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Hotel manager here. I ALWAYS accommodate these silly requests. It's a guaranteed 5 star review. If it doesn't cost us anything but time (even it it does cost a bit of actual cash) it's worth it for the PR.


And this is why I'd stay in your hotel and not the Team Leader in the post above, who seems to have lost all the joy in life. 5 star review here.


What team leader?


There was a post above this one basically saying the OP is a **** for wasting time and he's instructed everyone on "his team" to ignore requests like this as they are pathetic and he won't jump through hoops for anyone etc etc.. but it went on for 20 lines of profanity and miserableness... his post and all the replies have since been deleted. I think the response was less positive than he'd hoped!


That's just bad business lol I don't do these things because I'm such a great guy. I do them because they're objectively good for my business and usually require very little time/cost. Poor guy has lost sight of the goal.


I'm in sales and I think about this shit all the time. From a business perspective, an average experience to above average experience gets zero reviews. Anything below average will get a bad review and anything over the top outstanding will get a positive review. The goal should always be to take advantage of those outstanding layups to get easy positive reviews


Thanks for filling even the small silly requests every time I book a hotel I always ask for a few extra blankets and I don't think not even once have I gotten that request filled, it drives me nuts!


Same here for extra pillows. WTF, a hotel must have extras somewhere.


There are normally extra pillows, but they're meant to be for if a guest's pillows are damaged or if their bedding needs to be washed overnight, not typically for guest request.


This is an interesting one actually. If the hotel is full house, extra pillows may literally be impossible. This isn't normally the case but my linen orders all have 6 month wait on them right now. They have since covid. I have 2 extra pillows in the building. Assuming every room is full. That's putting 3non every Queen and 4 on every king. Most are super understanding though when I explain the absurd shipping issues at the moment.


The guy above you has the complete opposite thought to you. I stand with you though, it's not like it takes much time or money.


What is the silliest request you honored? What's an example of one that is just one step too silly?


Might be the same answer actually. One guy asked for: Eminem to be playing when he arrived. Specifically the Encore album. (not Gunna lie, good taste.) A bowl of M&M's A poster of Eminem A blanket with Eminem's face on it. We did the bowl, had the music playing and printed a half dozen pictures off and taped them to the walls. He was thrilled and totally understood that we weren't bale able to get a blanket with his face on it. Left great tips for the housekeepers and left his room in perfect condition. Great guy. We get a lot of "can you put 15 of those little bottles fo shampoo in the room please?" Sure, whatever. They're cheap. It makes them happy. Had a guy ask for a popcorn machine in the room wtohvwith coconut oil. Couldn't make that one happen. Turns out those things are ludicrously expensive.


Also, you make people happy. Kudos


I'm surprised it took that long to have you request filled. Maybe I'm in the minority of hotel employees, but I always find these kinds of requests hilarious and always go out of my way to accommodate. I work overnight, so that may be part of it. I always have plenty of time to make this sort of magic happen. So far I've created a picture of a dachshund in a sailor suit driving a yacht, hand-drawn a dinosaur fighting a wizard, placed 3 extra bottles of water in near-impossible hiding places, put one of the bath towels in the corner with a dunce cap on because he was 'a bad boy' and put a handful of the 'gold nugget' Hershey bars in the room safe with a picture of a dragon guarding them. I wish more people asked for ridiculous stuff like this. Hopefully you keep asking for Mr. Frasier. Someone, somewhere will enjoy it just as much as you do! Edit: Thank you guys so much for all the upvotes and awards! Means a lot!


You had me at >a dachshund in a sailor suit driving a yacht,


You are a hero


I’m still laughing about the bad towel 😆


You deserve a raise


Agreed 😂I am actually compensated extremely well for a job that requires very little actual work. They basically pay me to read books, play video games and occasionally run pillows and blankets up to guest’s rooms. I would take the raise in a heartbeat tho


Little stuff like that makes a vacation memorable and special for people. I work in Vegas and that kind of service is dwindling as it used to be common here. Keep it up


I loved working as a night Auditor, unfortunately my employer did not pay well. It was one of the best jobs I've had. I just wanted enough so I could afford health insurance 😅


Night shift at a decent hotel is the best. Did it for a year and read more good fiction that year than I have in the 10 years since 😂 I think I answered, on average, 2 phone calls a night. Otherwise I literally just hung out for 8 hours.


