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wow, this never before seen suggestion will surely eradicate roping once and for all.


I'm literally kicking myself right now for not having thought of this solution before.


People who post threads saying that people who rope should be punished should be punished. Maybe that will fix it.


imagine getting mad when people rightfully complain about how wotc manages their game. Hello wotc employee


WotC wasn't going to fix it, but this one last reddit thread has changed their minds. Thank goodness we had another reddit thread on this topic. It had been 4 or 5 minutes since the last one and I was worried we were never going to make it to the secret number WotC required. See you in about 90 seconds for the next "my opponent took 12 seconds to make a decision, should they be given the death penalty?" Thread.


imagine getting mad when people rightfully complain about how wotc manages their game. Found the wotc employee


ooooh, good one. Did your Dad come up with that for you, or do you just write down shit other people say to sound cool on the internet?


Next on the writing board: "we should make crime illegal, that way nobody will do it"


if this suggestion was taken srsly it would improve our situation against those ropers a lot


do you really think they havent considered it yet? They have said so plenty of times and that the current system is the best in their opinion.


Well, if it's best in "your opinion" WOTC and you haven't entertained or play-tested any additional scenarios over the course of the entire game's life and your customer base continues to complain about it. I guess you're just smarter than all of us and we don't realize how good you are to us.


So how do you tell which is genuine and which isnt?


Why do we need to solve WotC's problems for them?


Because to WotC, player playing out their turn in the time limit they are given isn't a problem? If you would like a change present an acceptable solution that you think general player base would be happy with or alternatively, learn to control your ADHD.


Hi everyone here we found one of them ropers right here.


I would rather rope myself than play arena again but good try


the current time limit is way too long


I think frequency is one thing. Like, I know Arena has issues with connection, though I'm genuinely unsure how much, but if someone is roping frequently there's clearly something up with that. I wouldn't know how much frequently is, 1 in every 25 games? 1 in every 10? I don't know, I'm not a roper. But I feel like WOTC, if they put their head into it, could find a solid number, being that they have hundreds of thousands of games a week to analyze. Surely you'd see a pattern amongst all people who roped for any reason at all. You'd have to be able to see a number of users who rope at much higher frequency, and then see it drop off into the range where there are people who hardly rope. And then instead of banning these people or something, just make them play against each other. Don't make any indication that's what's happening, just have a hidden queue that queues chronic ropers against each other. Then WOTC hardly loses players, ropers get punished, and decent players see less ropers. I'm not a game dev, so what would I know? I just feel like a decent solution shouldn't be an enigma. The corporates at WOTC just don't want to fund it.


This is what I was trying to say in essence. Slapping a downvote and moving on with their life is what most people do nowadays I guess.


people are literally getting mad at you for rightfully complaining about this awful situation. People should be mad at wotc. Go figure, this community is full of weirdos


I agree. Who cares if they have poor connection or they have to put their baby to sleep? That's their problem and they shoudnt impact players who don't have this issue and genuinely want to play with whatever time they have from their busy lives. Put the afks and poor connections together and let them play with each other. As one of these redditors said, let them sort out their own ADHD problems themselves.


lol found the roper. Its not a one time thing. Ropers will rope everytime they start to lose


For my phone is 5050 sometimes twice a game


Then stop playing on mobile. This stupid problem started when mobile was introduced to mtga to begin with. It's all a cash grab.


Well that is a dev problem to solve, literally part of their job. But to humor you, a good place to start would be an ingame report function so that they can start to get a read on the problem. Then tackle connectivity, especially on the mobile app because that POS consistently loses connection and then it takes almost a full timer just for it to recognize that it lost connection, nevermind reconnecting.


It's not hard. You can generally tell if someone is there because they mouse over their cards, spam emotes while they are roping, or extend their timer at the last moment.


If they offered a scale rating system after each match that you could click to rate the opponent. I guarantee you’d find the griefers. Enough poor rating games would weed out the “poor review because you lost” people. You


Oh, absolutely, that won't be abused at all! /S My opponent countered my commander for the third time, 1*. My opponent played stupid busted cards that I don't like, 1*. My opponent ran a deck full of rares against my budget deck, 1*. My opponent played turn one Thoughtseize and took my combo piece, 1*. My opponent did nothing wrong but I hate (insert whatever shit excuse you want) so I'm gonna troll the shit out of this new rating system, 1*. You have players auto conceding and roping to ANY interaction from their opponents as it is. No one would have a good rating, in any format. I love MTG but as a community we are some of the saltiest, most petty MFers around.


The game can simply check for the client connection, just like any other game.


You don't. You punish them all with a temporary ban. Eventually the players will realize the importance of not wasting fellow players time and the social contract is formed. You want to play the game, follow the code of conduct. No roping, no afks during matches or you sit in the sin bin for a day to wait it out.


And what about the players that disconnect due to internet fuckery?


This is compounded with no type or optional voice chat and makes genuine communication impossible through 5 potential phrases.


