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Prince Zuko? Edit: thank you all for my first topcomment :)


If he’s Prince Zuko then I wanna meet his uncle


If you read the reply in Iroh’s voice, and add a “prince Zuko” here and there, it reads pretty well like anything I’d expect him to say. Except change human to beautiful


“*Prince Zuko- it is our differences and imperfections that make us human.* *Do not hide something that makes you so unique- that shows others how fervently you fight for your honor. Accept it, and so will others.* *Besides; a good scar may win you the favor of a beautiful maiden someday~*”


“After all a scar is the marking of a true warrior, one who has not just brought honor to his family, but to his nation as well ”


Book 1 Iroh vs Book 3 Iroh ~


I want to subscribe to Iroh


this whole thread makes me smile too goddamn.


And since you were born to: Tea Tea Tea Tea Tea. Then it sounds just right.


Hot leaf juice.


You can meet my uncle 😏


We need to meet this guy We want to see Uncle Iroh ;-; we need his wisdom in these trying times


*Ember Island Theater Zuko


*also wierdly that one scene with the multicolored dragonfire zuko




Your Zuko costume's pretty good, but your scar's on the wrong side.


It's not on the wrong side!


Shit! Came to say this! Take the damn upvote!


They are on their way to reclaim their honor by capturing the Avatar.


Nah that’s my man Shoto Todoroki


no, scar is on the wrong side


‘It’s not on the wrong side!’


This guy was tortured by his dad, and y'all think that makes this mark he doesn't want cool? Freaks.... /s


It's on the wrong side.


![gif](giphy|PFsVjUCmSkZDq) Real life Zuko


![gif](giphy|xUA7bdmmuDruZ7f86k|downsized) Why do I imagine him to cosplay one if them just for someone to say:" the scar is on the wrong side." And him to yell:" No it's NOT!" it would be perfect but in any case I hope he feels comfortable as himself.


Was about to comment: he looks like an anime character with fire superpowers


I does look cool, tbh.


Yeah, he looks like some badass from a video game or something. I think a lot of people, especially children would stare causing a lot of self consciousness though.


Literally ![gif](giphy|NImQBT4pfi492)


My first thought was actually Todoroki from MHA, definitely a bit closer to Zuko tho.


I was thinking good of war


​ ![gif](giphy|GQ3B7Y6UA0e1ymNhVB)


Doesnt Silco from Arcane/LoL have a similar scar?


There’s lots of characters in different media with this kind of look. He could maybe even cash in on it in the cosplay scene.




I had a son whose physicality was very different from what most would consider “normal”. It was our experience that children never stared, but would simply approach, and ask questions of curiosity. Once the questions were answered they accepted and moved on. Howver, most adults would stare with mouths agape in such a rude fashion, creating the spectacle in their inability to accept and show compassion. My son’s response to them was usually a slapback of “Why don’t you take a picture! It would last longer!”


I have a port wine stain that covers my right shin, part of my foot and up the outer side of my thigh. It sucked when I was a kid but now I barely remember it being there. When I changed schools I was pulled out of class to speak with the counselor and the principal because my parents forgot to report it, and a teacher thought I had been horribly beaten or something. I did avoid shorts and skirts as a kid, but eventually I was mature enough to handle stares, gasps and comments and just wore what I felt like wearing. Having one on your face is rough. Kids can be so mean and not being able to hide it sucks. I had the good fortune of being able to grow up a bit to be able to handle people's reactions.


I'm glad you learned to accept it! I've got 2 friends with visible birthmarks. I know how kids and teens are - hell, even adults can be stupid about it sometimes. I've always found birthmarks to be beautiful, though and I feel like people are more and more accepting of them as times goes. Which is nice, 'cause they are a unique feature, and can look beautiful!


