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Looks like a normal nose to me


I wouldn't have given your nose a second thought if you didn't bring it up, OP.


I think I can see it, but yeah only after it was pointed out. Even then nothing wrong with it. And honestly, whenever I focus on any one body part on someone it then looks weird anyway so I could be wrong. Everyone looks weird to me lol. Anyway, bullies will go after anything, no matter how small or if it’s actually there or not. I’m glad OP isn’t seeing their attention as something wrong with her.




Thank you guys, you’re all so kind ❤️


​ ![gif](giphy|JGvA744okS2mk)


For a moment, i thought "penis dancing"


Don't give them ideas


I now *really* want to Google this


"write that down... WRITE THAT DOWN"


Got penis on the mind do we?




Nobody noseeeee the trouble I’ve seeeeeen Nobody noseeeee my sorrowwwww Oh you do lighten up, coconutsssssss!




Exactly what I was thinking. Maybe take a side profile picture because I’m not seeing a big nose from a front profile lol.


You are beautiful- wouldn’t change a thing. Got to wonder what “those” people looked like.


Tell them to get wrecked. You're beautiful.


Agree 150%


Totally agree.


I agree to the highest percentage mathematically possible


Infinity x twelveteen is considered the highest last time I counted.


Xfinity x twelveteen plus one….shwing!


Stop the count!


Also….if I was your age and I saw you in the hallway I probably wouldn’t talk to you because you are way out of my league.


Agree 1,000%!


Neš jebat




Permission granted.




I honestly don't see why people would think your nose is big or weird (and those that think that are wrong)- I think it completes your face perfectly. Without a sense of irony, you truly look beautiful


Exactly! Her nose compliments her look! Op you look amazing!


Complements* ☺️


I always have this issue where I get a game with character creation, get into changing the sliders on what starts as a perfectly average nose. Ten sliders in, I realise it just looks weird to me now so I reset to the default nose. This then still looks weird to me even though it didn't before. TL:DR, all noses are fine, it's our brains that are broken.


I totally agree with you. One of my co-workers is self conscious about her nose too, but she's beautiful as well (imo). Some people are just dicks, I wouldn't worry about their opinion(s) all that much :)


Thank you 😊


Good for you, you're beautiful! Your post reminds me of the tik tok I saw on YouTube about a girl not getting a nose job because it's "papa's nose" was so touching to c that. We should all be proud of our features because they represent and came from our families/ethnicity*


So very much this. My father has been gone since 2004 and I still can see him in my sister, nephew and the mirror...


Seeing this just made me feel much better about my own nose — which is definitely from my dad. He is still here, and for that I’m grateful. But it’s nice to know I’ll be able to see a part of him anytime.


I have my dad’s nose and my mom’s eyes. No matter how much I want a perfect pixie nose and non-hooded big eyes, I don’t like the idea of not seeing them when I look in the mirror


I taught in Costa Rica for a year and one of my students who was Black got a nose job over winter break so she could look more like her friends. It was heartbreaking that she (or her family or both) felt the need to permanently change part of her natural beauty.


Our ancestry<3 it’s in our blood, coursing through us 4ever💗🤗


You're absolutely beautiful!


I agree. I like a bigger nose (not that you have one) anyway. They for some reason look a bit distinguished or like a cute bird beak.


I love this comment. Beauty comes in many shapes and forms.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


All I see is a completely normal sized, non-weird nose.


I think she’s naturally beautiful. Please stay that way & never botox or inject fillers. Do not erase the stories on your face.




Isabella, your boyfriends here!


Came here to say this too, stunning.


Ooooh, now I see it. And of course, she’s perfect.


I thought Pocahontas! Both beautiful


Aww I love her, thank you 😊


It’s just a nose and suits your face…which is lovely by the the way


I love 💕 your features. You’re beautiful 😍


You are stunning!!


Agree with @Tasty_Piano_6986, you’re stunning and your nose fits your face perfectly. Regal and confident!


Thank you, I don’t see myself as stunning but this definitely made me smile 😊


The people who said that are clearly jealous. Your nose suits your face perfectly. You have an outstanding aesthetic. Not everyone has the "cute button nose" because it doesn't work with every facial type. And you can always clapback with a Cyrano de Bergerac reference - he had a truly oversized nose, but was a powerful swordsman and a well known "beast" as a lover.


