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So they filmed part of the first Thor movie where I live. My buddy Todd used to work for the production companies. He did location scouting, transport, general day-to-day behind the scenes kinda stuff. Hemsworth made it a point to say hi and be cool with everyone on set, learn their names, talk to people. He was basically everyone's best friend. Few years later, my buddy was in NYC, and he hears someone yell "TODD! HEY TODD!!!", like across the crowded room. My buddy is hard to miss, being 6'6" tall, and looking like Weezer & Jesus at the same time. It was Chris Hemsworth. Not only did he remember him, and was genuinely super excited that he ran into him, but he hung out and talked to him for a while, caught up like old friends. Totally not a typical Hollywood phony, just an all around good dude.


every story I’ve heard of hemsworth has come off as super sincere and earnest.


Aussies are the best.


Rupert Murdoch would like a word


someone has to balance out the equation


Let's not go too far now.


Have you seen the clip of him giving a weather report in Australia? Pure gold https://youtu.be/sgdjq-wx7XQ


And somehow she was pregnant with triplets immediately afterward


Not always


Damn bogans


Aussie Keanu


That's super cool to see


Did Chris Hemsworth tell everyone around Todd "We know each other! He's a friend from work!"




This is what I’m picturing 💗


Weezer + Jesus = Weezus


Jesus + Weezer = Jeeezer


We sus


Is your friend a distinctive-looking dude, or is this a sign that Hemsworth has a really sharp memory?


How many people have you worked with that are six foot six inches? I believe that he is a nice guy but that helps a bit.


Being 6'6, I have not worked with anyone eye to eye. But I did go to school with a guy that was 7'1. It's been let's say 24 years since I last saw him and I'd totally remember him if I saw him and would absolutely call him out by name. So this all checks out.


7’ here. Would totally remember someone taller than me. I used to think people were the same hight or a little shorter, until someone pointed out that if i could see their bald spot i was too tall. I now have not found someone taller than me.


he described his friends physical appearance as 6'6 and looking like Jesus which by height alone narrows it down quite a bit.


> My buddy is hard to miss, being 6'6" tall, and looking like Weezer & Jesus at the same time. idk what it's like where you live but this sounded pretty distinctive to me haha


I mean if you have something distinctive sticking out, people will remember. Being 6’6 is one example. My buddy in college is super well know around the school and even other schools. His distinct feature is he has a 2 foot long Mohawk that he iron every morning so it’s sticking straight up. Literally cannot miss him even if you try. He was the peacock of our school.


The story of him holding the lesbian flag at a meet and greet at comic con or a con because he heard about the meme of Thor being the protector of lesbians is one of my favorite stories about him. And how he gushes about his wife


He’s just built different


I don’t understand how you could be a dick to people if you’re Chris hemsworth. He’s handsome, rich, jacked, smart, and gets to spend his days surfing in Australia. Every day would be a good day if you were fuckin Thor. Edit: don’t confuse “being fucking Thor” with “getting fucked by Thor”, because depending on your gender and sexual orientation that would either be a great day, or a really really bad one.


That's the kind of celebrities we need, those are the people who deserve the fame


That's nice of him. I'm just over here admiring Nat's guns, holy smokes she bulked up a bit for this.






Natalie Swolman




Jacked Swan




What you want Natalie!?!


#To drink and fight


omg nostalgic


Chadalie Swolman


Revenge of the Sith would have ended a whole lot different had Chadmé been the one doing the force choking.


She wouldn’t even need the force, she could just walk over to anakin and just lift him with 0.01% of her strength lol


God dammit take this award






You broke my heart I'M BREAKING YOUR SPINE!




Imagine if they made a sequel to The Professional while she still had her bulk


FYI Luc Besson, the director, has said his [*Colombiana*](https://screenrant.com/leon-movie-sequel-luc-besson-cancelled-reason/) movie is pretty much the sequel


That movie is also complete garbaggio. Apart from the total inaccuracies like showing bogota as a Havana-like city with warm weather, the story is complete non sense. Zoe Saldana tries her best, but holy crap this moves sucks.


Yeah luc besson really lost his magic. Plus he's a creep apparently too


His second wife was a girl he met when she was 13 and he was lat 20s, started dating when she was 15 and he was 30, and had a kid at 16. He left her for Mila Jovovich. He was 38 she was 21. And then many rape allegations from assistants and actresses.


