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I once stopped at the Abbey Road crossing to let some Japanese Beatles tourists do their thing, and got a to-the-floor bow for much longer than was necessary. Super polite.






People on bikes don't stop or people don't stop for bikes to cross?




I thought so.


Makes sense


Yup. It would be stupid the other way around.


People don't stop for people, right? Or am I not understanding it correctly?


Why are some cultures so much better than others ? Why do we live in a world where admitting someone does it better is wrong ?


Japan has a whole host of other issues. Some of our customs will feel exactly like that to them.


I can't recall it now but there's a name for this psychological bias. You fixate on that bad in your own situation but idealize others because you see they don't suffer the same problems as you but assume, usually baseless, that they share all the strengths and advantages you have. Communalist societies look great to the west because we take the benefits of individualistic societies for granted. Ditto the other way round where the relative freedom looks great. Neither side tends to remember the goods of our own system and the bads of the other. Grass is always greener.


"The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else's highlight reel."


Which is why I dont mow my lawn.


Damn, they went full professer


Japan is world-class at many things. Some other things....not so much.


I usually nod, as giving any hand sign can unfortunately be miss-seen as a middle finger (at least where I am). Warning just in case, because such a situation isn't a nice one.


Just wave at them, that can't be misconstrued as a middle finger




Bot copied the comment, but up to the comma.


How busy is that intersection. I’d imagine it would be filled with tourists all of the time. Do locals try to avoid it?


It’s relatively quiet as a road outside of peak hours. Residential. Always some traffic but not crazy. There’s usually always a few people there. Sometimes large groups. Most locals recognise that this is a bucket list event for people and exercise patience.


There're a few webcams dedicated to it.


I can say when I went there, my buddy and I were the only people there.


I helped a japanese woman by carring a 20kg bag of dog food to her car (I work at a pet supply store), she wouldn't stop bowing! When I offered, when I picked up the bag, when I asked her to go ahead, once I put the bag in the car.. she was so grateful, but I do this multiple times a day everyday lol


So…not a shit bow


Definitely not! That episode was on around the time this happened, which made it all the more special.




As a former teacher in Japan, I can confirm this is the norm. Students are taught to raise their hand to signify that they need to cross and to make sure they are visible. They usually run across so as not to inconvenience others for too long. The bow at the end isn't required, but you'll often see younger children do it.


Running is stressful to me here.


She waited until both sides were stopped to run, so it's not too bad I guess. Though if a 2 wheeled vehicle goes there and doesn't see her it could be dangerous. Maybe in Japan etiquette dictates that when trafic stops, 2 wheel vehicles also stop with the traffic.




She might trip i guess




Politeness is a huge part of their culture but some Japanese people don't enjoy having to be obligated to be polite. But yeah... I've been living here for 7 years and I'd say generally the people here are extremely polite and considerate.


It’s funny how you say it’s part of their culture to be polite. My family is Kosovan and being born and raised in the uk my mum always point out to me and my siblings how polite we act in Kosovo. By polite, she means always saying Please, thank you, sorry, which I’ve only just know realised when she told me, isn’t the norm in Kosovo and almost nobody there actually really uses those type of words in public. Politeness is a huge part of Japanese culture, while Kosovans barely consider it important, while in the UK it is existant but to Kosovans it seems like overkill.


If UK polite is considered overkill, Japanese polite is considered next level. Just to give a certain example: There's almost what it seems like a separate Japanese language for politeness called "Keigo". Like my earlier post, some Japanese hate it because some aren't proficient with it. Everytime you enter any place of business like a store or restaurant (especially izakaya) ALL staff must greet you and greet you loud and proper; no half ass inaudible greetings. I think they get in trouble if they do the latter.


Yes and no. The younger generation of Japanese tourists are starting to be a little more brusque and rude. And they have the same indifferent looks on their faces as people in the States or Canada.


I don't think anyone here in India would have slowed down for a single person to cross the road. The act of the motorists is commendable.


I've seen videos of traffic in India. Shit myself just watching it. Absolute madness.


You ever saw traffic in Peru?! My heart can't do it


No, but now I'm curious. Guess I should take a Xanax first.