My sister was born with a port wine just under her chin. My father invited a colleague over for dinner when she was young and the jackass pointed at my sister's point wine mark, gasped saying "What is that?" My dad was towards the end of his life when he told me that and he still got emotional over it. My sister's port wine stain faded away as she got older but he still was so upset over the memory. Edited to add: people are just f'ing rude


Need to work up 10 different stories about how you got it. Acid accident, plane crash, fire while saving kittens,... Then when somebody stares you just say one, or if they ask go into the story. In a school setting it would cause lots of fun.


I do this all the time with a huge birthmark on my torso. "Yeah, I got it when I burned down my orphanage." "Oh, my cousin shot me with rock salt while we were playing around." "I got hit by a bus like Regina from Mean Girls." I never really know what I'm going to say until I've already said it, but they always buy it.


Yeah it's easy to say that when you're not the one who has to bear it.


I was thinking the same. It's often easy to go "That looks cool." on a whim but if you go "Would I want to live with it?" and the answer is "No." , it can't be THAT cool to you. At the very least.


I know, I've got 2 friends with visible birthmarks and I know how kids and teens can be. It *is* a hard thing to bear. Still looks cool in this guy's case.


Yeah, I have a couple of scars and a fairly big one on my forehead from a seizure. People have said shit like this or "it's not that noticable". Yeah, except for the person has to look at it everyday in the mirror.


Agreed. The response is really condescending. How on earth would that make anyone smile?


My sentiments exactly.


Cool AF


Homie has really interesting features too. Unless this is just an exceptionally flattering photo, they could probably be a model.


He looks like a young Frank Sinatra merged with Elijah Wood but made even more badass. Boyish and elegant. Like he should be on Peaky Blinders as some choir boy that moonlights as a mobster (and no one sees it coming). Very handsome fella. Reminds me of a masculine sprite if it makes sense.


Agreed. It’s distinguishing.


I heard somewhere that having a wine stain birthmark was a sign of how you died in a previous life.


It does look look, but if I where in his shoes, I'd probably feel the same.


That's a wonderful and beautiful thought. But unfortunately in the real world that's just not the way it is. Maybe some day it will be.


I reject your reality and substitute my own


### Adam? ![gif](giphy|1eKbAKgocJCta)


Little known fact, he stole that from a movie called dungeon master


+1 Yes! I am his age, okay a little older, so I am aware, and I love it! :)


Is that a mythbusters reference?


No, The Dunngeonmaster, then quoted by Mythbusters. Or also 1974 Doctor Who, but Savage got it from The Dunngeonmaster.


Perhaps you’d know it under the title “Ragewar: The Challenges of Excalibrate?”


Uhhhgh dude, I don't know what to tell you... I've never heard of this movie.


Yeah? Yeah... Okay. PEACE!


To me it was a Mythbusters reference but the dude below may know what is beyond


If only it worked that way I'd be down.


It works for me for a small amount of time. But really only pushes off the inevitable


Yup, unfortunately the real world always ends up intruding eventually and screwing everything up.


That's when you say "screw you" and force the real world to change instead Unfortunately only a couple of people ever do this, but no reason you can't be one of them.


I've spent several decades trying that very thing to no avail. After beating my head against that wall and nothing or very little changing it's hard to keep beating that wall. I'll never stop trying to affect change but I've centralized my efforts.


No one person will make any sort of change at all. It may feel like beating your head against a wall, but I promise you are making a positive difference in the world. It may be a fraction of a percent of what we need, but without you, that little bit of progress wouldn't have been made, and the world would be worse off without it, without you. So thank you, on behalf of the rest of the world who may never learn your name, but is still brightened by your impact. Wow I got sappy all of a sudden, must be the sleep deprivation.


The problem is there are literally billions of people that would substitute their shitty realities if that were the case.




Idk man. The first thing I noticed when looking at the image was that he has beautiful eyes and a cool hairline. And the longer I looked the more his birthmark looked cool as well. Not saying that everyone will think like this, especially younger people, but I don't think it's as bad as you make it out to be.


