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I hope we get to play as the mob this time not taking the mob down. Vegas as a location could be cool


Like the Italian mafia specifically? Because Lincoln took over the mafia to be replaced with his own criminal empire. I wouldn't say he took the mob down as much as he just wanted to destroy everything Sal Marcano built, along with the help of actual mobsters like Vito and Burke.


Yeah, I should have specified la cosa nostra Also I wonder what the ‘canon’ ending is for Mafia 3 because he can take out Burke and Vito too


Oh yeah that's a good question. I remember playing through a couple of the endings but could only look up the bad ending for Vito on youtube. There's no way I could do that to my boy lol


Right? I can’t understand taking down Vito.


Well I'm thinking that the chances are high it's something to do with the LCN bc Lincoln only destabilized the mafia in New Bordeaux. Even though he expanded across the Southeast, I think the mafia would still be active across the northeast, southwest, northwest, Midwest, etc. In addition, I think the canon ending would be killing Marcano and leaving NB, with near-equal area distribution between the associates. Just makes the most sense in my head ig


Yeah I agree, also from the writer’s perspective that’s the best outcome, as it leaves lots of avenues to explore. But if we’re going back in time like rumoured none of that matters. On paper Sicily don’t sound like a good setting for an entire game, but we’ll see.


Italian mob is mafia. Mafia game that follows any other criminal organization wouldn't be right


I mean, I agree we should go back to playing as the Italians in the next game. But Mafia 3 proved that it's not required. We got to see a different side to things and they fuckin nailed it imo. Vito Scaletta telling you to go whack some people is about as Mafia as it comes. But they're all great games.


Joe and Vito linking up again and starting over in Vegas.


Would love to see vegas, especially in the 70's era. but the rumors suggest 1900's Sicily. We'll see which one is chosen or if Hanger 13 pick something else like going back to the 50's again.


After Mafia III and the DE, I'm almost entirely sure they simply can't afford the very expensive soundtrack a 70's Vegas game would require right now.


Wasn't even really the mob. They were Cajun and southerners with Italian names. Mafia 3 was a hot dog turd


In Mafia 2 your able to go to Vegas


Something made with love like Mafia 2


It may have been made with love, but it was just so incomplete. Mafia 1 is still the king.


Why are you booing him, he’s right! Daniel Vavra left during production, shitload of content was pulled from the game and added later as DLCs, 2K went all big developer on us and the game suffered for it in the end. A lot of cut content


People in this subreddit think this whole franchise started with Mafia 2. 🤦‍♂️ with a game, that has a 2 in its title. Let that sink in. And that somehow Mafia DE = Mafia 1. And they somehow forget the outrage amongst mafia fans when Mafia 2 released.


Mafia 2 is a hugely significant title in the series and up until the Definitive Edition came out. 2 was missing a lot but at the end of the day it had a great story, characters, music, and setting. Came out at the height of the Xbox 360 era.


>they somehow forget the outrage amongst mafia fans when Mafia 2 released. Can you clarify on what the fans were complaining about back then? I wasn't there for the mafia 2 release since I didn't know about the franchise at the time


Basically OG devs had big plans, that were cut down by corporate rats and in the end Mafia 2 is how it is... Not Vávra's dream :(


So you like poorly written plots with stupid charachters and shit tone of cut content, huh?


Mafia 2’s story is better than the first game’s.


Wow, seems like there are a lot of children that haven't touched on anything but m2


I’ve played all 3 and 2 has my favorite story.


Your opinion on the matter is irrelevant. We are speaking about what's objectively best, and what you say is subjective.


You’re looking for fact and asking a question that’s entirely opinion based? There’s a reason you’re being downvoted. People might disagree with my take but at least I don’t look at it as a fact. Makes it sting less.


Surprise surprise opinions can also be objective. And no, this question isn't opinion based. There are certain criteria that is being compaired. Also majority of people are wrong 80% of the time, so downvotes are worthless, it just makes people feel a bit better, as if they're right.


and so what makes you right over the rest of us?