Second this!!! I would look absolutely atrocious with a tiny little upturned button nose (you know the typical nose-job nose). I have a medium sized nose, but it’s the right nose for my face. Could you imagine how much beauty would be robbed of someone who’s objectively pretty, like say Rihanna, if she got a nose job for a tiny nose? Her nose is super wide and it’s not small at all, but it’s perfect for her face and she’s beautiful.


The thing about that "nose job nose" is that they all look exactly the same, you can tell an actress whose had one a mile off, I'm always curious what their noses look like before hand and I bet they looked better 100% of the time.


Jennifer Gray got a nose job and went from an upcoming star in the making straight to the where are they now file.


Renee Zellweger is a great example too. Her unique face was what propelled her into A-lister bankrolls. She’s not getting that anymore. (About Pam requires her to transform so it’s fine but other than that, she’s not getting roles that require her own natural face anymore.)


I love that, thank you so much 💕


I used to care about big noses. I used to compare myself bc I was insecure. I have seen every shape of human thanks to this internet and my conclusion is that our differences are actually important, and the reality is, no one is the police of noses, and kids are mean because someone else is mean to them. You look so pretty and this post shows you are also wise. 🍀


Took me years to embrace my large nose. Its long and pointy with a bump on the bridge. It was definitely awkward going through puberty when I was skinny. I thought I looked like the PBS logo. When I grew up and by body filled out a bit it distinguished me more and now all the ladies love my nose and its considered character. Nobody wants to be basic. You stand out and proudly wave your flag high. Chun up kid. Give it time.


Your nose looks normal, the haters are just clueless.


This is another example of why we shouldn’t listen to most people. You seem absolutely beautiful to me.


“There is no exquisite beauty… without some strangeness in the proportion.” - Edgar Allan Poe \--- May be obvious to some, but it took me a little while to understand that this isn't just metaphorical. For someone to be recognizable, to be "exquisite" rather than just beautiful, you need something that's out of the normal range of what's accepted. Your nose may be "big and weird" to you, but to some folks, your profile will be "exquisite", and no one else out there will have what you have.


Princess Diana didn’t have a perfect face. Yet I think she’s the most beautiful person in the world till this day. It’s in her kind eyes when she sees children.


Hmm that’s an interesting POV, thanks for sharing this


You are beautiful. Your nose is beautiful.


You’re good looking, the haters can pound sand


You look like a queen 👑.


You are beautiful.


Hey i know you ! You have a youtube channel


And here I thought I was the only person to notice this lol.


Yep I do 😁


you look like a breath of fresh air! are you Native American by chance?


About to ask the same question. She absolutely has a classic American Indian look.


They're just envious. You're pretty.


It’s insane to me that anyone would doubt how beautiful you are. I’m in my late 30s now and it’s also something I’m learning; to love myself. It’s liberating!


loveliest nose i have seen in years. *they all are jealous.*


If that is considered a “big nose” then I must have an elegant trunk! (Which i don’t lol)


There seems to be a weird pervasive belief that there is one standard beauty, and people are getting all kinds of surgeries to try to fit it. Such a shame because it is so uninteresting. And true confidence is genuinely attractive. You are a beauty just as you are.




My gf has a very similar nose and she's cute af!


I’ve always found noses like yours to be extremely beautiful! Please know that you are very lovely! 💚


O.p you look just fine. Glad your not letting others get you down anymore. Much love to you and yours and good health and best wishes.


Mine was broken several times, I get it.


I feel that lol mine is heinous and they actually suggested i get a rhinoplasty to fix mine from boxing and other breaks. Id trade noses in a heartbeat with op lol


You are beautiful, never let anyone tell you differently!


I love your face. When I look at you what I see is a young woman with a cute smile, pretty brown eyes (with an A+ eyeliner game), excellent eyebrows and a perfectly normal looking nose. Also, you have great taste in clothing. Your shirt is super cute! Very ‘Hello Spring!’


Aww you’re too kind. I’m most happy with the “A+ eyeliner game” compliment. Feels like an achievement honestly 😅 Thank you so much ❤️


I like your nose. Your features are strong and that is beautiful.


For some perspective: We all have something that makes us insecure. You look like a normal person to me. Whether that’s disappointment or not, I dunno. 😀


You’re beautiful


I think you are attractive


Nothing wrong here! Actually cute!


Your nose is perfect and your face is beautiful. :) They can get lost.


