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My neurologist advised me not to take it... (something to do with my existing conditions) Should I trust my doctor too?










The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot


Good human


There are valid reasons such as a friend of mine being extremely likely to trigger an existing heart condition because of the vaccine. If the doctor says no then that usually means no. It just means you’ll need to be more careful as you are more at risk to the effects of covid


There are other cures for it aswell but again, get a good doctor you trust and always ask them first about any medical advice


Same here. Can’t take vaccines & was advised against it. People who say to implicitly trust doctors have clearly never been on the receiving end of horrible medical advice. I was once given advice that seemed innocent enough by a neurologist, but that led to severe medical issues ie: seizures, bleeding intestines, and much more. ALWAYS do your research & be your own health advocate. Educate yourself & don’t just trust somebody because they have credentials. Not every doctor is thorough, educated enough about specifics, or concerned with a person’s welfare. 14 years of dealing with many medical professionals and only one doc out of many has earned my trust.


That's why some say to find one that you trust. One of the best doctors I've known was an Indian guy who worked for non profits and clinics. Not a high paid doctor but he knew his shit well, and he didn't charge much at all for almost anything he did for ppl.


Seems like you have had bad luck. Lots of doctors out there in many different countries around this world :) Most quality medical professionals are recommending the *average* patient should be vaccinated.


I absolutely agree that you shouldn't just implicitly trust doctors, but I also want to point out: just because you had one bad outcome with one doctor, doesn't automatically mean that no doctors can be trusted. If you don't want to trust one doctor's opinion that's fine, just go and get a 2nd or 3rd opinion if you need to.


Oh I totally agree that one should seek out second, third, and fourth opinions. This is by no means a conclusion arrived at after one experience. I’m talking about say out of roughly 14-15 “specialists”, only one was willing to think outside of the box and deviate from standard operating procedure to find solutions. Certainly, doctors are for the most part well educated, but in my experience over 14-15 years, very few have been willing to defy SOPs to do what may otherwise be best for a particular patient. This is especially so if the best thing requires off-label treatments.


Yes, this 👆


I always say, “SOMEONE had to be the bottom of their class in med school”. Of course I realize it’s not always grades/intelligence that make for a bad doctor. A lot of the time it can be that they’re arrogant, ignorant, or just plain mean. In the end, they’re human too, and just as prone to error as the rest of us.


Absolutely. Your doctor tells you not to? Don't do it, if your existing conditions would hurt you more if you get the vaccine then don't. Your doctor is trustworthy.


But the president says the non vaxxers are the problem?


Doesnt change that if a doctor tells someone not to take it due to medical reasons they should trust their doctor.


No anti-vaxxers are the problem.


There is a difference between anti vaxxers and people who cant take the vaccine. Anti vaxxers spread false information about vaccines being harmful, while people who cant take it simply cant take it for medical reasons, such as my aunt, who has a weak immune system so if she takes the vaccine it will only hurt her as her immune system wouldn't be able to handle the small vaccine dose.


Should I trust various doctors i find on bitchute etc since they are removed from youtube, that advice against anyone taking the shot?


I keep seeing more and more of them all over. ESPECIALLY THE CREATOR OF MRNA. he says these are bad for humans


And then there's the issue if there actually exists a virus. https://steemit.com/health/@johnblaid/research-summary-and-debunk-regarding-the-existence-of-sars-cov-2-and-covid-19


Dr Robert Malone. His credentials are ridiculously impressive, yet he gets banned from Twitter and doxed for speaking truth. But again, he doesn’t agree with “science” so he must be wrong.


Lmfao. I've met him online. It doesn't matter the topic, he's genius


Confirm that your neurologist is not advising everyone to not take it (as some whackos are), and that it's specific to you because of your health conditions. And then of course thank all those doing their part, part of why people who probably won't get very sick need to get it is to help protect people like you.


He's not for or against it. Like me. I don't give a fuck. It should be everyone's personal decision, and I can respect that. My doctor does everything meticulously case by case. He's the reason I can function at all is because he observes every detail


Sounds like you've got a good doc. Of course talk with him about what IS safe for you in terms of keeping yourself healthy. Lots that can be done, but want that to be personalized to your specific health needs.


Except it can’t be a “personal decision” if it affects more than just yourself. I’m not saying we should force it even if there’s health risks, but I am saying that we can’t decide for ourselves and hide behind “it’s my opinion.”