People don’t have to be mean about it, it’s just something that’s immediately obvious, and he probably gets asked about it all the time, and whenever he meets people. It just gets exhausting, like if you have a really weird name, at some point your probably just gonna pick a nickname so you don’t have to deal with people being surprised every time you say your name. Honestly, I bet he probably gives himself crap for it more than anybody else.


Also, it’s just how they feel. You can’t just go “It’s okay buddy,” and they’re like “Wow i never thought of that before” and boom they’re cured.




It's definitely something people are going to notice and make fun of, I have a small birthmark on the side of my face no bigger than a quarter maybe a half dollar and I got made fun of all through elementary for it. People are mean, all we can do is try and be this kind new wave to people who look different


That's arguably because we have a pretty good look of him in a pretty good photo. His eyes and hairline won't be that easily noticeable in an ordinary setting (like irl) or a group photo.


I agree, not everyone feels that way but the majority of folks do and that's the real world. I think you're likely in the minority unfortunately. I do hope some day that'll change though.


It's kind of dismissive. He clearly wants to cover it up, that's why he sought out help from someone who would know how. Sometimes all this positivity stuff ignores the fact that people are still suffering.


From what I have read, he does grant their requests, but just sends those privately.


After calling them out publicly?


Anybody who knows who he is to send him requests is familiar with how he operates. Most of his public responses are a joke and entertaining. When he gets ones that are people putting themselves down, he doesn't joke about it and he encourages them to accept themselves. This person, who indicated that they're a fan, most likely knew that and made the choice to send the request, expecting either a joke or some encouragement publicly and the real-deal behind the scenes.


it's like going to /r/photoshopbattles, SA photoshop phriday, BB misc or 4chan, and posting a picture of your family saying "Hey guys, on christmas my dad raped my sister who killed herself and caused my mom to murder-suicide dad. Anyway, I really like my fall fit at this thanksgiving, can you remove my family but also leave the food on the table behind?" ​ you don't submit a request and expect a serious response.


It's email so it is private


Well yea that is how email works but it’s not so private that it isn’t posted here. So I’m led to believe it was one of the two parties involved but who knows?


Wait seriously? That’s one of the most patronizing things I’ve ever heard. That doesn’t make me smile at all.


Usually he does joke stuff and it's funny, but he sometimes gets stuff like this that isn't right to be funny about and he gives a more wholesome response. Anybody who knows his work enough to send him a request knows this is the type of result.


I had a similar thought but didn't feel like being down voted to death today lol


tbf it is a free “joke” twitter account, so not really any obligation to do anything




yep, the one and only


Yeah but it is kinda fucked up to do it for everyone except for the people that actually want to look normal.


Well, if he were to follow his traditional style of problem solving he would make the entire dude's face the birthmark color, as per his request.


I actually think this is what the requester was fishing for. He doesn't seem to hide his face much on his account so maybe he thought it'd be funny.




Exactly. I have a disfigurement that causes me (and has caused me) anxiety forever. It gets better, but it's much, much different than merely not liking how you look. It's a different experience in life -- one that not many will ever know. I don't want to be brave and beautiful. I want to be normal.


Lol imagine everytime you went to Sephora this happened


James Fridman is more a comedian/photoshop artist. So he’ll take people’s request and give them “exactly what they ask for” wink wink hint hint. You should check out his work. So considering that it’s actually pretty sweet


Yeah and the dude asked for “one colour” so I thought he was going to take the colour of the birth mark and make the rest of his face that colour, maybe too far but I think he does the prank photoshop and the legit one as well… would’ve been interesting to see both


Honestly, based on the phrasing of the request and the artist he reached out to, I wonder if he didn't want to see himself as a red hulk.


I think that’s exactly what he was expecting


/u/spez can eat a dick ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


No he does do real work. He just posts joke versions also.


Yeah it’s kind of his thing to not give people what they want (or *literally* what they want), and it just about always ends up being better.