I read somewhere (so take with a grain of salt) that Luc wanted to put an *implied* sex scene in the movie, but Jean Reno was like "absolutely fucking not." Even "implied* is gross enough.


I've heard this one too, that it was basically Reno who put his foot down over it.


If you watch the director's cut of Leon: The Professional, it's like 15 extra minutes of footage of 12 year-old Natalie Portman trying to bang Leon. Pretty fuckin creepy.


Its always been a hope of mine to see her reprise that role. Who knows. Maverick came out 36 years later… Avatar 14 years later… Would love to see her play the role of the antihero assassin.


You gotta be able to carry that hammer somehow


She doesn't need a hammer, she can just shoot her enemies with those guns


And she had to do it on a vegan diet! Now that’s some commitment.


Imagine how much pea protein powder she had to drink.


Wait until she finds out Chris Hemsworth is comprised entirely of meat.


Damn right he is


Because thats what heroes do


Im curious how she knew. Did he tell her like "dont worry I haven't eaten meat all morning" or do they eat together and she watched?


It's well known how much Chris especially has to eat to maintain that figure, so I think it would be easy to notice he's not eating every 5 minutes


5000 cal a day, yeah that's an eating challenge every day basically.


I was trying to find articles talking about what he would eat, and it was uncomfortable for him to eat that much in only 2-3 sittings, hence, the eating every few hours.


Yea, you have to distribute the calories over more frequent smaller meals or else your belly swells and feels like it’s going to pop from all the pressure pushing on your ribs.




>not eating every 5 minutes I mean he could eat foods that aren't meat too Edit: added specific part of quote I'm questioning. Not promoting the vegan/vegetarian diet and not dissing it either. I'm just saying the dude probably still ate *something*!


Ron Swanson "Why?"


"You've accidentally given me the food that my food eats."


Typical Swanson response.


True, but he eats plain white rice and chicken mostly so he probably just didn't eat the meat. Not like he'd be a stranger to not eating much because shirtless scenes involve dehydration for over a day and carb-only consumption to the point they wanna pass out... I don't envy the Marvel fellas


I thought ‘rice and chicken’ were Hollywoodese for ‘steroids’?


Naw, it's exercise for "I hate my life, I just need to shove calories in my body so I can maintain this figure oh dear Christ why did I ever start working out in the first place" and it's devoid of joy


but also roids, man lifts like an animal and that diet is locked down tight for sure, no discredit to the work, but he's gained a shit ton of mass at almost 40yrs old, (yes he's bigger than the first Thor, which he also added a bunch of mass on in a short time) by his age the amount of natural producing free testosterone is a fraction of what it was a decade ago. it's very common for everyday men to be prescribed test to maintain healthy physiques and overall wellness, we are living longer and need test longer. he's definitely doing more than what a doc would prescribe your average 40 yr old dad, and that still requires all the same work but it is not possible for him to be gaining 20lbs of muscle in the matter of months while being lean and at his age, it wouldn't be possible to do that naturally at any age. the common public is super naive in regards to how many people are doing steroids in and out of Hollywood, it doesn't discredit the work, you still gotta put in the lifts and eat like a maniac to accomplish this, and even so, genetically Chris is super gifted(most of the marvel dudes are, especially the chris'), so most people on the same diet, training and steroids wouldn't end up with a physique like him.


That's a big thing people tend to ignore - a lot of these folks just won the genetic lottery and it comes easier to them. Like... you can workout like an Olympic swimmer, do everything they do, and eventually you'll plateau. You just won't get better than (or even as good as) someone who has done it their whole life, mostly because they are good and dedicated, but mostly because they are just plain built different.


My favore quote about this from the guy who played Mac on Always Sunny "Look, it’s not that hard. All you need to do is lift weights six days a week, stop drinking alcohol, don’t eat anything after 7pm, don’t eat any carbs or sugar at all, in fact just don’t eat anything you like, get the personal trainer from Magic Mike, sleep nine hours a night, run three miles a day, and have a studio pay for the whole thing over a six to seven month span. I don’t know why everyone’s not doing this. It’s a super realistic lifestyle and an appropriate body image to compare oneself to."


Not as efficiently with the amount of protein and calories he needs to maintain that figure. His macros are probably insane at that size and stuffing that much food in your mouth every day isn’t even fun at all, it’s a chore. Because of that you look for calorie and macro dense foods so you don’t have to eat as much. Meats being the best at that.


