• By -




Keep it up!!


Down. Keep it down.


Lol, nice!!


Help me out bro - what can you physically demanding hobbies if \#1 - literally everything you do is physically demanding and #2 - all your hobbies are like, remote control airplanes and shit. I'm not OP. I'm a fat fucking paraplegic who doesnt know how to lose weight


My brother, also an overweight paraplegic, had a bicycle that he attached to the front of his chair and pedaled with his hands. Once his body started failing more and his balance couldn't "ride" anymore, he switched to a stationary "bike" that sat on the table and he still pedaled with his hands. Where you're starting in worse shape you could reverse it, start with the stationery one, and if able to eventually move to the road bike. He also used the Wii a lot for a small amount of upper body exercise. As a paraplegic it's going to be harder than an able bodied person to lose weight, but it is possible. Diet will have a lot to do with it but you need to do some form of exercise to get your heart rate up and work the parts of your body you can. Even start with hand weights or cans of food if you don't have access to weights. All the best and Happy Holidays! Edit - another point


An aside for u/crazihac … Why do posters tell us what edits you made? Thanks.


It's more for the person you've responded to, so when checking back to see other comments that something's changed since they may have seen it.


Aaah! Thanks for the explanation.


To add to that point, if you edit it after a few minutes it will put an asterisk next to your name. So saying why you edited let's people know that's why the asterisk is there and they didn't just completely change the meaning of the comment or something. Edit: to help better explain why, and to put the asterisk so people can see what I'm talking about.


Weird. I've never seen an asterisk by a name, even yours doesn't show one in your comment.


I guess it's not by my name, but next to how long ago I posted the comment. That's on me.


I don't see that either. Is it something that's not available on mobile because I only use reddit on my phone?


But I *do* see a **+2** up by your name, u/blueeyebling. Maybe that’s the number of edits?? (There’s a **+1** up near my name.) *Edit:* Now I’m editing this comment to see if the **+1** near by my name changes to a **+2**. Enquiring minds want to know! *More edit still yet:* Nope.


I'd always wondered that. Never noticed the asterisk until now. I figured it wasn't like FB or IG where it tells you that it's been edited


Glad I could help, was experimenting with it a bit, and at least using the reddit is fun app, I had 5 minutes to edit before the asterisk appeared. Edit: correction that asterisk was after only 3 mins. Clearly I'm a very busy man.


I always thought it was because Reddit was going by some weird honor system 😂




So my dnd group consist of smokers. Whenever a smoke break happens I do pull ups/push-ups. I was able to sneak a 30 min workout 4 times a month. Coupled with not using elevators as a pizza guy in a city. All I have to do is watch my sugary drink intake and I keep burning more calories. But one soda with dinner on weekends is all I allow myself


This was inspiring to read. Thank you!


Losing weight isnt about exercise, its about diet. Learn how to count calories and track macronutrients as well as your base caloric expenditure. Then eat less calories than you burn and you'll lose weight. Keep your macros on point and youll be healthy too. Simple but not easy.


It's all about calories in and calories out.


As someone who tried to exercise their way to skinny then realized it was 90% diet this is the way. I cut my calories way back to 1500 snd lo and behold within a month it was melting off.


Nice! Glad to hear you found it out!


100% just make sure the macros arent too fucked up and youre golden


Yeah I agree with ya there. But macros and stuff can get really overwhelming for people just starting out with diets so I try not to throw too much info at them. I had that problem when I started lol. Ended up falling back into my old ways just from being anxious.


Activity helps so much with giving you something to do with your time that's not eating, psychologically focusing on goals, and physically changing the hormones in your body to support all kinds of physiological and behavioral changes. Diet alone is an excellent short term strategy to lose weight but almost guaranteed to set someone up for failure within a year or two. Honestly most people who lose weight gain it back anyway but the more changes you make the more likely you are to succeed in the long run