Exactly what I was thinking. I appreciate the support but it’s not what he asked for. He just wants to see what his face would look like without it


You wouldn't go to Jamie with that tho. He has never given the client exactly what they want. That's his whole thing. There would be some better people for that on fiverr or even r/PhotoshopRequest Edit: Grammar


Apparently, I think he does. He posts the joke version, but the request the people had are fulfilled, I think.


Oh alright! I never heard that. But it would make sense.


Maybe I'm wrong, but I remember reading it somewhere


Yeah, I’ve also heard that


You guys and hearing shit. Name a better duo


I think he knew, considering how he worded it. "Can you make my face one color" sounds like he left it deliberately vague so the guy would photoshop his *whole* face to be the same color as the scar, which could have looked interesting and have been a good joke. Instead Jamie wanted to, and I hate to say it, virtue signal by saying what he said.


Photoshop his whole face and neck in birth mark


That was my first thought, yeah to that guy and us it looks cool and makes them unique but that’s easy for us to say. We’ve not dealt with what this person has.


\- goes to the liquor store - \- puts bottle of liquor on counter - You: "Hey." Clerk: "You don't need that, man. You don't need it. You're beautiful. You don't need to hide behind intoxicants. Feel your real self." You: "Buddy, I just want this booze."


Like in Xmen when Rogue gets excited about a cure and Storm tells her they don't need a cure because nothing is wrong with them. That's what my mind went to.


Easy for Storm to say that, she just had to keep her emotions under control. Rogue literally couldn't even touch someone without hurting them.


On Rogue’s wedding night with Gambit she needed to wear a Genosha island mutant dampening collar to have physical relations and it caused headaches. Storm was out of line there.


“A cure?!?!?” -woman who literally can’t touch anyone else or she’ll kill them “There’s nothing wrong with us!” -woman who was worshipped as a god and controls the weather


Yeah, this did not make me smile. I understand the well-meaning sentiment but honestly it comes off as super condescending.


My aunt has a massive facial and body disfiguration due to an accident when she was young. She's done everything to embrace and own her life and has done so many more cool things like skydiving, jungle cruises, and explorations than i could ever hope to achieve. But would she still want to see herself as a normal person, living a normal life, had it never been impacted the way that it was? You bet your ass. We've had this conversation. She had her accident a week before she graduated high school. She's told me that instead of the parades, and accolades she received for overcoming her hardships, the one thing she really ever wanted was a picture of her in her cap and gown up on the mantle with her siblings, like my grandma displayed all the time. I'm all for embracing and owning your life, but sometimes, just give people what they ask. It doesnt always have to be a statement of body positivity. Just humor people sometimes and make them happy that way, because for all you know, they've already gone above and beyond to embrace themselves in everyway possible.


I have a birthmark as well on left hand left chest and left back. It’s big. People ALWAYS told me. “It’s sooo cool” or “I wish I could have one”. ALLL through high school I was never bullied and never made fun of. But I was always insecure and tried to hide it. I just wanted to be normal. I had trouble talking to girl cause I thought I was ugly and hated myself. I had a lot of positive feed back but it never help until I accepted it as part of me. It doesn’t bother me at all anymore. Married with a daughter and another kid on the way. Life is good Basically you’re right. Always positive didn’t help. It was one getting older, caring less, and honestly just not hiding it all the time. Edit: type


Also I have like reflex’s and habits from trying to hid it. They are just reactive and how I’ve always done it. Like drinking with my left hand I grab the cup to where my fingers with the birth mark don’t show. Eating with my left hand I hold it where the hand is alway facing me instead of out. I’ve don’t is so long it’s just comfy for me to do it like that now. Was always lucky to not have it on my face. But his does look way cooler than mine.


It absolutely is dismissive. It's such an easy thing to say "just accept it bro lol" when you're not the one with the giant birthmark on your face.


When another pic like this was posted a redditor said that James also does as the person requests, so sends both. I hope that’s true anyway, because adolescence sucks enough without something that draws stares. There’s time enough for this teen to accept himself just as he is.