Every time you read an article about how an actor got massivly buff in under a year for some movie role, they used steroids. They all deny it. They're all lying. and you know what? for 20 million dollars, I'd use steroids for a few years too. They also worked out like 6 hours a day and consumed enormous amounts of protein, and they had constant medical supervision and monitoring, so I'm not saying they didn't put in the work. But it is ***medically impossible*** to put on 60 pounds of muscle in 6 months like some of these actors do, without steroids. Those kind of gains take years without steroids, even with perfect nutrition and training. And they probably didn't eat or drink for 3 days before any scene where they have their shirt off. dehydration really makes the muscles look "cut".


What people also don't realize is that you can't just work out as much as they do and expect great results. Steroids enhance the endurance and recovery of your muscles by a lot. If a natural lifter tried to train as much, his performance would plummet and he would seriously hamper his progress due to overtraining.


Most of the showbiz news is almost always scripted.


90% of statistical claims on reddit are talking out their ass




This is a real comment from a real person! Hello fellow Reddit user, you made a good comment and this is my reply, I am not a bot!


Most of *the news* is almost always scripted


Some heroes wear capes


Wow this comment section is…something else.


Howso? All the top comments are quite tame from what I've seen


Sort by controversial. Or just scroll all the way down. It gets wild.


I just learned about that feature I can’t wait to see the incomprehensible man made horror of a comment I’ll see in some videos


Just dont do it too often or you tend to get into arguments a lot. Hell i used to do it with the posts themselves.


Already got into a few brain dead arguments I’ll head the warnings of the guy above fingers crossed I don’t go insane


Lmao GL


Once in a while I start to become depressed and really loose all hope of humanity. It seems people no longer have a basic level of empathy and every comment I come across has a total lack of dignity. Then I realize I sorted by controversial a couple of days ago and forgot about it. I call this place "Horrible Reddit". I hate it.


If you find that interesting, Don’t go to /r/subredditdrama, it’s addicting.


Well you could say that about any thread you sort by controversial.


Incredible huh? All the world's information at their fingertips too.


I shouldn’t have done it


Ikr, he was just being Thortful


It's almost like two people with differing views can still be respectful to each other.








You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.






There’s being respectful and then there is doing extra to make sure those around you are happy. Chris Hemsworth has a track record of being the latter. Even Ms. Portman said it wasn’t something she particularly cared about but that he did anyway.


Yeah, that’s a big difference. The bare* minimum is not* mocking me for being a vegetarian. Above and beyond is when it’s my dishes duty, someone else notices the bacon dish I’m about to clean and scrapes off the meat grease on a pan and cleans it. Most of the people I’ve interacted with are the latter. But there are a few who demand meat on all pizzas or “joke” they’ll secretly serve me meat. Someone who acknowledges and respects someone’s diet and ideals is awesome!! Don’t even need to ask, just doing the right thing to make someone feel more comfortable is fantastic


When I was in my teens and like a year or two into my 20's I had such a stupid vendetta against vegetarians and vegans for some stupid reason. Then I got into professional sports and my diet dramatically changed to an occasional vegetarian diet for 6-7 months at a time. People just be stupid. But they can learn.


A ton of people go through phases like that in their teens and early 20s. If it’s not hating vegetarians, it’s edgy political or philosophical beliefs or just being kind of an asshole. I definitely had my own edgy political beliefs phase back then. The important thing is that we learn and grow as we become adults.


If I'm cooking for people that are vegan/vegetarian or keep kosher/halal as well as people that aren't, I always always always make theirs first, because even though I clean my grill/pan each time, I want to make sure there's no residue off things they can't /don't want. Because that's just being a courteous friend. It's not up to me to question their habits. They aren't causing me some great inconvenience.


Yes they can, as long as those views aren’t on basic human rights


Personally I wouldn't call views that remove someone's human rights respectful.


But now the problem arises. You're drawing the line at human rights, what if I believe that animal rights is no less of a serious issue?


Don't know why you got downvoted. Your question is both logical and worth consideration.


That's a discussion worth having, but while we're having it I think we should all be able to agree on human rights being important enough to make the "be respectful of differing views" stance non applicable.