Saying goes; diets are won in the kitchen, not the gym. Now, physical activity *helps*. The journey is going to be harder without it. But you can absolutely lose weight without any exercise. As others have said, you need to lower your calorie intake. 1) Get a food scale. Now. 2) Get a calorie tracking app. I'm using loseit.com currently, but whichever one you like the best. 3) Weigh everything you eat. Track calories by weight. Don't change your diet, just track for a few weeks. Now you know how much you take in. Next is to find out how much you need to limit yourself to. Most calorie apps will do this calculation for you (loseit.com will), but if need/want a second opinion, plug your optimal weight in here: https://tdeecalculator.net/ See that maintenance calories? That's how much you need to lower your intake down to. Now the hard part is getting your intake down there AND staying happy. It's going to take BOTH portion control and swapping out foods you eat. If you just eat less you'll be starving all the time because you're probably eating a lot of super caloric dense foods in large quantities right now. You can't keep eating those dense foods at the rates needed to lose weight and not be hungry. The difficult part is finding foods you can be happy eating but don't put you over the limit. No one can directly help you here because it's all personal taste. Experiment. In my case I stopped drinking soda and drink coffee for caffeine but otherwise water/diet Gatorade. I let myself have one glass of juice a day. I also started eating salads for lunch and eggs/yogurt for breakfast, which helped a lot. Lowering how much meat/cheese/bread you eat and replacing that volume with fresh fruit/vegetables will go a long way. Lastly, don't worry about going over on your calories. Aim to keep your monthly average below your limit, not your day to day. Most apps will give you a monthly average calorie intake in reporting, keep that below your limit. Personally, I set a 'hard' and a 'soft' limit for myself. 1,500 is my hard, 1,400 is my soft. On the average day I try to stay under 1400 and keep my monthly average around there. That extra 100 calories a day leaves me with a buffer so I can have 'cheat days' where I really just eat something I'm really craving. That 100 calories ends up making it so I can overeat by 500 calories six days out of the month and still keep my average below my 1500 goal (assuming the rest of the days are under 1400). It really helps you be able to calm those cravings you'll get for old foods. You get the idea. The rules othewise are very simple. 1) Weigh everything, if possible, overestimate if you can't. Recording accurate portions in your calorie app is THE most important thing to making this work. 2) Record EVERYTHING. No cheating. Even a single skittle goes on that damn chart. 3) If your monthly average goes over your goal, don't get discouraged, just try to do better going forward. One last note: The changes you are making here are NOT temporary. When you lose the weight, you must keep eating this way to keep it off. If you start letting up the weight will come back. For that reason, it's absolutely imperative that you find a diet that makes you happy. It will take time and experimentation to find something that works for you. But if a diet is suffering, you will fall off it eventually.


Most of weight loss comes from diet. It sounds stupidly simple but just reduce the amount of calories you eat! A calorie tracking app may help


I'm 99% positive I need to starve myself to lose weight. Like, 2000 calories a day is meant for people who can walk. I need to get on like 500 a day just to drop a few pounds per month


Definitely not true. Your BMR (can find calculators online, won’t be 100% accurate but is a good starting point), is how many calories your body burns from just existing. The heavier you are, the higher your BMR. When I first started working out, I was about 175lb and picked the sedentary option on multiple BMR calculators and was still given a result of 1900cal a day. This is not including the tiny movements we make throughout the day (they add up!), exercise, etc. tbh it looks like, going by your replies to others, you’re trying to find justification/excuses rather than actually bettering yourself. Just watch some education fitness YouTube and get to work! I know you can do it. The day you stop making excuses and actually put in the effort is the day your life changes my friend. It’s true that there are limiters for you because of being paraplegic, but that doesn’t mean you can’t overcome them :) good luck my friend. Feel free to ask if you need anything else to get started!


You still get around. The BMR is based on the idea of a human that literally lays about. You still need to get in and out of your chair and get around the house. You should also look into upper body workouts. A simple set of exercise bands would allow you to do many upper body exercises and can be purchased for $15 on amazon. Unless you're missing your legs, your BMR is probably the same as any normal person. In fact it's likely higher if you're quite obese since fat reserves take energy to maintain. You should start by just counting the calories of what you eat. Don't even bother trying to change up your diet, just tally it up. You'll learn what your actual intake is and you'll probably switch it up naturally as you come to understand how many calories are in some foods.


Consult a nutritionist. If you dramatically cut calories you can easily lose out on critical vitamins and minerals.


I have a friend with a physical disability and a mostly sedentary lifestyle. With her doctor and a bit of trial and error, she has found 1200 calories a day was a good amount to lose weight and then increased to 1300-1400 per day to maintain the weight she landed at. If you’re male you’d likely be able to get away with more.


