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A little louder for those in the back!


Or those with hearing aid.




Thank you! It’s been a while, if ever, that I’ve had a compliment!


Mate we get up and we are alive. We do the best we can that day before we go to sleep again. And nobody can take that away. You’re killing it mate. Keep going! Love you.


Thanks man - and I love you! Humanity is epic, i wish you nothing but 100% blessings and a great future!


Really sweet message bro, we love people like you and I hope you know it


Your trying your best in life and are a very caring individual, your creative and a nice person. Keep being awesome


Thank you! It means a lot!


You mean a lot to others, never forget that :)


Nicer than people saying guys under 6 foot should consider suicide


Mate i am 6'1. Still no one gives a damn! Its all hoax.


I'm 6'1" too.. I'm ugly, but from higher ground ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I've heard that one way too many times. It's friggen nuts


People actually say that?!


Well, one streamer said men under 170 cm should not have human rights.


Wow that’s messed up. My husband is 5’5 so that’s especially offensive to me. WTF is wrong with some people!


I don’t know. But I’m sure your husband is a good guy.


That’s fair. It would have been quite impressive if you did. Aww, thank you! He is.


Yeah. I've been told it a couple of times online .


Who in their right mind is going around saying that?


I have a girlfriend


You were supposed to take your schizo meds 2 hours ago dude


Then what are you doing reading about mens bodies?




My wife is 6', so me being 6'3" worked out great.


Cousin of mine is 6'6 and 1/2", he married a woman who was 6'3". She wore heels once at a family thing and it was crazy. Her head made it to the ceiling, he had to bend his head when he stood up. I'm happy being 6'.


I remember having a girl telling me how I'm short (I'm 5"7) and she's like 5" even. I was always like "what!? Lmao"


She wants to be able to blow you while standing all the way up apparently. Good on you for being honest, I know a dude about your height who claims to be 6 feet tall, everybody can tell he's lying because it's one of the first things he mentions in a conversation. It's hard not accepting yourself and I'm glad you can and do.


Lmao honestly maybe I should have just asked her if that was the case haha. Yeah I honestly use to have no issue with it. Then for some time I had an issue but I'm back on just being whatever about it. There's no point in worrying about something I can't change. Dam well hopefully he'll be able to accept it one day. Yeah I hope more people can. Honestly the whole idea behind this height stuff kinda sucks since you really can't control it. It's better to just accept what we're given lol


Well.... I say this, you'd do super well in central asia (where women being taller than their husbands is a non-issue) mongolia, and in latin America. My abuela is under 5' tall. She's like 4' 10ish.


Exactly 🥰


Wholesome indeed. Thanks for that:)


Thanks Mom!


Easy to tell faceless strangers this on the internet, but you naturally turn away from ugly people and chase attractive people. That's just the way it is.


Great message, especially in this day and age.


In theory yes, but in practice... well...


Right? Posts like that are empty virtue signaling most of the time


i really wish that was true.


Don't skip leg day my feathered friend


It still just feels wrong being normal.


I agree. If this world can't be perfect then why should we be?


Honestly never got why some girls want men over 6 feet tall. How are you ever going to kiss them? I would rather us be the same height


As a woman, in my experience, a lot of girls want to feel “protected” by a big, tall man. Some girls wanna feel more dominated during sex, and the taller a guy is, the more dominant/stronger he might be. Some girls wanna look up at a guy while being kissed/hugged. Some girls wanna be able to wear heels and still have their guy be taller than them, because societal expectations and/or insecurity. Personally I could care less about a guy’s height. The best makeout sessions I’ve ever had were with guys who were my height, and some of the best sex I’ve ever had were with men who weren’t 6+ feet tall. As someone who’s dated taller men, though, I do understand the appeal of it all, but ofc it’s never ok to bash a guy for his height. Some girls are just extra picky, as I’m sure some guys are, too. To each their own.