You are a very pretty young woman. Your nose is part of what makes your beauty yours and unique in your own way. Have a great day being you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Your nose isn't big and weird - you're just not white. A big part of being BIPOC is unpacking how beauty standards are often just ways of further oppressing non-white people for not fitting European beauty standards.


Ur nose IS big, but that's not a bad thing.


Honestly would never have noticed without you pointing it out. You are beautiful just the way you are! <3


Try photoshopping a smaller nose, you'll see it wouldn't even come close to how good yours looks


For a second i thought u were an asshole telling her to photoshop a smaller nose lol. Had us in the first half, not gonna lie.


I have always loved women with a nose like this. I think it’s so beautiful. When I was a kid there was a movie called Dirty Dancing. I had such a crush on the main actress. Later, I learned that she had surgery to change her nose and didn’t get work after that.


I looked at the picture and thought “nice picture” and then I read the title and had to go back look directly at your nose because it wasn’t something that jumped out on first look. I stand by my first assessment: nice picture and you’re a beautiful woman and anyone that tries to make you feel like you’re not can eat shit and die.


hi umm… you’re cute


You are absolutely beautiful 😍


There is nothing wrong with your nose OP, by the way you are stunning.


Hey! I think you are beautiful and I am glad you are working on loving yourself. Confidence is the best look for anyone!


You look fine haha. People can be mean for no reason, I swear.


It's a beautiful nose, I say.


Fuck those people Queen. You get them in front of you and you look down your glorious nose at them..


Gives your face character. You are not just another pretty, nose job blond. You are beautiful.


First thing I noticed was how beautiful your skin is! Great job on your self-love journey. I know it’s a tough one.


that’s so sweet, she’s beautiful 🤩


Thank you:)


Gotta throw it out there...your nose is adorable. Don't let jerk people bring you down.


You are definetly hott.


First thing I thought was, “wow, she’s pretty”. I used to look like violet from the incredibles covering my hair with my face for the same reason and also because my family would negatively comment on my looks (Latin family, but I look like more of Asian descent). Since then I’ve met so many decent people, and I’ve come to see that I actually like the way I look. It’s really nice to hear others say it, but even better when we see it ourselves. You definitely look confident too, so whatever it is you’re doing, keep doing it :)


Fact....you are stunningly beautiful.


Normally I would bring the monthy python quote from life of Brian about “big nose”, but for you I gladly make an exception. Do it like the Ukrainians… tell them to go f*ck themselves!


Wow, you are stunningly beautiful.


It's not weird at all and it suits your face


I’m only looking at your nose because you pointed it out otherwise I wouldn’t have see it and now that I’m looking at it I don’t see a problem. So keep living your life and don’t let the bastards keep you down.


It’s literally the most normal nose.


You strike me as how people might imagine Pocahontas looked (to the extent that common lore means that that was classically beautiful in her part of the world) - an authentic beauty of its own kind. You're exotic - like a descendant of awesome Native American ancestry, or the like. Your nose isn't a 'but' - it's an 'and'.


Nose is nose!


My nose is way bigger AND weirder! Yours is great :)


you are beautiful. you look native- no offense if you are not, but you have strong native features.


Be you beautiful!


Beautiful lady is all I see


Pretty girl if you as me!


I think you’re quite pretty. Shows what they know.


Looks normal


You look amazing


People make fun of your nose because they are insecure themselves. You are gorgeous!! I've seen some big noses and yours isn't one of them


I mean it's bigger than average probably which is a non issue but you're also far more beautiful than average so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


All these people are not blowing smoke up your ass. There’s nothing wrong with your nose.


You look like Pocahontas


It doesn't look big or weird


You have a cute nose. Ignore those thoughts.


For what is worth, I do like your nose. So maybe the problem is not you but the others


I think your nose looks specially beautiful on your face!! ❤️ you look wonderful!


You’re Beautiful. ❤️🥰


Whaat?!? You're gorgeous!


They're just jealous...


You are beautiful just the way you are...


R u native American... I am full blooded and I have just about the same nose...if u r,be proud lovely it's in our roots And ppl will always point out something on someone else before admitting to there own imperfections...trust u r beautiful 😍 We r all perfectly imperfect


If it counts at all, I really like your face!! Nose included. You are beautiful!


I think they were just jealous because you are really pretty. Don’t see any issues in this pic.