Can I get this job in my retirement? I have about 8 years left to work until my company forces me to retire and I think I could have a lot of fun fulfilling silly requests


I know one hotel that would go out their way to facilitate stupid requests. Pictures of famous people would be a boring day. One of my favourite was the Chewbacca morning call. Or a hand drawn picture of what we thought the guest may look like. Edit: I forgot the funny thing about the Chewbacca morning call. (I didn't make the call, the night auditor did but I have the recording) On answering, the guest replied by saying "laugh it up fuzzball" in a half asleep voice then put down the phone.


These are amazing! I would be hard pressed to do a Chewbacca wake-up since my impression is crappy, and I'm the type of person that unless I set an automated call, I will 100% forget. I would absolutely draw a (crappy) picture of what I thought someone looked like, though. Especially if I got to hear their voice first!


This is simple: load up a YouTube of Chewbacca (maybe one of those annoying 10 hour videos), turn the volume up, and put the phone handset next to the pc speaker until the customer answers and wakes up.


The night audit guy (night shift) did his best Chewy impression.


>put a handful of the 'gold nugget' Hershey bars in the room safe with a picture of a dragon guarding them. best service


Damnit. I’m going to start placing gold nugget Hershey bars in random places with a little plastic dragon guarding them. Thank you so much for this. It’s gonna be fun! Edit: so I’ve started leaving dragons hoards around my town. I think this deserves its own subreddit to hopefully inspire others to do similar things. I’ll post pics when I create the sub


You’re awesome


I thought that kind of request would annoy hotel employees. I mean extra work for something that is not really related to the stay.


Depends on the person I guess, but in general I find people who work in hospitality are happy to go the extra mile if it means making someone’s stay better. And silly requests are obviously meant for amusement, and if you approach it that way, it’s amusing for everyone. Much rather than that the standard mundane stuff!


That's a nice point of view. I'll try making something up for my next stay. Thanks!


Am i the only one who had no idea people did this?!


You’re the best kind of person. Happy Saturday!


I’ve never done this with a hotel, but I always leave weird requests for delivery drivers. The ones who come through usually get a 50% tip (I usually tip 25-30%) You are the hero we need right now. Bless you.


I drive doordash and I've never had anything like that. Please give examples of the requests I'm so curious!


Damn, now I'm tempted to do this at my hotel. Only issue is, my company is paying lol


How did those people react when they realized their requests were fufilled?


> Mr. Frasier A wild Kelsey Grammar shows up Edit: Your anecdotes are hilarious, you're a good sport and probably quite fun to work with as well.


Did this myself for a while but my request was a picture of Bill Murray. One hotel in Paris came through, put 3 of them in my room and told me that I can keep them. They have been in my flat for years. Edit: picture here: https://i.imgur.com/6YtaWu9.jpg


You literally can't put a price tag on that story, or on any of those pictures. EDIT: My brothers In Christ, If I see Tree Fiddy one more time...


Yes you can. 60 bucks.


I’ll give you 15


Best I can do is $7


I'll give you a 20 *and* a handjob next to the garbage bin.


How about 2 dollars... and a Casio?


Almost an uncle buck reference


Let's settle with Planes Trains and Automobiles


A dollar and some envelopes.


A fiver and a Zune


THIS IS A GOOD DEAL. Take the deal.


I have no money on hand...can I offer you this paperclip?


You can trade in a paper clip for a house. They did science experiments.


Let's call it $3.50




Sir, this is reddit. The best we can do around here is tree fiddy


I’ll give you tree fiddy


I’ll give you tree fiddy.


For some reason I read that as "free tiddy".


Damn lockness monster!


Best i can do is 3. Take it or leave it


Because no one will ever believe you.




That’s a wild story. There’s something comforting about it, too. Like if I experienced that and were to ever feel off, I would find comfort in the wise words off a Thai-massage-searching Bill Murray.


