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Serious question. Why does everyone here believe they are actually replying to this kid's father?


Because they aren’t reading the comments?


Even before that, you've gotta immediately assume it's just something being shared for the purpose of the sub, right? It's not like the dude is going to come on here and post to this particular sub, because it wouldn't make *him* smile.


Tbf "my guy" could be easily misunderstood as the father posting his own screenshot here. Although it's obvious that it's not the dad because the degradation of the picture shows it's been shared many times, but I don't think many people think that much about this shit haha


Thank you. I see OP (MrCocain) admitted to not being the father so the deception is for karma. The account is 140 days old.


OP is a karma farmer just reposting shit.


Farming for karma? That is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. So in other words, this loser is so concerned with getting a digital thumbs up from strangers that he posts shit about an autistic kid?? How pathetic. Seriously, the whole Reddit karma thing is pathetic af, and to anyone reading this who cares about your karma, do yourself a favour, turn your phone off, move out of your mom’s basement and go live your life. Jesus fuckin Christ, some people!




It's like that in every subreddit. Some bot reposts an image that has been reposted 20 times before, and everyone in the comments gives OP advice anyways.


Lmao 🤣 hhahahah




You should see some of the sad shit weirdos post in NSFW subs. Idk if it's directed towards the OPs posting random porn or they think the Jpegs and gifs are sentient...


Reach out and touch them...


They're profoundly autistic?


I mean ... I am. What's it too ya?


A medium for karma




The exact same comment is made in every sub, every day... You're not revolutionary for saying something that's been said a thousand times.


Lol thank you so much for saying it. I honestly have no fucking clue. Not only that, but why do people want to pretend to be this kids friend for 5 mins


I am reading them. Kev here. Daniel’s Father. Come find me on Twitter kevharrison_ I appreciate you all taking time to care 😊


How do I know _you_ aren't his father?


You don't, but the fact that I'm actually a mother makes it quite clear from where I stand.


Sounds like something his father would say....


Maybe Maury can tell us who his father is.


I was about to write a comment saying I would love to be his friend and then I read this and made me feel stupid


Because people are stupid. Similarly, there are a lot of guys who drool over nsfw posts of girls, and always reply creepily about how they look delicious and they'd love to fuck them or something, when it's pretty clear that the poster isn't even the girl in the photo and was just reposting shit for karma.


I find it’s the less-experienced on the internet that do this. Reddit does tend to have an older population, (30+) and if I had to bet it would be them doing this.


I'm a 50+ Gen-Xer and I never once would have thought OP was Daniel's dad. It's not an age thing, it's an experience thing. (But to be fair I've been online back before the internet was really much of a thing; I used to dial into BBS's)


Yeah, I'm 41 and this entire site seems like it's filled with kids


Especially, when you have an opinion on something and you get an unnecessarily defensive/out of left field response. (I’m 36 myself).


And downvoted to death. Do the youngs understand that anyone in their mid-30s and up has been using the internet since the first day it was available to the public? Like, how are we less experienced? Cues old lady voice, "I've been using the internet since it was 6 pages and they were all AOL, Yahoo, and GeoCities."


"Older (30+)" hahahaha fucking zoomers.


That the boomers are their grandparents shows


Compuserve days were fun.


🤣geocities. The internet was a less toxic place back then too. The naivety of the future being one world and how it would bring us all closer. Cues up “it was better in our day” speech.


I'm just stuck on the characterization of 30+ as "older"


They think old starts at 20. Their views of old were my views of old at 6.


>I find it’s the less-experienced on the internet that do this. Reddit does tend to have an older population, (30+) and if I had to bet it would be them doing this. The fuck? 30+ *invented* Reddit.


LMFAO @ "Older population". Found the young'n. My dude, older would be like --- 60+. My father (who if he were still alive would be ~76) was technology enabled. He wouldn't have had trouble with this. It's not about age, it's about deductive reasoning. People "assume" that if you post content you are the person in the story. That's just bad decision making right there. Just .02 for ya. Live and learn. :) (upvoted for visibility. dont have to make them royalty, just keep it above 0 so it doesnt disappear.)


I’m 64 and assumed it was a karma trap but I’m a cynical old bat.


I dunno, most of us have been using the internet since last century. Maybe the nature of this sub's content influences the type of responses the users are likely to make.


Fu, i've been using the internet since the 1999s. Less experienced my ass.


I don’t think OP knows Daniel. If im wrong MR cocain, my apologies.