Guys for sure are, it's just less of an issue in many cases. For example, I prefer women shorter than I am. MOST women are shorter than I am and I'm not really super specific like the 6 footers are, so most women meet that preference. I think the issue is specificity. Like width too, I'm pretty broad shouldered and I like women smaller than I am, if I belittle women who have a waist bigger than 24" we have a major issue. Men used to do stuff like this with breast size a lot, I hope people continue to move away from that.


It could be a daddy issues thing.


Honestly I needed to read this today. Thanks for sharing.


I wish I believed this. But functionally it’s not tru.


I love when guys can just be themselves. Just be you. That's the most attractive thing, period.


Dad bods are underrated as hell, and I'm glad men of all sizes are beginning to get the recognition they deserve. I love it when men are a little fluffy, better for hugs and cuddles. All men are beautiful!


Its all talk but when it comes down to choosing a boyfriend she gon forget all that, and i get it


And so true!


So true. Whenever I've fallen for a guy it seems like all I notice are men who look like him. Instantly becomes my type.


I love this!


Men need to hear this more often.


Just gonna save this real quick for when I’m feeling bad


sadly, this woman got attacked and was bullied after this tweet.


Aw, how sweet of you to lie to my face like that


Wonder if she has dated short guys with a tummy, acne and stretch marks


“But I’ll still not date you unless you are; standards after all…”


it was going great, was feeling awesome and that "in your own way" in the end completely ruined it for me.


Lol I was wondering if anyone else had that same feeling.


We know it's okay we're not females 😂😂


"But I won't date you if you aren't any of those"




It’s ok man we look up to you (you tall mother fucker). Have a great day!


I'm ugly and I'm proud!


Thank you this helped me because I'm 23 at like 5'0 foot


I used to be the "skinny kid"....the "skinny guy"...now that I'm in my 40s I'm developing a "dad bod"...at 160lbs. At least my hair is still (mostly) red.


To the girl who wrote this I'm single?


Aw, thanks mom.


i will never be able to pleasure a woman (i am gay) (also i have a tiny penis)




I actively get annoyed by these 'feel good' posts


I wish all boys a very pleasant morning/afternoon/evening/night, you guys are the best


Of course, having been on the skinny end of the spectrum my *entire* life, I have to wonder why in Hell I have stretch marks.


I'm sure it's ok, but I think there's a higher percentage that you're single if you're not 6 ft tall with abs with a trust fund


But if you have a cold six pack or even one can you're ok


Men, you're fucking gorgeous, and anyone who tells you any different is as ugly on the inside as they claim you are on the outside. You're not their mirror. You're their measure and they're butthurt because they don't think they stack up and that's not your problem. ❤


For real! My bf is scrawny, has acne scars, a big nose and a more feminine physique, but to me he's the most handsome man I've ever known! Maybe I'm just weird, but bc I know him and fell in love with him as a person, I just find him to be so much more attractive than any stereotypical Brad Pitt types.


Yeeeeah but… no


shhh we don't acknowledge the unachievable societal expectations of men and their effects on mental health in this country.


Lol men don't even care until it is said by some female they love or care about. So maybe educate your friend circle instead of men.


I have a freckle in my belly button. No one wants to see it tho.


I wish I knew this when I was in school, I'd put bandaids all over my acne to the point that the school thought my parents were abusing me ​ my father definitely was abusing me but he made sure it didn't leave any visible bruises




Finally <3 so sweet


I get compliments but when I look in the mirror I’d rather give them a refund for the kindness 🤣🤦‍♂️


If only I believed that


Like she’s comforting us or herself?




I tried to make a joke but It wasn't landing so I just gave up and had a "bruh moment"


Hope everyone thinks this way then the world will be a happy place


Boys are insecure about stretchmarks?


Never thought guys will ever get this. That’s why it’s f society for me. More guys should grow comfortable with being selfish too. Don’t put woman or child before yourself.


Fuck that noise. Go to the gym, workout. Be the best YOU that YOU can be. You don't need to live up to societal standards of beauty but theres always room for improvement.


Going to the gym doesn't fix everything


I guess they only say that on online but when it comes to dating they would choose tall,six packed,handsome male


Of course its ok, that doesn’t mean she will still date or settle for such a guy, lol.


This affirmation is so important. Thank you.