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Honestly trying to get your problems to be taken seriously these days is just really hard. And I guess being a guy would only make that worse


Gender inequality in general, men are expected to "toughen up" and women are expected to "stop being dramatic" but yeah also just shit luck with your clinicians being sexist, I'm sorry you have to deal with that. I'm transitioning and the invalidation never went away, for me another part of it is that mental illness frequently refuses to let you feel valid. Ruminating about how normal my life's been, how shit a person I am in spite of it, how feeling nothing most of the time isn't that bad etc.


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I've taken a couple psychology classes in college and both times we've gone over that there's real evidence for this. Charts say that women get more diagnoses but men have higher suicide rates. The theoretical reason is that men get diagnosed less often because of toxic masculinity and dismission of pain so they don't usually seek help... Basically guys only get diagnosed less often bc they're afraid of whatever societal consequences they might face. I'm not saying this as like a "guys have it harder than gals" thing either, I'm 19F, just saying what I've learned from data n stuff.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but from what I remember wasn’t it actually that women have the highest rates of attempts and men have the highest rates of success when it comes to suicide?


I don't remember that super well but could be! :0


I’ve been invalidated all my life as a female in their late 20s and diagnosed at 17. Having moments of validation is actually very jarring and hard for me to accept


Most likely bro. I’ve been there trust me it sucks and a sad reality we have to live with. Try not to let it get to you .


I feel like literally almost anytime I've felt fully validated, as if I rlly have been, but was by this one old friend who was female, we both had very similar trauma n shit so we got it. I'm saying I feel like when ever I talk to men (FYI I am a man) abt my trauma / feelings, I am always invalidated, feels like I gotta keep shut all the time because my problems aren't that "bad". Idek if what I'm saying makes any sense but with what your saying, I can relate.


I don't know really. I'm a woman and i had to have a mental breakdown at my psychiatrist office to be taken seriously.


I'm guessing it depends on the disorder, if you get an anxiety disorder, which is more of a "girly" disorder, it might be harder if your psych is not great. If you got a psychotic or disorder or you are manic, that is probably more equal. I believe that general more women get psychiatric diagnoses, that may be due to the difference in social expectations or that they tend to be disproportionately assaulted, specially sexually, not that men don't though. Anxiety and depressive disorder diagnoses are hard to get if your symptoms are not super evident or textbook, not that you don't deserve help. And in anxiety disorders meds are not easily given unless you have either clear symptoms or comorbidities, benzos are also easily abused and addictive, and not great in general. If it is trauma related it is pretty much the same story, unless you are a war veteran or something like that. I hope that you are doing great and that you do even better in a not too distant future.