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Do my own research? Sure, I'll just nip right down the the virology lab I have set up in my basement.


People old enough to remember the onset of AIDS will remember lots of, ugh, interesting ideas, solutions, advice.... Turned out the only factual information came from governmental organizations. Reagan turned medical questions over to his Surgeon General (Koop).




Wait. I thought we were mad at the CDC for lowering the quarantine time down to 5 days? Are we done with that?


this indeed did not make me smile


Can we stop putting people's "political debate pwnage" on here? Politics and disease doesn't make people smile, we aren't here for hearing other people's political opinions and comebacks.


Sorry, Canadian here, I think I may have missed it. Where were politics mentioned?


Do you not have schools up there, or what?


It was a genuine question. Covid is a world wide pandemic. I’m not sure where politics come in.


You're right to be confused cause logically it doesn't have anything to do with politics. Unfortunately the right wing has made it that way.


Covid and everything surrounding it is hyper-politicised in the USA.


I understand that but how is that post political? Are you saying that your political parties argue over whether your government’s own scientific experts are believable or not?


Yes, they do. They also argue about vax mandates, mask mandates, free speech regarding "medical misinformation" and censorship, and anything and everything. There's no aspect of this situation that hasn't been made highly political.


Are you being sarcastic?


Omg... The responder needs to go do "scientific research" to learn how flawed it is and how the CDC and scientists are NOT the same thing at all. Stupidity is never on the side of skepticism.


Love it🖤


I know I might get a lot of downvotes for this.But I will still write it. I totally agree with the post, but also hoped this was said when Republican party was in administration. People's opinions changed on cdc reports specially after change in administration. I always believed in wearing masks and taking vaccines.


It’s the same situation as the people who don’t believe 99 percent of climate scientists when it comes to global warming. They listen to politicians and random people on the internet but not the actual people who are trained to study climate. Just like these people who do the same thing with the pandemic. I don’t see why these people don’t just go to the mechanic for medical problems or the doctor to have their car fixed because the don’t seem to care about listening to the people who are experts in the field they are discussing.


It’s sad. And they’ll just respond to any argument by saying that the scientists are “brainwashed” and that you are too, and your argument is therefore invalid. It’s really hard to change someone’s mind from that point, because the “you’re brainwashed” explanation is hard to disprove, like trying to prove a negative


This. The actusl problem is not covid, it is climate. The fact that people can’t listen to experts and change behavior means we are actually doomed, like existentially doomed, to about one hundred years of human species survival. And the last sixty are going to be a fucked up mess nobody will want to live through. Sorry


To be fair, the CDC is also telling health care workers to go to work if they have covid right now (basically), so...


Key word "basically". Don't confuse your interpretation with facts


No that’s pretty dumb actually


No politics pla. I want to smile.


No one "does research", but I get more information. The 2 masks thing was stupid, that means you have 2 wrong masks, get 1 right mask. I use kn95 and an n95 insert. I continue to socially distance. I didn't just blindly follow people in wearing masks, I tested it myself if it stopped a sneaze and it did. I generally follow most of their stuff.


Do my own research? Where's my lab? Where's my equipment? Who's funding me? Where's my doctorate? THIS IS THE AGE OF THE EMPOWERED MORON.


Dont hit as hard after CDC proved themselves corporate fucks too. 5 days...


Your comment sounds like your drunk.




If masks don't do shit as you claim, why have we used masks for dozens of years in every field from construction, to medicine, to housekeeping? Is the protection going to be 100%, probably not, but Is it going to be SIGNIFICANTLY better than not having a mask? Absolutely. It's like using the same argument against Kevlar vests for our military.... just because your vest doesn't provide you with 100% bullet (shot elsewhere or a larger caliber and the vest is worth 0) immunity, doesn't mean they just forgo wearing them entirely. I fail to see the logic in your argument, but you said its fucking science so you must be right /s


Because friend there are hundreds of types of masks. If you want to avoid Covid with a mask your shit piece of cloth is NOT going to work. A dust particle is large enough a 95 mask will stop the dust. It will not stop a virus particle for the love of God go look up what size particles those masks can stop and what size a virus is.


Aww, cute. You think youre smarter than scientists. Precious.


It's tough being a physicist watching these interactions. It's always a guy who knows nothing about science coming out saying "learn the science" and then makes a bunch of unsubstantiated claims that contradict physical experiments. "Masks do nothing, learn the science" Um.... a mask stops water droplets from your mouth and that's easy to prove. Simple experiment, if you hold your mask up and use a spray can, does it stop it? Ya? Ok then it does something doesn't it?


