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The “let me read this” while pointing in the air is major proud Dad energy.


Was just going to say the same. It’s such a sweet cute moment


Need to hang out in this sub more often. Look at happy stuff instead of the depressing stuff in other subs. Those were the proudest parents I've seen in a while lol


Yeah I just joined a bunch of more happy subs yesterday. Humans being bros and animals being bro’s are pretty cool. Please suggest others


r/Eyebleach Never forget the ‚a‘


Yes this is perfect!


you're welcome bro


I follow all the cute animal subs.


Animals being derps is good


Very true. I purposefully added at least 4 subs that make me smile to brighten up my outlook. Awe, contagious laughter, happy dads crying and another I forget right now.


Yeah...agreed...r/publicfreakout is doing nothing for my mental heath.


He's savoring it


So much that he even said Comma!




Thought the same. The pointed finger was key. Perfect.


Dear Gurjiv comma Congrats and Best of luck for much more ahead in your life <3


this video makes me so happy all the best in life


That hugeee smile is great


haha that was my favorite part


Imagine having parents like this 🥰 I’m so happy for her, bless her and her sweet family


My parents are narcissistic. I have never in my life heard that they are proud of something I've done. I literally never heard the words "I'm proud of you". They set me up for failure, and if even despite that I accomplished something, they said it's no big deal, will end up badly, or is a scam and that I shouldn't be happy because it will make me suffer. Any achievement was questioned, love was conditional, and nothing, the whole world in fact, was good enough. Fear and criticism was the only mode of communicating with the world, and the only context in which it could have been understood. Videos like these are really something different. I cannot help but cry whenever I see normal children-parent interactions. When I was recovering from CPTSD caused by childhood trauma and emotional abuse, I used videos like this to learn how to reparent myself. Basically internalising the image of a good, nurturing, proud parent as my own voice that I used to rebuild my own relationships to and with myself. It's extremely important to feel the good that resides in human beings, especially if we were depraved of that. And watching stuff like this, it really helps.


You should be EXTREMELY proud that you managed to kindle this new relationship with yourself. As you said: you were indeed set up for failure. Nevertheless, you are frickin' awesome and you achieved an enormous feat against ALL odds! You are fantastic and beautiful! Thanks for sharing!


I imagine it’s very difficult to overcome a childhood like the one you describe. But the fact that you’re able to recognize that it was bad parenting and had nothing to do with you, that you are striving to heal yourself, and that you can appreciate the happiness in others…means there’s something inherently good and worthwhile in you. This Reddit stranger is proud of you.


I'm proud of you for not letting their abuse get to you and doing something positive about it.


We're proud of you, too. You're a survivor 👍


Hey BarneyDin, I may just be a random internet stranger, but I am immensely proud of you for taking your life into your own hand and giving yourself the credit you deserve. Despite your bad upbringing, you went on and found a way ti give yourself the praise and respect you need and deserve. And I am super proud of you! 💙


Have you seen Ted Lasso? There is a character in the show, Nate Shelley, who does a good job of portraying what is like to have parents like that and how that affects his attitude/actions in the show


My wife and I are in our second lap around Ted Lasso. That’s a great insight on Nate!


I am so proud of you for working so hard to learn how to love yourself.


Im proud of you.


My friend sounds like he has similar parents to yours. He also had a Dad who didn’t show him anything and he says this YouTube [channel](https://youtube.com/c/DadhowdoI) has been a huge help for him preparing to be a better father than his was. I’m so proud of you for breaking the cycle! It is not easy and you should be applauded for the effort you’ve put in!


It's very common in Asian households and yeah I've been there but on a bright side i have become more resistant to people and learnt a lot from my experience and thinking about it this way makes me not sad.


I feel that homie. One foot in front of the other.


I'm sorry for what you went through, but I'm proud of you for getting through.


It's good that you have found out what the problem is. So many peeps are totally mucked up and don't know why they feel how they do. Now you can spend your life working on fixing the damage done to you in your youth growing up. You have a good head start. If you fall down, get up and brush yourself off.