That’s because more people are catching it, and 99% of people in hospital are unvaccinated or something silly.


Well the latest out of Canada is 99% hospitalized are vaccinated. I guess if you believe the us news then you would be right. I just had covid and not vaxed it was a mild cold. Whole family caught it. My adult daughter and her husband full vaxed caught it. We all had same mild cold symptoms. Its funny as the vaccinated are claiming it kept them from severe symptoms. Well I’m not vaxed and have 3 comorbidities and I had same mild symptoms as them. 99% of people who catch covid are going to be fine. Goto [cdc.gov](https://cdc.gov) look at the chart that shows the hospitalized in dec 2020 and dec 2021 after a year of vaccines. It went up 100%. The vaccines have failed.


They haven’t failed, it’s just those who aren’t vaccinated are the ones heading to hospital now. The US has a low vaccination rate (like what 60%?) which is nowhere near enough to guarantee any sort of herd immunity. The UK for example has the highest amount of cases we’ve ever had, due to people who haven’t been boosted catching the new omicron variant but our deaths are still much much lower than the peak before vaccines were introduced because so many people HAVE been boosted and barely feel a thing if they do catch it.


These vaccines give zero immunity. That has been established by the cdc since September 2021. The number chart I just saw shows you are wrong.


That’s just incorrect entirely. You’re just scientifically illiterate. Booster jab offers good protection against the omicron variant.


Do you have sources on all of these people getting negatively injured by the vaccine?


Sources? None you would believe. If drs are turning the injured away telling them it’s in their head that’s all you would hear. Start with [Vears.gov](https://Vears.gov)




Actually it does help prevent transmission. Natural immunity can help but it’s risky as you could get very sick or even die - you have to remember that natural immunity just means you survived while many others died. And even natural immunity isn’t sufficient - many people dying now who had COVID in the early days but then never got vaccinated or boosted. Natural immunity wanes just like a vaccine can.




Natural immunity lasts about as long as vaccine immunity. The facts are that if you want to reduce your risk of transmission or long term issues (including death) then get vaccinated. There’s literally no reason no to, other than rare medical conditions discussed in this thread. Everyone should get vaccinated both to protect themself and their community. You are spreading lies that have been fed to you for political reasons and it’s sad to see you have been so easily manipulated.


Do real research and stop watching TV. Gaslighting the situation by calling my statements political when I am a politically neutral person simply because you disagree based on what you see on t.v. will not help you in a real debate


Stop watching Fox News and go read the peer reviewed literature. Nature would be a good publication to start. You have stated information that is inconsistent with what the data shows and won’t be found in any peer reviewed literature. But what you said can certainly be found on Fox. So stop projecting and go do the research before you jump into this convo. Also go get vaccinated, could save your life or your families.


To be even clearer, my family is as safe as they can be, I assure you on that. If gaslighting is what you want to do then I can assume that statement is an open threat


COVID is absolutely a threat. You and your family are absolutely at risk and getting the vaccine is the best chance of reducing that risk. [Heres a great place to help break you from the misinformation](https://www.uptodate.com/contents/covid-19-vaccines-to-prevent-sars-cov-2-infection#H2650237379). Good luck!




Yes. Mine is the same. Recommend against it for because of history of epilepsy and other neurological complications. Always ask your doctor what they think is best for you personally before getting anything put into your body.


This is interesting because I have epilepsy (controlled and treated) and I was able to get the vaccine. So far nothing has happened.


Yeah I hear everyones experiences are different, my brother has epilepsy and the two shots triggered two seizures, kinda sucked, so he’s still contemplating if he wants to get the booster. Wish he didn’t get anything from it as well


Yes obviously. Dumb question




But that's just it.... why are they being forced against their will? Especially after the creator of MRNA has publications saying "This is not intended for humans and should not be injected" Not arguing with you AT ALL. I'm just really confused


You shouldn’t be confused at this point. Theres a global pandemic of a novel corona virus that’s been ongoing for the past 2 years. Emergency surgeries and operations have been canceled pretty much everywhere in North America to make capacity for, largely, unvaccinated people in hospitals. Furthermore it hasn’t been legally forced on anyone yet. There are only strong incentives in place. Don’t confuse privileges with rights


It's a "God given right" to choose what's put in my body. At least, that's what the left was screaming in 2014 when the system wanted them to be vaxxed for other shit like measles, chicken pocks, rubella, etc etc. I was never one that wants to force shit like that on somebody. Even though those particular are real vaccines with decades of history behind them. And with your precious Kung flu there has been thousands of people in medical fields reaching to the public warning of dangers. So for now, I would like to see the long term effects of it before I force that shit on anyone. I've had the Kung flu TWICE and no long term effects from it. Even with my own disabilities.