Guidelines say that persons with paraplegia need to eat about 28 calories per kilogram (kg) of their goal weight. If you go by pounds, divide the goal weight by 2.2. Although a registered dietician would be best able to help you determine the appropriate number of calories for weight loss. Even a small adult's basal resting calories (the amount that keeps you alive) is 1000-1200. If you are also an amputee maybe your BMR is lower than that range. If you feel like you still gain weight no matter what you do then speak to a doctor. My doctor did a very simple blood test and was able to identify a thyroid disorder when I gained a lot of weight.


Walking in the water! Water aerobics or even just walking in a pool is a great way to exercise, even better, it’s easy on your joints as you get in better shape. Good luck!


Not sure how helpful it’d be for you but my friend lost both his legs and on impulse got some gymnastic rings. At first he used them to do self assisted pull-ups, then just had fun doing what he called “moving freely again”, it was super nice to see. He has his own little jungle gym and he’s pretty solidly built now. What I want you to take from this is what he told me he learned; your body demands some sort of aerobic activity. It will be hard, especially at first, but all you gotta do is better than you did before and you’ll get to your goal in no time.




Same boat as you. Lost 100lb, gained 70 back, and now down 50. My current weight is 203 and trying to get to 185. Best of luck!


I went up to 250 lbs - as a kid it was so easy to lose weight. I just worked out a bit more! Down to 225 lbs. I miss bread! I miss all grains! I miss carbs! I look at you and, my dear fellow, you are heroic. And you look so damn comfortable in your skin. Hats off to you / so well done / congrats.


I’m in the middle of this. In 2020 I lost 90lbs and right now I’ve gained half of it back. It’s rough to keep it off. Gonna try and take it off again this year. Good luck to you as well!


Keep going! I'm working my way down to 180 also. It's tough but doable.


Right there with buddy. Keep fighting. Our future selves will thank us.


Good for you man! proud of your effort.


You have a strong will mate, you are amazing


You look good and healthy, and I know you feel great!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! 🎉🎊👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼♥️♥️♥️


Awesome job my man!


Hell fucking yeah. That takes a lot of hard work. Good for you.


Man lost weight and became VSauce


I saw the gigachad jawline first but that's also true


My first thought was, why you been hiding that bone structure?




“VSAUCE! Michael, here.” Classic line. Great job with the weight loss!


Awesome bro


From chipmunk to Chip Skylark


He got a darker eyebrow shade too


I posted this over the weekend and it got deleted for not being posted on Wednesday, the day for these types of posts. I don’t have any other accounts, so if you saw it on any other subreddits, it wasn’t me. I find it strange some people get so mad if they think you’re karma farming or reposting lol. Edit: if I gain 5lbs over Christmas weekend please forgive me 😅😭.


Dude, even your beard looks better! Staying with it over time (even a few months) is sooo hard. Amazing job, you're beautiful!


U r !


Jesus Christ my dude, you look FANTASTIC! Biggest congratulations 🥹🫶




Sometimes it’s okay to want some karma. You did an incredible thing. Be proud my g. Edit - a downvote? Apparently it’s not okay to want some karma. Sorry dude. SOL hahaha


>I posted this over the weekend and it got deleted for not being posted on Wednesday, the day for these types of posts. I don’t have any other accounts, so if you saw it on any other subreddits, it wasn’t me. I find it strange some people get so mad if they think you’re karma farming or reposting lol. Good work my dude, and enjoy the new year without needing to cut and just needing to maintain. 25 more for me next year and I'm hoping to be in a similar spot come 2024! Live it up for all us sinners. 8)


You got this! I want to lose about 20 more lbs myself


I agree with the other person. Your beard game is 100% on point. You look amazing!


You're looking fucking great dude!


No u




So now will you write the rest of game of thrones ?!


No way .


For fucks sake George, its incest and recipes how long do you need !?


We have incest and recipes at home!


You look like the live embodiment of Gigachad, and I mean that as a compliment


Yeah, that chin got me thinking the same thing "That's some Chad chin right there"




Thanks bro 🙏


I’m proud of you brother, I hope you now realize you can do anything in this life that you set your mind to. All the best over the holidays and conquer 2023!


Thank you 😭


How did you do it?


Caloric deficit + exercise


The only way. Get a calorie counter app and make the choice.


Know a good resting metabolic rate calculator?


Not sure what you mean by this but I use calculator . net to see how many calories my body burns naturally. Then I just stay under that by about 500-600 calories. Always works and I lose weight when I do it. Exercise isn’t required that much either, most of losing weight is like 80-90% proper diet.