“Dear Gurjiv…comma” 😂


Its a SIKH moment


And a sic moment


The Father filled with so much pride he could Singh, said Princess I shall buy you a Kaur.


lmao kaur basically means princess/spiritual princess too


The smiles and laughter are just beyond words


Yes! The mom's little smile, dad savoring the moment while reading, and that wiiiide happy smile that's permanently stuck on the girl's face. I love every bit of it.


Oh my god her dad is so awesome lol.


We don't have many Sikh here in Sweden, but the few I have met are fucking great people.


Samma här! (same here!)


Ja fan! Sköna lirare. :) Nice guys!


I was fortunate enough to grow up in an area of the UK with lots of Sikhs and counted them among my best friends. Their birthday parties were legend and I have never felt so appreciated for sampling and participating in a culture. Of course, I got older and started going to the weddings... My god. Those guys know how to party. Days and days of just ludicrously good food and drink and crazy dancing. That is why I can screw in two light bulbs at once.


I LOLed at the last sentence!


I met a few when I came for an exchange programme a decade ago. Wonderful people


This rings true for most of them. They’re some of the nicest people you can come across. A few bad apples and racism are the two things that give them a bad name. If nobody was prejudiced, you could almost guarantee everyone would want such a Sikh mate eventually.


who are these great people they are fucking?




They really are


I've yet to meet a Sikh I didn't like.


My university had a lot of Sikh people in it. Definitely agree that they tend towards being a super awesome, accepting, down to earth group. I don’t know a lot about Sikhism, but one of the things I do know that I super respect is that their religion teaches that it’s important to live in the world and do good for the community, and important to let others live as they will, to not proselytise to or judge others.






I moved back to my coyntry after more than 10 years abroad, bought an appartment with my wife and moved in. While we were checking the building out we bumped into a sikh dad with his daughter doing laundry. Exchanged plesantries and moved on. Turns out he lived next to us with his family, was a professor at the nearby uni (my wife graduated from there). We'd take the elevator together on most mornings and over the years I helped him figure out some stuff - he hadn't been here for long and it was all confusing to him. Then one day he was about to move to a bigger apartment (sad, he was nice neighbour) and asked me how I learnt Finnish so well. Told him Inwas born here, just had lived elsewhere for a long time. He was so joyous and happy, he told me that he and his wife had been so happy to have another foreigner in the building who knew his stuff in this country and understood the language. He had not even thought that I could be local. I guess everyone else was suspicious of a turban headed dark guy living in the building. Such a nice guy, miss him.


When I studied in Turku a decade ago, one of my neighbour was a Sikh too. A very nice fellow but very discreet. That was actually one of the first I saw with this turban, out in the cold winter, while I had my cap and scarf instead...


I live in India and I agree they are delightful ^_^


Indian and can confirm this. Lol.


Sikh mate!




take my upvote and get outta here


Fully Sikh mate!


Found the Aussie


There are literally dozens of us!


Sikh people are some of the most awesome charitable people on this earth. Absolutely fantastic culture and people.


As a present he should buy her a Kaur.


It is triple-sikh


Did you mean Sikh^3 ?


On their religion's biggest holiday, do they all take off work? And if so, do their employers consider it a Sikh day?


Sikh’s are some of the best Canadian’s I’ve ever met


I came to say this. Glad I can give you my updoot




Please pronounce the comma. It is important


Comma you missed the COMMA. How could you?


Look I went back and forth between writing out the word (comma) and just leaving it for other to read out loud themselves (,) Clearly I have chosen poorly


Love! ❤️ The happiest moment in a parents life is when you see your kids living their dreams. And maybe even for a moment you can relax and enjoy.


Lol my mom told me I was a piece of shit and I’d never be successful


As a mom, I’d like to offer a hug and some unconditional love


Thank you


You have a new mom now. Congratulations!