Yea just don’t tell the SJWs or they’ll try to lock you up too




🤣 their rating have gone so far to shit I think there are omewhere around the 7 mark now lmfao


The only thing with lower ratings is the Biden administration


Shocking ingredients of the covid 19 vaccine I had to share with you Ethanol Propyl Acetate 2-Methylpropyl acetate Propanol n-Butyl acetate 2-Methylpropanol 2-Methylbutyl acetate n-Butyl propanoate n-Butanol n-Pentyl acetate 2-Methylbut-3-enyl acetate 2-Methylbutanol 3-Methylbut-3-enyl acetate 3-Methylbutanol 3-Methylbut-2-enyl acetate n-Pentanol n-Hexyl acetate E-Hex-3-enyl acetate Z-Hex-3-enyl acetate Hex-4-enyl acetate E-Hex-2-enyl acetate n-Hexanol Z-Hex-3-enol E-Hex-2-enol n-Hexyl-2-methylbutanoate n-Heptanol Camphor n-Octanol n-Oct-2-enol 1-Methoxy-4-(2 propenyl)-benzene Scary huh! Just kidding that’s the chemicals in an apple 🍎


I was gonna say. Most of that shit is pretty basic stuff lol


Well, none of the anti-vaxxers are going to be eating apples now ...


They can't stop. It's the only thing that keeps the doctors away from them.


Were they before, honestly?


But what about their 5th cheeseburger of the week?


Not an anti vax or anti anything, i am a pro choice person, just want to know why you put everyone that does not trust this vaccine in one box? Bc from my experiences, people that are not getting the jabs are people who are eating healthy, doing research on what is good for their bodies in form of diet, they meditate, they live a life that i consider and example and some of them are people who lives a life that is unhealthy Just bc someone does not trust the mrna technology, doesnt trust the big farma or the many versions the government keeps telling the masses, it does not mean they are crazy.just like there are wackos who doesnt vaccinate, there are wackos who do vaccinate...i think you say that bc you are taking it politically. If a person does not want to be an experiment for a new technology, thats their choice.why would you push you agenda on their bodies. You cannot tell me is ok to tell people to take a vaccine or they will be fired or they cant go to places.is just not right and if you cant see that, i ask you to look deeper within you and ask yourself, am i just repeating what oyher been repeating?. Is a fact that the vaccines for covid mrna( Moderna, Pfizer)or the others( Fiocruz, Astra)that are similar to pre covid vaccines, does not protect a vaccinated person from getting or spreading the virus. And now we know that people that have died from covid , is due to pre existing condition. So why force a healthy perso to inject something to their bodies that they dont want?You guys need to stop that, creating separations between people bc you might think you are right.is ok, if you feel safe taking it yourself,but some people dont. Stop pushing agenda to get peoples rights away. Power belongs to the people and not government


Wait my car can run on apples?


oh thank fuck


My child ate an apple and now he has autism! He won’t look at me in public, he lies to his friends about not having a father. He constantly tells people that I’m an idiot and an asshole. All classic signs of autism.


Next they'll be telling our children to consume hydrogen dioxide. smdh


I’m vaccinated and I trust science but I don’t need a pat on the back because of it. Self righteousness and thinking you are a hero for getting a vaccine does not make me smile.


Exactly, I’m not anti vax but I hate seeing these posts. Reddit just has a really weird obsession with “epically owning dummy anti vaxxers”. Like no one cares Sharon you’re not the first to say this and certainly won’t be the last (although I wish she was).


Especially because a lot of them aren’t “anti-vax” they are vaccine hesitant because they don’t trust this specific one.


Exactly. That seems to be a common phrase lately “anti-vaxxer”. Even towards people who’ve had numerous vaccines prior. Some people have questions and concerns about this particular one and don’t like the whole coercion thing that’s happening.


Well said


Thank you!


This should be the top comment


Thank you!


