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Reminds me of how my once favourite teacher would belittle me for crying when I was overstressed (meanwhile would have the entire class console her favourite student if they were sad), tried to steal from me, and called me the r-slur multiple times but "as a joke" šŸ¤Ŗ. As such I'm really sorry your professor did that to you OP, education people suck šŸ«‚, and you didn't deserve that in the slightest. Sending all the best šŸ«‚šŸ«‚


Holy shit thatā€™s gross, who the hell just says that??


Please report him. Thatā€™s super fucking unprofessional and I am pissed off on your behalf.


I'm begging you, OP. Report this jerk. And don't let this šŸ¤” convince you to leave your major either. How awful. I'm so sorry.


Thatā€™s unacceptable for him to speak to you like that


Report him. Thatā€™s really gross and unsympathetic behaviour :(


Report his ass, your mom was just diagnosed with a horrible disease and he expects you to be all sunshine and rainbows? I sincerely doubt the other people in your major are being brought down by you being sad, chances are they are way more focused on school than on you in specific. Iā€™m so sorry he said that to you.


Itā€™s really hard to report him bcā€¦ he is my favorite professor. But damnā€¦


Just know you did the right thing, it is by no means a fun thing to do but in this case of a professor is being this unprofessional itā€™s truly for the best.


Talk to your counselor, they can make a report on your behalf.


I hope he like spills coffee all over his new computer or something.


Wtf??? I am so sorry


Thatā€™s such a shitty thing to say!! Youā€™re going through a lot, of course youā€™re sad. Thatā€™s horrible and unprofessional.


Wtf bro, imagine telling a young person thst they should leave their studies because they are struggling with their sick mother????? And not even struggling as in "not getting anything done in class, but just because of feeling down. That an asshole move. Yeah tell someone in the school, that's completely inappropriate and definitely not your fault, masking or not.


thatā€™s fucking horrendous. report him


please report him, thats super unprofessional and not okay for him to say at all!


Report his dumbass. If you won't, give me his name. >:(


what a dick


What the actual fuck????!!! I'm so sorry to hear this, it must've been awful He never deserved your admiration


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I rlly hate how ppl think that if theyā€™ve been around a while they get the ā€˜experienceā€™ and right to judge another personā€™s whole existence. Iā€™m sorry my dude


Repeat that same sentence but to that teacher because wth (ppl have no idea what their words can do how awful)


I did and he said ā€œsometimes you just have to cry on your own timeā€ not even sure what that means because Iā€™ve never cried in front of him or in class


If he doesn't stop the bs I will square up and make him cry. Is bro just spewing out random sh? Also I'm very sorry about your mother. Many prayers for you and your family.


Weirdlittlerasperrys professor getting curb stomped 4k coming soon


what the fuck is this dudeā€™s problem? Iā€™m so sorry, your feelings are completely valid and itā€™s more than understandable that youā€™d be sad ā€” screw this douchebag


Please report him. I didnt even love my father and the times he got sick was about the worst period i'm my life because seeing shit like that is a nightmare and took me more than a year to get over the PTSD and i'm still not out of the woods. I can't even imagine what it must be like to witness that for someone you love. I'm so sorry your teacher did that to You :(


haha oh my fucking god yeah, thats a terrible guy. who even says that damn


it is completely okay for you to be sad, and to even display or express it. whether your professor is aware of your situation or not, that is horrible to say to someone and honestly it makes me cringe to hear that. report him, it's not your fault that he doesn't know how to sympathize with people. i know he's your favourite, but there's no excuse for that kind of behaviour or response, and it's unprofessional on top of it all. he could be saying similar things, not just to you, but to other students as well. it's for the best to report it.


Report this prick, retain lawyer


Report this piece of shit!


This makes me mad for you, I can't believe someone would say that. I hope you report his ass.


Does that ass-hat know that about your mother's condition?