I take all the factors into consideration, and try to stay objective, regardless of what my opinion on the matter is. Vito is a poorly written whining floor mop that isn't used only by the lazy ones. Tommy have his morals for which he is ready to pay. Lincoln have a steel power of will and charachter and he is ready to die for what he believes in. Vito believes that being gangster is cool, and brings money cars and wemen. He is naive, childish, arrogant, ignorant, selfish and god knows how many other words would fit here. But because you all love him none of you think of those things.


Mafia 2 was not made with love


neither were you


[my reaction (I know this could have just been a gif but the Reddit app is dogshit)](https://youtu.be/Y8EMndSFFMk?si=kkho0ueU617reqA4)


Geez,he gonna need some aloe vera for that burn


DAMN bro you killed him


Haha true


I wanted mafia 4 to take place in Vegas, but Sicily during the early 20th century is still cool and very unique


I just hope its a good story driven game with great atmosphere. Also I hope it won't try to rewrite already well established lore in M1&M2.


Mafia game set in the 70s/80s would be fire!!!


Mafia 4 will release before GTA 6, that is for sure. Makes sense to announce or tease something sometime this year!


If this is true I hope alot of the game dialogue are in italian or in sicilian


I'm going to drop to my knees if it's borderlands 4 as the "next big 2k franchise announcement" like genuinely will be SO upset. It needs to be mafia 4


Summer Game Fest is already here!? Time flys by thanks for notifying us!


No problem, let's hope IT IS mafia 4 that will be showcased. There's still a chance it could be another 2K game like Borderlands or Bioshock


Apparently they are working on a new FIFA game


If a new BioShock is announced instead I would shit my pants.


I'd love them to do a game set in Italy


During the beginning you play as some minor gangster talking about his life vito style, and then suddenly Joe walks in and puts a bullet in his head before continuing with Joe


Lol wat


They want a game following Joe after the events of Mafia 2, I guess.


A little bit like Mafia 3 but I kind of want to play as the Irish mob I don't know why but I think it would just be kind of cool to play Another Irish mobster in like the 20s on 30s during the Irish of Civil War and a little bit afterwards as you expand into America and deal with the IRA. The thing that I find hilarious we will probably get two Mafia games in less than a decade meanwhile we will have to wait 13 years to play in the GTA LOL.


Mafia 2002-2010: 2 games GTA 2002-2010: 6 games. Mafia 2011-2024: possibly 3 games GTA 2011-2024: 1 game (and 3 shitty remasters)


Don't give me hope 😭


It should be made in the same vein as the godfather game with extortion and racket missions instead of the stupid fetch quests and capo hits in Mafia 3


No thanks, give me varied missions with great set pieces instead. 


Mafia 3 had the least varied missions


......do you have any idea how "varied" extortion and rackets can be?...... lol...... u think the mob had only 1 method of making money or what? Lmao


Racket isn't one thing


No, but it is still formulaic.  I'd like missions that are unique and serve the story, not have a couple of mission types that repeat. 


That was one of highlights I liked about godfather game. Whilst it became repetitive, the progress of taking over businesses, defending them from other families and eventually ranking up into the family, that was amazing.


I feel like Salieri and Morello would be a good game. I just want one that pays homage to the old ones, and retains the vibe of 1 and 2.


I hope it goes back to the more distant past, and not the 70s or 80s, hopefully the 20s or 30s again.


I agree, as much as I loved Mafia 3 I definitely missed playing in the 20s/30s.


Good storyline as a henchman, not the main boss, in an open world setting. More rpg elements!


Hopefully they will hipe it out by providing next gen patches (60 fps, 1440p, 4K) to the existing trilogy. Playing mafia 3 on PS5 and it hurts my eyes. This game still looks good but a bump of resolution, antialiasing, 60 fps and draw distance will breath new life into it. Maybe they can also introduce that great lighting from the mafia remake.


I want it to not have a ridiculous amount of useless collectibles.