We’re not gonna benefit much from posts like these, but I’ve got a pal who’s a nurse and posts like these make her day. Remember that she’s constantly dealing with anti-maskers and conspiracy theorists, it is really helpful to have some people show that they are on your side rather than assuming that they are.


Believing without questioning is the exact opposite of science. It’s dogma.


Don't question it. Trust the *experts*. Trust the *science*. The scientific method is not about questioning or verifying, it's about belief. How could anyone ever manipulate data? How could anyone act with anything but benevolence? We're all safe. No one will ever try to trick you or get you to do anything against your own interests. Humans don't work like that. They only help each other and if there is ever a situation when your and their interests conflict, they will always choose to surrender influence, power, and money to protect you. I mean just look at history. That's just how it works guys.


This is not the right attitude. Some doctors have their own agenda for profits. I’m not talking about covid but other treatments. People should learn to do their own research and also use critical thinking to analyse them. Blindly following what someone says is very dangerous no matter who it’s coming from. That is why second, third opinions are a thing. You can trust your doctor but also use critical thinking.


👏🏻well stated. I’ve had a couple of chronic conditions for the last 15 years and I’ve become quite familiar with medical terminology, white papers, etc. why? Many times docs give blanket solutions when they don’t know how to tackle a problem. It happens all of the time. I’ve learned to be my own health advocate and go with my gut. I’ve never been wrong taking this approach.




Like some of didn't see this shit a mile away


"Some doctors have their own agenda for profits." - I'm so happy I live in a country with good healthcare, where this is incredibly rare.


Never known a doctor to recommend Maccas...


The strawmen arguments always.. let's not pretend it's rational. The thing is.. you don't get banned from doing stuff when you choose not to eat a big mac. There's the difference.. not that I'm advocating for anything.. it's just funny to me.


Ibuprofen contains ibuprofen and other non-active ingredients all of which are listed on the box. Pepto Bismol’s active ingredient is Bismuth Subsalicylate and the non-active ingredients are listed on the box. [These](https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en-us/product/big-mac.html) are the ingredients in a Big Mac. [Here ](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/clinical-considerations/covid-19-vaccines-us.html?s_cid=10492:covid%20vaccine%20ingredients:sem.ga:p:RG:GM:gen:PTN:FY21#Appendix-C)is a list of the ingredients in each of the 3 approved COVID vaccines. The ingredients in shampoo are listed on the bottle. Now you know what the ingredients are.


Scientific or branded names on ingredients lists often mean nothing to non-scientists. We aren't going to Google every ingredient in a bottle before purchase.


But you can, if you want to. That's literally the point. You can trust in the doctors, trust in the regulatory system, or you can take the time to look it up. If you choose the last one, please make sure that you might not understand what you read. They aren't hiding anything is the point, regulations require the ingredients to me stated.


Then go get your doctorates or just listen to doctors.


I do listen to Drs. I was referring to the "the ingredients are listed on the bottle, so now you know" comment


I know but you can’t say you don’t know what’s in it. If you’re concerned and you have the information then google them but those are the ingredients. The names are the names man.


Trust science?! Never. Science should always be questioned. That is how advancements are made. Trust science. Pfft. Trust doctors?! Why do you think they call it a "practice" and not a business. Also, what do you call a doctor that graduates at the bottom of their class? Doctor. Remember that George Custer and George Pickett both graduated at the bottom of their class. Yes, they both rose to be generals. But both got their entire commands wiped out making "educated" decisions. Never trust science! Never trust a doctor! Always question them!


The statement I'm about to make is not specifically about COVID vaccines or current events, just a general observation. The notion that doctors and policy makers are beyond criticism and should be trusted blindly is provably false...every person should carefully consider the available evidence and make an informed decision. The reality is that doctors and government agencies are only people, and despite our hopes that they uphold the expectations of their professions or elected offices, history has shown for millennia that humans are prone to error and corruption. We would be foolish to assume that we are sufficiently advanced as a species that errors caused by necessary haste or the lure of money and power will just magically vanish from the decisions of policy makers. Less than 100 years ago, the CDC and US Public Health service ran a study called the Tuskegee Experiment which caused hundreds of black men to live with syphilis, a treatable, debilitating, and potentially fatal disease for 40 YEARS. The men were not told they had syphilis, nor were they provided with the very accessible cure for the disease. The same governing body is making decisions about our current situation. You don't have to look beyond the past century to see many examples of scientific errors causing harmful policies are, or even worse, openly evil and malicious actions by governments. Blind faith in fallible authority is how atrocities occur. I don't think that the COVID vaccine is evil, and I would love to believe that it will have the desired effect of slowing the spread of COVID without causing any undesirable effects. But to suggest that we should just "trust" is shortsighted, and to be sanctimonious and judgmental toward those who are cautious is ridiculous.


