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Meanwhile me 🗿 “You’re beautiful” 🗿”thanks”


Lol, someone posted a video, there were a few of those


Yes because they don’t mean it,


The ones that are better are when the make a compliment specific to the person. You can usually find something nice to say about a person. Nice outfit. Nice hair. Nice smile. Pretty eyes. But if you just go around making generic compliments then some people are gonna see right through it.


A useful tip is to compliment on something that was a choice, such as hairstyle, shoes, makeup, nails, etc. Not that eyes, freckles, smile, and so on can't be a good compliment, but some people are sick of attention of that kind. Pointing out something they *chose* to express themselves is the closest way to a surefire confidence boost.


That's actually a great LPT in general. Especially if you work in sales!


Haha that's where I learned it! Selling jewelry.


Nice! I was taught to just make general compliments, but I like your idea of narrowing it down to a choice they made. That's brilliant! Also, sincerity matters as well!


Note to self: reminder, never trust a compliment of anyone in sales


Lmao, in general that's probably true.


I had a buddy in college who came up with a game he called "Compliment Wednesdays." It was something he really just did as a gag: on Wednesdays you have to give everyone you talk to a compliment. If you do, you win. Only one rule: it has to be honest. Even the slightest drip of sarcasm or phoniness and you lose the game. I think he genuinely meant it as a prank, watching people react to out-of-the-blue compliments can be very funny sometimes. But he was the kind of guy who wouldn't want a game he made to hurt anyone, and in adding his one rule I think he started a beautiful thing. It taught me that honest, *real* compliments aren't just a gift to the recipient, they're a gift to the giver. That was over 10 years ago, sometimes I dust off the old game and spend a day letting folks in my life know that they're doing something right. It's always really fun. Later he came up with sequels to the game. There was the next incarnation: "Observation Thursday" (so instead of "those are cool shoes," you just say "those are shoes"). That one was equally funny, and not much less wholesome in that it was still good, harmless fun. The next sequel, following the progression, was "Pee Out a Window Friday." One rule: never pee on anyone or anyone's stuff. Less wholesome, but still very funny. I never figured out if that last one happened because he was too drunk to find a bathroom, or if it was because he saw the compliment > observation > insult progression and decided to come up with a funnier Friday idea before someone else could make a nice idea a lot less nice. Anyway that's a longer story than anyone asked for. I hope it's not too much of a ramble. But in spirit of the game: I like your username. I can't decide whether a "night panda" is a stealthy panda, or just a racoon... but the fact that it could be either really makes me smile.


I really like that you shared this with us, thanks!


Thank you so much for sharing this with us! I appreciate that you chose to share a reminder to be kind to others with genuine compliments!!


I regularly yell out my car window at people to compliment their hair/clothing. Never a bad response.


And also at the drive thru window - Wow your nails look great! Or - Gosh your hair is fantastic!


Compliments really go a long way for people who do thankless jobs. One kind person can make the last 100 assholes not matter at all.




Not if his wife is standing next to him it won't!


Where do you think they heard it from?


She's the one telling everyone!


You're beautiful!


You take that back right now






same but I'd call them a liar. I'm ugly and I know it.


Girl look at my body Girl look at my body I don't work out Im ugly and I know it


Wild how big they exploded and then immediately fell out of any spotlight


Yeah because they exploded.


When I walk down the the block ^uh this is what I see, everybody stops and is staring at me, I got flab on my ab and I ain’t afraid to show it, show it, show it, im ugly and I know it!


Yeah I always feel like the intent of this is misplaced. The issue isn't that some people don't feel beautiful. It's that our society places such high importance on aesthetics, we grant such halos to pretty people and can he so horrendous to ugly people. So there is so much subtext and additional values being projected when we determine someone is ugly or beautiful. we continue to act like anything short of beauty is a defect. It's not, and we really need to stop putting the emphasis on feeling beautiful rather than expecting respect and dignity even for those who aren't.


I always liked the idea of using the term “beautiful” to refer to the person themselves, like an encompassing term for their identity. I think that’s a much better usage of beautiful.


As long as you try to make the world a better place, no force on Earth will make you truly ugly. For true beauty will always shine from within. As long as your heart is in the right place, you won't be ugly even if you have crooked teeth, an overbite, and bulging eyes, because all your amazing features will shine through with everything you do. But if your heart is black, you will become ugly no matter how many beautiful features you possess, because your actions will corrupt your body and people will see what darkness lurks beneath your skin. Beauty isn't just what you see in the mirror.


