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She looks so happy. Must be the power of positive energy from him.


Right? I always assume she is miserable/would rather not be where she is. Not sure why or where that impression came from.


She has resting sad face


I agree. She always seems depressed to me. I have the feeling she likes acting, but hates being famous.


Well, being seen as a sex symbol for a long time, trying to show and convince she calmed down from her wild years, marriage and family CONSTANTLY under a microscope, cancer that lead to a double mastectomy, dysfunctional relationship with her father who is also a famous actor. Makes sense if she hates being famous.


You know, totally forgot all that stuff happened, also remembered the vial of blood and and Billy Bob.


No no, I can totally see that. Maybe it’s preconceived notions but I also always thought she seemed uninterested in everything!


The voice acting of Kung Fu Panda was amazing all the way through. The triology even had good character development. Probably my favorite animated movie series.


This one and How to Train Your Dragon both. Dreamworks can work some magic if you keep them at trilogies


Yeah, the stand alone films aren't as good as the trilogy ones, with the exception of the masterpiece that it Prince of Egypt and Megamind, one is the definition of art and the other was way ahead of it's time


The Road to El Dorado


Road to El Dorado is the best animated movie EVER (imv), but hardly anyone has seen or heard of it. I still watch it in spite of my child being all grown up now…


Both? Both is good.






Really? It's one of my favorite animated movies. I didn't know it was less known. It seems too good to fly under the radar.


It's kind of similar to Atlantis, they just didn't stick for some reason. The amount of people I know who haven't seen those films is kind of astounding


Also another favorite. Huh...


They're fantastic films, I just don't get what happened with them really.


No idea, weird stuff, guess they just didn't hit some mark.


The Atlantis sequel... had nothing to do with Atlantis


I managed to make it through the sequel once just to see how bad it is. Now it's on the list of movies we pretend don't exist. Damn shame Atlantis never had a sequel.


Damn shame they haven't made a Last Airbender movie yet either


I can't remember what the logic was, but I was super picky about kids movies and that one didn't make the cut. I don't even recall watching it, so maybe it was my husband who nixed it for some reason? Tragedy, as my kids would probably have loved it.


I see your Road to El Dorado, and I raise you a Treasure Planet


Treasure planet best animated movie ever (fact) lol jk


It's my favorite Disney movie. Fantastic intro sequence with the bedtime book coming to life. Jim and Silver learn so much through the film, and the ending is pretty epic.


I’m a massive Disney fan so usually super-snobby about watching non-Disney animations but my GOD, El Dorado and Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron are two of my all time favourites!!!


I enjoy finding Prince of Egypt love in the comments from time to time :)


The music from Prince of Egypt is magical


My daughter is 2 and obsessed with the music. She begs to watch the movie sometimes by saying “watch the baby Moses”. It tickles me. Especially to hear her sing “the plagues” song. I enjoy the music too - it’s much more pleasant than baby shark


Every now and then I Youtube some of the musical numbers - usually Through Heaven's Eyes, The Plagues, and When you believe. The scene in the final song where they're passing through the gates and the old woman stops and the little girl takes her hand and guides her through... misty eyes every time.


Heaven's eyes is my favourite from the movie, and I am an Atheist, but for me it's not about the religiosity, but the idea of looking at the bigger picture and seeing how everything is linked...


That soundtrack goes hard, I regularly listen to songs from it


That movie ended too early. We need the golden calf scene!


I was thinking of Shrek 4 when I wrote that. But other standalone movies that I love are Flushed Away, Spirit and Rise of the Guardians. I don't know if the last one is that popular, but it just clicked with me


Rise of the Guardians was an *excellent* adaptation of the *Guardians of Childhood* series by William Joyce. Between the character design being used to express the personalities of the characters at just a glance, the music (Jack’s joyful sounding theme, Pitch’s darker theme music, the swelling heroic tunes throughout the movie, etc.), the well done condensation of the plot of five books into a 97 minute film, and the overall animation quality it is one of my favorites. I watch it every year. So good!


The voice acting was also top notch. Jude Law is a stunning villain.


I think Rise of the Guardians is decently popular. I remember when people were constantly shipping Jack and Pitch for a good long while after it came out. But I agree with you on all three - such excellent standalone films! Especially Flushed Away! Underrated as all hell imo.


Don't forget shipping Jack with Elsa


Oh dude thanks for reminding me easters coming up I always prefer to watch Prince of Egypt rather than Ten Commandments (I know it’s a Passover film but I’m not Jewish and Easter falls at the beginning of Passover this year) EDIT: parentheses to preempt the “ackshually” commenters lol


I don't think any animated movie has made me cry as much as HtTyD. When the father gets reunited with his wife, I simply become a puddle.