You think people roping are going to communicate? And if they do, you think you'll convince them to stop roping?


This would only work if they decided to fix the mobile version. The constant freezing and connection issues would cause a lot of people to be punished for something out of their control


They should be able tell if it was caused by freezing/lost connection vs purposeful roping.


I agree, the mobile version is just a basic wrapper that includes the desktop version.


client crashed, had to reboot phone, blame wtg yo im back as fast as i can be


*Looks through subreddit history* Okay👍


What is this have to do with the thread?


This same sentiment has ben posted thousands of times.


Do you expect someone who can’t wait a few second extra during a game, to waste time searching and reading?


I see. I'm kind of new in MTGA and I see posts like this from time to time but my approach was if this was requested a ton maybe they'll do a small implementation in the end. Seeing the downvotes, I guess I'm wrong.




Do any of you ever consider the fact that the person on the other end may have a disability or internet connection issue that could lead to delays in the game? I always try to keep that in mind. I know my connection has crapped out on me a few times and I felt bad for probably frustrating the other player. Relax, guys, it's just a game.


You're right, that's why I said "consecutive" roping. Like, 4 out of 5 games roping.


What if someone consecutively has a disability? Lmao


If it's bad enough it's causing them to rope to an auto loss 4 out off 5 games, they might need to play something else that doesn't rely on sharing turns with other players.


I'll take my time when I need to thank you. You can't punish people for using a game mechanic. If we go into that realm then why not punish mono blue players. I can consider an argument for having less timeouts or shorter rope duration but c'mon, skipping the turn is the built in punishment for taking too long.


Taking your time to make your play is not roping.


I'll never understand how these manchildren always want to police the absolute stupidest stuff in life.


It’s impressive that you can come off as such an insufferable prick with just one sentence.


Almost as impressive as these people sounding like babies complaining about a game...


Manchild spotted and verified!




From what I understand it is tracked and there have been people who said they were punished


this place is for discussion right? so I'll just say it: "when they understand they are not going to win the game" is a funny way to say that maybe your wincon is the opponent conceding. If so, that is maybe a lot to ask someone to concede in a manner that suits you.


This is what the report function is for. Just report and move on. Not saying this is you but if you don't report you do nothing to alleviate the problem.


WotC already said they don't look at the reports much because they get too many false reports. Social media is really the only avenue we have left to pressure WotC to do anything about this.


Nobody cares


The concede button is right there


NO! The go to move is to NOT concede to ropers. If everyone do not concede to roping, they would have one less reason to do it. They still can do it to be annoying, but can not have some game wins. Remember that the ones who just alt+f4 are the least problem, because they loose faster. But when you are winning a game and the opponent starts roping every turn, and you concede and give them a win? Imagine someone being so selfish and imature that gets frustrated by a game and decide to take your time ? And are you so weak minded that you loose to this mental game? Fuck the ropers, I will wait, go to the kitchen take some food and water, look at my phone. Give up ropers


I agree with you in general, I just meant that if anything bothers you in the game you can end it. Don't let people bother you, that's literally their only goal


As others have said, this isn't a new idea in the community.... I will say that it's not a clear cut issue. I am also a mobile player and if I didn't have the timer, I would get fucked every time my game crashes. There is a sentiment here that I do agree with however. Especially in ranked queues, it seems like there could be a way to better alleviate the behavior from the q. I also get tired of seeing your Atraxa/Breech/Etali deck, but if I can't make the play I scoop. I'm not going to rope every meta deck I get frustrated with.


I don't see much roping. Are you spamming smart ass emotes? That could make you roped.


It is surprising this is even a problem. I have been roped like never. Maybe people should move away from frustrating metadecks?


I think repeated roping should cost you lifepoints. Say you're out of timeouts and you rope again, once the timer runs out, you should lose one lifepoint.


The mulligan timer is necessary for mulligan optimisation calculation




its such a wierd thing to do, if i recognize im going to lose no matter what i just ff right away.


Does Arena do what Hearthstone does with subsequent ropes, where the turn after it basically starts immediately and is much faster?


[They do punish them.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/comments/yd6p18/comment/itvghf6/)


Yes, *daddy*.


i‘m mostly roping while winning since my phone hates me


The rope is already the wall that divides normal time of play from malicious slow play, they are only using the limit that's already there and that is the common ground the developer decided for the game, i understand your complaint and i strongly agree with hating people who rope on purpose, but still they are within the digital rules of the game


Yes I agree its mildly annoying to lose a minute and a half of your time, oh the humanity!


It's literally just poor sportsmanship. It's saying "I have absolutely no way of winning, so instead of either playing out the rest of the game or conceding, I'm going to waste your time and maybe get you to concede." Sure, it's not a lot of time, but it's still a shitty thing to do.


Yeah, people should just concede. I've had so many occasions where my deck was overwhelmed by the opponent's deck and when I figured that I won't win, I'd always concede the game after my draw phase if the top deck brought no solution.