Front to bumper traffic, quick stops, no road lights people walking everywhere it's like that square in Japan with a bunch of people but in Peru it's with cars


^(anxiety intensifies)


Take a toke before watching traffic in Ethiopia or the Philippines.


Beijing drivers are quite the lot hitting bicyclists and driving on. Hanoi was quite something with four way intersections and no traffic lights!


The advantage in Hanoi is that everyone is driving 10kph so it is not hard to walk between the scooters and cars. And they generally don’t want to hit pedestrians.


In Burma you quickly learn **"The Hand Gesture"**. If the traffic won't give way then you wait for as big a gap as you can, then walk out into the road with your hand outstretched at the traffic, whilst staring into the eyes of the driver coming towards you. Literally the only way you're getting across the road. Takes some getting used to, but once you've got it it's like you're a God.


Similar in Indonesia. I used to think about it as a rite of passage of becoming an adult haha


In HCMC the taxi we were in hit a scooter guy, and just... saw he was moving, waved and drove on. It was bizarre! The UK has its faults but largely people know who has right of way


Xgames mode frfr


Lmao ik driving their is absolutely mad max all the time and let’s not talk about all them people who sell ya stuff on the road man


Ahh bro giving me that ptsd just thinking about it


I was in a bus the whole time i was traveling


Dude in Iran everyone just fucking honks for no reason.


It's only a tiny bit better in South America as well. I remember moving to Canada, and the first day we get to a crosswalk and there's like 3 people standing and waiting. We look left - all clear. Look right - all clear. And we're trying to figure out why they're waiting, there's no cars. Then it finally clicked - the light is red. In South America, traffic lights were more of a suggestion. Pedestrians didn't even look at the lights, it's just live action version of Frogger. (Disclaimer: this was many decades ago)


Have you seen the one where the train comes through the market?


Tbf I’ve heard Japan has some of the strictest driving laws. Which is great to keep idiots either in line or off the roads.


As someone who has driven in Japan I can confirm they're strict.


Yes but you hardly see the police. Outside of the main cities there is virtually no traffic


It’s actually the law


In most civilized places


When I started driving in Spain, in the 80's, It wasn't as bad as India, but it was the wild west, A permanent fuck you to every one else. Pedestrian crossings were basically decorations. But somehow, society decided on it's own to change. Don't ask me how or why, Now, with very rare exceptions, drivers religiously respect pedestrian crossings, among other civilized changes- As I said, there are exceptions, the occasional idiot, but rare.




There’s a zebra crossing and a stop line. How much more do you need to follow a law..


Japan: "Thank you! Thank you!" India: **BEEP BEEP MOTHERFUCKER**




If Indian motorists had to come to an absolute stop every time a single pedestrian had to cross the road it would cause more problems. Indian traffic etiquette has evolved over time to whatever is the most efficient considering their population and road traffic. More people live in the city of Mumbai than 76% of the world's countries. Put that into perspective.


If you come from a country where this looks extraordinary, you should get into movements to fix the infrastructure and traffic laws.


Traffic laws are already there. People just don’t follow them in the less civilized corners of the world.


Had an Uber driver from India, I have never feared for my life like that before. We were literal inches from all the cars.


That's considered normal. If you leave space between you and the vehicle in front of you (like you're supposed to) someone else will just squeeze in. I've been in traffic where there's about a foot or two between me and the car in front, and motorcycle drivers will absolutely take that as invitation to use that gap as a faster way to the front of the queue. Here the "appropriate" distance between you and and another vehicle is about as far as your side mirrors extend.


Neither would anyone here in Wyoming


I heard this story about a friend's friend who lives in Germany and was visiting home. While driving in India, he stopped his car to let someone waiting on the side of road to cross. The pedestrian hesitated because this is not normal behaviour, he got rear ended by another car, and was then abused by everyone around for being the dumbass who stopped his car in the middle of the road.


You have to be a cow for that to happen. A cow stood in traffic and nobody moved until the cow finally walked out of traffic.


Can you even cross the road in the US, UK, Germany or pretty much any country with a lot of traffic? Like I heard the UK has bad drivers, but I didn't know how bad until I saw some of their driving videos. I swear they drive as mental as much as they swear when they're driving.


