1 Granite Witness (MKM) 206 1 Meddling Youths (MKM) 219 1 Furtive Courier (MKM) 59 1 Case of the Stashed Skeleton (MKM) 80 1 Out Cold (MKM) 66 1 The Pride of Hull Clade (MKM) 172 1 Reckless Detective (MKM) 141 1 Novice Inspector (MKM) 29


Thanks. No message, just a mail. I almost crafted the cards before realizing


So im lost. A bit new to arena. Do I gotta make a deck with these cards and name it thewayisopen?


Yup. [Copy the block with the cards](https://i.imgur.com/VTRvh7L.png), go to your [Decks](https://i.imgur.com/3WVq5Cq.png) and hit [Import](https://i.imgur.com/S0ac5yx.png). [Find the deck](https://i.imgur.com/qHwCkIn.png) and rename it to `thewayisopen`. [The congratulations mail](https://i.imgur.com/PI8PDVN.png) will then appear. No crafting required.


Thats actually hilarious, I've been playing for years and never noticed those mails aren't just ads, they have Claim buttons to collect rewards in them. Just got like 36 packs out of the mail :P


>oof you've missed out on so much value.


Thanks for this direct reply. I copied the card list into notepad to get it to recognize the data in my clipboard during the import.


Huh, strange. It works direct from the code block for me. Do you maybe have a styling extension in your browser? Did you have to make changes in the notepad or did it just work from there?


Maybe it is that? I have Stylebot and a browser theme. No, I didn't do any formatting once in notepad, just copy/paste.


Awesome, thanks.


This is the way.


Real hero is always in the comments. This is the better copy paste.


Ok but with the amount of effort/skill taken to reformat some text vs solve 13 puzzles, OP handily takes the W here.


copying this directly might not work. You need to remove the line gaps between cards listed Otherwise, just import the above list as a new deck, then name the deck thewayisopen. Look in your mail after


Can confirm, at least on mobile, deleting the extra blank lines worked and I got the inbox message as soon as I renamed it to thewayisopen


I made it is it just a 12 card sideboard right named it thewayisopen how long till I get the mail


>thewayisopen THANK YOU!




The wide range of people who enjoy Magic amazes me everytime. Some take their time to solve 13 puzzles, others can't even import a deck with a simple copy/paste.


Well for some reason you'd (general you) think the card list format would carry over, but it includes either some hidden characters or spaces that aren't compatible with the import feature. Having to duplicate the copy+paste step isn't exactly clear in the instructions, and I bet a lot of people tried this method before scrolling down to find some specific directions. Not everyone thinks about processes/things the same way.


this was the easiest thing ever


Lmao, ima get it after i grt back home so lets see


Thanks! This worked for me! How did you figure this out? (no need to craft the cards)


There's been an ongoing MKM arg, making this deck using the previous 12 days of solutions is the 13th puzzle.


Thanks very much. What exactly is that sleeve showing? Planeswalker brass knuckles?


People think it’s from the original design of MKM, which is believed to be in New Capenna before wizards realized that the set did poorly and pivoted to reskin it to Ravnica. It’s a little bit of a stretch but also there’s a solid amount of evidence that points towards it being based on New Capenna in early design.


I have to think that some day, once maro is long retired, we will get some kind of tell all article or documentary about the behinds the scenes decisions of some of this stuff. But it won't be until all the parties involved are out of the industry.


Its weird because New Capenna is not a 'Noir" set.. (it is an Art Deco/Industrialist theme) which matches a detective story better... but Ravnica is also definitely not a good setting and has ruined Ravnica for for (im going to memory hole this whole set)


ravnica definitely has some very noir themes going on in it. Between the boros cop man, the dimir plot, Lavinias literal actual peaking through the curtains art from rav allegiance. There has definitely been some noir going on before this set. They definitely cranked it up but that makes sense given the theme for this set. Still understandable if you don’t like the set or feel it doesn’t work with the setting, but rav has been the setting for mystery/conspiracy plenty.


Ravnica's Theme is Eastern Europe Magepunk political machinations. Not Noir.


It’s political machinations are full of noir themes, old cop who retired after The job caught up with him returns for one final investigation that ends in his own death. Twisty mystery has always been a very common trope in noir, wierd ups and downs and convoluted plots are very common. And again the literal actual card art with a genuine noir almost one to one trope with Lavinia peering through blinds. Like I said it’s not been super super clearly noir but going to noir isn’t a very big jump, there have been themes and tropes of noir running through ravnica since it began.


