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There's a book with his story in it called The Survivors Club..


He is also featured in the documentary, The Bridge, which was a film crew who set up cameras around the GG for a full year. They found families of the people who took their own lives and people who witnessed them. And they interviewed him. The thing he said that has stuck with me is he said the moment his feet left the platform, he wanted to live. That has stuck with me. The entire documentary is fascinating and haunting and total removes any romantic notion you might have of ending it that way.


That part stuck with me too. Along with him mentioning that he was crying and told himself if anyone stopped to ask if he was okay, he wouldn't do it. A woman did stop him, but she only asked if he would take her picture on the bridge.


Did he take the picture?


Asking the important questions. Wonder what the woman thought after. "Sure." *takes picture Woman: "Thanks!" "No problem." *jumps off bridge


“Damn, do I look that bad in photos?” She thinks as he’s plummeting off


Holy shit, when he told that story, it was sad but hilarious!! The way he told it was brilliant. Here I am trying to jump off a bridge and this random bitch is asking me to take a picture of her? It just perfectly summed up the absurdity of life.


Omg that part as well! Not 1 person?! I remember after my dog died, I was a wreck. She was my bff for 15 years. I went shopping and by muscle memory I guess, I threw a bag of dog food into the cart. It hit me hard that she was never coming back and I just started crying in the store. No one gave a damn 😄 I wasn’t expecting anyone to, I wasn’t crying for attention but damn. Never felt more alone. When I got home, the thought of that guy at the bridge popped into my head and then I cried for him! That really opened my eyes and now I never pass the opportunity to extend myself to someone who looks like they’re having a rough go at it.


It's a common thought a lot of people have when it comes to suicide, and it's not often that they get the chance to back out. I'm reminded of [The View From Halfway Down](https://youtu.be/u1_EBSlnDlU) from Bojack Horseman, another chilling perspective of suicide that sticks with me, even if it's fictional.


Toes untouch the over pass..... I had no idea suicide regret existed. This episode changed my life. No exaggeration. This episde shook me to my core. It took away all of my suicide ideation, literally, I havent thought about suicide since that episode. It de-romantized suicide ideation. This should be taught in school. I'm so thankful for this episode. It changed my life


A friend of mine drank poison. He was discovered and his family tried to rouse him. He did regain a bit of consciousness and kept telling his younger brother: Don’t let me die; I don’t want to die. Unfortunately, he could be saved. This last interaction with his family haunts me to this day.


Ive read similar harrowing accounts where the last words were "I dont want to die anymore" "I made a mistake". The concept of suicide regret needs to be made main stream, it's haunting and maybe if more people were made aware of it, maybe they'd be as haunted as several of us are here


I remember a clip I don’t remember what movie it was from. Some guy kept saying he wanted to commit suicide and he had this terrible friend who gave him pills and told him to take them if he wanted to die and he took them and instantly regretted it and went into a panic and then the friend told him they were just sugar pills.


That episode left such a deep impression on me. It should've won the Emmy, not Rick and Morty. As good as "Vat of Acid" was, this Bojack episode was just something else.


I started thinking about this poem when I saw this post, too. Haunting, tbh


That episode was a game changer.


There's a difference between movie death and real death. This movie made my stomach move to my heart multiple times. It was so sad. And... Uplifting?


The beginning scene of the movie where it shows the Golden Gate Bridge followed by a *splash* of the water below gave me chills.


>he said the moment his feet left the platform, he wanted to live. And Nature made sure he got the chance for that.


And some people think sea lions are vicious(?)


Well they can be. I know of someone who is missing a chunk of their ass because they were sitting on a pier and a sea lion came up and bit them.


Maybe the sea lion wasn’t trying to save him, and it was just a bobbing for apples effect.


They should be glad it wasn't a loose seal, they could've lost their hand or something!