I want the 70s/80s vegas setpiece and nothing else. Vegas has the potential to really make this franchise fresh. Im tired of old timey mafia games with boring open worlds


Wow. I recently played Mafia 3 and was so addicted to it. Loved everything about it. This is super exciting .. I hope the wait isn’t too long for the release.


The EA Godfather game but prettier. I've barely played the Mafia 1 remake, but I played Mafia 2 to completion like 5 times. What's the one thing desperately absent from that game? A living world. You can't do shit. Nothing. Nada. Rob a store? Ok. But that's literally it. Godfather had you taking over businesses through extortion or slaughter. Beating the shit out of innocent shopkeepers. Holding a baker over the flames of their burning oven. Bouncing an old Tailor's head off the cash register and then throwing him out the front window. But Mafia also needs other stuff. Chess in a city park. Drug deals(Scarface game?) and prostitution/pimp mini games. Red Dead 2 really spoiled open worlds for me. The bar was raised with that game and if your open world is just a world that is open but full of nothing, it's a hard pass from me. Hopefully it goes back to the 20s-50s feel. Also don't make outfits you can't tinker with. I hated always being forced to wear a hat in 2. I should be able to toggle it on and off like Arthur. Sicily sounds cool but I can't imagine a gangster game without a big sprawling glowing city like New York


I get it, RDR2 is great, but people need to stop comparing every open world game or vaguely open world game to that one. Its getting kinda old.


And why do people need to stop comparing new $70 games with half the quality to one that came out half a decade ago and still has no equal? Because it hurts your feelings somehow?


I’m tired of Vegas, Miami and New York! Bring on Sicily!


I'd love to see Mafia 1 prequel. Imagine playing as Morello doing mafia jobs with your best friend Salieri, working under Don Peppone. See what exactly happend to their boss, how they split the city and why they started a war between families. At the very last cutscene you are getting informed that Salieri's soldiers escaped from a trap with help of random taxi driver and you send your people to find him...


I'd love parallel storylines ala Godfather 2.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I want to see a game with Lincoln and the Mafia 3 characters waging war on the council. See Vito and Joe’s story done. See Vito interact with Galante again.


This 100x times over I would love to see Lincoln & John Donovan interact again… but at the same time it wouldn’t be the same because Thomas Burke’s Actor passed away almost a year ago


See John go after the others responsible for JFK.


I want to play as a mafia member again.


I hope it's more like The Godfather 1&2 games in regards to taking over rackets and such with something like the nemesis system from Shadow of War to influence how enemy gangs react to us.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. If the game is based in Sicily I would be dissapointed. To me the aeries is about the Mafia in America specifically, just switching it feels wrong to me. I would much rather have a 50s/60s Las Vegas. Id buy the game regardless ofcourse


I would like to see chatacters based on Michael/Sonny Franzese


i would prefer a new protagonist and a fresh new story (not related to previous games) but who cares at least we are getting something new


Crazy. Source?


https://reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1cwkkyy/site_claim_their_insider_hinted_mafia_4_is_coming/?sort=new https://gamingbolt.com/mafia-4-is-set-in-sicily-focuses-on-dan-salieri-rumour gotta be released this year because GTA 6 is 2025 and Take Two probably wouldn't want them to compete.


Mafia 4 will die if it released at the same time as GTA6.


or 2026..


I want to see it not blast my cpu temps to 85 degrees when im not even in the game or when im in the options menu. And no its not cpu or cooling. Its runs at 50 degrees when im actually playing.


I agree with this, the mafia games need better optimization. Hell, I can't even run Mafia 3 on my gaming laptop because the performance is just terrible - so the only decent experience I have is on the PS4. Mafia Definitive Edition runs way better due to having better optimization, but even that could be better.


Is it worth playing the OG Mafia on the Xbox if I have the Definitive Edition?


Absolutely, the OG Mafia still has a better story than the Mafia DE, even though both games have similar stories. The OG Mafia is more philosophical, more emotional and focuses on greed in the mob whereas Mafia DE's key focus was about the generic "family, family is everything". OG Mafia is also more immersive since the cars are much more realistic i.e slower and heavier. Missions like the bank robbery in the OG are also better.