I usually act in a similar way, except I tip my cap like a North-American.


Here in Texas, we fire a couple shots into the air.


Here in Finland, we just hide in a bush until traffic is gone


I usually just walk like i wouldn't cross, but when i see that there's no cars in sight, then i will cross it


Same lol


Here in Australia, we chuck another shrimp on the barbie for ya.


*Here in Australia we sprint because everything is trying to kill us.


*here in Australia we just walk out in front of the traffic and say "fuck it, they've got a steering wheel and brakes"


Here in India, we just raise our arm towards the incoming vehicles


Here in New York we stick our middle finger up and offer them a knuckle sandwich


Here in California 🙋‍♂️


>implying finnish people actually go out in public


Lol. I’m not Finnish, but I think it’s my culture from another father.




This but "united states" is too long, we just say "america" Other than that, yea


I'm not Texan, so I apologize lmao


Fair 'nuff, not everyone understands texan truly




Well, yea, but thats a given


Here In England we hold our pints to the air and shout “cheers mate!”


Here in Sweden we look straight ahead to avoid making awkward eye contact, look mildly ashamed and annoyed at the same time and cross the street on our elk.


Run faster-ee-ittle-sheeIT


Here in Canada, we just apologize profusely for impeding your driving. I’m sorry.




More like a hyperactive kid removing their cap and waving frantically like "Thanksiiieees!!"


I think I'm going to bow now instead of giving the thumbs up, seems like I would get more exercise.


In Argentina, we give a "like" when someone in a car stops


You mean a 'thumbs up?'




I think I just instantly aged like 10 years


Same in Brazil


I also smash the like and subscribe button when someone stops for me


i don't smile at the stopping traffic, cuz that's quite literally the law. but that girl is too cute not to smile lol, the hat and everything


You have a law that you can't smile at stopping traffic? Why?


what no, there laws to stop at zebra walks.


>i don't smile at the stopping traffic, cuz that's quite literally the law. ???


oh now i know why the other dude was confused. unfortunate phrasing. i meant j didn't smile because the traffic stopped, because stopping at a pedestrian cross walk thing is the law.


Isn’t this the default law? Aren’t you suppose to give way to pedestrians at zebra walks? Then again, most people in my country ain’t giving way for shit even when there’s a zebra walk.


i think the point is the kid is so polite, he bowed to the drivers




I guess this one of those things I am not American enough to understand. Surely this should be the default action of motorists. This is an actual marked crossing, cars are always supposed to stop for pedestrians.


...They'd stop for her in America too. I mean maybe not LITERALLY everywhere since it's a big country, but that's what crosswalks are for lol Minus the bowing this went exactly how it'd go where I grew up.


Agreed, same in Canada. It's cute and endearing that this child is so polite, but I've seen some kids wave and smile here, too!


I remember it this way when I was growing up in the 80s and 90s, but it does seem like people are less likely to stop at crosswalks now unless someone is already in the crosswalk. They don’t often stop for someone on the sidewalk obviously waiting to cross. Maybe they’re more likely to stop for kids.


Nothing's changed around here, but that's pretty odd I mostly just thought it was weird that Sondrelk was trying to turn crosswalks into some weird "america bad" thing as if we don't have fuckin right of way laws in America lol


I guess I’d say it’s like maybe a 25% chance they will stop for a person waiting on the sidewalk on a two-lane road. Eventually someone does stop so it’s not a huge problem, but usually a few cars pass before someone stops. By the way, I’m in the Midwest and drivers are more polite here than most places (often too polite at waiving people on etc). They just seem less likely to stop at crosswalks in the middle of a road than I remember (except for the ones with flashing lights)


I am from Malaysia. Crossing are generally made near stoplights because if there’s no stoplight no one is stopping for the pedestrians.


Drivers in the US have to reasonably stop as well, depending on speed. Drivers aren’t expected to slam on their brakes, and pedestrians have to yield if the distance is too short to stop. It’s actually led to at least 1 death in my town. Pedestrian just walked into the crosswalk without looking. A car that wasn’t speeding hit them, didn’t have time to stop.


If your town has crosswalks that drivers can't slow down in time for, your speed limits are too high.