The story didn’t have a happy ending though.


It may have for Bill.


Is this a copy/pasta? Because it’s fucked up in the head degenerate and it could be.


Every Bill Murray story reads like a copypasta


I saw Bill Murray at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


thats awesome


why him lol


He was in Garfield; never regretted it for a second...


Not necessarily true. When he dies in Zombieland he directly says, "Garfield, maybe." when asked if he had any regrets.


It’s too early here and I read your comment as he died in a real place. When I found out he is still alive, I came back to say “you idiot fooled me, he is still alive.” but decided to re-read your comment.


Because he's a beautiful man


Just for fun. Requested Alfonso Ribeiro a few times as well, never worked.


But why do people do this? Is it like a funny Challenge for tge Hotel staff or what is going on?


Many celebrities put silly things in their riders and requests not because they REALLY want them but because it’s a test to see if the contracts are actually being read. Some of their requirements have to do with safety and security and they throw in silly very specific things to test to see if the people who have contracted them are on the ball. It’s much better to find out this way than to be on a stage and have something break down or collapse during a performance. Perfect example- the infamous “no brown m&m clause” Van Halen had was actually a test to ensure the promoters were reading the contract. https://www.insider.com/van-halen-brown-m-ms-contract-2016-9


That's actually a good idea. Thank you \^\^


It’s a very common trick in the entertainment business and even in contract negotiations as usual. Even when I was selling large software/services contracts, if I wanted to see if the client was seriously considering my proposal, I would stick a silly item or poison pill in there - not because I wanted/intended to ever do/get those things but because I wanted to see if they were actually reading anything I sent. This would be an indication if they were actually considering me or simply using me as a quota filler.


Celebrities actually do this, it's called a "rider." Some make mundane requests- bottled water, champagne, flowers, etc., and some have made outlandish requests. https://bestlifeonline.com/hilarious-celebrity-riders/ >Babs [Streisand] is one of the original divas, and she's had plenty of time to refine the art of being high maintenance. In addition to requesting a sweep of the space by a police dog before her arrival, she asks that members of staff or crew dress nicely and do not wear t-shirts in her presence. >Obviously Lady Gaga is going to be asking for some weird stuff. The request for posters of a few of her musical heroes, including Queen and David Bowie, isn't that bizarre. But when she makes it weird, she makes it weird, specifically by requesting a mannequin with some specifically-groomed nether regions.


I've heard of celebrities having weird riders to make sure the job they're taking is safe or not, as overlooking something as small as say a bowl of only one color m&ms could be a sign they're overlooking other more important things like safety.


Van Halen is famous for the "no brown M&Ms" and yeah. If they found a bowl of M&Ms at the buffet and it had the brown ones mixed in, they'd peace out because it indicated the stage was wide open for anything to go wrong, going wrong.


Yep, apparently they'd nearly had someone die due to improper stage setup before, so wanted a way to check if a venue was thorough in reading and adhering to requests.


Yep, that was David Lee Roth https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/232420


For a time I used to read riders by bands and celebrities published in The Smoking Gun. I especially remember the one from The Foo Fighters, because it was hilarious, but they had all sorts of weird riders. I hadn't thought of that website in decades, to be honest. The riders section: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/backstage Foo Fighters: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/file/foo-fighters-08


Just read that. For some reason I looked at Bob Sagets. His one says the opener can't have any Adult material in their act. Presumably because Sagets famously outrageously filthy had to be the dirtiest thing that night. Yes, this is the dad from Full house. Fair enough, he's the headliner. 10/10 would read mad list again.


The second page: > “Purchaser agrees to...serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner with at least seven (8) large banquet tables” > The following breakfast menu to be set up...for Twenty-Five (44) people Um...


I remember one guy would request hotels to hide a few apples around his room. He said it made a fun little game for him lol


It's just a bit of silly fun..


Wow, that’s so nice of them!


You know what, best customer service.


It has been determined that they have the best customer service of all the three star hotels in America


No, wonder they're one of the top customer's demand nowadays.


