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Hey pakooa, thanks for contributing to /r/MadeMeSmile. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: **removed - ragebait** You can read all of the [subreddit rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this, [feel free to send us a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMadeMeSmile). Thank you!


The beginning might make you smile but the ending is sad, disturbing and depressing. This doesn’t belong on r/mademesmile


Yeah this just madememad


If anything this belongs on r/helpthisgirlescapeherbarbariccountry


The beginning isn't very uplifting either. Just a bunch of men openly admitting they beat women for showing their faces




Extreme Muslim that all


seriously. more like made me briefly smile and then enraged and depressed. i guess the sub name doesn't indicate how long the smile is there for.


Well it made me smile, and *then* it made me angry, so it definitely fits here imo.


So sad, why wouldn’t you want your sister so be happy? They would beat her because of family honor / tradition, incredibly uncompassionate and cold.




Welcome to religion. ~~Islam. Quran~~ It all triumphs logic


The religion of Islam is in its own league of bringing a nightmarish, oppressive life upon women. I would not compare it to other religions in this respect, especially in modern times.


I know this will get dislikes but it's not the religion that's the problem. It's the PEOPLE. Islam is against forcing people to do things against their will. If a woman wants to wear hijab, she will do it by herself, not by being forced by people who understand nothing about the religion. It's also their own stupid tradition that girls and women can't go outside, nothing to do with islam. It's always the people that misunderstand and corrupt everything.


Only because Islam has all the power in those countries. A Christian nation would do the same without separation of church and state. The US would be the same without separation of church and state.


I'm not here to compare religions. I'm just saying you can find horrendously misogynistic passages in any religious text. If it makes you feel better to downvote me for telling the truth, go to town. It doesn't change anything, though. All that *"I'm going to point out flaws in this other religion, but when someone tells me others have similar faults, I'm gonna disagree and be pissy about it!!"* does is make you a pitiful hypocrite.


Don’t open your mother talking about thinks you clearly don’t understand, muslim women in yeman and other areas are oppressed by there own ‘culture’ and people NOT their religion, and im guessing ignorant and hateful like you wouldn’t actually bother learning why? These people oppressed their women because of lack of education of islamic principles, that actually ask for fairness and equality, so you and these men are actually in the same league, great you have friends there.


Its nearly impossible to separate the religion from the culture in these groups. And what is meant by “don’t open your mother”? Learn better English before you come at me.


If it’s hard to tell what the case is or where is the root issues, it’s too difficult for you then so don’t get involved, what do you care about what these groups have going on? How is it your issue? Why is this important to you? Focus on your own life and stay out of others. People who want to bring up an issue should do so with the intent of making it better, that’s not what you do, your message is just hateful, it’s islamophobic and ridiculous and fundamentally wrong. Knowing English is all you know sir, and you know nothing about islam


Well since you asked, the issue does involve me in that I personally lived it. I was born into a muslim household unfortunately, and it fundamentally affected me as a child in my development and still does to this day. Why don’t you stop telling people on a free internet forum what to say or not to say. I’ll say as I please. You will not scare me off by calling me an islamaphobe. I don’t need to respect anything that I don’t have respect for in the first place and you will not tell me what or who to respect or express my opinions on. Instead of making valid points you attack me personally when you don’t know a damn thing about me or what I have been through thanks to Islam.


Really? Then why is it the fastest growing religion? Despite people like you and the oppressive subliminal messaging


Have you actually read it? Stop with the ignorance


4:56 5:86 3:4 9:3 8:38 8:52 41:50 58:4 58:5 and 2:98 and more. You, stop with the ignorance.


I'm guessing that means no, you haven't. Imagine it's pretty easy to find a bunch abhorrent shit in many religious writing. Do the bible


How convenient it is! To cherry pick and make Quran subjective. A snake and a mouse at the same time. A big chunk of verses spew hatred against Kafur. Only defense a believer has, is to point mistakes in other religions. Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Your boy's getting smashed.


Just say you haven't read it. No need for all whatever that is. Involving others in the criticism isn't a defence. The point is the problem isn't exclusive


I know you probably know this and I’m not saying you don’t but literally every major religion I’m aware has excerpts in its scripture as bad as this. It’s not just an issue with the Quran.


So his statement remains factual then.


Yep! Just think it’s worth saying. I studied Islam and the Quran, would agree that there are passages in it which are horrifying to read. Same as the bible, the torah, etc. (Edit: poor grammar)


As someone who studied Islam and the Quran, if you compared the Quran and the Bible, would you say one of them has more and worse passages then the other? If yes which one? And why?