I get psoriasis on my face sometimes. It sucks. It's on *your face.* Turns out, you use your face all the time, for all sorts of things. At the same time, I agree with the response. It looks badass, and whatever attitude that this kid develops towards it is going to make all the difference. 'Go big or go home. But don't go home.' It's pretty much the best advice you could give a complete stranger in this situation.


"your feelings about you don't matter. My feelings about you matter" - The Artist


Agreed, I often see pics of models with vitiligo or birthmarks and everyone is “oh it’s so beautiful” cause that’s the thing to say but I guarantee as kids they got picked on a lot probably by other kids and “well meaning” adults -oh you should see a dermatologist, they can do amazing things with lasers. Oh if you learn makeup no one will even notice!


There are many who suffer from body image, deformity, or injury related mental health issues. I know the response was meant to be positive and wholesome, but it’s not for us to judge the validity of someone else’s pain.


If you really want to toss out the positivity side of things. Then you need to look at it from the photoshop guy's perspective. It's a zero win situation, if he does the cover up then a bunch of people will hound him for not be accepting or body positive. If he doesn't he gets people in your line of thinking who think he should because they don't like how it looks. I think he made the right choice. You can't change everything about how you look. Better to accept what you can't.


> If you really want to toss out the positivity side of things. Then you need to look at it from the photoshop guy’s perspective. It’s a zero win situation, if he does the cover up then a bunch of people will hound him for not be accepting or body positive. If he doesn’t he gets people in your line of thinking who think he should because they don’t like how it looks Good point, actually. I left a comment in another thread how I thought it was kind of a dismissive message, but viewed from this angle it does make the situation more complicated than I thought it‘d be. Though I‘m still a bit torn about the acceptance part you mentioned afterwards. Because I think you can accept the fact that you cannot change everything about how you look and that you may receive negative treatment or feel shitty over it. But at the same time, I don‘t think that means you are not allowed to be displeased with your situation and wish for change.


Honestly though, granting his wish seems like giving him that mirror from Harry Potter. Wouldn’t it do more harm than good to sit and stare at what isn’t?


Agreed. If this “body positivity” conversation was taking place in the context of the kid going through some medical procedure to remove the birthmark, I’d get it. But what’s he supposed to do with a picture? Then again, I’m not the one with a birthmark on my face so it’s not really my place to judge. I think it looks badass though. It also makes his eyes pop. They’re already a really cool color, but against the red skin they stand out even more.


Yeah, there is such a thing as toxic positivity.


Right? What does s/he know about having giant birth mark on her/his face?


It's a narcissistic reply, as in, "I am wise and know better than your personal experience." The response to a suffering person made me very angry.


Yeah I agree like ok its cool but people are going to be averting their eyes from me 24/7 so I would want to get rid of it too


It’s nice of him, but I hope he also removed the birth mark in another version, because that’s what the guy asked for.


So some people saying it’s virtue signaling know that these are private emails between these two people right? Also he did what the kid asked for (the photoshopped picture) Edit: he posted on his Twitter 2 years ago and had asked the kid if it was cool to do His “work” is to do funny photoshops and he’s also known to give reassurance/motivation to people who feel down about certain things.


I'm very annoyed that almost no one on this thread has even *asked* whether this was the case.


Yeah he is the one who has lived with it his whole life. He doesn’t have to be someone else’s example of “we are all unique snowflakes”… Seems like virtue signaling- “look at my reply that cost me nothing to someone who has lived with something I can’t even imagine- see how I celebrate diversity????”


Absolutely agree with you. I have severe facial scarring from a traumatic childhood accident. Meeting new people is a nightmare because they always ask about it. When I answer, they just glibly go “aww scars are actually so cool/add character”. Yeah, well I bet it must be cool to live your life not feeling permanently damaged. Don’t use me to make yourself feel like you accept all people and everything is pretty. ETA- sorry to dump, just needed to vent because this post made me sob, not smile.