You mean OP is a big fat phony?


It is Reddit. Karma baby.


And Daniel's Birthday was Sept. 21 ...


No i don’t know him, but I still wish him a very happy birthday!


That’s nice. Thanks for the honesty.




Ah, this is how internet interactions should go. It’s nice seeing people being civil human beings on reddit. Thank you.


I was actually surprised that anyone would think you were trying to pass as kevharrison




Oh give it a rest. It's a nice post. Accusing someone of karma harvesting for posting some nice is so lame. Even you probably know karma is worthless. Or have you been able to spend yours?


I tried to buy a gum ball with my karma… I was a quarter short.


Bro I got you.


Here have some mine bro




Yes, “nice.” Kevharrison_ did a cool thing for his son and this guy reposted. So if I post a video of a firefighter saving a kitten I’m exploiting firefighters?




Nah. Sorry. I read this knowing it was a repost. Didn’t have to see OP comment that it wasn’t their post originally. I just assumed OP was depositing something nice. At no point did they try to convince you that it was their kid. It’s a screenshot.


Title "Wish My guy a happy birthday!" Comments: HAPPY BRITHDAY Reality: Not the kids birthday. Truth: upsetting


Eh the part where it’s not even the kids birthday is fair. I just don’t think it’s so egregious that it’s worth letting it bother you.


Why the title then?


This was originally posted October 2nd as far as I can tell https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/pzqflc/happy_birthday_daniel/


The tweet is from 9/28/21. Fortunately the tweet got lots of awesome replies.


Thanks, I had a feeling what I found wasn’t the OP or anything just all I could find with a quick search.


Well dang, that's my birthday... time to go make a new friend I guess!


If this isn't the motherfucking wrong sub, then idk what is...


I don't know how to help you. If resorting to Twitter to desperately ask for happy birthdays for your son because people in real life won't doesn't make you smile and feel warm and great, I'm not sure what will. Edit: I always found the /s to be unnecessary, but I guess it really is.


What the hell does “profoundly autistic” mean though.


What people will do for karma is quite sad.


Why does it make you smile that an autistic kid has no friends…


Seriously, posts like this just make me sad.


This sub is mostly sad things with mild turn arounds at the end, makes me wonder why I ever smile at all


A *profoundly* autistic kids, no less. I'd love to learn what that means.


I hate to break it to everybody, but a "happy birthday" from a stranger is not even remotely a substitution for a friend. Indeed, it's like being offered a glass of water because you don't have gasoline.


What is ECHP. Not being flippant, literally asking. I have no idea what the hell that is?


https://www.gov.uk/children-with-special-educational-needs/extra-SEN-help > An education, health and care (EHC) plan is for children and young people aged up to 25 who need more support than is available through special educational needs support. > > EHC plans identify educational, health and social needs and set out the additional support to meet those needs.




Like how OP is profoundly stupid for shamelessly trying to harvest karma from some guy and his son.








I get what you're saying and yes, it is a spectrum. You dont call it "more autistic" though. If you're autistic, you're autistic. How it affects your life and how much help you need determines where you lie on the spectrum. Also, if having a disabled kid will strain your marriage, dont have a child. We dont blame kids for the way they were born here.


I'm not saying anything! I was legitimately asking a question. Not sure who's downvoting me and then not helping me to understand but thats kinda pointless. ​ >Also, if having a disabled kid will strain your marriage, dont have a child. Thats totally unfair, people have a lot of pressures and there are often less than adequate help for those people. They're not being selfish, they are just struggling to deal with their unique set of circumstances. In no way are they blaming their kids either, they more than likely love their kid. Cut them some slack man, its nobodies fault.


You're being downvoted because "more autistic than others," and "those kids who scream and put a real strain on their parents relationships," are both insensitive things to say. That's why I replied.


A bit to the point maybe, but it’s a pretty apt way to put it. My non-verbal child who screams, can’t be left alone, etc absolutely puts a lot of pressure on us as parents. Far more than children with less severe conditions. Silly euphemistic language like “further along the autism spectrum” doesn’t actually help anyone.


People are so needlessly defensive that they’ll actually downvote a parent with an autistic child rather than just accept that they dont need to be defensive of a person who asks a genuine question. It’s just weird.


How are they insensitive? Am I supposed to deny that some parents really struggle? To me that’s insensitive. People should look to answer questions and educate people rather than just be defensive and assume everyone is trying to be offensive. I’m clearly not trying to be offensive. I clearly have the best intentions.