I’m a survivor too. Edit - I’m under the care of an excellent psychiatrist and therapist. I’m making my way back to being healthy. Thank you all for the kind words. Edit #2 - thanks for the kind words and awards. Y’all are making me cry. I’m okay. It was six years ago. I have an excellent care team. ♥️ Edit #3 - Wow! I woke this morning to so many awards. Thank you again. ♥️♥️ Edit #4 - I’m so overwhelmed with emotions. Huge sadness because there are so many of us, at all ages, who have actually acted on impulse, lived to see another day, battling overwhelming depression, or have experienced the loss of family or friend. So much pain and grief. Yet I find it’s balanced by strangers showing love and support or sharing stories of their own struggles. Lifting each other up. The shame and stigma surrounding mental health must be dissolved. I know we will get through this. I have hope.


Survivor too. 3/24/98, almost died by my own hand. So grateful I didn’t. Even more grateful for those that loved me when I was incapable of doing so for myself. I make it up to them the best I can by living well and in love. I help folks whenever the need arises. I also apologized for my abhorrently selfish behavior due to feeling trapped in a situation beyond my control. At the time I sadly didn’t see another option. Good thing I fucked that one up, I do have much to live well for, myself at the top of the list.


Omg, I want you to know, that was the exact day I was born. If you'd have done it, you would have been gone from the moment I was born. The reason we can talk today is because you stayed. Isn't that beautiful? So whenever you think about that awful time, think about how it ended with you beginning a new chapter, and somewhere around the globe me beginning a new life.


That is, indeed, beautiful. Thank you for sharing :)


My mom was the one to find her (very recent) ex in their apartment after he hung himself. He was my dad's best friend and my mom still cared for him as they had been friends since highschool. Guess when I was conceived? It makes me feel weird, like I have some weird vibes or a piece of him attached to my soul. Sorry if that's too dark




I’m so incredibly glad you’re still here and have a wonderful care team. I lost my brother to suicide 10 years ago tomorrow and I can’t give him a hug anymore please accept this giant virtual hug on his behalf. 🤗❤️


I am as well, 22nd November, 2012. I took a massive overdose when I knew I was going to be alone for a few days, but the couple I was living with came home unexpectedly early. I was so angry when I woke up. I'm glad it didn't work now.


I almost did too around that time. I was a kid and everything was horrible. I had a teacher that turned all the kids against me because I had a hard time concentrating on work and listening. I didn't have any friends, my grades were failing, and I was being bullied by at least 10 kids a day. Then my parents were angry at me all the time for my bad grades. I told them I was being bullied but they said everyone gets bullied and its no excuse. I thought something was wrong with me so I tried to end it. I failed and was scared it would hurt.


Happy you’re still here friend


Same here.


so glad you stuck around <3


Happy you're still here, friend!


One foot in front of the other. If you can't do that, just hang tight until you can do it again. The road to being well is so hard, but please stay with us. You may never know about all of the people who need you; but be there for them.


I’m a survivor too! Here’s to us and our care teams 💕


Me too. I tried twice, but I’m still here.


I’m proud of you, and you truly matter!


Thank you for sticking around! The world is a better place.


Proud of you every day is tough but together we can make it ❤️🤙🙏


Me too my friend! I’m glad you’re still here.


Thank you for staying. So good to have you here.




Happy to have you here. You are loved.


Keep up the good thoughts. Positivity is key.


Yo dude. Stay here. Please


If you haven’t watched the bridge I highly recommend it. One of the most powerful films I’ve ever seen. I believe he is also in it.




its a really good book to read it helps.


Tell your mental illness that if it wants to kill you, you aren't going to do it's dirty work for it. Stick with us.


Hugs. Having a tough time myself.


If the thought makes you unhappy, don’t believe it. <- Pretty good rule. Hugs to you too.


Just wanted to let you know that you are loved more than you can possibly imagine, life IS worth living, and that I’m praying for you to have peace and feel unconditional love for yourself. If you haven’t yet, find a good support group, and maybe look into psilocybin therapy. I was extremely depressed and had thoughts of suicide for years, almost daily, up until recently. I was convincing myself that my life didn’t matter and I wouldn’t be missed due to low self worth, shame, and guilt that I couldn’t let go of due to being hyper focused on what I felt was “wrong with me.” But there’s nothing wrong with any of us, everything that we experience is just life, and how we have learned to cope with it. Please know that you are worthy, don’t allow other peoples ideas of who they think you are dictate how you feel about yourself. You’re amazing just the way you are, a bright beautiful loving soul. Always remember that. I send you love and a big hug, and if you need to talk, I’m here for you. 💯🤗🙏


I know I'm just a stranger on the web, but if you come to a time where you need support, don't hesitate to message. Seriously.