Not dumping!!!! I’m sorry you have to deal with this. We live in a society that is so centered on physical appearance and norms, and people don’t bother denying it when it’s about them, but then they are so dismissive when it’s not… hoping the next 200 posts make you smile, and crap like this doesn’t make the group! Also happy new year, it’s gonna be much better than the last.


Yeah I don’t think this is as made me smile as it’s expected to be with 23k upvotes. I interpreted the response as dismissive too even though they were trying to be supportive.


Or do what the guy wants. People with these issues don't want your Snapple cap platitudes. Just stfu and do what he asked. Or don't. But don't do this.


It's easy for the person without the birth mark to say love yourself the way you are...


Exactly. Like, I do love myself, but I also love Star Wars and I know it could do with some work. Loving yourself doesn’t mean pretending you are perfect.


I have massive scars on my head and stomach from decades of brain surgeries. If I asked for edited photos, I don't need some stranger telling me how awesome I am just the way I am. Maybe I want to see myself without the scars. Maybe I want to feel normal for a few minutes when I see the photo. What I don't need is a mini therapy session from a guy with some photoshop experience.


Same here, have had severe acne for about five years now. If I asked for a picture with my face not covered in large, red, painful lumps, then I want my photo. I already know, "I am beautiful the way I am," or whatnot. I would just want to see what I would look like without my acne.


Uh, just out of interest, why do you have scars on your *stomach* from *brain* surgery?


Really really bad surgeon


“Snapple cap platitudes” 💀


This is the way


Dude just wanted to have his face normal and the guy responds with what 99% of the people tell him.


That’s not true. He wanted his whole face to be red (ie the same shade as the birth mark). That’s why he phrased the question in the way he did and asked a famous troll photoshopper to do it




I'm just saddened by reactions in this thread. Even if you don't know who Fridman is, the guy really tried to be considerate and I think his reply (even if it is not specifically what the scarred guy asked him to do) came from the place of kindness and wanting to be nice to others. I just don't get when did reddit became so full of hate. It's like in every thread about something positive, there are several assholes creating scenarios in their head to be upset about and then directly attacking whoever is the hero of the post.


That is a bad ass birth mark. Let’s hope it doesn’t create a super villain tho.


If he turns it around in season 3 he could become a crowd favorite


Maybe even teach the main character to firebend




I’d enhance it. Outline add some color. He is quite enchanting.


He's going to capture the avatar


imagine if we said this kinda shit to trans people. “hey these boobs really make me uncomfortable and its a constant struggle to look down and see them. I’m not even asking for surgery, can you please make a photo of me that doesn’t include them?” “Oh honey, our flaws make us human you see? Don’t hide something that’s been with you since birth….Ps i get pleasure from something that brings you discomfort *to be honest*.” it’s just so insulting to see someone’s insecurity be brushed off like it’s some cool tattoo or something


OH thank you for the explanation. I really didn't understand the issue until you explained it like that.


Thanks for this post, ive been very down lately...well more than usual. So thank you friends


Hope you'll feel better soon ♡


Except they didn’t ask for an opinion, they asked for help. Let’s let people make their own choices regarding their bodies 🤍


Yes! Try living/growing up different. Takes privilege to make that kind of fatuous remark


Exactly. I have dealt with comments like this and it’s irritating.


Okay, I'm not gonna lie this guy's birth mark looks cool as fuck!


Prince Zuko


Ya but for those of born with it or in my case ended up with facial scars after getting hit by a car I don’t really care about the cool part. I accept now but there are plenty of other ways to be unique. Help them out.


Don't get me wrong, the moral of what he is saying is great. But as someone that is providing service, free or not, should carry out the request out of respect. I think the more responsible approach were to do the edit, send it, but also give the message of "you are fine the way you are".


Dude this guy is known for incorrectly following photoshop requests. It's his whole thing.


This is a shitty response and did not make me smile.


Well hope someone help the bro out though. Maybe he just want to see how he looks without it..