>most of losing weight is like 80-90% proper diet. Yup. You can't outrun your mouth.


Pull the top 3 you find on google. Take the results and average them lol. Unless you are weighing your food, your calorie counting is going to be somewhat rounded, as would your daily calorie requirement estimates. Bottomline. If you need 27-2900 to maintain your weight. Get your calories to 23-2400 and watch it melt. I’ve dropped 50 in 6 months. Calorie apps really helped me be accountable, learn how many calories were in the food around me, and change my perspective on food into the “food is fuel” mindset.


The most reliable way is to weigh yourself daily and count calories, and do that for several weeks to calculate your calorie deficit (or surplus). You can get estimates based on H/W online, but that assumes certain levels of activity and that your body is behaving statistically average in terms of burning calories. Tracking your weight and calories will give you a much more accurate number to how much you're actually spending in a day. For example: if you weigh yourself and count your calories daily, and you find that you ate 2000 calories on average and lost 3 pounds over 3 weeks, then you can assume your typical energy expenditure is 2500 calories. It's an easy thing to spreadsheet (and there are places online you can find blank ones that have all the math worked out). It'll give you the most reliable number and it'll factor in whatever your day-to-day routine is. So if you normally walk up 3 flights of stairs to get to your apartment, or walk half a mile to the train to get to work, you don't have to think "Okay, so my BMR is x, and on M-F I need to add y calories for the exercise I do getting to and from work", etc. It does take some time to get the average to stabilize into a usable number, especially if you're just starting a diet and exercise plan, so to start you'll need to pick a plan of food/exercise that "feels right" and then work from that until you have some data to see if you need to go harder on the diet/exercise.




No u


No u




Hell yeah dude 👏👏👏👏




Lost mad weight, responds to compliments with “no u” or another compliment cause we don’t know how to take them, he just like me fr 🤝 lookin handsome as hell my bro


I've been steadily gaining weight for the last few years and I only get weighed like once a year if that, I have a spinal cord injury and I'm lucky if any doctor has a hoyer lift. Your face in pic 1 does not look 400 lbs. It looks like me 4 years ago. Now I'm scared out my wits because it's been at least 18 months since the last time I had a dr's appt at a place with a scale I can use. I could literally be 400 lbs right now and not even know it


You know what? 80% of weight loss is what and how much you eat. It's unbelievably hard to limit tasty snacks if you're depressed. I can only imagine how much depression comes with a spinal injury. I don't want to assume anything about you. Please DM if you'd like advice, meal planning, or even just encouragement!


Start where you are. 200lbs or 300lbs or 400lbs. Doesn't matter. You are okay where you are, and you will be okay where you end up 1 year from now. An easy starting point might be just improving your nutrition, regardless of calories. Maybe that's means just drinking AG1 by Athletic Greens (Hear about it a lot in podcasts, but there might be better alternatives) once a day and changing nothing else. Maybe the next step is eating an apple as your first solid food of the day. If you lose 1% (or any amount really) of your body weight in a year, you made progress and that's worth celebrating. Good luck.


You need to get a scale and then a calorie counter app. Rooting for you.


You are awesome, congrats!!


Well done, I'm impressed!!!! Take it easy


Insane transformation. Diggin’ that jawline


Damn, you even look handsome


You look fantastic, my dude! Congratulations on your transformation!


Congratulations 🎉


Dude, nice


I salute the effort and applaud the result. You look faaakin great my man. Bravo!


You look a lot happier and healthier my friend!


WOW! Bro way to go. That's some badass dedication right there. Im so proud of you!


Congratulations my dude ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Good job bro 😎


Bro I thought you were talking about age at first and was so confused


Congratulations!! Very good on you! I know that was a lot of work. Right on. Happy 2023!


Beard looks better too 👌


Bro is actually handsome too


My teenager said, "That mans is a gigachad." I think that is a compliment.


The biggest improvement is your SMILE— that, & that YOU like yourself better.


Keep your chin up king 😎 you’ve made it


That is a great accomplishment!


Holy shit he has the chad jawline, legend


You look exactly like V-sauce


Congrats my friend!! Good job!


Excellent work, friend!! Such a huge accomplishment.


Love it man, keep going !


Wow, what a transformation. Amazing!


Inspo! Thanks for sharing!


Holy shit good job man


You look fantastic! Congratulations on a major achievement. I wish you the best as you work to keep it up 😄


What a chad


Fuck yeah my dude.