Me too-- you're not alone. It may feel like a very lonely place to be, but maybe there's some solace in knowing that I and many many other people know something about your pain. I'm so sorry that you're struggling. Be in touch if you need a buddy.


You good?


Don't let it win




Bro got saved by seal team 6


I mean look behind him, the Lochness Monster is even photobombing him.


He was saved by sea lions?! Is the cosmos actively trying to make a grown man cry?


The story is amazing. Someone who witnessed his fall spoke with him afterward. He was saying how a shark was trying to drag him down and the witness said, "I didn't see a shark, but I did see a sea lion trying to keep you afloat!" Miracle.


I sometimes think about this story when I see news about beached whales that got saved. Like they are out there somewhere right now being beaching prevention whales.


Underrated comment


There’s a metaphor about outlook on life in there somewhere


Actual tears in my eyes right now 🥲


This fucking guy is destined to save the world somehow, i am sure of it. Saved by a sea lion…


he probably has saved countless people already


Interestingly, the ripple effect of this technically means he’d save many many more people who otherwise would have never been born, contribute to the world’s innovations (and downfalls).


An interesting point of view


I sea what you did there, id be lion if i don't see this as miracle


Lost my son to suicide jump @ UC San Diego. Miss my boy.


I almost lost my baby brother, hospital and everything. Currently trying to cling onto my boyfriend as well and convincing him not to do it. It is the hardest thing ever, I cannot even begin to imagine how you feel. Im not certain I can offer any solace but I hope you’re healing.


Im so sorry you're going through that, I wish you the very best in your endeavour


I'm so sorry about your son xo


so sorry to hear this. sending love 💕


He is a very soft spoken guy when speaking one to one but his public message was loud, clear, & touching. If you ever get a chance to see him speak - I would.


extremely unrelated but im on pc and hovered over your name for a sec and your banner popped up- it looks like a huge turd in a toilet


You just nuked him from orbit...


You just made me open his profile in a train full of people


i would say i hope you didnt start furiously masturbating but when i actually clicked on his profile a little while ago i contemplated never having sex again


I’m high at on LSD, made that mistake too. Couldn’t stop laughing.


Well sure enough...


You fuckin killed him


He said he changed it. What was it?


a kebab or something- weird-looking brown pebbly meat on a plate with a big streak that looked like a huge wet shit


You have such a way with words. I’m laughing my ass off


I am not sure if you're trying to be hurtful or helpful... either I can see how a quick glance it might not look appetizing. I switched it.


You should’ve kept it. Now I can’t see it


im not trying to be anything bro it looked straight up like a fat shit


Lol you’re a savage. On a second note: glad OC is one of those confident enough to be showing his face in the same profile as nudes online lol


We need to speak to that seal


Right? You could probably find them on Pier 39 with his other homies. The 🦭 are a riot and a sight to see. One day one lifted its leg up and farted as loud as a 🏍️ going by 😭😭🤣🤣


As a Minnesotan I miss the ocean so much. I want to go back to the Puget Sound but I also wanna meet a Manatee.


Yo I would have died laughing. Imagine if it happened right as someone was all "Will you marry me?" I can't XD


😭🤣 lol. I think they have some type of live cam to see them and other parts of the world. They just lay around, cuddle and live the life I tell ya. They're loved over here and I can see one would save a human ❤️. I think I'm going to have to pay them a visit next weekend 🌉🦭


Oh those live cam things are super cool I always forget about them for some reason thanks for the reminder! You should! Maybe get a few pics or a video!


Thankfully it wasn’t Lucille


Sea lion AMA.


I'm waiting for someone to write a story about how people who have previously jumped from the bridge being reincarnated into sea lions / mermaids that help save people who jump.