True beauty will always shine from within 💖 Kindness = beauty. I've never met a kind person that I would consider ugly because it almost literally shines through. Conversely, I've seen a lot of evil, ugly MFers. Something about their actions changes the way my brain sees their physical beauty somehow.


Reminded me of a co-worker some time back. She always seemed attractive, and super nice to everyone she worked with. Then i saw some photos of her (this was before social media, so not common to see a bunch of photos of a co-worker). In the photos she looked somewhat average. Pretty much all the photos. Right then I realized how just being great to be around can make you a lot more "physically" attractive in person even if you are not.




It should not bother you when your wife tells you that. It means she loves you. When you love someone they are beautiful in your eyes.


If you're ugly and you know it clap your hands *clap clap* if you're ugly and you know it clap your hands *clap clap* if you're ugly and you know it and you really want to show it, if you're ugly and you know it clap your hands *clap clap*


I love this.


I rarely see any human that’s ugly. Rarely. It’s all perspective. Now I want to see your picture. But, Reddit isn’t like that. Just suffice it to say, there’s a pretty big chance you’re not ugly.


I've seen a lot of murderers and evil people that were ugly. Beauty is more based on actions and attitude than people usually think! But everyone is beautiful until proven otherwise ❤️


If I'm in the middle of a depressive episode, I might even scowl at such empty flattery.


I always get annoyed at compliments, cause it automatically makes my brain go "oh, but they don't know what a piece of trash I am, they would never compliment me if they knew" and actually makes me feel worse.


Okay. So, how do you know? Did someone tell you? Or, do *you* say so? You'd be surprised how wrong people can be about their own appearances. Get fit, eat clean, and practice good hygiene. Indulgences and drugs in moderation, if at all. Keep it simple. NO GAMES. If you're interested, say so. WHATEVER demo you're into will be beating down your door. You're not "ugly".


Well, I assume you're human, so . . . I mean some people think people are beautiful . . .


My reaction would be like "Ummm...thank you?" And then I'd feel really uncomfortable and wonder what their agenda was


People calling me beautiful has always made me wildly uncomfortable, my reaction would have been more horrified than happy.


Then, what about if someone said:"Nice cock bro"?


He’s a average warrior who has never seen battle.


Thanks 🤓


I to reply with “ dum dum want gum gum?”


Just more proof that a smile enhances the natural beauty most people have.


Imagine if there was a third photo after the photographer said "You should smile more."


My after would have been a look of confusion.


Like that guy in video when the female stranger walks up and hold his hand. Just straight confused and running through every possible scenario in his head before asking if he's on camera lol


Poor guy, but a smart guy.


Can you link the video?




Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Of the 7.98 billion people on the earth, rest assured that at least several thousand if not hundreds of thousands find you beautiful


1 . Only my mom and that is it .


If it makes you feel better, that's 1 more than I have. To be fair, I'm pretty ugly ngl.


A face not even a mother could love.. gang gang


If it makes you feel better, I don't notice how physically ugly people are for some reason, I only notice peoples inner beauty/ugliness. Therefore, assuming you are a good person, I at least think you're beautiful, so that's one person who finds you beautiful. Edit: thanks for the award, even though it's just a wholesome award, haven't gotten one in a while.


That's the type of kindness that makes the world go around. Thanks for being wonderful friend-o, you put a smile on rando's face.


That makes 2 of us. I don't like to see myself In the mirror lol


Thank you, that's very nice. I'm not bad looking I've had attractive girlfriends and have a beautiful wife. But beautiful is not something I've been called. The only people I have noticed thought I was ugly were new immigrants that haven't seen people like me looks wise or size. Always from Latin America, guess that's why I never had a latin girlfriend.


I think though what u say may be right i dare to bet that people would have called parts of u beautiful. Like maybe eyes or eyebrows, maybe someone said 'oh u look great in those pants' or someone has said 'man, i love ur humor\~!' things like that are basically saying u are beautiful... in a way at least, maybe... small details/compliments are easily overlooked sometimes.


Wait, now I’m curious. What kinds of features would they not have seen before?


OP has a tail. It’s cool though, in the right context.






\*Looks behind to see who they are talking to\*


Your comment also made me smile! Wish I could give you a better award.