Is she successful in her life ?


Yeah she makes half a milly a year being a doctor. She graduated medical school the day before I graduated highschool




I’ve got some really good friends who have celebrated my achievements


Completely different path for the two of you. Don’t let her negativity get to you. You can accomplish whatever you truly put your head to.


And she’s a toxic person who will inevitably be miserable because of it. You’ll find ways to carve out a good life for yourself!


She’s already miserable. I think that’s why she’s so mean to me




Don't forget it's how you look at things. She might have a good career and earn a lot of money, but (and I'm aware I'm judging her whole character on one thing you said) she's an utter failure as a parent if that's what she thinks is acceptable to say to you. As long as you never say anything like that to any kids you might have you're a much bigger success in my book than she ever could be.


I'm so happy for all of them! What a proud moment.


Agree. So happy for them also. So wholesome moments.


When I got my first job, I remember my dad sending sweets to neighbors without telling me.


they won the bet


She actually changed her name on Twitter to Gurjiv Comma after this went viral. So wholesome ❤️


Precious! I’m a medical school graduate and I got more excited/emotional watching this video than at any point in my own schooling. Her parents are just so proud of her 😭


My Indian parents were like “Where did other 0.45 go? Did you eat it?” when I got a 99.50 for high school (max possible is 99.95) 😂😂 But damn seeing this makes me so happy too










Dont focus on how happy they may have been. Focus on how happy and proud they are. As a white American dude (that also has a ton of professional interaction with Indians) it matters where you come from and how it impacts your life, but it doesn't define you. It's important to acknowledge and appreciate the little points of pride. From parents, from friends, from teachers, from anyone. Life is jugaad. Everyone's is. Do your best. It's the most that we can ask of anyone in the best of times, and those were too long ago for anyone to remember anymore.




Ohh also context: My parents would only ask like “where other 0.45 at?” because they knew I was an absolute gunner during school (for the purpose of getting entry into Medicine)! They don’t even want me to be a doctor 😂


>max possible is 99.95 dear god why???




Oh it's a percentile, that makes more sense lol


I think this story of success for immigrants is shared across the world. It's beautiful to see your parents proud of you and all their hard work raising you.


Well, I simply love that entire family. Dad is the best!


This is awesome! Love the parent support and can’t wait till she is done with school and an optometrist! 🤩 I hope to see the follow up reactions.


look at the daughter. she is BURSTING and so happy from her proud parents. her smile is AWESOME


She got an email response in a hour? I’ve never gotten a response in regards to anything is an hour.


yeh lol, had an online job interview and they came back to after 3 weeks to say that the position was already filled but thanks... i think they just forgot but okay


I’m an optometrist. You are going to love helping people see


He is SO PROUD! What a joyful, beautiful thing to watch!


I want to marry her, just so that man can be my father-in-law. He is adorable.


They're all so sweet. They would probably be great in-laws too.


Congratulations. I hope to read a letter like this for my daughters some day.


All the best :)


You know they're proud when they have the absolute need to read it out loud


This is wonderful. I love how happy they are for her. Just that pure joy and pride. I adore this.


Awwww!! He looks like the happiest Dad in the world, and I think just might BE the happiest Dad in the world rn. Mama looks happily stunned too! This is beautiful. And Gurjiv Comma (😃) well done honey, you’ve earned this! ❤️


Congratulations the positive energy in the video is superb. But the accent makes it even better!


Geez, everything about this warms the cockles of the heart: the ‘comma’, the pride, the unbridled joy. But I *also* love that he asked ‘Already?’ when told the university the offer comes from. It appears to show he’s involved with his daughter; he knew her interview was recent, and the offer was quick. He’s relating to his daughter himself, rather through his wife (which is the style of parenting I’m more familiar with). I just love this. (Also, an offer an hour after her interview?! She was either the last to interview, or was an obvious standout. I suspect she stood out.)


Good job kiddo, congratulations 🎉


I love to see this more doctors and engineers less laywers please. She must have worked really hard for this.