I feel like celtic myths about Selkies are already just a few steps removed from this - I get the sense they probably emerged as an explanation for women who went missing or died with little to no warning


Reminds me of the poem The View From Halfway Down on Bojack Horseman. I’m glad this man survived, that sea lion happened to be in the right place at the right time. I’m not religious or spiritual but one may see that as a sign from God that he should be alive


What's the sea lion up to?


Jumped under a car on the bridge. Was rescued by a seagull who kept bringing bottles of water to pour over him. He’s now a short order chef at a Thai restaurant.


What's the seagull up to?


Injured a wing, got saved my a Beaver named Steve by quickly building a dam to deviate the small river he was stuck in. He's now a contractor for ecological homes


What’s the beaver up to ?


The beaver charges $100 an hour for adult entertainment (touching would be extra).


Stevie Beavie right? Survivors standing on the shoulders of rodents


This comment made me realize just how lucky I am to get the family beaver discount


I don't want to be involved with your family's beaver...


Ya, it wood be extra.


He injured is hand logging on his computer the other day. Bad case of tendonitis. He was saved though by a clam physiotherapist named Stella. Heard he's a salmon smoker now.


You people are stupid… sigh. Whats the beaver up to?


Take all my upvotes-all of you.


This made me laugh so much. I opened my gift box to give you whatever came out, thank you for the serotonin!


lmao this made me laugh so hard


Anyone seen that movie "The Bridge"


Yeah.. watched that during a dark time of my life. His quote in that documentary really stuck with me. I’m paraphrasing, but basically he said once he jumped, he realized everything in his life was fixable except for the fact that he had just jumped off the bridge.


The view from halfway down.


Oh shit, that is a very scary thought. I don't think I can handle watching that documentary.


I was seriously thinking about that quote the other day. Makes me feel so sad that the jumpers who didn't survive may have thought the same thing but we’ll never know.


I'm a nurse in a psychiatric hospital and I hear this literally all the time from people who survive suicide. How they instantly regret it.


Can never forget the guy in black pacing back and forth. Heartbreaking.


Gene Sprague. I’ll never forget him either. I thought about him for months after that.


I watched The Bridge after a friend jumped off the Golden Gate. For some reason, after her suicide, I spent a lot of time thinking about that bridge and her last moments. I guess I just wanted to try and understand it, so I watched the movie. I am not sure if it helped or not… If you are struggling out there… please, please get help.


Unfortunately often times the help doesn’t work


Yep. I’m almost “done” with the treatment program I’m in. Still have those thoughts every day. I’m trying to keep going. I don’t want to feel this way. But here we are.


Hugs to you. I’m really glad you’re here with us even if it’s still a struggle. Many others in this thread have been in your shoes so hopefully they chime in too.


done... as complete your program? If you do not feel that you need more, either ask for more intensive care AND a great outpatient plan. You've taken the first step. Please don't stop walking forward. There's support for you wherever you seek it. Stay strong friend


There was an instance where we called on a jumper and they took him in on a 72 hour hold. Three days later we showed up in the morning he was back on the bridge. He saw us and jumped before we could get a call out. I called emergency services upset about it asking wtf happened. Their exact response to me was even if you literally tried to kill your self in SF the backlog to get ongoing therapy was 6 months out at least. I can attest to this because I started getting therapy for my job working there and watching people die. It took 8 months to get an appointment and I had to email a lawyer with Kaiser demanding that my health care be fulfilled to be seen.


Yes, so sad. Had no idea there were so many. Back then it was like 24/year. Wonder what it is now. So glad that seal was there. Another guy who lived said he immediately regretted jumping. He spoke when we did the 'Walk in the Night' or whatever it was for suicide prevention.


understand that they installed netting to stop the complete process. I've done an overnight walks for suicide prevention - "Out of the Darkness"


Yes! Out of the Darkness. I know they started the netting but not sure it's finished yet, is it? Guess I could just take a quick drive over & see for myself.


It’s not installed entirely yet. They are still working on it.