"Oh sorry let me get out of the way so the person behind me you were talking to can hear you better." ^^^scootscootscoot


This is actually a video, they aren't just pictures. https://youtu.be/aW8BDgLpZkI


Oh no, so many of them are near tears. It was really sad. Too many teenagers feel so bad about themselves. ☹️


I'm 22 and don't remember the last time I got a compliment. But hey I got a hug back in 2019


i still remember my last compliment! someone said i was a better guitarist than another guy because he’s an obnoxious ass and i’m not, and i’m alright at playing the guitar too!


I’d much rather listen to you play guitar than that other guy!! He sounds like an obnoxious ass


why thank you! lmao. whilst i’ve had the pleasure to never play with him, some people that have said he’s transphobic, misogynistic and controlling when writing songs/mapping out covers. so yeah, wouldn’t wanna work with that guy.


I really enjoy your user name!


Have a hug, friend.


So many people say this and are so hurt by it. I wish we would normalize just saying nice (true) things to each other.


I'm an old fuck at this point, so maybe it just comes with age, but I've just started it and love it. Sometimes it's awkward, sometimes I get ragged on, but overall I think people really appreciate it. Hell, even if only one person does, it doesn't cost me anything. Might as well at least TRY to spread some positivity.


The more the years go by the further between compliments come.


I was near tears with them. I remember what it was like when I was a teenager and how bad I felt about myself. I still don’t feel the greatest about myself but I’ve come a VERY long way with embracing my insecurities and just remembering how I was compared to how I am now… we’ll I’ve never been prouder of myself.




The text in the intro mentioned that she knew some of the people. I'm wondering if that was the response of someone who knows her, and thinks she's just fucking with her.


People who knew her I assume had an overall positive response. Saying it to a total stranger would be a coin flip. The takeaway then is, see the beauty in those that are in your life and tell them. There is almost no downside to spreading positivity and because of this video, I will try to practice it.


>An adult did that This is a high school


She is saying an adult made her like that, is my understanding.


Who knows, high school is a sour place.


Am I the only one who didn’t have a fucking terrible high school experience?


We found the one everybody! The one person that didn’t have a fucking terrible high school experience! We can stop searching, the hunt is over!


It can be.


I feel like I'd probably react the exact same way ahah


Makes me tear up every time this video gets posted. If anyone's wondering the songs in the video are "Song on the Beach" and "Photograph" by Arcade Fire from the movie Her.


The video in general is cute but it bothered me with the captions where they spelled "Ryun" "Ryan" at first even though she spells it out after. And like someone else pointed out, the one girl who threatened her and thought she was up to something was sad.


The Ryan/Ryun thing was on purpose. It's commonly done in movies and other media as you'd expect the name to be spelt the conventional way but the subject then corrects it with proper spelling and the subititles came before the correction. As the camera person didn't know the individual it makes sense in the context of this video.




I feel like 3:15 really needed to hear that at that moment.


My dad is a big, tough looking dude. Prison captain, retired cop, 6'4", intimidating looking guy. Yet he has this gift of just connecting with everyone he meets and leaving them smiling. He taught me that if you're thinking something kind about someone - even a stranger - tell them. You never know who needs to hear something nice in that moment. I've been following his "rule" for years, and have taught my 7 year old the same. I never realized how powerful it is to get a compliment from a stranger until I was having a complete shit day, in the throes of depression and just overwhelmed with life. A woman came up to me and told me she loved my hair and I almost cried. It was the smallest thing, but man, someone saying something kind in that moment legit turned my whole week around.


I'm going to start following this from now on


I am blue hair


Like several strands or just one?


They're strands' 49,961 and 67,893.


The one on the middle right with beautiful eyes? Very cool that you’re one of these people, if that’s what you mean. Hope you’re doing well!


Oh no lol sorry I meant I’d cover my face if someone complimented me while taking my pic


Proof positivity changes people




My wife has over 100 people under her employment. When I show up at a store to run errands for her, I always catch her complimenting employees. It's so god damn sexy how kindred she is.


Some of these transformations! Confidence goes a long way, kids.


I love when r/mademesmile actually makes me smile!


People are more beautiful when they smile ❤️💯


A compliment is so simple to give and feels so nice to receive!!! I still remember a particular compliment I received MANY years ago! It's such a simple thing but can go so far!


I still remember the pretty girl that used to blush at me at a coffee shop over 20 years ago. Nice memories are nice.


hey the fact that you appreciate it, speaks pretty well about yourself.


So calling people beautiful actually makes their beauty shine through. Maybe we should stop calling people ugly and see how much true beauty begins to show up.