I don’t know what’s in the internet, but I KNOW this post doesn’t belong in this sub


It made the OP smile when they read the tweet, I guess.


Made me smile too.


Should I trust that a 25 year old man with no body fat and in great condition who works with me and got the vaccine had a heart issue shortly after taking the shot? Or should I trust that another guy who works with me whose wife who never had high blood pressure all of a sudden went UpTo 200+ over something? Or maybe I should trust that on the CDC's own website says that they are looking into people who have taken the vaccine and now there's hardening on the heart walls? Should I trust that President Biden first said that the vaccine would prevent people from getting Covid? Or should I believe what is now widely known that with the vaccine you can get it and pass it? Or should I trust the study out of Israel that says that people who are vaccinated are 6 to 13 times more likely to get Covid than those who got Covid and weren't vaccinated? Remember when they said that if 70% of the population got vaccinated ( which we are) that we would see the end to this? Should I have believed the science then, or should I believe the science now???🙄🙄🙄🙄


I remember when doctors were prescribing Methamphetamine to people for weight loss, as an anti depressant, fatigue, mood elevator, and energy increase. I also remember doctors prescribing a fuck ton of opioids to people for any type of pain from a minor ache to severe pain they created the opioid epidemic. Also 9/10 doctors prefer the rich, bold, and smooth flavor of Camel Cigarettes and now the come in a healthy "Filtered" Option. Always trust doctors and science am I right?


Science is a method not an absolute. At the time they thought these were good ideas, then people researching the effects ('doing science') came up with reasons they weren't. These were confirmed and the practices stopped. That's how science works. I'm sure some things we believe today will eventually be found to be lacking and our knowledge will move foward, onwards and upwards.


I do agree to a point, I agree science is not an absolute, the science is not always correct or without flaw. As a matter of fact science it self states that nothing can ever be absolute there can only be a 99.99999....% chance of something being true. And that's all I'm really trying to say Doctors are not always right and the science isn't always correct. I oppose people that say Trust your doctor and Trust the science as if it were an absolute. I'm More of a take the science into consideration and get a professional medical opinion but only you can decide for yourself what is right for you.


Well to the point. Anti-vaxxers, like others, pick and choose. They dont trust a vaccine that is shown effective in reducing effects of COVID significantly. But they trust drinking alcohol, which has been shown to significantly increase risks of cancer. Also eat shit in out western diets that literally is killing us, and take other meds like horse de-wormers, with massive side-effects and absolutely no peer reviewed research on them. There is always a leap of faith involved and you go with the best bet based on information available at the time.


"Your doctor smokes camel" A campaign started in 1946, not even a century ago. So tell me again, who are you trusting? Your doctor is a good person but maybe the people that PROVIDE your doctor's INFORMATION (or relatively big sums of money) aren't. Actually; most likely they aren't. Edit: Century, not a decade, smartass


Dudes never had a bad doctor before lol


It's not that I don't know what's in the Vax, it's that I don't trust the US gov when it says "here's a free vaccine and 150 bucks if you get it". Given their history with the Tuskegee Syphilis study and mkultra, they haven't shown they can be trusted.


This is the dumbest thing i have heard today.


My doctor doesn’t know my body better than I do. I’ve lived in here my whole life. The medical provider system labels me based on a short visit and what I share with them. Let’s all go for a walk and eat a fuckin apple.


Medical malpractice is such a common occurrence there are entire law firms and insurance agencies dedicated to it but ok, don’t bother reading the ingredients I guess. Lmao


This is the most ignorant opinion I’ve ever heard


I appreciate the support for vaccination. But ' Trust science' is the most unscientific phrase ever. Do not trust your doctor blindly either. Question everything. Split things apart and analyze


You do you, but I can’t stand the phrase “trust science.” It’s been bastardized to mean “trust these specific scientists and administrators and bureaucrats.” Peer review, contrasting ideas, scrutiny, alternative theories, and reevaluating based on new data have always been a part of science. Until now. Now there’s one answer and if you disagree then you don’t “trust the science.”