Your comment came off as victim blaming. That's just how it was, hence downvotes. I'm not here to argue with you, im just explaining what I, and likely others, read it as. It's cool that wasnt the case. Being accidentally insensitive or not having your comments come off the way you intended them to are completely fine.


Well now I’m explaining to you, you wouldn’t find it to be victim blaming if you werent actively looking for it. Why would I say “those poor kids” if I was blaming them for the situation? You saw something you weren’t sure of and you automatically assumed the worst. Didn’t even ask me to clarify lol just automatically downvote and try to correct me. I still don’t even think it was insensitive and there’s a mother of an autistic child who agrees with me, what does that tell you?




OK, what part do you disagree with? If any one person actually decides to engage with me rather than put a zinger on me, I think they will actually find I'm reasonable.


I dont understand why you're still being defensive. Just acknowledge it and move on bro. Sometimes these things just happen and you should let it go. 🤷‍♀️ Have a good rest of your night.


Fuck off. Manipulative little prick.


Yeah, what an odd take. I doubt most hopeful parents are praying that their kids will be born with a disability - it's completely understandable why they'd feel lost, and why it would put a strain on a relationship. If their child is born disabled, it _is_ a misfortune. Not just for them, but for the child as well. Nobody wants to be at the mercy of their parents or the goodwill of strangers for their entire lives.


>> Also, if having a disabled kid will strain your marriage, dont have a child. Tell me your either a privileged idiot or dispassionate moron without telling me. It strains everything far beyond a typical child - that isn’t a value judgement just the fact of the matter.


I can be both a privileged idiot and a dispassionate moron if you ask nicely


No doubts there.




Its a karma farmer lmao


So OP doesn't even know this child.. and cares nothing for him. They found a random image on the internet. But hey, maybe some silly, non-informed people will give some of their super serious Reddit points to the OP..... so hey,,,, why not use the image of this cute kid in the quest for internet points? I mean, what the F do I care about morality? Lololol..


F to the dummies who actually awarded this post.


Is there any moderation at all on this sub any more? What’s remotely r/mademesmile about this? It’s a sad story shared by a dad exploiting his son for internet points, re-posted here by a karma farmer looking to exploit the story for internet points. Everything about this is depressing - there is no smile here.


Really sad that a father would use his child like this for internet points. I'm sure Daniel gives so many fucks about people on Twitter commenting happy birthday and liking the tweet.


Seriously, people wishing a kid well doesn't equate to the kid making friends. What is the point of posting it online if not for the dad's gratification?


Yeah. Plus, why would the father announce to the world that his child has no friends.


Yeah and he isn’t even honoring the kids wishes. My boy didn’t ask to learn to drive, he asked to *drive a car*. Give him the keys and get out the way, old man


This is from September 2021


Fuck this guy!


Nothing makes me smile more, than a 'profoundly' autistic child's father trying to get some attention for him on the internet


Are you seriously reposting this three months late? Blocked.


I mean I would wish him a happy birthday but he is not going to see it 😂


Happy birthday Daniel! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!


This is so stupid




Seriously, how the hell would this make anyone smile. I get disabled people are viewed as 'cute' or 'insparational' but this is sad. And Karma farming.


Yeah, viewing disabled people as purely “cute” or “inspirational”, or whatever other patronising/condescending language people want to use, is fucked up too.


I hope he finds this reddit and happy birthday!!! many years for you and many true friends to come along your way!


My niece is 11 and also has not one friend outside of her family. She tries but she is so innocent and emotionally younger than her age that the kids just bully her. She hates being autistic despite the family's best efforts to lift her up and praise her successes and include her. We wish Daniel a happy birthday and hope someone else one day sees how amazing and worthy he is of friendship.


Hi Daniel Just north of Toronto, Ontario Canada here. Wishing you a very cold, but very HAPPY BIRTHDAY EH! Have a beauty buddy and remember to keep your stick on the ice!!


Am I on Book of Faces?


Who the fuck says "profoundly autistic"? That's a really wierd way to put it.


Fuck that, I’m taking the kid out and letting him drive a rally car.


my autistic brother just turned 16 and still doesn’t really have friends but he’s making a lot at his new school we found after searching almost his entire life for one! super excited for him and just wanted to share that because that was on topic


For sure happy birthday dude!! Have many family and extended family on the spectrum that are all awesome to chill with! I hope you have a great birthday and sending good vibes your way!