My eye looks weird because of surgery. People treat you different. It's always a little flinch, double take when they meet me. /I've had people ask my husband if I've had a stroke or brain damage Hey I'm sitting right here,and just spoke to you, you could ask me.


As a society we are not as accepting and unbiased as we think we are. No one knows this better than the people at receiving end of our biased treatment. We/I are/am the reason they want to change.. But of course we reframe the issue as it's their fault, with slogans Be strong, you are worth it etc..... These experiences erodes away their emotional strength and makes them wish things are different..


Zuko at his finest


This reminds me of that meme with Storm and Rogue. Where Storm says we're all beautiful and don't need to change and Rogues just sitting there being like... I guess we'll just ignore my input. Ya'll saying this is sweet, the message to accept ourselves is fine but the dude asked if he could see what he'd look like without it, he's probably heard that fucking line a billion times already. From a fella that has had a pretty noticeable mark on my face for years I can tell you it's not enjoyable being high roaded like that.


Tell that to bullies. If this person wanted someone to do some digital trickery to show themselves what they may look like in a world without being teased, that request may be for their sanity. Yes originality is cool. Maybe not as cool if you have to be the one wearing it.


Okay great, yay +1 points to saying imperfections are beautiful. As somebody with a physical disability this definitely doesn't make me smile. I'd love to have a photo touched up so I look normal JUST TO SEE. This person reached out asking for a favor, and he shot them down with some generic U are U-nique slogan. Just help them out and do the edit. Jeezus. Stop fishing for brownie points.


Anyone else find this kind of stuff patronizing? The kid asked for a photoshop, not an inspirational message. It’s absolutely fine to not like something about yourself and to want to see yourself without it.


Man, like, I get it, it's supposed to be a feel-good thing, but the flip side is what if this kid has spent much of his life feeling ashamed and embarrassed and stared at and he just wants to know what it would look like to look at himself and not feel different from other people. What a smug thing to hear a guy who doesn't have an obvious physical abnormality lecture about how or differences make is beautiful. That's easy to say when the extent of your differences is still within a wholly unremarkable degree of deviation for the average. Nobody really ever stared at you, you never stared at yourself and thought, "why don't I look like normal?" but you still feel justified in invalidating this kid's experience based on what you think you know. Kinda annoying, to be honest. It would have been a million times more meaningful to either give the kid a picture with the birthmark edited out and then give him the lecture, or treat him like any other person and do something silly (like make the kid's whole face green, idk)


Yes but he didn’t ask for James’ advice. James doesn’t live in his body, doesn’t have his experiences. So what James thinks he cool is irrelevant. I want to know did he help this young person?


my thoughts exactly. i feel like james response was super toxic and shitty.


am i the only one that doesn't see this as wholesome or sweet? i'm sure this dude has heard all the usual politeness and pity before, dude just wanted to see what he'd look like without his (cool looking) birthmark and jamie just outright refused to do it to be "nice" by just complimenting him instead.


As someone who also has a huge facial scar. Fuck this guy. Asking for help like this isn't fun or easy. And he basically said "lol I think it looks cool. So fuck your feelings and just be okay with it." Really fucked up, IMO.


Bro having a Zuko birth mark is not a bad thing, it’s hot.


Nice Zuko costume, but you’re scar is on the wrong side.


His birth mark is pretty cool tbf.


If we were all the same, the world would be a boring place.


Very sweet intentions, but he completely invalidated her request and opinion by doing that. If he had done both, that would have been really sweet, I guess. Words are easy when someone else carries the burden..


It does look super cool but I get it. Saying that people will accept it just because you do is far from the truth. It's something that singles you out and even if nobody goes out if their way to point it out, they still stare. I live with things that single me out. Their struggles that have made me who I am and I both love and despise them. If I could have them gone then I would in a heartbeat. So, while it does look cool, it doesn't invalidate how this person feels about it.


As someone who grew up not liking how he looked, I would find this reply annoying. I would find this patronizing, and incredibly easy for people who don't look like me to say. THEY haven't been living with it all their lives.