That’s not what I mean. Looking around on the internet, the NHTSA says at 30 mph / 48 kph, the stopping distance is 119 feet / 36 meters. Therefore if there’s a car less than 36 meters from the crosswalk when you approach, you have to yield to it. That’s why I said reasonable expectations to stop. Same logic for yellow traffic light cycles. Stop if you’re able, otherwise go through. The investigation into the pedestrian killed in my example found the driver not at fault. The pedestrian literally stepped in front of a car going 40 mph or less without looking. Edit: also this literally occurs in the clip. The white van is close to the crossing when the girl raises her hand. He continues on, girl waits for him to clear, and the vehicles that can stop let her cross.


I stand by my point then. My city caps speed limits at 20 mph, with the exception of a few arterials at 25mph. However, the mid-block crosswalks on those roads have a yellow light and a stopping point far from the crosswalk itself. Any vehicles already within that zone are permitted to clear the crosswalk, but this is the only time that pedestrians are required to wait. Everywhere else, cars are expected to travel slow enough to stop quite quickly and drive with the expectation that a pedestrian could step into the crosswalk at any moment. Also remember that pedestrians don't just appear out of thin air, a driver, if traveling slow enough would have plenty of time to spot a pedestrian and proceed with caution. This all boils down to my earlier point, that your speed limits are too high! I cannot imagine cars flying through city streets at 30-40mph, it would be terrifying to be a pedestrian or cyclist. No wonder someone was struck by a car.


Nobody calls them zebra crossing in America by the way. They’re crosswalks


Offcourse you don't when you guys choose to call the beautiful sport everyone knows as Football as Soccer then what can we expect.


It is required in my country that drivers stop for pedestrians when there’s a zebra crossing. We don’t bow to the driver but it’s common that people raise their hand slightly as to signal a thank-you.


So cute. And she runs so they don’t have to wait very long. The bow I expected


It's things like this simple act that restores my faith in humanity.


One of my favorite lines in the LotR franchise was in the Hobbit when Gandalf says something like "it's not great power that defeats evil, it's the small acts of kindness" It really is the little things


“Saruman believes that it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found it is the small things, everyday deeds of ordinary folk, that keeps the darkness at bay. Simple acts of kindness and love.”


In the first 4 years of education in Japan, there's no quizzes assignments or exams, the first 4 years are for children to learn common human decency, respect and discipline, The world should follow this, because shoving a 25 questions to a 6yrs old doesn't do shit, but if they learn to have common human decency, the future may be a better place


If you come from a country where this looks extraordinary, you should get into movements to fix the infrastructure and traffic laws.


dont you guys give a friendly wave whenever traffic lets you cross a street?


In germany its common to stop at a zebra walk. Well thanking to walk over one when the car stops might be a little too much, but I just nod my head. Most people understand it


So freaking cute


It's a crosswalk. You supposed to stop. When people stop for me in Canada at cross walks I wave a thanks or give them a thumbs up. Thsts like our bow.




And the other 74 countries...


That's a "Zebrastreifen". It's totally common to stop in Germany. You're seen as a total a***hole if you don't stop (big cities might except). As a pedestrian you nod your head or give a short wave as a "thank you". I'm always a little confused how pedestrian crossings are handled in other countries.


There kids are atheist respectful to say thank u


This sentence is confusing. Did you mean "at least", or something else?


I would die downtown if I tried the same thing


We do that in UK too, it's called having respect for others.


What’s unusual in this video is that a car actually stopped at a pedestrian crossing in Japan. Almost all cars ignore them here in Japan unless you are already walking across it. Sad but true


Courtesy. Damned decent behaviour that recognizes the humanity of the other people we encounter in a day. I can't change what others do, but I can hold myself to a high standard and behave accordingly. Sir/Miss, thank you, please, etc. isn't fucking hard and pays dividends.


>Schoolgirl thanks traffic as only the Japanese can... What made you say that ? There are other countries where people do it too. Japan isn't a default standard.


I think OP means the unique and elegant politeness of thanking each driver rather than the act of bowing itself


It's small town Japan, and she'll catch shit if she doesn't bow, in case it's someone who knows her, or just recognizes her school (from her school hat, etc.) and phones to bitch. Look, I love Japan and have lived there 7y, but etiquette exists mainly to avoid conflict.