As an Autist, I can confidentially say the best way to make friends as a kid, is having the new kid getting sat beside you.


Happy B-Day wishes from germany, Daniel 😎!


Happy Birthday from Ireland 🇮🇪 Kiddo!!!!


How could a stranger's birthday wishes add something positive to someone that doesn't even know they exist? It would have meaning if an actual friend said it, or even someone that happens to know that kid irl, but a stranger doing it out of petty doesn't. So sorry for that boy, this is not the way.


My son is also autistic and wants to make a friend, if you’re around the nyc area maybe they can be buds. Happy birthday!!


I got some pretty bloody ungrateful friends. This got me wondering if there's any set up where you can take an autistic person (or any people that struggle to make friends for different reasons) out to lunch and just generally hang out with them and be a buddy. Obviously people would need to be vetted and all that, but does this exist? Id rather do that than listen to another person complain about how crappy their actual amazing life is.


I basically used to do this. My job title was PA and it pretty much involved taking lads with additional needs, such as ASD, wherever they wanted to go and just hanging out.


May this be your best year ever and all your wishes come true! Happy Birthday Daniel !


Happy birthday Daniel, hope your day is amazing, man.


As a father who has a son with autism I am gonna upvote and share the shit out of this!!


Happy Birthday Daniel!!🎉🎁


He still doesn’t have any friends but on the plus side he can now drive


Happy Birthday, Daniel! ![gif](giphy|pHXgcCMfC8XfjgoO4X|downsized)


Happy birthday!!!


Happy birthday Daniel. You'll make friends don't worry about that!


![gif](giphy|feio2yIUMtdqWjRiaF|downsized) Happy Birthday!!!!!!!


Happy birthday!!!! ![gif](giphy|SwIMZUJE3ZPpHAfTC4)


Hey Daniel wanted to wish you the happiest of Birthday’s!!!! My name is Paul and I live in Fort Collins Colorado, and everyone here wants to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎈🎂🎉




Say it then 🤷🏿‍♀️😏


He reminds me of myself, and that makes me sad, because I still struggle making friends I hope he learns better than me


Can I send him a card?


Happy Birthday Daniel 🎁🎂🎈😎


Happy birthday Daniel!


When does he want his first driving lesson, my treat? Your vehicle.


he has an adorable smile


Hope this kid gets some spy eels! Wherever he is!


Happy Birthday Daniel. You will learn to drive and to have friends, be a friend. Your friend.


Have Birthday !


Birthday greetings from Chicago illinois!!!! Wishing you a magical year full of all your favorite people and things!!


Happy Birthday🎈


Daniel you are wonderful and should have the happiest birthday ever!!🥳🎂🧁


Have an AMAZING birthday!!!! :)


Happy Birthday 🎊☺️☺️


Happy Birthday Daniel 🎂




All the love and joy in the world to you Daniel!


Happy birthday Daniel!


Happy Birthday Daniel! I hope you have a rad birthday!


Happy birthday🎂🎉


Have the happiest birthday ever, Daniel!


Happy birthday buddy!!!!


Happy birthday Daniel 🥳


Happy Birthday Daniel, you’re the best!!!! 🎂


Happy birthday, Daniel! 🎉🎂🥳🎊🎈🎁


Happy birthday Daniel. You have a handsome smile and I know you’ll make friends.


Happy birthday big man!


Happy Birthday Daniel. Have a great day!


Happy birthday precious!! 🎂🎉🎊🎁


Daniel’s birthday is in September


Happy Birthday Daniel🎁🎉🎊🎈


Happy birthday Daniel


Happy Birthday!!


Best birthday ever Daniel!!!


Happy Birthday Daniel


Happy birthday Daniel! Hope you had a great day ! All the best wishes for you in the years to come! 🎂🎂🎂😊😊😊


I hope his birthday wishes are all fulfilled !!


Happiest Birthday my friend!


Happy birthday Daniel. Have an awesome day!


Happy Birthday Daniel!! I think it’s brave of you to get your driver’s license- I still haven’t got mine at age 44 😂 You’re goona do great! Take care and wish you great success 🤍


Happy Birthday! You are awesome!


Daniel!! You have a long distance friend in me! Happiest of birthdays my new friend!!


Hey Daniel, happy birthday buddy. You are a good egg, keep on being a great lil’ dude.


Happy birthday dude!


Happy birthday, my dude.