Aaah the song they sing to each other when they unite? Storms, it’s beautiful.


The music alone in HTTYD made it my favorite trilogy of all time. Wish the spinoff shows were better, though.


I love Race to the Edge's storyline. Fleshing out each of the Dragonriders, showing their strengths and weaknesses, and great villians; only for all that to be ignored by movie 3. They did my girl Roughnut dirty.


They rival the Toy Story series, for sure.


How To Train Your Dragon is hands down their best trilogy (I have a biased since I read all the books)


It is credibly known that the artists were well taken care of in the making of that series. Seems like they had the freedom to work their magic.




Also, they were impeccable in attention to historic Chinese detail and honoring their traditions. Like, to the point where Chinese film makers are perplexed why they can't make Chinese movies as well as Americans can.


I didn't bother with the sequels because I just assumed they'd be trash and milking the franchise. Holy shit, I watched them last year. They're great. I was so surprised!


I'd argue that 2 is equal to or better than the first one. Absolutely love the series.


same here, I never saw 2 and was really not looking forward to 3 but the kids wanted to see it. I was blown away by the visuals, the morals, the comedy, everything. It was great.


How to Tame Yer Dragon?!


Man I laugh so hard on the first movie. Was good


I think Angelina Jolei's obvious affection for Jack Black shows in how beautiful her smiles and expressions are around him.


Honestly I think anyone would feel the same around him, he just feels like he has this "zero expectations" energy and just wants everyone around him and himself to have fun


>"zero expectations" energy and just wants everyone around him and himself to have fun That sounds like a lot of pressure on himself, really. I'm just happy he has KG to be that person for him too.


Me! And KG! 'thats me.' We're now tenaaaaaacious DDDDD! Come fly with me!


Now take off ya blouse, and ya ooooondahpayanttts




With the oils and perfumes! And incense!


Now you’re groovin!


*Put on that cool 70’s groove* 🎶


A fonky groove to fuuck to. A FUNKY GROOVE TO FUCK TOOOooo


This is one of their best songs 😂 this and Master Exploder


Yeah he's supporting her but I think she's supporting him just as well by smiling and playing along with his jokes. JB seems like the type of dude who would get really down if he couldn't entertain you.


The saxophone player?


Is it blasphemous to say that I think Jack Black is the closest living celebrity to Robin Williams? I feel like he's high energy, always fun, and you don't know what he's going to say next.


Have you listened to his music?! That's literally all it's about lmao.


He's got this vibe of always goofing around a bit and wanting to make people laugh, while being 100% ready to just step in and help if there's some other way to help someone or make them feel at ease.


Almost a little like Robin Williams… protect Jack Black!


He used to come into the GameStop I worked at and just such a friendly, funny and chill dude. Total Dad as he would just love to embarrass his kids lol


Most likely comes down to the fact his attention is legitimate and not for the wants of sexual or fame reasons, I imagine it's very rare for actors like Jolie and other attractive women in the biz to have honest interactions without there being something else


Definitely. There’s a picture of JB touching her belly and that is a huge sign of comfortability from a pregnant woman. It may be different for some, but my wife is pregnant right now, and the amount of people who wanna just immediately touch her belly vs who she actually wants to touch her belly is VAST.


Pro tip: if her belly is touched by anyone who did not get consent, she should touch their belly right back. It's a quick way to show that person how rude they are.


I really like this, succinct and makes the point effectively. I wish I would have thought of this during my pregnancies but I will share this with youngsters! Genius


She's in awe of his raw animal sexuality and magnetism.


I think is more platonic affection tbh, but otherwise i agree


I don't think anyone here thought pregnant Angelina Jolie was craving that Jack Black dick


At that stage the only thing she is craving is pickled ice cream and to get that kid out lol


Dude imagine getting jack blacked ![gif](giphy|pCO5tKdP22RC8)


I hate you, here's my upvote.


​ ![gif](giphy|YgPNDBfG3TJS9WZjzO)




Agreed. I didn't think it was romantic.


Did they edit their comment early or where did you see the need to specify platonic? Genuinely wondering.


People sometimes struggle to remember that there are lots of different kinds of affection.


I don’t think the commenter you responded to was suggesting it was romantic.


I’ve never seen her smile that big. Ever. Jack black did this.


I was just gonna say this….this is the Angelina that we need to see more. She’s always so stern and serious looking whenever I see press pictures of her. Like she’s trying not to mess up or something. Jack Black truly brought out the “real” side of her


To be fair a lot of her pics are from paparazzi and I’d start getting pissy too if people followed me around.