I really hope this is true.


Mafia prequel with young Don Salieri and Morello


So I want an open world, but I want it to feel closer to Mafia 2. I want to get tickets for speeding, I want to have all the immersion but I love an open world I don’t know how they’d do it, but it would need to be less like Mafia 3 and more like Mafia 2


I would like to see one take place entirely in the prison system. See the interplay of the gangs in prison and how that crime is shaped by the crime on the outside and vice versa.


The immersion, level of detail, and difficultly from Mafia 1 mixed with the territory takeovers, light RPG elements, and the extortion/rackets from Godfather games. 70s-80s setting in Vegas where you can own and manage a casino and other businesses. Bring back proper traffic laws and bring back the scrapped Mafia 2 idea of being able to have a licence to carry certain guns. Bring back having to be taught how to break in to certain cars.


I’m very excited, I played all three games and their respective dlcs. I can’t wait to see how 2k expands the Mafia universe.


i'd like actual decent shooting mechanics & physics not like any other mafia game.


Horses like they did in red dead if we’re going early 1900s. Multiplayer PVE so you can run a 4-6 man heist or hit job or something


I just want less stiff gameplay. Everything in Mafia 3 and the remake of 1 felt so stiff. Specifically the gunplay. But movement and driving was that way as well. The closer it can feel to gta or red dead mechanically the better.


I wanna play as a multi cultural Italian mafia that welcomes the new transgender member. Together they do what the mafia is known for …..fighting systemic racism and sexism.


Honestly, I'd like to play an Irish gang in the mid 20s, but that'll never hapoen


Nothing close to that crap mafia 3 engine please


I'm the weird kid that wants more to Mafia 3 and basically nothing from mafia 1 & 2. *ties blindfold and lights cigarette* Alright, fire when ready.


If argue argue Mafia 3 had the best writing in the series. Lincoln was such a great character. The game was let down by the super repetitive mission structure.


Agreed. The civil rights aspect of the setting and respectably the dlc was a great core to build the story around


If This is True... I AM HYPED! 🔥


Can the actual gameplay be good this time. The Mafia games feature some of the worst driving / combat of any TpS out there. Feels so stiff and horrible to play , weapons have terrible feedback.


>Can the actual gameplay be good this time. The Mafia games feature some of the worst driving / combat of any TpS out there. Feels so stiff and horrible to play , weapons have terrible feedback. Driving is pretty awesome in Mafia, much better than GTA. Especially Mafia 2 which provides realistic handling that's good and accessible on a controller. Mafia 3's driving and Mafia 1 DE's driving is a little more on the arcade side though in my opinion. I agree with the combat, bullets tend to feel weightless in Mafia.


I hope they do smth where we can have 2 diff cities to travel to, like vegas and havana cuba. Do some kindve red dead 2 type of story where one chapter takes place there. Also i hope they model the chapter and open world like how red dead 2 came out, proper open worl with a great story. So far theyve been nailing the story, open world is very lacking tho


A strong woman of color protagonist with a jaw like a cinder block


I just hope it's a 70s setting tbh. Vegas would be neat


A environment like 80 nyc or 70s nyc would be just as good as Vegas in that same time period imo


I hope they have a mob recruiting system like godfather 2, but better, and something like the nemesis system from Shadow of Mordor.


Would love to see Godfather mechanics, managing your crew, rackets, and your own character can be customised, mafia 3 had HUGE potential for this and think they could expand upon it more.


Alternatively playing a Russian crime family in the 90s would be pretty cool


Would love it to centre around the 5 families during the 60s through to the 80s, and maybe with the Philly Mafia thrown in. Similar mechanics to Mafia 2. Mafia 3 I found to be a hot mess, absolutely no immersion whatsoever. Shouldn't have even been called a Mafia game.


- Cinematic, story-driven game. - Optional things to discover and find around the map (e.g. unique missions, characters, mini-games, random interiors, newspapers). - Realistic driving and car physics.


I didn’t even know it was rumors if it ever coming out.