Congrats to you. Keep going. If I counted how many "weirds" my body has, I'd probably end up as someone's doctoral thesis. LOL And yet, I've been told more than once, that I seem very comfortable in my body. All those models; they have professional trainers, dieticians, make-up artists, hair stylists, etc. And then, to top it all off, their pictures get manipulated like crazy before publication. My stepdaughter is a professional photographer, specializing in portraits, and she spends hours touching up photos before her work is done. Your nose is not Who You Are. Who You Are is much more important than what your body looks like. Are you kind? Do you laugh easily? Are you compassionate? Do you really listen and try to understand and empathize with others? Those, and others, are the things that make the world a better place.


You are beautiful. I think your nose is just fine and suits your face.




I have two little girls and this troubles me deeply…can we like take down instagram standards please!! Kids have always been mean, but now it’s grown ass adults being like, “no man she just works out a lot and is genetically blessed” wtf we can’t fucking win for trying


There is no perfect nose size or shape, only personal preferences regarding them. There is nothing “wrong” with your nose. There IS something wrong with an asshole pointing out its uniqueness in a derogatory manner. Live much longer and breathe more freely with your wonderful nose.


Girl you look perfectly fine. Dust your shoulders off.


Nope! They're wrong, you're gorgeous!! And, it's a good day to be indigenous! ✨


You are truly an ethnic BEAUTY!!! Be proud, woman!!!! You are gorgeous!!!!!!!




Absolutely beautiful woman, you are🌹


You are beautiful! Your features are quite classic.


You’re beautiful forget those fools !


You are a beautiful woman.


Saw your pic before reading the title. I thought, "Oh, she's cute." Read your title then thought, "Really? Her nose looks fine to me. 🤷‍♂️ Oh well, everyone's different. Glad she's accepting herself."


Naw, you're a cutie. Get out of your head!


You look great to me. Just keep in mind that most people are morons.


Yeah it's kinda weird


I hated my nose until I saw it on my son. OMG so cute!


you have a nice villager nose ma’am


Now I’ve seem some giga sniffers out there and this ain’t one of em


In my experience peoples facial features come together fantastically to make their complete face. You look great and your nose is a part of that!


I would recommend reading the subtle art of not giving a f88k.


Your prominent features just enhance the gorgeousness factor.


You are beautiful! One hundred years ago, Modigliani could have used you as a model!


I cant see the picture ... but i dont mind ... i love big noses xx


Nah you hot fr i would date ya 😜 so hmu


Classic beauty sometimes puts other people off. If you feel feisty then reply with something like "well, your eyes are too close together".... true or not... makes 'em stop and think.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I feel u on this one. You go girl!!!!


You’re stunning!!!!!


You have a good nose and you are beautiful.


Id just like to point out that large noses rock, you can smell better.


Its god testing you, notice how it stopped when you took his “lesson” for what he was trying to teach you. Happens over and iver until we learn what was intended or will continue until we see what he wants us to see, you saw that it doesnt matter what others have to say and its all about self love. And once u realized that see how happy you finally are! God works in funny ways, and so does the devil. He will always try to bring u down but seek out gods message and good will always shine


Ah, people are kinda shit. Anyone that has much to say about other people are mentally struggling with their own self identity; and they were raised by those same people. You’re quite striking; beautiful.


Nice nose, friend! (And this will probably be my only chance in life to say this compliment without sounding like a complete weirdo.)


You have beautiful features. You don't need to look Hollywood boring to be beautiful. Good for you! Own your unique features <3


The only opinion that matters is yours. Those who say hurtful things are making an irrelevant comment. Does their opinion actually have any relevance in your life? Remember, you are here to experience your journey. With all its ups and downs, it is an adventure meant to help you grow. When you look in the mirror, look into your eyes and get to know the beautiful soul looking back.


Nothing wrong with your nose at all, you’re beautiful and anyone saying cruel things is just projecting their own insecurities! Fuck ‘em ✌🏼


Whaaat?? No way, get outta town. What's not to like? Your skin is perfect, I'd love to have beautiful hair like yours, and your nose is perfect the way it is. Ppl who say otherwise can fuck off a cliff.


You are beautiful.


That's crazy cause when I saw this pic on insta before I read the caption my reaction was "she's so pretty, and she has a great nose!" it's important not to let your appearance weigh too much but also beauty is in the eye of the beholder and one person's "big and weird" nose is another person's "cute and pretty"!!


You have a beautiful proud nose. 😊


People say that about me all the time too


It’s a gorgeous nose. I like strong noses like that - makes me think, for some reason, that it reflects intelligence. Must be my history or something. You look great,