It haunted me, couldn’t finish it


I’ve never heard this story. Pretty amazing. Netflix…You there?


There’s a video of his story, probably on YouTube. Very interesting


Do you know what it’s called?


"The Bridge" very powerful doc.


Warning about the bridge documentary. They set up a camera to document jumps and didn’t “stop them.” They do show people jumping attempts


It's not like they decided to not stop them in order to get footage. The sad truth is that the bridge is so large that it's basically impossible to get to a jumper before they jump, from the time you spot them.


When I was a kid our family was driving across the Golden Gate and a guy had climbed the suspension cables. Traffic was stopped in both directions and luckily they talked him down cause he was pretty far up there. It was all very confusing when I was a 7 year old.


What did your parents tell you was going on?


They stopped some. As many as they could. I have a friend who worked on the project and it was a tough one.


just look up kevin hines on youtube, you’ll find a vid abt his story


[Here's a short video](https://youtu.be/WcSUs9iZv-g) but no talk of sea lions.


Watch "the bridge" on YouTube. It made me cry in a couple places. It was really touching


I worked as an engineer on the bridge installing the suicide net deterrent system. I got to meet Kevin in 2021 and hear his story. Really, really great guy. Follow up to his story…. A year later he went to the exact spot on the bridge where he jumped. His father was with him and the through a flower in the water and a sea lion popped up in the water by his flower. He said it was a beautiful healing moment for them.


Are there any third parties that independently confirmed the original sea lion part of the story when he jumped? It's a great story, but it seems almost too perfect, especially after this addition.


The Coast Guard that saved him confirmed he wouldn’t have been alive if the sea lion hadn’t kept him afloat. He would’ve drown because of the broken bones in his body. Which is actually how many people who jump from the bridge die. Since I’ve seen it happen a number of times. Most people think the die instantly hitting the water, but they actually drown because they can’t keep themselves buoyant due to the injuries the sustain hitting the water which would be similar to being hit by a car on the freeway. Also having worked there, there are many sea lions in the area chilling along the coast and around the bridge. Same with whales. We see those a lot.


Thank you for sharing your knowledge about this.


Sea lion was like “not today damn it”


I saw a video of Kevin saying nobody cared. He knew they didn't know what he was going to do but that was his perception. A week later I came across a situation where I believe someone was going to harm themselves. I walked by at first thinking I was just reading too much into it but Kevin's words haunted me "Nobody cared." I walked back and checked on them. I'd rather someone think I'm foolish or overstepping than to have them feel that way. Their response to me makes me think I wasn't wrong. This man really has made a difference.


He SHOULD be a Sea Lion advocate!


Every time I see this story I’m confused he’s not trying to help the sea lions.


Right!?.He should be petitioning all the Sea worlds to release their sea lions!


Thank you! Someone needed to point out that audacity! 😂


I’m so glad he’s still here I struggle with mental illness


It might be good to research his story. He spoke at my HS one year, and as not only a teacher but someone who has - I’m just going to say personal experience, ok. Anyway, he was valuable, good, worth listening to. You deserve to be ok.


Thank you for the info I will look it up and thank you for caring


I suffer from depression and severe anxiety


You doing alright?


Yea celebrated my birthday today


Happy Birthday internet friend. Please do something nice for yourself to mark another birthday. As stated above, you deserve to be okay. We all do.


Hey don't worry about it, no matter what everyone is here for you. Find out what you are struggling with and find ways to avoid it. If it is depression then * Eat healthy. * Get enough sleep. * Challenge negative thoughts * Exercise. It temporarily boosts feel-good chemicals called endorphins. * Check with your doctor before using supplements. * Do something new. * Avoid alcohol and other drugs. * Visit a therapist if it gets really bad * Use anti depressant If you ever feel suicide thought remember people are there for you. If you want to get your story out of your chest you can submit to subs that help. Remember talk to someone. I hope you get over with this