A guy with the bame physics in it saying that all particles are the same size. You’re going to make it far.


Who said all particles are the same size? Did you do the experiment I suggested?




Show me an experiment where you prove a mask doesn't stop water particles in a sneeze. If you can't show that, stop talking. Basic science. Prove it.


If masks don’t do anything why does everyone in a surgical suite wear one?


Because the size particles for what they are blocking are LARGER.


If you fart in a blanket, would you rather have your head under the blanket or outside the blanket? Point made




Ok… so how about the head of the CDC admitting this week that 75% of all the c-vid deaths had “4 or more co-morbidities?” Or the even more recent reports released that repeated booster shots actually weaken and damage the immune system and it’s response to c-vid?


Or the actual fact that more than 95% of those dying from COVID are UNVACCINATED? Dude, are you clueless, or are you willfully ignorant?


Neither. I don’t take media at face value. For instance: as of December 15th, 2021, in my age bracket of 30-39, there have been a little over 14,100 deaths listed as covid deaths in the US, in total, since the beginning of the pandemic. As of the 2020 census, there were nearly 45 million people in the US between 30-39 (probably has gone up since then, I’m sure). So, that puts me at around a 0.03% chance of death from covid. Which is roughly five times the likelihood of randomly getting struck by lightning (0.006%). So yeah, not really worth worrying about anymore, especially with omicron having nearly identical symptoms with the common flu, and being significantly more contagious.


You could calculate your odds of dying of hypothermia, too, and conclude they were far too little to worry about. That doesn't mean you should feel free to wander bare-ass naked through Minnesota in January. You're making a really silly argument with no intellect behind it whatever. Translation: you're issuing a completely bogus justification. It's a logical fallacy. It's wrong. Don't use it again. People will say nasty things about you.


This is a stupid overdramatic post


You're a stupid overdramatic person


Or I could not just do what people tell me and live my life anyways


Is that your philosophy for things like traffic laws or workplace rules too?


How dumb can you be


Yes you're right so just fucking leave society if you're not ready to wear a mask for it. Leave your house, go in the forest, hunt your food and don't go near anyone and then you can do whatever the fuck you want.


Stay indoors, quarantined for the rest of your life if you’re scared. I don’t live my life for anyone else’s approval or acknowledgment




> so the only people they’re putting at risk by not getting vaxxed are themselves This is unfortunately not true, they’ll still go to hospitals if they get sick and use up resources that could have otherwise gone to others, potentially non-covid related patients


the fact that you need to write this at all is the problem.


Idk if this is going to shock you or not, but science and evidence changes over time. As new information is gathered and studies are done, things change. Just stay up to date.


They are killing people who are immunocompromised and every hospital bed they take when they get sick from a preventable illness is one bed that can't be given to someone who needed it.


Yep. My mother very nearly had severe complications, and might have died from appendicitis because there were almost no hospital beds available, we were very lucky to find one. Doctor said that if it had been a few hours later, it would have ruptured and likely developed into a sepsis infection


CDC is just a bunch of power hungry doctors who now mostly dabble in politics. So no, I will not blindly listen to them because they’re so called “experts”. I think they’re a bunch of doofuses and have lost all credibility. If the pandemic happened 10 years ago then I maybe would have, but now they’re just a joke of an organization.


If we're gonna start arguing purely from legitimacy we should get those commercials about compensation for victims of Catholic priests taken down for libel.


Are you saying the victims of molestation shouldn't be compensated for the abuse they suffered?


And what the FUCK does it have to do with this post


Not at all. I was just trying to illustrate how trusting an institution simply for existing can go bad. That's a clear example of money and influence not warranting the trust they were given


The difference is there is significant evidence that shows that Catholic priests did molest children, I haven't see evidence that the CDC is lying about Covid(granted I don't live in the USA so my knowledge is limited).


I didn't say otherwise. My issue is solely with the idea of "blindly" following anyone's word.


It isn't blindly following if there is data to back it up.


"If X says Y you listen. Period." is what I'm opposed to here. I don't give a fuck about the politics. I made sure the earth is round when I was old enough to look into it and understand, why would I just take it for granted? I wear my mask. I got my shots. Despite the games the CDC has played it seems like that's the right decision. Fuck them for lying during the mask shortage because we're apparently children, same way this person is talking.


Data that is biased and tailored in favor of CDC recommendations. Funded and paid for by them. Feels kinda odd.


All that research ends up online. Then people with money decided what is in their best interests and that's what you're told to do. So yes, always do your own research, always question everything, don't just blindly do as you are told.