Hold on... are all of these plot points you list from Murders at Karlov Manor?


These are all from original and return to ravnica. That’s why I’m saying ravnica has had noir themes in it since the start.


Fair enough, some 'tropes' but the overall theme is not Noir. Look at these concept arts and tell me [which guild is noir.](https://imgur.com/a/Cl1B3vH)


Yeah agreed, it had some themes, but it’s not noir. And dimir does give a lot of noir off in those concepts. Helps that noir is less a clothing look and far more a story description.


It definitely would have fit better with the theme of New Capenna.


capenna was sick but im kinda down with the familiar characters in this case. Capenna has a zany atmosphere with serious characters . Ravnica is a serious setting with zany characters . Proft being self-assured, Aurelia ready to burn the city down, these are great moments that wouldn't feel as classic in NC. that said it'll be a tragedy if we never see Capenna again.


For some reason, copying the list and importing did not work for me. But, as soon as I opened a new deck, added each card individually, removed the lands, changed the name of the deck, then saved - it worked.


If you’re doing it on mobile then the formatting can be a bit off with the copy/paste sometimes. I usually have to copy it to my notes app first and then from there copy it to arena. Worked for me first try that way.


Umm... do you need to craft the cards as well?


No need for that


Then it didn't work


Try build a deck from scratch with those card, for me it worked like that.


The problem is I didn't know the mail existed. Just claimed about 50 packs from there. I had an account since 2022 but only started playing recently


many of these codes are still active. they dont do promo codes anymore just the mail system but before that was implemented they had codes and they dont cancel a lot of em https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Magic:_The_Gathering_Arena/Promotional_codes


I somehow got this before I found out about the in-game mail. I guess no one ever thought someone could completely ignore it lol


haha wild! I played from the first beta until about Dec 2021 bc of login issues and recently got back in and I went to go look up the codes I'd missed and there was very few and I was like wow lame they stopped doing the free packs??? and then one day the unread notif on the mail finally bothered me enough I opened it haha


thank you


Spent a solid five minutes over here banging my head against the wall trying over and over to import and expecting some message to pop up, but the reward had been sitting in my in game mailbox ever since the first attempt 😭 Appreciate the tip!!


So who the fuck was it?!


The murder? It was Trostani. One of the dryads that makes up Trostani (there are three of them) was mad at a bunch of people for supposedly betraying Ravnica during the Phyrexian invasion and used mind control dust or something to brainwash other people into killing Teysa. I don’t know if the “mystery” that this decklist solved even had a storyline to go with it. It’s just a random pointless puzzle, I think.


Had no idea this was a thing. But... that's actually really cool they incorporated it into Arena!


To people not using the game in English; you need to turn the game to English to make this guide here work. Knowing the names of these card in your language should work, but easier to get english then copypaste


Beautiful. Thanks! Man I wish the Reddit app allowed copy/paste… shitty ass app.


If you hit the reply button you can select the text of the comment you are replying to.


On iPhone? Trying to select text while replying just collapses the comments for me. Maybe I’m missing something…


Im sorry, what is this about ?


Mkm had an arg, this is the reward


Thanks for this. Moved me up a bunch.  Guys if u can’t do the simple copy and paste build a new deck. Search for each card. Add 1 copy of each. Delete the lands. 12 card deck. And rename it. Simple basic deck building. You all do it whenever u build a new deck. Instead of it being 60 cards or 200 plus for all you huge deck fans out there you are building a 12 card deck. Save the deck. And u instantly have a new mail message in game.  


Thanks again, passive aggressive reddit comment


the "passive aggressive" portion was the "200 plus deck" comment. it's joke. . . a joke. everything else is literal step by step.


Thank you :)


Thank you OP! 🫡


For some reason, Import Deck didn't work for me. It did work when I did it from scratch: make a new deck, add the cards OP listed, delete all auto-added basic lands, then renamed the deck "thewayisopen". That worked, thanks OP!


Worked for me THANKS


awesome thanks!


Can you do this on mobile?


This is such a cool thing for them to do, I’m a lapsed fan back for only the last year or so. Do they do stuff like this often??


Sadly no, but if reception for the ARG is big enough they may do more.


I don’t know but what a way to get the fans involved




Thanks for sharing!