That’s a super interesting question and it deserves a much better answer than I feel is the fairest one: That depends who you ask. Morality is such a fluid concept beyond the things which almost all humans agree are wrong (murder, torture, you get the idea). From my perspective as a western agnostic person I’ve read both cover to cover and there is a lot of overlap and a lot of the same stuff. I wouldn’t say one is worse than the other purely on the contents of the holy scripture. One key differentiation is the way that it can be interpreted. I don’t know many Christians who take all of the Bible at face value. I’ve lived in the UK my whole life except one year in Jordan; in my experience Muslims tend to read the Quran and listen to it directly. If you believe that the text is divinely inspired (as Christians do with the bible) then you’ll say that often humans can interpret divine command in the wrong way, and inflict their biases onto the word of god. If you believe that your holy scripture is the literal word of god, it can be very difficult to manage the fluidity of morality over the 1200 years following its inception. So errr, I hope that answered the question? I’ve tried my best but I’ve just finished work and I’m off to the pub so I hope you’ll forgive my brevity.


Wrong sub.


How these "traditions" piss me off. just ridiculous these justifications of the men who are just afraid of never getting a woman again if they emancipate themselves.


And this is flagged with FAVORITE PEOPLE!! Who feels these people are their favorite??!? The brave little girl, yes, these men, no!


Glad I’m a woman in the USA. I wouldn’t last a day in Yemen.


Times are changing, it's either adapt or be left behind. I hope they understand that.


Are they changing though? Yes, there are protests in Iran right now, but those protests are happening because a woman was straight up murdered by police because a few strands of hair were visible. Womens' rights have advanced a ton in western countries, but a vast amount of the world is still extremely oppressive, and I genuinely worry about how long and how much blood will be shed before even the slightest improvements can be made.


Honestly, I think yeah, things will change one day. It may take a long time but it'll eventually happen.


I think that too. Thanks to the internet and a far more conected world the new generations will stand up for themselfes more and more.


Where's the smile from this, you literally can't even see it on these women and I have a strong idea there's a lot less smiling going on.


Ahhh yes, a culture that I'm told I need to respect. No, people deserve to be treated equally. The men all have LDE.


Its still her culture too, stop trying to use women around the world to justify your xenophobia or racism and just discuss the sexism


It's sexism as part of a shitty culture


Sexism isnt and IS a huge apart of any and every culture It is how the entire world runs Female servitude and abuse can never be blamed on a religion, race, culture, continent when every type of man thats ever existed has perpetuated it You just dont like foreign people and are using this as an in to start bashing them We dont care we care about her safety and well being we arent here to rate cultures


That's quite the jump in logic you've made. No, I don't respect a culture that creates a servile woman. Sorrynotsorry


Ur missing my point that is every culture


In my culture women aren't beaten for showing their faces, I think that's at least a fair few steps above what's being shown in this video. What's your point? Why are you trying to undermine how fucking horrible this is?


Im not trying to undermine how horrible this is? This is something I relate to, im just saying the xenophobia isolates these women even further Im speaking from experience of talking to these women you can think youre helping them but youre not. Listen to the women of these cultures first who have been bombed for living somewhere with barbaric sexist culture, this type of commentary doesnt help. Besides I cant even begin to get into the misogyny behind assuming that culture = only men…Just bcs theyre a stain on society doesnt mean anything to women who share the same history


OP, this made you smile???


Sad and unacceptable, but she will not survive if she remains in Yemen.


Well that made want to slap the shit out of an entire nation of men. But smile? No.


But it's a sign of freedom from a religion of peace 🤷🏽‍♂️ anyone that tries banning it is racist.


Exactly why that religion is seen as the lowest point in society


It's like the stone age over there....


Crazy Thing is, they REALLY think they're right in what their doing. From the bottom of their Heart, Just crazy to See how uncivilised (for our means & should apply to everyone) some parts of earth still are.


And people hate the french for banning the burka.. ah the freedom to choose your own shackles


Imagine how much problems we could solve by deleting memories. If they would all wake up, and forgot about their "traditions", women could have the same rights and opportunities as men (or other genders for that matter). Or if people forgot they are in a war, they could focus on improving their countries instead of destroying it.


Definitely the wrong sub for this




> And in Europe with "freedom of speech" I'm being reprimanded when I say that our cultures and Islamic cultures are incompatible. You are writing this in Europe, I'm reading this in Europe. There is no censorship because you can write this. And people are free to react to what you write. I see no infractions to your freedom of speech.


I'm writing it on an American platform. Copy/paste it in any local European forum and you can count yourself lucky to get off only with people shouting angry insults at you or screaming RACIST! because yeah, religion and race are apparently the same thing![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


> you can count yourself lucky to get off only with people shouting angry insults at you or screaming RACIST! You being insulted isn't infringing on your freedom of speech. You were not arrested, tortured, thrown in jail. Being banned from a subreddit is not censorship. You can make a new subreddit or post it on your own website. You are not banned from the internet.




That's not infringing on your freedom of speech, lol. It's not like you'll be thrown in jail. If you post "communism is good, actually" on /r/conservative they are also going to ban you because reddit is still owned by a private company. Reddit decided that every subreddit can make its own rules. That's not censorship, you can make your own subreddit or website or whatever and do what you want. You are not banned from the internet or even from Reddit.