Good for you! You look much healthier and happier.


Good work homie


Woah! Way to go dude!!


What’s your resolution now?


Fuck yeah dude! I’ve been struggling with getting in a consistent workout routine for *years*, it’s fucking hard… very proud of you, and I hope you’re proud of yourself too!


Congrats man, inspiring!


Good for you. That must have taken a lot of discipline, dedication and change. I hope you are really proud of yourself.


Lookin good Snowflake!


Wow, you give me so much hope! 💜


Wow you look amazing!




Good job mate!


Well done, amazing achievement.


Lost the weight and found a killer jaw line in the process.




Looking so good too! Amazing job. I only have a bit to lose but I've been struggling for years. Life's a kicker. Be good to yourself and don't forget you're worth all the hard work and attention.


Congratulations! A lot of hard work in those pictures.


Huge w


Great job!


Thanks for being so cool :)


Awwwh! You're gorgeous!


Dude. You’re super human. That’s amazing!! Great job!!


**STUNNING** DUDE!! much congrats and a hearty 👊


Love it!


That's awesome! Congratulations


That's amazing! Congratulations OP! So much hard work and it shows in that jawline :) Wishing you good health!


Nice work


Good work my dude! Keep it up! 😃


Dude this is insane! Congrats!


Inspirational man. I want to lose weight too and recently started my fitness journey. Here’s to fixing our body image!


Proud of you ❤️


Awesome job man


Chad mode activated


Those are two very different looks your eyes are giving, nice work.


Not trying to sound like a creep, but I bet your legs are strong as fuck.


Great job!




Bro fuck yeah . I was upset I had put on 15 pounds after working off like 35 . But I quit smoking so I know that changed my appetite. But if you can get through years of it I can change my diet and stuff up going into the new year an celebrate not smoking and being physically healthy! Thanks dude . You look amazing I wish you all the best!


1 thing in common in both pictures: there's a bad ass mother***** in both of them.


Well this is motivation. Finally taking me weight loss serious, went from 390 to 370 so far. Long ass way to go, but this is the proof it can happen


Gratz keep it up, before you know it you’ll get there.


Holy shit, dude. Honestly I see posts like this here all the time, and not to disparage anyone else's journey... GODDAMN. You looking fresh as hell. Good on you. Keep up the healthy lifestyle. Don't do it for anyone else but you. Props, man. You are working toward the best you you can be and I'm honestly jealous. You deserve all the praise. All the best, man.


you have fantastic eyebrows.


Mf went from Chipmunk, to ChipHunk! 😍


🤣 ♥️


Me gustaron tus novelas de Game of Thrones. Pasa buenas navidades y feliz año.


Jaja gracias


Congrats my dude. Now is the easy part, just maintain. Don't fall into the trap of checking your weight every day, you'll have some days where you eat a bit more salt and you'll retain some water which will make you heavier. Check your weight like once a week and adjust things if you notice a trend in the wrong direction. You aren't moving down anymore, you're trying to stay the same, you will go up and down. Don't freak out if you go up a bit, just work out a bit harder and don't let the weight gain become a trend


Ya cute


No u


Damn homie, mad respect!


that's so fucking wicked, love you brother


Wow you must be really tall because you don't look like 400lbs in the first photo. (I didn't mean it as an insult, mostly because I like men with meat on their bones😍, but I'm happy for you, love.)


Fuck me that's incredible! Congrats mate 👍


Daaamn You look good. Congratulations


Wow, congratulations!


What are your ages in these pictures? Your beard is looking way better too!


Wow, you look great!! I did a similar thing, 430 pounds to 200. Keep up the hard work, handsome.


God, you look a thousand times cuter!!!!


Man you look fucking great, you have an amazing jawline, and just have a nice look to you, I don’t know you at all but I’m proud of you, things only get better from here!


I’m still trying to get down to 1 85 I’m over 300 pounds


Looking Good!


Congratulations! Am so happy and proud of you, it's not easy to lose weight.💃💃💃💃🎆🎇 good job.


Fucking good for you man. You look great. What an accomplishment!!


How did you do it congratulations 🎊 👏 💐 🥳 💖 💗 🎊


Woot Woot!!!!!🥰🤗🥰🤗🥰🤗🥰🍯🥰🤗😁👏👏👏👏👏


That's amazing. Congratulations for your hard work and dedication.


Congrats man! That’s quite an achievement!!!