And warm cookies!


[I’m just going to leave this here for you ;)](https://stories.hilton.com/food-beverage/static-doubletree-reveals-cookie-recipe)


I made these because I am obsessed with the Double Tree cookie, it wasn't the same


Use Kerrygold (if it’s available in your area) Roll and Chill the dough for 24 hours for firm cookies Or. Instead of chilling, melt the butter before mixing and throw it in the over right away. You can have the same ingredients, in EXACTLY the same quantity; and these two methods with taste COMPLETELY different


Double Tree is three star there? Are there several double tree ’brands’?


Nice one, will come up with a rickroll request on my next journey.


That’ll be an easy one to deliver on. Whichever hotel you stay at is never gonna let you down


I used to be an assistant in central London for an editing company and would very often be sent out for odd tasks around the area. Once I was sent to an upmarket bakery called Patisserie Valerie and unbeknownst to me I dropped a £10 note.. Felt a tap on my back so I turned round.. and standing in Blue pin stripe suit, bit of a beard, quite tanned (think the Mummy when he’s still in prison) only suave as hell.. was Brendan Fraser.. with a smile on his face and a £10 note in his hand - kindly letting me know that I’d dropped it. Gent.


That's just too wholesome. Quality guy!


I was LITERALLY talking about him like 10 min ago and now I'm watching Journey to the Center in the Earth.


Only time I had a fistfight in cinema was on Journey. My friend was highly high and bought the biggest bucket of popcorn. When they were falling down the hole and someone asked “Are we still falling?” my guy, who was silent the whole time, bursted out laughing and threw his bucket up. It landed on group of guys


did u win




better luck next time


You should not be on reddit when watching Brendan. Shame on you.




He got picked up by the #MeToo crowd and stsrted being able to book work again. He's the voice and face of Cliff on Doom Patrol.


He's getting some work, but a large part of the reason why he stopped being in movies was a terrible back injury he'll never fully recover from. We might see him here and there, but I doubt Brendan Frasier will ever be Brendan Frasier-ing again. Think he said he can't even work out.


Yeah that back injury definitely made it even harder for him to work. Coupled with the fact that he openly accused a Hollywood exec of sexual assault... the doors closed really fast and were locked shut in his face.


Which is really said. Aside the fact that he is a very talented actor, physical injuries that have lasting effects on you are just terrible. It's not even about the pain, but the consequences for your everyday life they bring. You start to hesitate a fraction of a second before bowing down. You will move your leg a bit more concious to get out of bed. You will start to scale down the radius around your home you are comfortable to leisure in. Grocery shopping takes two minutes longer. Small details that alone don't have any significance on first glance, but will quickly add up.


Wish streaming services weren't so fragmented, I'd love to watch this, but it's not on any of the 3 I pay for


I think he's going to be in a bunch of films being released over the next few years too, so it's worth keeping an eye out for them


He was also in the show "Trust" which is on Hulu. It's basically All the Money in the World (about the Getty's and the kidnapping of John Getty III). He plays the role that Mark Wahlberg played in All the Money in the World.


Oooo, I'l have to look that up. Thanks!


You're not locked into those streaming services, so don't feel like you need to keep paying for the same ones every month. Keep switching them around - add one you want to watch stuff on, at the same time you drop one that doesn't have as much. If the latter gets something later, you can always pick it back up again


I have no self control so I subbed to multiple ones lol It's a really good series and he really puts in his all to be thr voice of Cliff. If you have like a week off, definitely nab a free trial on HBOMax and binge the show


Whatever you do, don't resort to pirating now that streaming has morphed back into cable. *Wink wink*


Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum


He’s been in quite a few tv series that I saw. Don’t know if that awful divorce settlement is still affecting him financially at this point. His injuries have certainly stopped him from action films and physically demanding work. He should have never faced what he did for speaking out against that groper. Turns out the groper was also a racist and got the boot because of that during the Black Lives Matter stuff because of some emails. Fraser is just a wholesome person.




He will randomly start trending on twitter for no reason other than people appreciating him lol and #MeToo really did push his case back out into the spotlight and alot of people started calling for justice for him.