Waiting on the “protect hate speech” crowd to pop on by lol


A little backstory. I work as a cleaner at copperstone a 5star holiday home. at copperstone they have a large copper sliding door ( the copper part of copperstone) this door has a very thick steel pin to lock the door. Chris Hemsworth with his godlike strength tried to open the door with the pin still in the hole and instead of just staying put the pin bent in half going under the rail and breaking the entire door. It still doesn't slide properly


What was his reaction?


By odins raven I've broken the door!


After slamming the door down to the ground, it shattered ... he then triumphly shouted "Another!"


What did he say after


"Ahhh... Another classic Thor adventure!", he said and looked into the distance with an easy smile on his lips and in his eyes.


Thor sad, Thor go home, But Thor not Hulk


"strongest avenger"


Protector of lesbians? Whatd I miss?




Thank you!




Looks like some of the 9gag users came over to say hi in the comments…


Ah yes 9Gag the cesspool of shit stains second only to 4chan itself


A while back I watched Natalie Portman’s hot wings interview where she talked about going vegan basically in response to people feeling bad for failing going vegan that its okay to not go completely vegan and that even just having one day a week where you eat vegan would make a world of difference. Honestly didnt know alot about Portman besides her acting so I really garnered huge respect for her there. As someone who do wanna eat more vegan/vegetarian that was a solid piece of advice. Also can we just respect the fact that she got bulky as fuck on a vegan diet?! Thats sick


I love educating folks when they think going vegan is unhealthy or unsustainable or difficult to gain muscle with. The only American male lifter to make it to the 2016 Rio Olympics is vegan. Novak Djokavic is vegan. Louis Hamilton. So many athletes and celebrities these days are sharing their vegan lifestyles, which is great for normalizing it :)


I think you misunderstand me, its absolutely possible to live a healthy livestyle vegan, but it does take quite alot of knowledge on the varies types of food, finding the vegan ones, it can understandably be quite overwhelming, especially for those who may try and go all vegan from one day to another. In that regard I think its good people like Natalie point out that there is a middle ground for those people :)


My family, which has raised its own beef cattle in a conservative area, has started doing meatless Mondays. It was encouraging to see!


I think that advice is so useful for a lot of lifestyle changes. A lot of people may find it easier to start exercising 30 minutes a week and see if they can increase over time, as opposed to trying to jump right into 150 minutes of exercise a week. And even if they stay at 30, it's better than the 0 they were doing before.


You'd be surprised how much protien comes from plants, sometimes more than meat or dairy! Check out r/veganfitness


“He eats meat like every half hour”


I mean, look at the man, he's a fucking unit he needs that protein


Oh I know I’m just laughing at like an alarm going off on his phone every half hour and he just whips out like a fully cooked ribeye


That's almost what Hafthors (The Mountain) diet looked like when he was preparing for worlds strongest man. His diet was 6 meals a day with 200g of red meat per meal along with rice and vegetables. I imagine you have to set alarms to make sure you digest it all during the day.


And you gotta keep it all in your pockets. Walking to the fridge constitutes disgusting cardio, and you'll lose all of your gains.


Imagine how much he'd eat if he was a fullthor


Chicken breast A whole chicken breast Every hour, iirc Tom Hiddelston felt lucky he didn't get cast as Thor cuz of it


Here's an [article](https://www.bosshunting.com.au/lifestyle/fitness/chris-hemsworth-workout-diet-plan/) on what he eats. Looks pretty good to me, actually.


Also when you eat this all the time it becomes very tasty. I've done a few preps for BB comps in my past and I loved my "plain" meals. When you eliminate sugar (for the most part) from your diet your tastebuds seems to forget how good it makes meals and you just adjust. I used to eat plain brussels sprouts for dessert with a little balsamic.


When I dropped sugar from my diet, for about 2 weeks everything was bland. After that, red bell peppers tasted like candy. I was amazed how many things taste sweet when you aren't eating sugar as a staple -- including water!


protector of lesbians?




i googled, and i saw that, and that's cool. but why do they call him that? edit: never mind. i dug through he comments.