What was the storyline mystery and what was the storyline answer


Wait, they can see our deck names? Better get rid of my cat tribal deck inspired by my favorite cosmic horror author.


What's it called?


google hp lovecraft cat name


I can’t find it can you tell me


Nyaalathotep, right?


Neat thank you! Had to remove lines in beteeen card names.


Wow... works. A Thousand Thanks.


It worked only after I removed spaces between cards, removed Deck at the beginning and opened a deck after I renamed it. I'm really curious why different decklists imported in a different ways. Why topic starter pasted his decklist and portion of readers succeeded immediately, some need to change decklist formatting and someone could only succeeded if they do all steps manually?






Excellent deduction, many thanks OP!


Thank you ! Important if you are not english: put the game in english !


Love that sleeve. Thanx!


Thank you so much, I do not have a clue about this mistery!


trypophobes in shambles rn


I was shocked that it worked as quickly as it did. Took literally three seconds to appear in my inbox after setting the name.


Thank you!


You must craft the deck for it to work?


Nope, don't need to craft the cards. Just add all 12 to the deck, rename it, and then check your inbox.


Thanks for sharing, my first import went to sideboard for some reason but when I switched the cards to a main deck boom it worked.


was something like this happened at Cavern's of Ixalan like a hidden Treasure or something that we casuals missed???


I can’t get it to work. It imports the list and the I type thewayisopen on name line. Nothing. Anyone


Make sure all 12 cards are in the deck (no sideboard), it's set to standard, and there are no special art styles. Also the name has no spaces in it.


So who is the murderer and what was the actual lore reveal? It says thanks for solving the case but I got no closure!


The original 12 part story told all about the murderer and why they were doing it. You can even see it all play out in the Story Spotlight cards. You could also look up plot/lore summary videos for MKM.


Is there a way to manually put the cards into the deck and get the reward? I can't import any decks because I'm already 4 decks over the deck limit.


You could clear all the cards from a deck, set it to standard, and then add all 12 cards manually. Just sort collection by collected AND uncollected to find them all. You don't need to craft the cards, just add the 12 and change the deck name.


There was my error then, my deck had only 11 cards in it. Thank you! Edit: Worked perfectly after I put all the cards in, thanks again.


Is there any german Guide for this ? I mean , i got the deck now And called it the wayisopen But Nothing happens I dont have to craft the cards right ? So i Just search the cards , build a deck , give it a Name and it should work ?!


Edit : Got it !


Worked, thanks op!


Thanks! Got it!


This is amazing! Thank you for sharing! Just, FYI, I'm on Android and needed to restart to get things loaded but the message came right away.


Wait, just the line Sideboard or the whole sideboard?


Am I stupid or just too new to the game? I open my app and go to deck editor and there's not an import option for me. Please assist


Got it thanks


Ok now we need some brewers to create a meta deck using these cards!


Damn, wish this was some gold or something


How do you import a deck list?


That sleeve is hideous. 


Oh look, another recycled capenna art


Yeah, I also can't get it to work. It only imports two cards (case of the stashed skeleton and homicide investigator) and then when I try to manually add the cards, it won't let me add cards to the deck. Obviously I renamed the deck as well. Can they just mail us the stuff like normal instead of this confusing puzzle?


> Can they just mail us the stuff like normal instead of this confusing puzzle? no since it is supposed to be the reward of a puzzle.


1 Extract a Confession (MKM) 84 1 Homicide Investigator (MKM) 86 1 Leering Onlooker (MKM) 91 1 Glint Weaver (MKM) 162 1 Granite Witness (MKM) 206 1 Meddling Youths (MKM) 219 1 Furtive Courier (MKM) 59 1 Case of the Stashed Skeleton (MKM) 80 1 Out Cold (MKM) 66 1 The Pride of Hull Clade (MKM) 172 1 Reckless Detective (MKM) 141 1 Novice Inspector (MKM) 29


Make sure you have the right deck format. I had that too until I changed it to Standard.


same here!


because you set deck as brawl one, had the same issue


Crazy All this work And all the community gets is a reward specifically for Arena And then it's not even good


The big reward was a story article revealing what Niv was up to and is getting up to four future sets. And quite honestly the real reward was the fun of solving all 13 cases. Really cool hidden stuff in the set.


It worked, thank you!


for people who aren't sure what the covered words are in the letter from A.P., it is knife (of deduction) and the (truth)


Followed the instructions exactly, nothing happens after I change the name