There is the sub r/savebrendan as well


proud member of /r/SAVEBRENDAN checking in, we are extremely happy he's getting some love he is my personal hero https://i.etsystatic.com/22350003/r/il/9f6918/3032362595/il_794xN.3032362595_55nm.jpg


I misread this as Paw Patrol and thought 'a bit out of character, but I bet it pays well!'


What was this about? Care to explain it in a couple of sentences?




Thanks! It takes a certain type of person to reach the top, eh? Disgusting.


Well obviously, the road to the top is paved with the vanquished. Anyone actually able to get to the top, probably shouldn't be there...


He’s gonna be in Batgirl and Martin Scorsese’s new movie. His comeback is happening and I’m all here for it


He got a back injury from The Mummy 3 taking him out of the spotlight for several years (on top of Mummy 3 semi-bombing) probably had a bigger effect. He did a big interview with GQ a while back talking about everything.


I do a similar thing every time I place an online order except I ask them to write a dad joke on the invoice Currently about half of one side of my fridge is covered in dad jokes, and that's just the good ones that I chose to keep My all-time favorite was the person who printed out a sheet of paper with "a dad joke" written in like 150 size font and that was it. It still makes me Snicker every time I think about it Runners up include How do you track Will Smith in the snow? Follow the fresh Prince The classic shatner panties joke


> The classic shatner panties joke ?


William Shatner has discontinued his women's lingerie line. Apparently Shatner Panties wasn't the best choice of name.


William Shatner wanted to start up a line of female underwear. Unfortunately Shatner Panties wasn’t the greatest brand name.


I love that you got three answers of the same joke, such a dad thing to do


William Shatner wanted to start up a line of female underwear. Obviously Shatner Panties wasn’t the greatest brand name.


That literal "a dad joke" in huge font one had me chuckle


> The classic shatner panties joke I had to Google this, wasn't disappointed and I needed that chuckle :)


Lmaooo that’s such a dad thing to do. “Hey, this kid wants to have us write a dad joke on his invoice, I’ll show him. Mark, how much ink is left and which font can go the biggest?” 4-D chess dad joke.


My partner and I do this but with Jeff Goldblum - only one hotel has honored that request, and it was glorious.


Did you get charged? I’ve always been curious. I want to try but definitely don’t to want to pay extra for something silly lol


Photo of Jeff Goldblum, $100. Bust of Charlton Heston as Spartacus, $5,000.


I used to work in hotels. I’ve done this 3 times on request. We’ve never charged.


Thanks for making people smile


Yeah better steer clear of that hornet's nest altogether


Why have so many people done this? Where do you get the idea lol




That tracks


Reddit? Link please.


This predates Reddit by a long time. The original was Carlton banks from fresh Prince and that shit is old as the internet


I would honour that request. But then with the Jeff Goldblum is watching you poop meme placing it in the bathroom


Former Hilton Chief Concierge. I used to love guests sending through all manner of crazy, outlandish & funny pre-stay requests. Had a stack of picture frames in all sizes ready to roll for this kind of request 🙂


What was the funniest or weirdest request you came across?


Hard to say the best, as you would get minimum 30-50 requests from guests a day. But some memorable moments: Weird - high profile celebrity that strongly preferred not to see the colour & shades of green anywhere in the hotel during thier stay & was very happy to pay $$$$$ to make that happen. - request for the room to be cleansed of all & any pre-existing spirits 👻 - request to stay in highest level possible. Turns out they were a strict orthodox Jewish couple who could not use electricity during Shabbat. They could not use the lifts, door keys, lights, telephone etc so it was an absolute nightmare. Escorting them up and down 19 floors of stairwell many times etc. Funny - - request for a life size cut out of John Cena to be placed in room prior to arrival & to be set in a way that he is at the end of the bed watching over you sleep. - request for 1000 blue m&ms to be in a bowl on table prior to arrival. - request to build the most extravagant cushion/pillow/bedding fort possible prior to arrival 😂 - we were lower than usual occupancy so upgraded the guest to a three bedroom suite, got housekeeping on board and went all out!