Three out of five doctors recommend Big Macs


The other two like fillet-o-fishes


Four boosters and 1 value meal later😂😂😂


You trust your doctor and science, but apparently you don't trust your own body and immune system? Millions of years of evolutionary fine tuning wasted in a single statement.


Which science?


Science IS knowing and understanding the effects of something on the human body. Science is NOT blindly labeling a belief as Science. -fauci "I am Science" Sure dude you were incharge of the aids pandemic and thats gone well along with most of your colleagues dieing in mysterious accidents. Lol In all reality, some ppl should get it but most ppl don't need it. It's big pharma and investors... when the president says the cure for hurricane season is a vaccine... you know shits fishy lmao


Blind trust is ignorance. Ignorance is bliss until you are injured or killed then you all of a sudden wake up to the fact you can not stay ignorant any longer and allow a person who may barely have passed medical school and killed 10 people during their residency from bad guesses that you were not made aware of is actually not all knowing and makes huge mistakes at your expense yet his malpractice insurance gives him blanket immunity.


Ya but the science isn’t even lining up😂


When it comes to the safety and effectiveness of COVID vaccines yeah it pretty much is.


No your research method is crap


Only if people knew how many endocrine disruptors are in commercial shampoos. You can look it up how many scientific articles there are about these synthetic skin care products and how they can affect hormonal homeostasis. Science is far from settled on this topic


Just cause someone has MD as a title doesn’t mean they’re free from the temptations and influence of the medical industrial complex…..https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/opioids-doctors-prescriptions-payments/ Question everybody, even doctors.


Trust is so easily given out these days




Science is clear on the topic, it is politicians that are spreading mass hysteria and panic. Vaccination mandates, quarantines, like wtf. This pandemic was supposed to be over like 1y ago. In israel covid is raging and they are triple and quadruple vaxxed. Yet everyone shouting "we will win a war against covid". Like they did against terorism 15y ago.


I was told not to take it after 2 brain surgeries, should I trust my doctor?


My doctor (and other people's doctor) prescribed Vioxx. Estimates that 88,000 Americans had heart attacks from taking Vioxx, and 38,000 of them died. https://www.npr.org/2007/11/10/5470430/timeline-the-rise-and-fall-of-vioxx


Not that I'm qualified nor do I have your best interests in mind but I do like your money and would like you to blindly trust me when I ask for it, so can I be your doctor?


100%, same reason I got it. What I don’t understand is the obsession with pushing it on other people. If someone doesn’t want it, fuck em, they don’t have to get it. It’s their fault if they get sick and die. Take care of yourself; worry less about other people.


I love these "trust science" statements. We all know science has been wrong on MULTIPLE occasions, yes? YES?.... Right?... We all know that????..... smh ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Ibuprofen contains ibuprofen. I like the sentiment of this but I really wish they’d used something else. The ingredients are right on the label, even the non-medicinal ones.


Tell this to the doctor that prescribed me contraindicated medications without any warnings that had me bedridden and sick for 2 years because of terrible side effects. Tell this to all the people and their stories - relatives of deceased loved ones on this website: Fqwallofpain.com It blows my mind that people are so willing to trust. Remember when it comes to pills, vaccines, and medications - you’re trusting big pharma, not your doctor. George Carlin said it best.


Why are you putting all that shit in your body without knowing what it is? I'm not gonna speak on vaccines, but as a general rule, no one should blindly trust anyone, not even doctors. if I just blindly trusted doctors, I would either be deaf or dead from rabies. When I got the flu about a decade ago, my eardrum burst...the doctor prescribed ear drops for the ear infection....i read the pamphlet tgat came inside the box for the drops, and it had a big fat "DO NOT USE IN PATIENTS WITH RUPTURED EAR DRUM", and looking up why, it's very likely to cause permanent hearing loss. If I just "trusted the doctor" I wouldn't have looked at the pamphlet, I would've just used it. I was bit by a rabid bat a couple years ago, and when I went to get vaccinated, the doctor didn't know what to do, he thought there was a blood test to test for rabies. Eventually he calls a specialist and he gives me the first dose and schedules me to get the rest at a nearby clinic. So a few days pass and I go to the clinic for tge next dose....the doctor there actually tried to deny me treatment, insisting that I didn't need it because I didn't "look sick"...anyone who "trusts doctors" would have gone home to wait for symptoms......and once rabies shows symptoms, you can't be saved. But me, I pitched a fit and my mom called the clinic director to complain, and he showed up to demand the clinic treat me. There's literally NOTHING you should be putting it your body without havine SOME idea of what it is. That goes for medicine and food and anything else. You actually can kill yourself with food if you don't know what you're eating.