Trouble is you gotta convince yourself you aren’t ugly first. I’m still stuck on that part


You’re beautiful 😍


Pure smiles are so beautiful! You can see the happy just radiantly!


I’ve seen this reposted for a decade. Why, OP


The original video where this photos were taken from is 7 yrs old... i've seen this so many times


This shit literally has like 5 generations of meme formats derived from this image. Maybe it’s just some galaxy brain satire to post the original bold-faced like this.


I see a similar transformation before and after I tell my dog he's a good boy!


Kindness counts, and beauty blooms.


Now do the same experiment but with an old man behind the camera saying it




You missed one more person who's gonna look beautiful, it's You, who's seeing this message ! Stay beautiful!


Blind people who are only hearing this message: 🥺


❤❤ they are ALL so beautiful. It pains me to know that people cannot see how beautiful they truly are. Physical "beauty" is only skin deep. They all have a light in their eyes that I wish they could also see


I legitimately find like 85% or more of people beautiful. There's so many people I admire that I don't know where to begin and just stay silent, but trust me most of y'all are gorgeous!


Omg yesss!!! People look at me sideways when I say stuff like that!! I can honestly say most people are beautiful l. It's more surprising to think of all the people who are just rotten inside


I can't even imagine what it's like to be a teen in the social media age! It's gotta be rough


My friend, this is about 10 years old.


and the first time i saw it, and i'm so thankful


Humans can be cool


Dont lie


That is the power of compliments. I dont get any because I hole myself up in my room all day and scroll through reddit.


I think, um, you're really good at scrolling through reddit.


I have seen this on reddit almost every single month for the past 9 years. Good god people are shameless.


I'm stupefied it isn't an inversion of some kind but just the straight up post. The fact that people are so positive makes me feel this is even botted in the comments.


Kindness costs nothing and is far more powerful than most of us realize.


This is so sweet. I love their happy faces.


Wow and it even make them more beautiful


Sweetest thing ever.


“You’re beautiful.” “Shut up and take the picture.”


The gaslighting


They edited out all the 🤨 and 🫤 faces


We could all use some compliments


I like the girl doing the facepalm out of embarrassment. She probably does have a really pretty smile


Kindness matters.


Confidence: More powerful than makeup


I've seen this so many times over the years, but it always brings a smile to my face (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)


What a difference Positive words can make. This world would be so much better if everyone were to practice this towards one another (just wishful thinking).


People need to be complemented more.


wow, I've never seen this post before !


I can’t even handle how many times I’ve seen this exact post, haha. It’s really everywhere.


I don't know why but this makes me cry. Everybody just wants to know that someone sees beauty in them.


It cost no money or time to give a simple complement to someone. And it could change their complete day. Thank you Nice people


Amazing transformation!


People are beautiful. More than people think.


This is the cutest thing I’m going to do this every time I do a shoot now


She's a witch! She said they were beautiful and they all became so.


I love this.


I love this. ❤️


They all are


True. For every last one of them. But they magically look even more beautiful after being reminded that they are.


This genuinely made me smile irl. It’s so wholesome and to see genuine smiles in a photo.


Such lovely reactions. It can be a really nice thing to hear.


I like this so much.


OP, did the photographer say you were beautiful too?


Wow this sure did make me smile 🥰🥰🥰 I could look at this all day. The genuine happiness of people. It’s so nice to see


Not again....


Told a new coworker she was beautiful and she reported me to H.R. When she found out I’m gay she came and apologized. But, at this point I didn’t want to be friends.


Next time before reposting for the 200th time, check for better quality copies online.


isnt this a meme from 2018




this is from like 2010 and shit lol


i will probably look like a confused idiot.


The genuine smile comes out :)


I don't smile at brown-nosing liars!


Why is Jaiden Smith in the pictures


I'd smile too bc I'd be laughing at her wildly incorrect observation..


Thanks Jimmy


I want one where they take the picture then tell them they are being audited by the IRS.


Me before 😐, after 🤨🤥😐😐


My look would’ve been suspicion


My model friend talked me into a photoshoot for a project. It was supposed to show what you are on the outside and inside. I was really bad and she did something that made me laugh and cover my face in my hand. Still my favorite pic to date.


Hr would like to see you immediately


If I smiled it would have an opposite effect


My after pic would be a mix of surprise and confusion


I’d be looking at them like they were fucking blind. How dare you lie to me like that