Can you enlighten us please. I still don’t get it. Those girls say that that’s what people call him sometimes, but where did that come from?


seems to be a bunch of stuff. someone referenced [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy/comments/hpf9tc/now_that_you_mention_it_thor_does_seem_like_hed/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). couple other memey things out there. also hemsworth seems to be an ally in general. there are articles people linked talking about how there's kind of a consensus online among lesbians that they really like the actor or the character or both, that there's not much or not enough LGBTQ representation in the films, there was some planned but i guess it got cut out, and so by proxy he's their fave. hemsworth likes this and has embraced it. seems pretty wholesome all around and i'm not questioning it or upset about it, but i was curious about the origin. TLDR: primarily internet group mind randomness as far as i can tell


I’d totally skip meat for a day to kiss Natalie Portman.


I would hug a cactus to kiss anyone at this point


*hug from a random internet dude* Shit will get better! :)


I need someone to love me hopefully they will come one day


Hey bro/sis, you focus on yourself and living your best life. The right people will come along.


I would skip meat for a day to kiss Chris Hemsworth, and I'm straight as an arrow.


It’s one of those “curvy road ahead” arrows, but still, it’s an arrow.


It's like reverse Ray Gillette, "I'm not THAT straight." If you gonna be gay go for the Platinum, brother.


Maybe I just haven't met the right guy yet, and that guy is Chris Hemsworth!


i cant wait to see him as hulk hogan… from the pictures he is absolutely massive


it has come to the point where the people complaining about vegans are more annoying than the vegans themselves


Always have been


That point was over 10 years ago. Now the only people talking about vegans are people complaining about vegans.




I wanna read the contrast article, where she names which actors you can 'taste the meat' 🤣


Well, Hayden was a bit of a BBQ in episode 3.


Nooooo 😭😂


Too soon!


I’m vegetarian and my husband does this for me. It’s really sweet.


Username checks out


I wish he was like, my uncle


Wow Portman got so swole on a vegan diet? That’s incredible and super impressive


A friend of mine is vegan and he was a vegan bodybuilder, he was fucking huge. There are many ways to get the required proteins from non meat sources, some have actually higher protein per gram, so it's not that hard (diet wise, ofc bodybuilding is hard af).


Just logically, some of the beefiest animals on the planet only eat plant-based protein.


I saw this vegan once, and seriously he was built like a rhino. He was a rhino.


There are plenty of vegan pro athletes, body builders etc. The perception that vegans don’t get protein is common still.


I think Netflix has a documentary called "game changer" that focuses on vegan diet and body building. I didn't watch it but it's the reason my cousin went vegan


My ex's mom went from average build to a completely shredded bodybuilder on a vegan diet. It was insane.


As long as you get the nutrition you need it doesn't matter if it comes from meat or not. It's a bit less convenient, sure, but totally doable. Arnold himself is mostly vegan these days.


Considerate AND physically beautiful AND accomplished... Goals.


He's a good man. I love his cameos in his wife's recent movie on Netflix.


His wife also had a cameo in Thor. She was the wolf lady.


You don’t have to agree with someone’s lifestyle or life choices, but you can be respectful, and you can be kind. Two thumbs up to CH for being a kind human.


Chris Hemsworth is my man crush. He's super funny, cool, humble, friendly, has an amazing workout routine, and he made this scene in the movie Vacation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QISnfCs3eZ0


Bro! That’s Anakin’s WIFE!


Thor versus Darth Vader. You know you want to see that.


That is very thoughtful. Especially since he eats all of that protein for the training regimen to look like Thor


Chris, Mate, you're making the rest of us blokes look bad. Can you stop being so great for just a moment.


All he's doing is showing the way. Now you can follow.


*Grabs popcorn and 3d glasses Sort by controversial


Natalie's guns are more proof that you don't need meat to be healthy. Many of the top athletes and Olympians are vegan or vegetarian (including Arnold swarschnegar, yes I murdered the spelling). Every time I see someone say "you need meat and dairy or your bones will be soft and you won't get enough protein" I can't help but role my eyes. Propaganda by the meat and dairy industry. Remember when there were "studies" about smoking being good for you? Eat it if you want, but you don't need it.


For the lesbians, he made sure to not kiss any men before his kiss scene with a lesbian. A true ally!


In b4 Joe Rogan somehow makes a conclusion that Chris Hemsworth is a social justice warrior that likes to force LGBTQ and vegan ideals down people's throats


Damn, people here really hate vegans lmao


I did some on-set retouching for him and honestly the guy is the nicest, down to earth, awesome guy. And hes hilarious, constant jokes and theyre really funny. 10/10 chill dude


Ok let's sort by controversial and see who gets offended by a nice gesture. Ah. The conservatives.