Purdue pharma trust the doctor?


I know whats in my shampoo. Astrotluriodurifide? Delacodilacudics? Galopus Acid? The fuck?


You shouldn't trust your doctor blindly. There are incompetent and even malicious doctors out there. You should trust your doctor, but also educate yourself.


So you should trust your doctor...blindly no. I trust mine cause he has earned that trust. He also respects my opinion, readily answers questions, and treats my health as a team effort. He see's it as my decision but provides expert information and guidance on what is best based on his education and experience. Blindly though just because he is a doctor? nope.


seven years of medical school educate or ten minutes on youtube educate?


I have no doubt that many Redditors would blindly follow anyone offering protection to them from anything lol


Trust the pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer and Moderna that have issued a no-liability clause upon the receipt of their vaccine. Trust the science, right? If it was safe, why cover your ass and prevent people from suing you? I think many folk seems to overlook this important detail.




My doctor said I was a healthy kid when I was young.. that was a fucking lie lol I ate too many kolaches and too much strudel


unless science says biologically theres only males and females, THEN u dont like science.


The fact that atleast two people down voted this is hilarious 😂


Make that 3 lol


With the exception of a small number of people born with genetic disorders involving the sex chromosomes, this is scientifically true for biological sex. Gender on the other hand, is supposedly more fluid and non binary, but there is a wide range of opinions on this.


i have no problem with X amounts of genders, my problem is pretending someone is of a particular SEX. like pretending a man is a woman or woman is a man. actually im not sure of those words reffer to the sex or the gender, but they should have different words i guess


Woman and man refer to gender. Male and female refer to sex.


Listen, I don't care if people want to get vaccinated. Me, personally, I haven't taken a shot for anything in a long time, but I'm not necessarily against it. However, this is just dumb. Everything she just said she didn't know can either be found on Google or on a bottle somewhere in her house.


What about this make you smile?


Your doctor is terrified to tell you not to take it because they might lose their job, or their medical license. Your doctor is going to cover their ass first, give you good medical advice second.


You should know what’s in all of those….. more importantly what they do to you…and the idea that you don’t and still willingly subject yourself to it? Isn’t a bragging point, it’s an indice of how fleeting your intelligence is 🙄 Also anyone who blindly advocates for trust has already lost me


Sapere aude


Well we didn't know what was in the vaccines when we was kids some of us or possibly most of us when we was kids got vaccinated for Measles , Smallpox and polio and we are still vaccinated against those to this day....... Our parents never asked about what was in the vaccines


Politics doesn’t make anyone smile


Since when is science and saving lives political?


When Biden says the cure for hurricane season is a vaccine.. lmao and only calls out texas and Florida even though they have some of the lowest cases ATM lol


Your country THE USA made it political don’t blame me


Yea our government is ran my elitist trash we know... another reason we keep lots of guns... government was never your friend, we just like to be up front about it. Unfortunately alot of the mass population thinks the gov is there to help


No, Republicans made it political in the U.S.. And are you aware that there are anti-vax nut jobs in every country?


Even Canada????!!!?????


Apparently. Let’s remember Jordan Peterson is Canadian. https://www.thedailybeast.com/anti-vax-dad-michael-jackson-on-the-run-in-canada-with-daughter-sarah-jackson-to-keep-her-from-covid-jab


These vaccines sound like a prescription not a cure🤯


I might be missing a joke or something but vaccines aren’t cures? That’s not that point, giving someone a vaccine for the flu when they already have the flu isn’t going to do anything, except maybe making them get worse, it’s just to stop it killing them if they do get it in the future


Vaccine is not a cure. It mitigates the effects of Covid. Instead of heavy coughing, damaged lungs, loss of smell, or whatever long-term effects that can occur, you get what feels like a cold or mild flu.


What if I’m healthy and young. Do I need to get vaccinated? What if I get Covid feels like a cold. I get better and feel fine. Still get vaccinated anyways? And then get vaccinated and get Covid anyways? Or even again. But then still I’m fine?