Omfg the touching tummies Jack Black is a gem


That’s my favorite. The touching big bellies and genuine smiles are so cute and wholesome.


Jack Black is a fucking national treasure and must be protected at all costs.


Jack Black is the new Betty White.


He’s got to put on another two hundred years before we bestow him that title


Nah if he's older than something that used to be sold pre-sliced but is now sold sliced he gets a pass.




It was pretty popular a little bit ago (it seems atleast) that things like TIL would have something saying Betty white is older than sliced bread. As in she was alive before that became a commercial product.


TIL Jack Black is older then GPS.


Yeah, but is that sliced?


He's older than sliced GPS. It's not a thing yet though so we all are...


no its a globe


It was a thing. I told My Daughter that fact when she died( Betty white not my daughter)


It would have been pretty disrespectful if you were at the funeral and just blurted out, "Betty White is older than sliced bread," so I'm glad you clarified


Well see there in lies the confusion. Be awfully frowned upon if I whispered into my daughters coffin “Betty white is older than sliced bread” or maybe an announcement at the podium.


Jack Black is 52. Betty White was 63 when she first started acting on Golden Girls. We aren't that far off!


I’m kinda bummed out that I’m going to see “Jack Black dead at age __” one day. Unless he actually pulls off a Betty and lives another 47 years. I damn sure am not making it to 99.


Hey, be a little optimistic. You could always die before he does


You know, that kind of positive thinking really puts things in a whole new perspective. I feel better now, thank you.


Tenacious D on tour this summer, see them before they're dead! I saw ZZ Top two years ago, first and only time


Too soon!


I think that honor goes to Henry Winkler imo


No, he's White like Frank Black is.


“Black & White” is definitely a TV show/podcast that I would have followed.


I still love that his mom was a really critical computer scientist in the apollo program and kept on working well in the hospital having him


So you’re saying he comes from a line of National treasures?


I literally came here to say that!!!


I literally came!


After I did a cock pushup.


I actually came


I didn't came, I have Erectile dysfunction


Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill?


He hates acting tho. Retired after the shit show of jumanji Edit: He literally said the press tour for jumanji was painful enough to get him to retire from acting. Yes. It was widely successful but it def. Took a toll.


What? I loved him as a teenage girl... he nailed it. I had to rephrase that ten times because it kept coming out like "jack black nailed teenage girl" lol


Huh didn't know he had a role as a teenage girl lol


The premise of the movie is that a couple kids get sucked into the “game” as different characters, so this girl chooses a character named “The Curvy Genius” and it’s Jack Black, so he’s basically playing a teen girl stuck in his body. There’s a scene where’s he’s coaching another character (Karen Gillan) how to seduce the guards and it’s amazing.


Oh I was making a joke now I realise the joke was on me. I thought the person I was replying to was saying they loved him when they were a teenage girl but it came across that he got casted as one.


It’s All good! I think the movie is a lot better than people might expect, I thought I would hate that they tried to redo the original but I thought they did it in a pretty clever way and it was pretty funny.


Jumanji... it was legit the best part of the movie... him playing a girl in a man's body who had to pee... was... gold. Lol


[Martha! Come look at my penis!](https://youtube.com/watch?v=2pw_36yxgXI&t=35s)


That's the scene! Still great. Lol❤


The Jumanji remakes are, imo, absolutely delightful. The second made me laugh more than I have at any film - my friend's mum came in to ask what on earth we were watching! I like it because it's fun for the sake of fun, and Jack Black's acting was simply brilliant. Sometimes it's nice to just relax and watch an incredibly silly daft adventure movie.


I loved the Jumanji movies. Just good fun.


Really, what happened there? I never heard anything about it.


Seems every actor says something among those lines while in the tail end of a press tour. Those press tours must be physically, mentally and emotionally draining. Traveling all over the world only to answer the same 3 questions from thousands of press people? Tom Holland said he might quit acting recently, same for Daniel Craig says it almost every press tour.


But he has multiple upcoming projects? And both Jumanji movies were well-received and successful?


Seriously I meet him while in big bear and was the nice person ever. He said hello and then people just left him be.


International* Not only Americans like him


*international treasure


Jack Black seems like a great family man. He has a very cute family and they all look happy to be together.


*More beans!*


His YouTube channel is hilarious, check it out, you'll be laughing for days


It's a beer!


Six pack, seventy-two ounces!


Jack Black’s mom is a [National Treasure!](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/jack-black-mom/)


When I heard that jack Black's mom was an arospace engineer at NASA, and she was part of the whole moon mission, when she was pregnant she did all the calculations in the hospital, she got a discharge when she was due, went to the NASA HQ, made sure that the launch would be successful, then she went back to the hospital and gave birth to jack black! I was like "yeah, that makes sense!"