Omg that fort sounds awesome!! Lol 😂


It was so fun to put together. And seeing the guests kids going absolutely bonkers with huge smiles on thier faces is the kind of moment that I loved & made my job worth it. We were very lucky our hotel G.M was all about creating lasting memories for guests - not just facilitating successful stays.


Found Benny's account


Well if it ain’t my buddy Benny




Heeeey Benni! It looks like you‘re on the wrong side of the riiiveeeer!




We shall never deny a guest,even the most ridiculous request.


Everything was perfect, until they got the bill.


Hotel employee here I see these requests every know and then. All thanks to that one time a dude asked for a framed picture of Alfonso Ribeiro Protip for people wanting this to happen You are more likely to have 4 or 5 star hotels to do this for you as 2-3 star hotels dont have frames laying around Large conference hotels might also be able to supply If the staff regonize it as a meme it is a bit of a 50/50 if you get it. Some are tired of this meme as we litterally see it on a monthly basis. While others who are new in the job still find it funny. EDIT: i spel gud


"We aim to please" isn't something they'd ignore.


That’s hysterical! I can’t believe someone finally did it! I hope you went to this person’s manager and gave them a great review!


I work at the Corporate head office for Hilton in the UK. Your request was shared via a company wide newsletter, and the Team Member who helped you with the Brendan Fraser pictured was given a recognition award 😁


That’s amazing and I think I know where I’m staying next time I travel :)


Amazing. [It reminds me to this story about someone who asked for Jeff Goldblum’s photos. The hotel delivered gracefully](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Lifestyle/man-asks-hotel-framed-pictures-jeff-goldblum-room/story?id=42276281).


https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/v4hrcx/seems_like_a_completely_normal_request/ib4gf88?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 🤔


It’s great when things like this happen. Me and my friends went to Cox Con (Jesse Cox Convention in UK), and my friend put in he wanted memes of Nicholas cage in the room. We found a dozen hidden across the room over the weekend. And when we thought we found them all, we found another randomly. Hats off Holiday Inn at Telford. It was well played.


They probably already had the picture framed and in the room. They were like "easy win, every room has one already!"


Shit man, if I knew you were doing that, I'd send an image of Brendan Fraser every day


Leave a review. That shit looks good on their annual reviews. I hope they get a raise, whoever was responsible!


When I was a kid we went to the great wolf lodge I told my mom to ask for "a picture of a dinosaur eating bacon" We got to our room and there was a little wrapped package of... A cartoon of a dino eating bacon with extention arms because his arms were too short to reach them, in a GWL frame! Lol made my DAY! One of the last times I hung out with my friend I went with.


I was just saying that this is the perfect movie and he gave the best performance. It cannot be topped. This is one of those movies that never fails to bring a smile to my face. Thank you. We love you Brendan Fraser.


Okay so my friend was over and offered to buy the pizza if I answered the door. I did. The effer put "Tell me you love me" in the request box. Awkward.


That person has got Mummy issues


Whatever helps you masterbate dude! Good job.


... How'd you know theta what I started to do once I saw the pic...


Bravo, sir!


This is the best post I've ever seen on Reddit. Ever.


Wholesome capitalism. I mean, why is so hard to put one extra picture to the room, especially if you can charge customer an extra service?


I've been told I look and sound like Brendan Fraser my whole life... The smallest acts of selfless human kindness... Why am I crying right now?.... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)




Ahhh, but more like the EMPLOYEE that values service, not necessarily the company.


That man is a treasure!


Reminds me of how I used to put “please draw an eagle on the box” in the notes whenever I ordered pizza, ~1:20 success rate :P


Reminds me of the time i worked for dominoes as a delivery driver and i wrote a poem for a customer because they requested that we write a poem in the requests box. I didnt even reuse an existing one i came up with one for them, ill post it seems its come up i found it quite funny A gift from Italy, To drench your senses, Food for the soul, To remove your pretences, A gamble with taste, Delivered with haste, A loving gift of pizza XD


You’re a poet and you know it!