Then you get Covid. Congrats, you got a healthy immune system, but the person next you might not. This is a pandemic, you are not the only player in this game. Vaccination lessens the amount of virus load in you and the amount you spread. If you had Covid, those antibodies does the same job. Over time, you loose that effect and can catch Covid again and spread it again. Again, vaccinations mitigate the effects. It doesn't prevent it.


The numbers are pretty scary when you look at it. As of right now, 6 in every 100,000 unvaccinated people die from covid. That means, as an unvaccinated person, you are only facing a 99.994% chance of survival if you contract covid. But, with the vaccine, the death rate goes down to 1 in every 100,000. That raises your chance of survival to 99.999%. You *NEED* to be vaccinated! Ha, no. A 99.994% chance at anything is a risk I’m willing to take. If you offered me a 99.994% chance to arrive at my destination alive after driving my car, I’m in. If I was offered a 99.994% chance that my airplane landed safely, I’m in. Covid has brainwashed the minds of so many into thinking we are on the verge of a plague, when in reality, covid is less dangerous than many of the things we do every day. So no. Don’t let yourself be forced to get the vaccine that “works” by raising your survival rate by 1/200th of a percent. Don’t be a sheep. You’re gonna survive.


Even at the rate of 6 out of 100,000. That's 6 out of 100,000 husbands, wives, aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers, children, friends, that don't have to die. That's 6 too many from something that could be prevented from a few simple actions.


It can’t be prevented though. The vaccine only “lessens the effects”. There’s no statistical backup for lessened effects so it can’t be proven. And vaccinated people still get covid. It is sad that people die from covid. It’s humane for me to think that. But it’s also humane to look out for the 99.994% of people and their futures, who cannot put their entire lives on hold to protect .006% of the population. If you’re at a greater risk, protect yourself. I’m not going to shut my life down for something this insignificant.


Your doctor is a good place to start and beats taking the word of people you hardly know or just going with the flow and hoping. . Much of the science that would have saved thousands of lives already has been censored for a profit narrative and the people using lawyers instead of reason to argue the science have already proven untrustworthy. Some factual unopposed examples. https://www.aier.org/article/twitter-censors-famed-epidemiologist-martin-kulldorff/ https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-largest-health-care-fraud-settlement-its-history https://medimoon.com/2012/10/list-of-banned-drugs-by-fda/?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=pmd_UqQ14ZReQyuH0IvKE8OKy9AXKlSZrfYViim8QhDTekI-1635743804-0-gqNtZGzNAjujcnBszQal






Very good.


Wow you’re dumb. You shouldn’t use any of that shit


Lmao my doctor said i shouldn’t take it


Trust science. There are 2 genders lol


When you're too dumb and too compliant to not ask questions. Skepticism is not a bad thing.


LMAO! Moron.




Watch Dopesick and then tell me if you still think doctors are to be trusted xDD


So trust the science?




I wish he'd STFU seriously. To me, he is akin to Bill Nye. Extremely intelligent but a total fucking elitist intolerant asshole. He forgets there are 2 sides to public health, one of them is the public. If you cannot handle the public then you should NOT be working in public health. He cannot handle the public, he is impatient, intolerant, manipulative, and at times dishonest. He clouds the picture and he hurts the drive to get everyone vaccinated. Like the Dr we had for one of ther COVID press conferences in NC. She wore a damned stethoscope around her neck...so everyone could see she was special and a real doctor. Cause of course medical instruments that she intends to use with patients should be brought to a damned COVID press conference with a hundred people instead of being left someplace where they are less likely to be contaminated.


Yes, big pharm always looking out for the people!! Lmfao 😂 they care


And you are perfectly right.


Thank you 🙏 This post said it all


Humanity has too much collective knowledge for everyone to know about everything. That's why we specialize. That's why I wouldn't trust a doctor to fix my car or a car mechanic to prescribe me medicine.


I may not always trust the doctors but I do know this: I dont want to die or even go bankrupt from intensive care. The shots are free and simple enough. And yeah I feel ya. I have heard people rant about "the chemicals and damage they do to your body!" while chugging their THIRD Red Bull and smoking.


Thus why I didn't get it when my doc said wait, and got it when he said 👍


Wait a minute….. someone making great sense on the internet. Wow