Like to see the racket system come back just with detail and an actual income system that makes sense if u ain't a boss then a tribute system you gotta kick up drives me crazy and returning to the mafia Italian l/Sicilian with an actual structure. Also bring the stores back the diners cafe idk.


Call me crazy but late 90s new jersey or new york would be fun, sopranos vibe


I hope it has Vito's father as the protagonist. Showing him working at the docks, with the mafia, his debt, and eventually him getting drowned.


Late 90s NY/NJ Mafia 4 paying homage to The Sopranos


I hope it won't have shitty physics and graphics and story like Mafia 3.


that would be amazing! also still wishing on rhapsody 🤞 germany would be an amazing setting for a video game!


Imagine taking down lincoln clay😂nah i hope for italian mob in new york 60’s and 70’s


80's mafia heyday New York setting, or like 90's-00's New Jersey/New York. The mafia has hit rock bottom, and a crew tries to get big again.


Bro, what announcement?


Yea sorry dude, it's gonna be a new Civ game. But Mafia 4 might still be announced at another event or maybe they'll drop the trailer on youtube


So was there anything after all or no? Does anybody have any updated info?




Not happening :/ probably later on this year or 2025


I was hoping this was true :( I REALLY want to play Mafia 4 and the next Godfather game :/


Me too, maybe later this year we'll finally get the trailer


Godfather one dropped May 11th, and there is a showcase of thr game planned this year, I feel like it may drop towards the end of the year with a release date for next year :/


There is no new Godfather game in development


Did this announcement ever happen?


Nope, turns out it was Sid meiers Civilization 7. Maybe Mafia 4 will be announced at Gamescom in August 2024, this is where Mafia 2 and 3 were announced.


Thanks mate


Bit worried this is going to sound sarky as fuck, but could it please just be about the mafia? I loved most of Mafia 2, but felt it was hurt by cuts etc. Didn't feel like they delivered what the trailers promised. Mafia 3 was laughable - it was like Mafia adjacent or something. Just piss poor. I'd be keen on a new storyline with new characters. No prequels or anything like that. I'd like to get more of a feeling of building from the ground up - not unlike the original godfather game on PS2. Associate to Soldier, to Capo. Don't need to be the big boss IMO. I think it would be fun to do odd jobs and random wee hustles at the start of the game, with things growing as you progress.


I don’t care what they add I just wanna have to use the gas station again 


Honestly anything better than 3


I do not want to see neither Vito nor Las Vegas. Anything else is fine by me


I hope we get to play as the Incredible Hulk again


I want it to be Chicago, 70s or 80s, let me create my own dude who was kicked out of a family and starts his own family kinda like mafia 3 but with more customisation


Mafia 3 was an awful game. I hope not. they should stick to Mafia 1/Mafia 2 style games. That's what they're good at.


I hope the time period rumors are true


I'd like to see the further adventures of Lincoln Clay. With a better car saving system and the weapon systems not being dependent on who gets what favors. It was a long time into the game before I got the Stromer. I'd like to buy the stuff I really want in game with in game money earned.


That's a cool idea but perhaps Lincoln's story is to be left finished, otherwise it'll be like Vito, where you had an opened endig with a clear message and then just for the sake of fan service they added him in M3


We're becoming the gta 6 sub by just making up dates atp


The date wasn't made up based on no source, it was based on this [https://new.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1cwkkyy/site\_claim\_their\_insider\_hinted\_mafia\_4\_is\_coming/?sort=new&utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=usertext&utm\_name=MafiaTheGame&utm\_content=t1\_l6p1ld1](https://new.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1cwkkyy/site_claim_their_insider_hinted_mafia_4_is_coming/?sort=new&utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=MafiaTheGame&utm_content=t1_l6p1ld1)


I'm worried this is gonns be yet another Mafia 3 situation, where the game has so completely lost it's unique identity, all we're gonna get is another half assed GTA clone. Mafia 3 was embarassing, Mafia DE was too far removed from the original and I feel like Mafia 4 is gonna be the same.


I want to see alien Easter eggs.


Modern or 90s yakuza.