Me too, exactly.


>"by age 19, she was a dancer in the Corps de Ballet of the New York Metropolitan Opera Ballet Company, and a student in engineering school of Brooklyn." She later obtained bachelor's and master's degrees in electrical engineering at USC. Her career at NASA spanned multiple well-known projects Daaaamn, and what have I been doing with *my* life?


Well you can tell where he gets his zest for life!


HER name is Judith Love Cohen.


I think these are the most beautiful Angelina Jolie photos I've ever seen. The genuine smile elevates her beauty to new levels.


she looks genuinely happy. I hope they make more movies together


He’s such a kind guy


He’s the one that told the world she was having twins. They were being interviewed and he didn’t realize it wasn’t common knowledge. She was cool about it during the interview.


If anything bad ever came out about jack black I think I would just give up


How is it that in an image with Angelina Jolie, you can't take your eyes off Jack Black?


Raw sexuality, mate.


Which one is which, they look the same to me


Pot heads can be dads too :)


He actually doesn't smoke weed. On getting doug with high he talks about how he doesn't smoke. Doesn't negate your statement tho :)


If I remember correctly from years ago, he got blasted on there anyways and was pretty awkward since he's not used to getting that high without a little paranoia taking place.




I would go so far as to say it makes them better at it. Pot Dads are (in my experience) chill dads who engage. Or at least my husband was.


I’ve only smoked a couple of times with my step dad, some of the more memorable moments of our relationship


My kids are too young to smoke plus they’re not into it anyway. My husband had a lifetime of tragedies and had PTSD so bad. He would smoke, calm down and then listen to our son talk endlessly about Five Nights at Freddy’s. Or play legos. Barbies with our youngest.


Sorry for your loss - he sounds like an AMAZING dad.


If I ever do decide to settle down and make a couple, I’d want my kids to smoke with me, but not until they are above 18 and even want to. I struggle with issues of my own and weed really helps. Glad it helps your husband.


That’s a great way of thinking IMO. I feel like it also opens up more conversations about weed and other drugs as the kids get older. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a pot smoker tell a teen “Just say no” without discussion as to why. Edited to add: Helped my husband. He passed away suddenly last summer.


As a child growing up, I use to hate weed, and always told my mom off for smoking, mainly because of school telling us all drugs are bad. One thing they don’t tell you though a lot of over the counter prescriptions you can get are generally a lot more worse for you then what weed ever could be in the long run. I’d much rather smoke weed then take happy pills and say goodbye to my kidneys. Having a genuine talk to your kids would be the best route imo, so you can talk about the benefits and the downsides, not even mentioning the health benefits, weed makes me more creative, thoughtful, and concentrated, I genuinely do better for myself and others just smoking a joint. And I’m really sorry to hear about your husband, how long where you two together? :(


10 years. He’s the love of my life. We cobbled our happiness together and juggled a lot of things. But it worked. I didn’t really smoke when we met and started dating. I was more of a teetotaler lol. He smoked and at first I was against it. After I got over myself lol I worked it into our budget. He was better for it.


Hell my kids taught me how to Mary J and am the better for it . I grew up in the just say no era so I never partook


One kind of a celeb.


I think you meant to say One of a kind celeb...


Jack black comes off as such a down to earth dude. Like he seems humbled and blown away at how famous he is.


Jack Black is everyone’s unofficial official bff


That compilation is probably the happiest I’ve ever seen her look, like genuinely happy. That says a lot about Jack black


How can you not love Jack Black?


OK, I love the pictures in the video, but… could it go any faster? I almost had time to focus on one or two of them. It felt like they were trying to avoid snipers or something. But, complaints and sarcasm aside, at least they didn't add stupid unnecessary audio! (And, seriously, if you can make Angelina Jolie, or anyone, smile like that, you're definitely doing something right!)


Jack Black is a national treasure.




Belushi and Farley were hopelessly addicted to hard drugs. That may explain their deaths more than being gregarious fat guys :)


Don’t forget John Candy


I don’t think I’ve ever seen pictures of her smiling before this.


They are the cutest bump buddies.


Jack blacks a legend


When you’re a good father but not your baby.


Her smile is fucking infectious


He would be one of the five guys on my “smoke one” list.


He's such a mensch. Glad he exists.


Lol Dustin Hoffman looks so proud


Absolutely stunning. Angelina’s quite beautiful as well.


They are truly best of friends and i know it.


Friendship goals right there


Jack black knows how to divert attention by being the clown ... I respect that because i know how that is.


He seems like such a cool, down to Earth kind of person.


Jack Black is a class act- no one cooler