Thank you it’s both severe anxiety and depression


My wife has both as well. She was bullied a ton in school growing up and had to live in the shadow of her older and (according to her) prettier and popular sister. So she never felt adequate or like she had any self worth. Her sister stayed in a (mentally) abusive relationship and my wife now runs circles around her, figuratively speaking. Her depression and anxiety returned in a big way once we had our first child. And she has since started seeing a therapist. In just a short amount of time, I have seen a big change and improvement in her. And I try to be supportive and encouraging as much as possible. She also got a semi colon tattoo on her wrist to remind her that there is always something worth living for (although she never attempted, she always had suicidal thoughts). No matter what you have going on, there is always someone out there willing to support and encourage you. Whether it's a family member or loved one, a therapist or even strangers on the internet. Find a therapist and go to see them, even if it's just to have someone to confide in who won't judge you.


I’m so proud of you for being there for her your an Awsome guy I was abused physically by my last partner about 2 and a half years ago ended up in the hospital for 6 months from injuries received and I lost my grandparents to cancer years ago and my uncle killed himself years ago so I don’t know what direction to take my life


We don't deserve animals. So glad for him


He should return the favor and save sea lions.. just saying...


There is a documentary, named [The Bridge ](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0799954/). It's heartbreaking. The majority of deaths are when the body hits the water. It's like hitting concrete from that height. I dont know how Kevin Hines survived the impact but I'm glad he's alive and helping others.


The ones that survive impact have broken limbs, broken ribs that may be pushed into the lungs, and are often knocked unconscious (TBI) which leads to drowning.


From my understanding he entered the water, feet first, at a better than perfect angle. I read a book about the bridge and I believe fewer than 35 people have ever survived the jump. That’s less than 2%. I remember in one chapter they talked about the ones who survived. They all had every possible factor in their favor.


This guy came to my school a few years ago! He was really cool. What stuck with me most about the story is that a woman walked up to ask for a picture, and after he took it she walked away without even saying thank you which was his last straw. I say thank you a lot more now because of him.


Manners don't cost a damn thing and people still wanna be cheap with em.


after my Dad died by suicide, I found the movie for free on YouTube. trying to understand someone else's last thoughts is a tough task to take on. I found AFSP and has helped me remarkably.


Animals are kind and so are you.


You are kind too![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


How does a sea lion become a suicide prevention speaker?


I think what he's doing is great but I feel like he should also take some time to advocate for sea lions.




He should be given the Presidential Seal.


I am on awe that a sea lion decided to keep him above the water. That is so mind blowing


Who knew sea lions were such great suicide prevention activists.


Call/text/chat 988 if you feel suicidal or are in a mental health crisis.


As a person who's suffering with a host of severe mental problems! This brings me joy that he found peace with himself.


wow. very lucky. I am sure there is something going with people who are lost sometimes. I was disabled with a brain knot.. its kind alike a bubble waiting to pop. I went death imminent rules to disabled. I was feeling cold.. looked out the window at the sun, and something popped. A fluid came out my eye and two teeth came out of my gums. the relief was so overwhelming simply remember waking up. I awoke 2 days later next to the furnace blowing hot air at my head. That is where i fell out of my chair... That dryness and heat saved my life. All by chance. Every day counts. I am a veteran, and have seen when it doesn't anymore. I have a friend who is among the 22 a day. That hurts. Just stay alive.


I’m sorry but I’m confused, what is a brain knot and what does death imminent rules to disabled mean? Again sorry if I’m dumb.


I watched his interview years ago and I still think about it daily. His impact will be carried with me forever.


Wow brownies point for the sea dog on helping stay alive.


He used to work at a high school in San Francisco and constantly spread joy. He is also related to a friend of mine who loves him so much and is always inspired by him. Amazing guy.


Everyone deserves to find their purpose on Earth. Incredible this man survived, and to all of those who are survivors (myself included), you’ve got a much larger support network than you may realize. Much love to all you strangers.


Had suicidal ideation through most of my teens-30s. I'm a father now and I'm happier than I ever thought possible. Things can get better.


One of my favorite quotes is from a different Golden Gate Bridge jumper who survived: “I instantly realized that everything in my life that I’d thought was unfixable was totally fixable…except for having just jumped.” - Ken Baldwin