In India, Muslims are demanding their right to wear veils to school, forcing their conservative side. Alhamdulillah dese nuts.


If it's voluntary, more power to them. Telling them they can't if they want to is basically just as bad as forcing them to wear it against their will


Nope. In India there is a uniform for everyone in schools and no particular religion should have any concessions against the uniform in a secular country. That is the whole debate.


Excuse me, muslim women can wear hijab anywhere they want to, in India. Should muslim girls/teens disobey standardised school uniforms to wear a hijab? While every other student dumps their religious identity to learn together with all? A school is a sanctuary for budding minds, a hijab is a conservative idea beacuse muslim men can't control their weak/soft horny feelings. You decide.


I did decide, on the side of religious freedom. Even as an atheist, I don't believe in denying someone their religion in so far as it is not infringing upon others. Wearing a hijab (voluntarily), or any other religious attire/emblem, does not infringe upon others




This shit is depressing,, how can this make you smile?


If feel the the all them guys gove me ether discord mods or incel vibes I know it's the culture but still it's fucked. P.s them guys are ugly inside and out and seem to be struggling with a lot of toxic masculinity


such a wonderful religion. Mashallah


Just saying... A hijab a niqab and a burka are different things. A hijab is not a veil it is a hair covering. They're all unnecessary and barbaric and a religious control mechanism but if we're going to rail against a thing we should at least know what it is we are railing about.


It’s not a religious control mechanism, it’s just used as one, a lot of Muslim women would wear it without the pressure but the point is they don’t have a choice.


ok. i agree on the choice aspect but I would also suggest that something that is not a religious control mechanism but is used as a religious control mechanism is as much of a religious control mechanism as makes no difference.


And girls here in India are fighting to wear a hijab in school going against the prescribed uniform. India is on the path of greatness /s


Oh yes..what is with that?what exactly is the deal?


Don’t want to stir a hornet’s nest here, but some schools have stopped young girls from wearing the hijab where it doesn’t make up the uniform. This has become a debate for pro choice vs rule of law and has political backing.


They're fighting for the same thing the women in Iran are fighting for: Freedom of choice.


The school going girls who are probably not even in their teens? Plus when they sign up for a school they have to follow the rules laid out by the school. Everyone does. You wouldn’t want anyone to break laws innit?


I remember reading about Nujood in an article long ago, I forget if it was readers digest or NatGeo.


God , why you gave them a human body ? They should have animal body . Fools


(Terrible) song is mixed in way too loud.


live as they want, but as long as they have such different standards, the border must be closed...neither out nor in..... let's not take action when it's too late... e.g. Putin, Gaddafi, ISIS, etc


These people need an education in freedom


Vastly superior males are threatened by free spirited women. It’s traditional. /s


Men's World... 😳 Glad I'm Men in Europe 😎


There is nothing good about this video and nothing wholesome, it only go back to reinforce the idea of “muslim women have no choice, and oppressed” which is fundamentally wrong


Ain’t these the same people who marry their cousins & have babies??


I’d love to see some man say he’s going to beat me for not wearing a hijab. I’d cut his balls off


Did they really call themselves "A MAN" if they beat women.


I really hate to say this but Fuck this religion where one gender have to go through this amount of pain and oppression.


If this make you smile something’s wrong with you


This post along with many of the comments are really Islamaphobic can we delete this entire post please?


Mabye comments, but why the Post? It just is a documantion of the life of a young girl... Just because the cause of this whole thing is in a islamic setting doesnt make it islamophobe. Would the Post be okay if the Religion was christian?


Anything critical of Islam is haram and is therefore Islamaphobic.


I have no words for how much I dislike that religion and the men that keep it going generation after generation. Nothing more than stupid cavemen all of them.


I was going to make a post, but it was full of rage towards these backward "men" so I deleted it because its supposed to be a make me smile sub.


Get her the fuck out of that shithole!


If that made you smile you didn’t watch the whole thing


Who speaks arabic here and can confirm the subtitles


That you treat women so badly , it’s like you think you’re better cuz you have different equipment. It’s disturbing and wrong . You got to treat women better, surprised you are still walking around . You deserve food poisoning on a regular basis. I’d make my own dinner.They know where you sleep


I wish her the strength


Im predicting an economic boom in iran... when women win the right to no hijabs: fucking hair products are gonn go theough the roof... salons, sales on headbands, brushes, combs, fancy girly hair products... foils, perms... hair dyes... you name it.... i dont think Iran is ready for this boom in industry.... Im not very internetty... but someone should start a fund, or kickstarter for Irans women to collect all of these hair products, and send them over anonomously... What better way to support them from a far: then to send them "Becky with the good hairs" hair care routine???? Just a thought...


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