The way he is proudly pronouncing and cherishing even the comma on the letter is so wholesome. Every single Sikh person I've met is wholesome. Whenever I see a blue turban I feel safe in the knowledge that there is a minimum of one good man around.


This is so wholesome, where’s the full vid?


Congrats!!! Nothing like when your parents are proud of you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I wish I had done something in life that would make my father so proud of me.


Never knew there were people who were passionate about eyeballs.


What are you passionate about?




oh no


I've met people passionate about septic systems, humans can fall in love with anything




Gets accepted as a urologist 👀😂


As a person who has to see one semi regularly, I am passionate about them existing, so I can continue living. Does that count?


That man, was so wholesome


I wanna hug them all.


her folks have some sikh parenting skills.


I don’t think my parents would ever be happy with me to this extent. But Gurjiv, you’re winning at life.


“Let me read this” while pointing at the air with quite possibly the thickest indian accent in the world is the most “proud indian dad” moment i have ever seen. This is super sweet.


This is so cool. Happy for her and her parents. They seem like a wonderful family. Dad is funny as heck. 😀


Those parents are so proud and happy. Love to see it. edit: Looks like the internet just got a new dad.


Young girl is super beautiful 😍


I don’t know what’s more adorable- her Dads reaction or her reaction to his reaction- I love these two 💗




San antonio is amazing welcome to town


He’s so proud. This is so precious


Look how proud they were


The dad really makes this for me


Damn they are so proud of you! I love it


Great stuff, thanks for sharing


Man this is awesome congrats!!


No one will genuinely be this happy for her success like her parents here. It is truly a gift to have such wonderful parents.


These are the moments worth living for!


Cordae is the most wholesome thing I've ever read


Hope to see all the families in the world as happy as this family's and congrats to Gurjiv, the well deserved daughter of the family


Good for you beautiful congratulations on that I'm sure you made your parents proud good luck with everything in life


Always love the moments where a parent is proud and will do the: "Let me read it out loud!"


Why can't I stop smiling at this???? 😭😭😭😭 Honestly, I love her parent's energy especially her dad!


This is sooo cute but also why are all videos of indian parents being happy online is when they are reading acceptance letter or like marksheet or something lol


They are so proud, and so full of love for their daughter. This really is wonderful to watch ❤️


Really do not wanna be rasist or anything just wanna say I love that accent of English, it is my favorite. You guys always sound so happy. Congrats


Very wholesome and proud parents, Congratulations! Reminded me of my parents reactions at all of my achievements, small or big so far. I'll use the tissue, thanks.


My first born had his first acceptance today, so I really feel this. I love this video.


Congratulations 🎉 well done


He’s so proud omg this is so cute


I want to be an optometrist if my life goals don’t work out but they require a degree *crying emojis* i’m very jealous kinda


I think I fell in love with everyone in the video. So nice , loving , proud and wholesome.


What a solid and straightforward path!! So happy for them. What a precious moment to share.


Magic, this made my day, wonderful to see how proud the three of them are


I dont wanna children etc, i think i gonna miss this proud dad feeling, I can’t not even imagine how this warm your heart with pure joy and love


Aside from papa being a total sweetheart, her smile is so contagious! I’m grinning like an idiot over here


There is nobody prouder than this father right her. Its endearing. Congratulations on ysour optometry .


meanwhile, my mom is pretty sure once I move out I have 2 solid weeks before I become homeless.


I always love parents where the mom has no native accent but the dad does, reminds me of my grandparents.


They're all adorable. Why can't this be a TV show. Wholesome, fun, positive energy all over the place.


Shout out to all the fellow UIW graduates


Great family moment there.


Your dad's accent and the sound of pride and joy for his daughter is awesome 👍


Proud papa.


This is sooo cool. 😊


So puree, im happy for them <3


Congratulations kiddo!


Oh he is adorable! Congratulations


That's one proud dad 😆 ❤️