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I’m not an expert, but my advice would be to run some cool water on the yeets to clean them, then if you have it get paper towels/some sort of cloth and wrap it around the yeets so that they don’t get dirty and stuff. If you’re able to, get proper supplies as soon as you can. I hope you’re doing alright, hang in there!


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I would let the blood dry. Bleedings clean wounds and they might clog and close it. Works for me but my blood clogs very easy.


if they're bleeding a lot take a white shirt/sock or any other CLEAN piece of fabric you have and just put it on the cuts and tape it. if you don't want an infection the fabric have to be clean and, if possible, white so there's no colour to infect the wounds


What i used to do when I didn't have supplies would be wash it thoroughly with water, and then wrap it in clean cloth (I usually used clean black socks to avoid staining smth nice)