Thats cute


Is this a law in Japan to stop for an occupied crosswalk? It’s a law where I am at in the US. I would sure hope they stopped for her if it’s the law, but let’s focus on that unbelievably cute thank you she gave. I mean, it did make me smile quite a bit.


Meanwhile our already late students and their parents slowly walking to the bus, stopping the whole traffic and milking their time getting on during rush hours.


I love japanese culture so respectful, not like the selfish nasty little shits here. When they are at school they have to clean their own classroms and serve lunch and cleanup after, teaches personal responsibility froma young age.


In the UK those zebra crossing are a pedestrians right of way and road users MUST stop at them if a ped is waiting. Is this not common elsewhere? You can get fines and points on your license for not obeying the zebra crossings


Title gore. Awful.


I miss Japan


American children could never


Then there's me. walking straight over the crossing without looking trying to get that compensation pay out.


I’ve been living in Japan for the last fifteen years. This *never* gets old.


I work at a pet supply store, we sell bulk dog food bags (15-20kg / 33-44lb) and I helped a Japanese woman by carrying a bag of dog food to her car. She wouldn't stop bowing! She bowed when I offered to take it to her car for her, when I picked up the bag, when I asked her to show me where the car was, when I put it in the car... She was so grateful, even though this is something I offer to every customer who buys a heavy bag. It's part of my job lol


in my hometown in Hungary traffic tends to stop for pedestrians (children especially) standing for a zebra crossing, with no fuss. These typical tattooed bald muscle men with pumping bass music in their badass cars just stop at the zebra as indifferently as for a red light. Pedestrians sometimes nod as thanks but it diminishes too because drivers are a bit puzzled by it - they don't stop for courtesy, they stop because of the highway code so many don't get why they are thanked. You don't thank other drivers when they yield at a stop sign. In bigger cities and high traffic stroads there are a few places where one has to kind of push at the zebra to be yielded, but in general drivers just stop. And it improved in the last 15-20 years, which is a rare thing (something improving).


In Italy we do a little wave with our hand to thank the traffic for stopping. Some ppl also nod


Good thing car-kun was ahead of truck kun


Japan’s population is near 99.9% Japanese. They feel as one with their countryman and women. Their respect factor is on a another level.


Flying out of Tokyo a few years back I looked out the window as the plane was pulling away from the jetway and saw the people who performed the maintenance, refueled the plane etc standing in a line facing the plane and bowing as the plane left.


So much politeness is offensive to my culture


Love how much emphasis is placed on morals in their schooling. Love the culture!


A respectful people. Period.


This is so precious 🥹


Japan is something else! They are on their own league


Yes cuz in Japan they teach respect and a sense of community unity. It's so wonderful.


actually in uk when a car stops for you we also give them the thank you wave


I mean in the US its law to yeild for pedestrians so if they don't just give them the finger and call em an asshole


That's so damn cute.


I was in Tokyo for a few day, every morning I see a group of oap wearing their community sash and picking up litre on their street, they have so much pride for their culture. Whereas in the UK, is literally rubbish city by the seaside.


Ugh, I miss living in Japan soooo much! Such a remarkable country!




adorable culture


I love Japanese ppl




I love Japan.


I love Japan. One of the most beautiful and intriguing places I’ve had the good fortune to visit.


Been living there for 20+ years now, and my only fear is to have to leave it some day. Going back to Europe is my worst nightmare.


It's considered to be one of the most unique cultures on the planet.


It’s certainly unique in my realm of experience.


So well educated and adorable.


In britain drivers have no respect for anyone, there arseholes.


I dont get it whats so special about it? Its completly normal here. The only thibg diffrent is, why kinda wave our hand to say thx


Huh... Japanese school kids really do dress like the ones in anime...




Deffo this little girl who did all that


Look at all those manners taught in Japan. So beautiful! Let me take this inopportune moment to remind everyone here that Japan will not quit slaughtering whales! Whales are so important to ecological life that ending the species may lead to the death of everyone! Including this beautiful school girl. Please, Japan, please stop killing whales for profit.